Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 161: Swordsmanship: Kill one person with a single step, leaving nothing behind!

Chapter 161: Swordsmanship: Kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace behind for thousands of miles! (5k)

Break down the resources Awakening currently has.

Apart from pills, the only thing that could arouse the military's interest is Lingmi.

Before Su Xing didn't take out the spiritual rice and implement the spiritual rice plan, it was because Su Xing was not strong enough.

Afraid of encountering various assassinations and dangers.

But now, under the awakening legend, he is almost invincible.

If some of the spiritual rice is sold, it should not cause much trouble.

"It's just the amount of spiritual rice..."

Su Xing thought for a moment and realized that it was not suitable for him to implement the spiritual rice plan on a large scale and plant spiritual rice in the real world.

One is because there are not enough spiritual stones, and the other is that the scope of planting spiritual rice in the real world is too large, causing too much noise.

If spiritual rice is grown in the Lingtian Cave and then sold to the military, as long as it is done covertly enough, it may be feasible!

"In the past two months, the land area for planting spiritual rice in my spiritual field cave has been opened up to nearly [-] acres..."

"With the size of the Lingtian Cave, planting five hundred acres of Linggu is not a big problem!"

Su Xing calculated a little and murmured:

"With the talent of the descendants of Shennong, one acre of spiritual land can produce about 1000 jins of spiritual rice in a year... [-] acres is [-] million jins!"

"If each person only eats 50 kilograms of spiritual rice per year, it will be enough for [-] people. There will be no big problem!"

This quantity is naturally not suitable for large-scale use by ordinary people and low-level professionals.

But if Su Xing releases spiritual rice, it will obviously send a signal.

This spiritual rice is a prop that can improve the qualifications and enhance attributes of ordinary professionals.

According to Su Xing's estimation, these spiritual rice can be first distributed to students with good performance in higher education institutions in the form of scholarships and subsidies every year.

This amount is barely enough.

Moreover, Lingmi is definitely the best resource for these students who are between bronze and gold levels.

After carefully thinking about the feasibility of this plan, Su Xing murmured:
"Of course, the most important thing is to keep it secret... and minimize attention as much as possible."

"Perhaps we can experiment again in the simulator, so that we can be as stable as an old dog."

Su Xing had made up his mind, so he said to Jin Congxue:
"Sister Xue, please prepare to contact the Daxia military first... I may have something they are interested in here!"

"When the time comes and we can work together, we should be able to contract more copies of the mining area."

Jin Congxue nodded slightly after hearing this, but also said with some worry:
"But Su Xing, making a deal with Daxia's military...will you expose your secrets or cause trouble?"

Jin Congxue and Su Xing have worked together for so long, so naturally they know that Su Xing has many secrets hidden in him.

But this woman is very measured and doesn't ask anything that shouldn't be asked. She also knows that Su Xing is deliberately hiding herself, as if she has been afraid of something.

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's question, he smiled slightly and said:

"So, Sister Xue...it depends on you to find someone reliable?"

"Then we reach this cooperation in your name. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue rolled her eyes and said:
"Good boy, are you treating me like a tool?"

"Hmph, you can do it if you want me to be the middleman, but you have to satisfy one of my requirements!"

Su Xing blinked his eyes when he heard this and asked in confusion: "What's the request?"

Jin Congxue said: "I haven't thought about it yet! Let's wait until we think about it! You can't be a cheat anyway!"

After hearing this, Su Xing smiled helplessly and nodded in agreement.

After that, the two chatted for a while, and then returned to the dormitory and entered the blessed land of Lingtian after regaining consciousness.

Su Xing skillfully exchanged the new week's goods into simulated energy, a total of 800 million points.

Counting what was left before waking up, it was close to 700 million points of energy!

Although not as much as before, it is enough to wake up this simulation.

Before the simulation, Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and began to think about the plan for this simulation.

"Well, this time we should try to see the consequences of cooperating with Daxia's military to trade spiritual rice. Of course, we don't want to plant it on a large scale, but only cooperate on a small scale..."

"Besides that, it is also necessary to refine the Qi and transform into the Great Perfection of God!"

"It's time to put the magic power of escape on the agenda. Go to Luo Tianzong to see if you can learn an escape skill..."

"Then Yuan Li also needs to be cultivated..."

Su Xing went through what he was going to do in detail in his mind.

Then he opened the simulation panel and muttered:

"However, you still have to see what talent you draw! What if you draw a good talent?"

In the new era, on the afternoon of July 2024, 7, Su Xing started a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4600 energy points, leaving 6687 million energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate.
"Draw the purple talent!"

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: Cold-faced Emperor! 】

[Cold-faced Emperor]: Your expression remains astonishingly calm even when Mount Tai collapses in front of you. Even if you are shocked inside, you still look calm on the outside.And you will unintentionally exude a powerful aura of being an outsider and contemptuous of everything, making people think that you have always been in a high position.


Su Xing frowned slightly after seeing this talent.

This seems to be another talent for facial paralysis?
He had drawn a similar talent before.

But the purple quality obviously adds a special effect of momentum and aura, which is good for bluffing people.

Su Xing secretly noted down this simulation talent, it might be useful when the time comes.

"Oh, sure enough, I still didn't draw the purple quality spiritual root in the end, but I can't worry about that much for now. Let's just try to see if we can cultivate to the perfection of the divine transformation stage!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You took out the spiritual rice you harvested in the past few months, which is about more than 100 million kilograms. 】

[With your current strength, Lingmi’s improvement in your strength is minimal. 】

[You decided to use these more than 100 million kilograms of spiritual rice as a stepping stone to reach a deal with the Daxia military. 】

[You then spent a month cultivating the remaining spiritual fields, and the number of acres planted with spiritual rice in the spiritual fields reached [-] acres. 】

[You found that as Lingtian Blessed Land evolved into Lingtian Cave Heaven, the quality and effect of Lingmi rice were more than [-]% higher than before, and the output also increased slightly. 】

[You hand these 100 million kilograms of spiritual rice to Jin Congxue and ask him to negotiate with the Daxia military. 】

[In the following days, you use wood attribute spiritual power every day to ripen the spiritual rice in the fields. The growth of the spiritual rice is getting more and more gratifying, and some of it is already mature. In less than half a month, you can harvest millions of kilograms of spiritual rice. 】

[During this period of time, you still have not relaxed your practice. 】

[You will take three hundred drops of spiritual liquid every day to ensure your daily practice needs, and your cultivation will be significantly improved. 】

[At the same time, you have also put the cultivation of Yuanli on your agenda, spending two or three hours every day on practicing Yuanli. 】

[One day, you saved up the Great Wisdom effect in advance and took the time to go to the Luotian Conference dungeon. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, which lasted 24 hours, cost 240 million energy points, and left 6437 million energy points. 】

Although Su Xing is somewhat short of energy now, it is still necessary to spend millions of energy to learn magical powers in the Luotian Conference dungeon.

As the beep fell, the scenery in front of Su Xing changed.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in the familiar hall.

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain and call Master Shennong to come over~"

"Yes, Master!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, and then walked through the task process familiarly.

After sending Uncle Shennong to the Luotian Conference venue, he woke up and went straight to the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion.

Arriving at the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion, in addition to exercises and secret techniques, there are also some minor magical powers.

Su Xing wanted to find out if there was any suitable escape-type magical power that would suit him.

But after searching for a long time, Su Xing couldn't find the escape technique that he wanted.

Either it consumes too much spiritual power, or the improvement in speed is not obvious enough, and it is not particularly outstanding.

Finally, Su woke up in front of a small supernatural power called "Moving Phantom".

This small magical power cannot fly in the air, but it can run on the ground at an astonishing speed.

With one step forward, his body jumped hundreds of feet like an afterimage.

Although it seems very slow, it can also double the speed of awakening.

In addition, the most important thing is that this magical power is also a footwork!
In battle, the effect of the moving phantom can be used to confuse the opponent, thereby reducing the possibility of being attacked.

"Alas, running on the road is not as good as flying in the sky... But that's all. If you want to practice better escape skills, maybe you have to go to the fourth level?" Su Xing sighed and was about to learn this skill. Supernatural powers.

The voice of the ghost mother-in-law came from behind Su Xing.

"You seem to be looking for a suitable escape-type magical power?"

Granny Ghost glanced at the magical jade slip in Su Xing's hand and asked.

Upon hearing this, Su Xing quickly bowed to the ghost grandmother and said:

"Hello, Senior Ghost!"

Granny Ghost frowned slightly when she heard this and said:
"you know me?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and almost forgot the name of the ghost mother-in-law she knew in the last simulation, but this time she lost her memory.

Almost exposed...

Su Xing was quick to think and quickly said:
"My master Niu Rulie once mentioned you..."

Granny Ghost nodded slightly when she heard this, but did not ask any further questions.

He just said: "I have a small escape-type magical power that is very suitable for you. Although it is not top-notch, it fits you and is no less practical for you than a great escape-type magical power. Do you want to learn it?"

After hearing this, Su Xing's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

This ghost mother-in-law is so weird, she surprises him every time she simulates?
So Su Xing hurriedly said:

"Thank you, senior! The kindness imparted by senior will be repaid in the future!"

After hearing this, Granny Ghost nodded slightly and said:

"Of course I didn't give it to you in vain. Since you have the heart to repay the kindness, is it okay for you to come to me again in the Sutra Pavilion after one year?"

"Yes, senior!"

Su Xing agreed simply.

But I secretly regretted it in my heart: Alas, it’s a pity that you won’t remember it next time you come here. What exactly are you going to do after this year?

At this time, Granny Ghost stretched out her hand to revive her eyebrows and said:

"I see that you have sword power on your body, you should be a sword cultivator..."

"Now I will teach you the magical power of escape and sword control!"

"With sword control, you can advance and kill enemies in formation, and retreat and travel tens of thousands of miles in a day... Its potential is endless. The higher the quality of the spiritual sword and the deeper the sword master's understanding, the faster this escape technique will be!"

"Although it is not as good as ordinary minor magical powers in the early stage... but if you practice it with concentration, within a hundred years, you may be able to rival the great magical powers of escape!"

As Granny Ghost finished speaking, Su Xing also felt an extra memory appear in his mind.

This is the way to practice magical sword control!
"If you advance, you can form a formation to kill the enemy; if you retreat, you can travel tens of thousands of miles in a day..."

Su Xing murmured silently.

A figure of a monk with white hair and beard appeared in his mind.

The old man stretched out his hand and pointed, and the spiritual sword turned into an afterimage and took off the enemy's head in an instant.

Even though the enemy had fled hundreds of miles away, the spirit sword still flew hundreds of miles in a breath and easily took off the head.

After a few breaths, all the enemies were killed.

The old man jumped up again, landed firmly on the spiritual sword, and moved away from the sword.

The whole process is neat and neat, and elegant and handsome!
"Kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace behind in ten thousand miles..."

Su Xing's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but want to slap his thigh with excitement.

Damn, it’s the next best thing.

The most important thing is that he is handsome!

Killing enemies with one hand and riding the wind to escape with a sword. Which hot-blooded young man in his early 20s can stop him?

"Thank you for your kindness, senior!"

Su Xing bowed to Granny Ghost sincerely.

Not to mention anything else, the ghost mother-in-law taught him the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique and the Sword Control Technique, and also told him to choose the fire-based skill Qian Yan Jue.

Although Granny Gu did not remember it, Su Xing remembered this kindness in her heart.

Granny Ghost nodded slightly, looking as normal as she said:
"The art of sword control is perfect for you... The reason why I say this is not only because you are a swordsman..."

"It's more because you are a physical practitioner!"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, "Physical cultivation?"Is there any relationship between the two swords?

Granny Ghost explained:

"Cultivation of the body, cultivation of Qi, Qi and blood, cultivation of physical strength... of course, cultivation of Yuan force!"

"After you have studied Yuanli to a certain level, you can use Yuanli to warm the spiritual sword in your hand, so that the quality of the spiritual sword will continue to increase!"

"Even if it is an ordinary sword, as long as the monk's cultivation level is sufficient, it is not impossible to warm it to the level of an immortal sword!"

"So, it is perfect for you to choose the sword as your natal weapon!"

After a pause, Granny Ghost said again:

"Your master Niu Rulie should have told you these things, but I think that unreliable guy must have never mentioned it to you..."

"If you have time in the future, you can learn from your master some tips on how to warm up the elements..."

Su Xing nodded seriously after hearing this. Niu Rulie had never told him about this.

The ghost mother-in-law then retreated, leaving only Su Xing around.

At this time, there are still more than ten hours before the end of the immersive simulation.

Su Xing will naturally not give up this great time.

Turn on the state of great wisdom and start memorizing the content of the third chapter of "Three Talents Sword Art", the Heavenly Sword Chapter.

Time passes slowly, and after the immersive simulation ends, the awakened consciousness returns to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing rubbed his temples tiredly.

He has not even begun to understand the Earth Sword. This Heavenly Sword is no different from the Heavenly Book to him. It is indeed difficult to wake up and force memory.

"But... being able to master the magical sword-controlling technique this time is really a huge profit!"

Su Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

For sword cultivators, Su Xing envied him from the bottom of his heart.

Who wouldn’t want to be this Piaopiao Sword Immortal?
"Tsk, tsk, this sword control technique has great potential. I'm afraid I won't have to worry about my shortcomings in escape technique for a long time in the future... Of course, I have to spend time practicing!"

Su Xing sighed, but also had some doubts in his heart.

"How powerful is this ghost mother-in-law?"

"As a great elder, Niu Rulie is at least comparable to a monk in the integration stage... but Granny Ghost has no respect for Niu Rulie's title. At least he is a person of the same generation, or even a person of a higher level!"

"In addition, Granny Ghost transmitted magical powers to me through the form of memory initiation, and I didn't receive much backlash..."

"This level of cultivation is still higher than that of Great Elder Niu Rulie!"

"Could it be that... Granny Ghost is a Mahayana-level monk?!"

Su Xing had some inferences in his mind.

This copy of the Luotian Conference is indeed of a very high level!

Although the magic weapon cannot be brought out, there is no danger to life.

For Su Xing, it is definitely an excellent place to gain experience!

"The sword control skills have been memorized, now it's time to get on with the business..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you still work hard to cultivate and cultivate spiritual fields every day. 】

[Two months have passed very quickly, and you have harvested another 500 million kilograms of spiritual rice. 】

[At the same time, Jin Congxue brought you news that the Daxia military agreed to a deal with the Tarot Society. 】

[Every year, Tarot Club provides 100 million kilograms of spiritual rice to the Daxia military. 】

[In return, the Daxia military will provide the Tarot Society with the mining rights to two copies of the exotic metal mining areas. The main minerals will still be first-order exotic metals. 】

[After learning this news, you immediately discussed with Jin Congxue, hoping to provide 1000 million kilograms of spiritual rice supply to the Daxia military every year, so as to obtain more dungeon mining rights in the exotic metal mining areas. 】

[But Jin Congxue rejected your opinion and explained the pros and cons to you in detail. 】

[In short, spiritual rice has a great impact. If 200 million kilograms flow into the Daxia military, it may not have much impact. 】

[It can only be distributed to college students every year, but if 1000 million kilograms are provided, the news will definitely leak out by then, and even Lu Yuanwu cannot suppress it. 】

[After all, what Jin Congxue said to Daxia's military was that she accidentally discovered a dungeon that could produce spiritual rice, and hoped to use the annual output of spiritual rice in exchange for the contracting rights for the mining dungeon. 】

[According to this argument, if it is only one million kilograms of spiritual rice, maybe the Daxia military will not be tempted, but if it is 1000 million kilograms of spiritual rice, maybe the Daxia military will take this copy as its own. 】

[After hearing what Jin Congxue said, you thought about it for a long time, and finally came up with a number after discussing it with Jin Congxue. 】

[At most, 200 million kilograms of spiritual rice can be provided to the Daxia military in the name of Jin Congxue in one year. 】

[Any more words, Jin Congxue’s identity will be a bit overwhelming, and I’m afraid it will attract the prying eyes of interested people. 】

(End of this chapter)

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