Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 162: Unexpected enlightenment, a small achievement in releasing Yuan Power!

Chapter 162: Unexpected enlightenment, a small achievement in releasing Yuan Power! (5k)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Indeed, 200 million kilograms of spiritual rice can be provided to 20 to 30 college students on average a year... This quantity is not bad, but if it is more, I am afraid that the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will not be able to resist the conflict of interest behind it... …”

Su Xing did some calculations.

Two million kilograms of spiritual rice are provided every year, which is less than one-tenth of the amount for Su Xing.

The remaining spiritual rice may be hoarded and traded later when needed.

100 million kilograms of spiritual rice, and obtained the mining rights of two copies of the mining area.

And with 200 million kilograms of spiritual rice, the number of copies of the mining rights obtained should be able to increase to four!

The equivalent of simulated energy output per week can be about 3000 million more!
Calculating it this way, it may not be long before the simulated energy that Awakening steadily harvests every week will reach 6000 million!
"Alas, this can only be done for the time being... 6000 million energy per week is not bad without exposing yourself or causing danger!"

Su Xing murmured.

For Su Xing at this stage, 6000 million energy per week, plus Su Xing's occasional visits to Baili's house to enjoy the autumn breeze, is completely enough!

But if Su Xing's cultivation level is higher... I'm afraid it might be a bit overwhelming.

"Well, I hope that after breaking through the void realm, the energy required for a small realm will not reach [-] million, right?"

Su Xing prayed silently.

Otherwise, based on [-] million, if you just want to improve your cultivation to a small level, you will have to save energy for two weeks when you wake up...

Look at the simulation panel.

[After you and Jin Congxue concluded your discussion, you gave Jin Congxue another 100 million kilograms of spiritual rice. 】

[In order to find out whether this transaction would be dangerous to you, you stayed at school as usual and were not in a hurry to join the Advent Cult. 】

[In addition to practicing every day, you farm in the blessed land of the spiritual field. 】

[Occasionally when you return to the real world, you also release your spiritual consciousness to see if anyone is watching you. 】

[At the same time, you will also keep in touch with Jin Congxue and ask her if there is anything abnormal there, but Jin Congxue also said that nothing abnormal happened. 】

[In this way, a year later, the Daxia military personnel did not find you, and Jin Congxue's side remained the same. 】

[The difference is that all college students and professionals receive an extra portion of spiritual rice in their annual subsidies. Students with outstanding performance can receive ten to thirty kilograms of spiritual rice every year. 】

[In this year, you have not been in danger, and your worries have been half relieved. 】

[But to be cautious, you decided to stay in school for another year to see the consequences of trading spiritual rice with the Daxia military. 】

[In the second year, you continue to take three hundred drops of spiritual liquid every day to practice, and your cultivation is getting better and better day by day. 】

[According to your calculations, if you take three hundred drops of spiritual liquid every day, it will be enough to completely consume the spiritual liquid in 25 years, thus achieving the most efficient cultivation growth. 】

[In addition to practicing, you also begin to strengthen your mastery of Yuanli every day. Occasionally, you will learn some sword control skills when you are interested. 】

[Nothing happened this year, you are as safe as ever, and no one is following or assassinating you within the scope of your consciousness. 】

[In the third year, you are completely relieved and ready to join the Advent Cult! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Great, it seems there is no risk in this transaction!"

Compared to four more foreign metal mining areas, Su Xing cares more about his own safety.

After all, only by living safely can we have a better future.

"At the very least, if you trade 200 million spiritual meters every year... there won't be any danger within two years!"

He woke up slightly relaxed and continued:
"Haha, as for two years later... Damn, it only took less than a year for me to go from having nothing to becoming a god!"

"In two years' time, I'm afraid I will have become an immortal already? Do you need to worry about this?"

This is Su Xing’s confidence in himself.

Because according to his current development speed, it may not take more than two years, or even less.

He can break the shackles and achieve the status of immortal. By then, how can Su Xing take care of the dangers brought by these mere spiritual rice?
"Just because you are so beautiful~ohoh~"

Su Xing was in a good mood, humming a retro tune and looking at the analog panel.

[You went to Shuangqing City in Southwest Province and found Zong Laogou without much effort. 】

[Then you used the life-sustaining pill in exchange for a batch of medicinal materials and the opportunity to join the Advent Cult. 】

[Because of your superior strength, you were treated as an elder as soon as you entered the Advent Sect. 】

[Then you followed the same pattern and started to contact Luo Shuying, successfully gaining her trust. 】

[In the next year, you will devote yourself to training and spend part of your time refining the elixir. 】

[In one year, you have refined [-] pills, and at the same time, your cultivation and mastery of Yuanli have become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[In the fourth year, you are still doing your own thing in the Advent Sect. In addition to refining elixirs, you also cooperate with Luo Shuying to embezzle a large number of elixirs from the Advent Sect. 】

[In the same year, your cultivation level made a small breakthrough, and you were getting closer and closer to the eighth level of divine transformation. 】

[In the fifth year, you have taken away most of the elixirs of Adventism. You think the time is ripe and it is time to betray Adventism. 】

[So, you invited Zong Laogou to have a meal with great fanfare, and then betrayed the Advent Sect with Luo Shuying. 】

[You and Luo Shuying came to the Daxia Military and accepted the protection of the Daxia Military. 】

[And Zong Laogou was hunted down as expected. 】

[This year, you took out more than 3 elixirs. Because of the high rate of top-grade elixirs, you added more than [-] master-level professionals and hundreds of heavenly king-level experts to Daxia. 】

[In the sixth year, after arriving in Kyoto, your life has been as regular as ever. 】

[Take three hundred drops of spiritual liquid every day and practice Qian Yan Jue for six hours. 】

[The remaining time is spent on cultivating your energy and refining elixirs. 】

[This year, you refined another [-] elixirs, adding nearly [-] powerful masters to Daxia. 】

[In the seventh year, you used up all the medicinal materials you brought from the Advent Sect and added a large number of strong men to the Great Xia Kingdom. 】

[In the same year, with the help of spiritual liquid and earth-level skills, your cultivation level finally broke through! 】

[You have become an eighth-level monk of the God of Transformation! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"While refining elixirs and cultivating Yuanli at the same time, I can break through to become a god within seven years. The effect of this spiritual liquid is indeed powerful!"

Su Xing is very satisfied with this.

According to this progress, the time for refining alchemy will be saved, and the speed of awakening will only be faster.

Breaking through to the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation in this simulation is no longer a dream!

[In the eighth year, you only spend half an hour refining the elixir every day to maintain the feel. 】

[The rest of the time, you devoted yourself to practicing. 】

[As time continues to advance, your mastery of Yuanli becomes more and more proficient, and you can feel that you are not far away from reaching the external release level of Yuanli. 】

[In the ninth year, while you were practicing, you went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[Sure enough, traces of Zong Laogou were found in the copy. 】

[Then you spent half a month chasing him to death and erasing his soul. 】

[In the tenth year, you return to the real world and continue your practice. 】

[Mingxin Pill combined with spiritual liquid, your cultivation will grow rapidly and you will improve every day. 】

[In the monotonous practice life, you will not feel bored, but will feel contented every day. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 12, your mastery of Yuanli has become more and more proficient. The entangling-level Yuanli can not only cover the whole body, but also has a vague tendency to break away from the body. 】

[You know in your heart that you are not far away from the third stage of Yuanli's external release! 】

[No. 13, on a sunny morning, you were practicing Yuanli as always. 】

[Suddenly, I felt something in my heart, and the energy in my body began to vibrate slightly. 】

[Thus, your mastery of Yuanli has naturally reached the third level, the external release level! 】

[After retraining to the external release level of Yuan Power, you were pleasantly surprised and couldn't wait to experience it. 】

[According to Granny Gui, Yuanli can warm the spiritual sword, and since you are a sword cultivator, you can make this sword a natal magic weapon. 】

[But you are not yet proficient in mastering the release of Yuan Power. Instead of rashly warming up the Spiritual Sword, you continue to enhance your mastery of Yuan Power! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little happy.

"Huh, although in order to ensure the absolute breakthrough to the perfection of divine transformation, I chose Qianyan Jue in the last simulation, but the third stage of Yuanli is still so tempting!"

"No matter what, after this simulation is over, we must bring out our Yuanli experience!"

"I want to see how powerful this external energy source is?"

Su Xing can't wait for the upcoming surge in strength.

Look at the simulation panel. [In No. 14, you have been practicing hard day and night, and you have taken a big step forward in your Qi refining cultivation. You are only one step away from the ninth level of the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

[At the same time, after your Yuan Power reaches the external release level, you still insist on practicing the mastery of Yuan Power every day, and your Yuan Power becomes stronger and stronger. 】

[No.15, Emperor Tian has paid off his hard work, and your cultivation has finally achieved a breakthrough. 】

[Congratulations on becoming a ninth-level monk of the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

No. 15 years after awakening, I have cultivated to the ninth level of the Divine Transformation Stage. Now there are still ten years left, and the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Stage is basically stable!

"The Great Perfection of Divine Transformation, coupled with the perfection of Divine Power Realm, coupled with the sword power and the outward release of level Yuan Power..."

"With my level of strength, I should be truly worthy of being ranked No. 1 among legends, right?"

Su Xing couldn't help but shake his head.

Su Xing believed that Su Xing's current strength should be among the best, let alone in the little Blue Star, even in the world of cultivation, the Void Breaking and Void Returning realms.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, your breakthrough in cultivation did not make you relax. You were neither arrogant nor impatient, had a peaceful mind, and worked hard towards the final goal of the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Stage! 】

[In No. 17, even with the help of Daxia’s military, Luo Shuying’s home world was still captured by aliens. 】

[Thousands of people from the Spirit Tribe fled to the Demon Suppressing Pass and joined the battlefield at the Demon Suppressing Pass. 】

[During this period, you went to the Demon Suppressing Pass battlefield to observe, and found that after the spirit world was breached, the number of monsters in the Demon Suppressing Pass increased a lot. 】


Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this. This was news that he had never paid attention to before.

From Luo Shuying's situation, it can be seen that the coordinates of her home world should not be far from Blue Star, and there is a special dungeon transfer point.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Shuying and the people from the Spirit Clan can come to Blue Star.

But after the Spirit Clan was wiped out, the pressure on the Demon Suppression Pass increased, and the number of demon beasts increased.

This means that after the alien race conquers the remaining worlds, its forces may be sent to the following worlds.

"So... according to this statement, during the 25-year period, hundreds of legendary monsters will come to the Demon Suppression Pass..."

"Does this mean that a certain powerful world was conquered by the demon clan, and more demon clans were freed up to invade other worlds, so that the pressure was put on Blue Star?"

Wake up thinking.

According to this rule, the probability is very high!

"Looking at it this way, maybe that world with strong combat power is not far from Blue Star, so the demon clan will choose to attack the Blue Star Demon Town Pass nearby!"

"But if we can make that world last longer, doesn't it mean that we can delay the time when the Demon Suppression Pass is breached?!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

You must know that the most precious resource for awakening is time.

If the time it takes for the Demon Suppression Pass to be breached can be extended by five years, then Su Xing can practice for five more years every time he simulates!
One year is more than 200 years, which is equivalent to fifteen more simulations out of thin air!

In this way, how can Su Xing not be moved?
"Perhaps...if we have the opportunity in the future, we can investigate. At this critical time point from 23 to 25 years, which worlds were breached?"

Su Xing secretly noted this in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 18, the fall of her hometown made the smile on Luo Shuying's face even smaller. 】

[While you were practicing, you didn’t forget to care about Luo Shuying. After an in-depth communication, Luo Shuying looked a lot more cheerful. 】

[In the same year, your mastery of Yuanli has increased slightly, and you can now flexibly control the range of spiritual power. 】

[So, another two years of hard training. 】

[In No. 20, the difficulty of breaking through to the Great Perfection at the ninth level of the Divine Transformation Stage is higher than you think. 】

[Even if you take spiritual liquid every day and practice the exercises faster, you still feel that there is a lot of gap between you and Dzogchen. 】

[But you have never given up, and you insist on breathing out spiritual energy every day to improve your cultivation. 】

[No.20 Over the past year, your mastery of Yuanli has become more and more proficient, and you have been able to wrap Yuanli around the Mo Bing Sword in a superficial way. 】

[You can feel that with the blessing of Yuanli, both the hardness and destructiveness of Mo Bingjian have been significantly improved. 】

[No.20 In the second year, your hard work finally paid off. With your accumulation, your cultivation has taken a big step forward. 】

[You can feel that it is not far away from the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Stage. 】

[No. 20: One day in the third year, you were practicing Yuanli as usual, and suddenly you felt something in your heart, and your induction of Yuanli became clearer. 】

[Time slows down in your eyes, and every change in Yuanli is so clear. 】

[You know that you have fallen into a state of enlightenment again, so you suppress the excitement in your heart and seize the time to practice Yuanli over and over again. 】

[With the blessing of the enlightenment state, you have no distractions, as if only Yuanli is left in the whole world. 】

[In this way, your mastery of Yuanli is rapidly improving. 】

[Yuanli, from being able to leave the body only three centimeters, quickly increased to ten centimeters, and then to being able to leave the body thirty centimeters. 】

[Although the growth is only within a few millimeters, for a body-refining cultivator, it is an inch longer and an inch stronger. 】

[Extending your energy to thirty centimeters will undoubtedly more than double your attack range. 】

[When the enemy can hardly even touch you, your elemental power can hurt the opponent. 】

[In the epiphany, you feel the essence of Yuanli and discover that it is not only the strongest spear and shield, but also the softest force. 】

[You control Yuanli to slowly climb inch by inch, and finally wrap the entire Mo Bingjian in it. 】

[Yuanli can not only cover your body, but can even cover the weapons in your hands! 】

[You want to further explore the wonderful uses of Yuanli, and want to try how to use Yuanli to warm the spiritual sword in your hand. 】

[But just when you are about to try it, that magical state quickly fades. 】

[You went from a genius who could see through everything in the world to an ordinary mortal in the blink of an eye. 】

[This makes you feel melancholy that you can’t get rid of! 】

【Your enlightenment state is over! 】

[After the epiphany ended, you looked at the time and found that the epiphany only lasted two days. 】

[But just these two days of enlightenment have allowed your mastery of Yuanli to grow directly from the beginning of Yuanli to the minor level! 】

[Your mastery of Yuanli is more subtle and you can control it to a certain extent. At the same time, the quality and total amount of your Yuanli are increasing rapidly! 】

Looking at the long paragraph of simulated text in front of him, Su Xing could not conceal his surprise.

“It actually triggered a serendipitous epiphany!”

"From just reaching the level of external energy, it has grown directly to the level of Xiaocheng!"

Su Xing's tone was a little excited. His original expectation was just to reach the entry-level level.

But I didn't expect that this time, I would give Su Xing a big surprise. The Yuanli mastery at Xiaocheng level is probably more than the entry level!
The most important thing is that Su Xing's Yuan Power will become more powerful, which means that Su Xing can continue to use Yuan Power to fight.

At least it won't be like before. After the Yuanli armor is formed, it can't withstand a fierce battle for half an hour.

"Tsk, tsk, this Xiaocheng-level Yuanli can at least maintain the Yuanli armor to fight at full strength for an hour, right?"

Su Xing murmured, and the first thing he thought about was whether he could defeat the living dead puppet with this.

But after thinking carefully for a moment, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"It's no use just having stronger endurance... can I still compare to a puppet in terms of endurance?"

"You must have enough destructive power to kill the puppet directly and forcefully to have a chance!"

Su Xing felt that the probability of defeating the puppet was greater after the Void-Breaking Realm.

"We, the common people, are so happy today~"

Su Xing hummed an off-key tune again and looked at the simulation panel happily.

[After Yuanli broke through to the third stage, you were in a very good mood. After becoming familiar with a brand new power, you continued to practice hard. 】

[You will spend the next whole year practicing hard. 】

[No. 20, one night, you were practicing cross-legged and looked up at the stars above your head. You were amazed at the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings. 】

[In this sudden realization, your body has undergone subtle changes. 】

[Like a hundred streams flowing together, the flow of spiritual power in your body is smoother than ever before. 】

[You seem to have something in your heart, and you quickly drank a whole bottle of spiritual liquid without thinking about saving. 】

[With the pouring of ten thousand drops of spiritual liquid, the total amount of spiritual energy in your body has reached an unprecedented height. 】

[And you also take this opportunity to plan to break through to the perfection of the divine transformation stage in one fell swoop! 】

(End of this chapter)

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