Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 164 The secret of returning to the void, the rumor of the void world!

Chapter 164 The secret of returning to the void, the rumor of the void world! (5k)

Su Xing sat cross-legged and closed his eyes slightly.

Feel and guide the energy in your body.

Like bamboo shoots sprouting from the soil after being irrigated by spring rain.

The layer of Yuanli armor covering the surface of Su Xing's body also protruded a few inches.

This progress is remarkable.

Originally, Su Xing could only barely control the energy to wrap around the surface of his skin.

But now that he has awakened, he can not only wrap around him, but he can also feel the different and subtle changes in his Yuan Power.

The surge in awakening Yuanli's cultivation lasted for several minutes before slowly calming down.

After that, Su Xing stretched out his hands and felt the invisible power on his hands.

Like wind and fire.

It is as invisible as the wind and full of destructive power like fire.

Su Xing's heart stirred, and a ray of energy came out of his palm.

Then he woke up and guided the ray of energy to fly towards a rock a few meters away.

After a few breaths, the rocks remained the same.

At this time, a breeze blew, and the entire rock, which was more than one meter high, was blown into fine sand.

"Tsk, tsk... Use brute force to crush the rocks into sand. This is not difficult to do..."

"But the power of Yuanli lies in its intangibility!"

"If during a battle, Yuan Li is quietly injected into the enemy's body, by the time the enemy reacts, his internal organs will be shaken to bloody water!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly, obviously he was very satisfied with Yuan Li's method of destroying the inside and outside.

With this hand, Yuanli left the body and was separated by a few meters.

Even a strong man of the Martial Emperor level can be assassinated by Su Xing without any sound!

"Then next, try wrapping around the spirit sword again!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and Mo Bingjian appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing guided his Yuanli to completely cover the Mo Bing Sword in his hand.

Mo Bingjian vibrated slightly and let out a soft moan.

It seemed to be enjoying Yuanli's touch on it.

Su Xing felt the strength of Mo Bingjian for a while.

The toughness is fully doubled, and even the spirituality in the sword is more abundant.

If the Mo Bingjian was originally a legendary weapon, then after covering the Yuan Power, it might be able to surpass the legendary level in a short period of time!
When he woke up and took back his Yuan Power, Mo Bingjian returned to its original state.

But Su Xing could feel that in just a few minutes, Mo Bingjian had improved slightly.

"I see, Yuanli can be soft or strong..."

"Using Yuan Power to warm and nourish the magic weapon so that it becomes a Yuan Qi... is the process of letting Yuan Power transform the magic weapon!"

"The stronger the monk's Yuan Power, the longer the Yuan Power is entangled, the more the magic weapon will be improved!"

Su Xing estimated that the natal magic weapons of those body-refining monks would probably have to undergo hundreds or even thousands of years of cultivation before they could truly become magic weapons far beyond ordinary magic weapons.

After Su Xing took back his Yuan Power, the spirit sword in his hand let out a soft groan.

Su Xing could feel that Mo Bingjian seemed to be expressing his dissatisfaction and seemed to want more Yuan Power.

"Don't worry, when my Yuan Power becomes stronger... I will feed you every day!"

Su Xing whispered a few words to Mo Bingjian before Mo Bingjian stopped protesting.

"Tsk, tsk, after this simulation, my strength has probably increased by at least close to [-]%!"

"If you want to make another breakthrough, you must consider the matter of breaking the void realm..."

Su Xing murmured a few words and looked at the simulation panel.

On the afternoon of April 2024, 7 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4700 energy points, leaving 1504 million energy points, and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1000 energy points to extract green talents, 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Congratulations on getting the purple talent: Animal Friends! 】

[Friends of Animals]: Purple talent, you have amazing attraction and affinity for all animals and spiritual beasts. It is easy to arouse the favor of animals and spiritual beasts. They will have a kind of trust in you from the bottom of their hearts and care for you at the same time. It can also understand the language of any animal or spiritual beast.

"Huh? This talent... seems to be an advanced version of the level [-] beast language that I drew before?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. He was somewhat impressed by the talent of Level [-] Beast Language.

Back then, he was captured by Zong Laogou for the first time and almost made into a human elixir.

At that time, Zong Laogou took out a very weird Gu worm.

If Su Xing hadn't been able to understand the language of the Gu worms, he would have been tortured to death by the Gu worms.

"Compared to the level [-] bestiality talent, the purple talent Animal Friends... seems to have the added ability to win the favor of animals?"

"I just don't know how effective this is in winning favor?"

Wake up thinking.

The talent of being able to win the favor of spiritual beasts is really good. If you have the opportunity to enter the world of immortality in the future, you might be able to contract a spiritual pet.

If the descendants of Shennong are plant-friendly, then Animal Friends is animal-friendly. The two are in the same category.

"But... what I am most urgent about now is to further my cultivation!"

"Animal Friends can directly replace the level [-] bestiality talent... When you extract it at the right time, you can also save money for a talent expansion, which is good!"

Su Xing murmured.

Afterwards, Su Xing set a goal plan for this simulation.

"It would be great if the mastery of Yuanli could be improved to another level..."

"Of course, in addition to Yuanli, we must also start learning body-protecting Gangqi!"

"After that, we will ask about the secret of the breakthrough to the Return to the Void Realm, and find the ultimate place..."

Su Xing closed his eyes and went through these goals in his mind, and then officially started the simulation.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[Suddenly, the spiritual chickens in the distance began to chirp, and they looked at you with deep admiration. 】

[You can hear them calling you Chicken Brother Chicken Brother all the time, as if you are their boss. 】

[You understand, this is the animal friend talent at work. 】

[At this time, you feel something strange in the soil under your feet. It turns out that it is the spiritual earthworm that was planted before, expressing its love for you. 】

[You comforted the spirit earthworms and hoped that they would evolve into earth dragons soon. 】

[After hearing this, the spirit earthworm became very motivated and went back to the spiritual field, diligently fertilizing and loosening the soil. 】

[After your Yuan Power reaches the external release level, you can start to practice the body-protecting Gang Qi. 】

[So for the next period of time, while waiting for news from Jin Congxue, you tried to practice body-protecting Qi. 】

[The difficulty in practicing body-protecting Gang Qi is to keep the distance between the Yuan Qi and the surface of the skin to one foot, which is about thirty centimeters. 】

[And you have already reached this point, so you try to control the elemental force three feet away from the skin. 】

[Then, according to the method of protecting the body, you slowly shape the energy into a completely surrounding shield to protect you within it. 】

[After practicing the whole process, it consumes a lot of energy. 】

[You can only practice for two hours a day, and the energy in your body will be exhausted. You must wait for the energy to recover again. 】

[But you are pleasantly surprised to find that when you practice the body-protecting Gangqi, the elemental power, you can squeeze out the elemental power in your body to the greatest extent, and the effect is even faster than the previous practice. 】

[A month later, Jin Congxue contacted you. She told you that the mining area dungeon had been finalized, and the Tarot Club had four more mining area dungeons. 】

[You were happy after hearing this, but you were very cautious and continued to stay in Kyoto to see the reaction of the Daxia military. 】

[During this period, you took the time to visit the Luotian Conference copy. 】

[After obtaining the consent of the dungeon administrator, you successfully entered the Luotian Conference dungeon. 】

When Su Xing saw this, he thought silently in his heart:

"Use the immersive simulation feature! Lasts 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spent 240 million energy points, and have 1254 million remaining energy points. 】

As the beep of the simulator fell, Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in the familiar hall.

"Good disciple, go to the back mountain and call your Uncle Shennong to attend the Luotian Conference..."

It was Niu Rulie who was still standing in front of Su Xing and giving instructions to Su Xing.But this time Su Xing did not leave directly, but asked:

"Master, there is something unclear about my disciple, regarding the warming of spiritual weapons and the cultivation of Yuan weapons..."

Niu Rulie nodded slightly after hearing this, and did not urge Su Xing to go to the back mountain, but said:

"You are the most enlightened disciple I have ever taught. Before you are a hundred years old, you have already cultivated your Yuan Power to the third stage of external release!"

"Even when I was a teacher, I was far inferior to you!"

"Do you know what level the weapons of our monks are classified into?"

Without waiting for Su Xing to answer, Niu Rulie continued:

"A monk's magic weapon, from low to high talisman, magic weapon, treasure weapon, spiritual weapon... and even the legendary fairy weapon!"

"Generally speaking, when a magic weapon is initially forged, its heel and material have already determined the level of the magic weapon, and it is difficult to change it the day after tomorrow."

"But our body-refining cultivators have different weapons!"

"For body-refining cultivators, what they practice is called the physical body, and it is also called the Yuanqi!"

"As long as the elemental weapon is nurtured by you for long enough, even the lowest level talismanic weapon can become a being that transcends the immortal weapon!"

After saying that, Niu Rulie let out a loud shout, and an illusory, red sky-opening ax appeared behind Niu Rulie.

Niu Rulie stretched out his hand to grab it, and the illusory giant ax turned into reality and appeared in Niu Rulie's hand.

This giant ax was over a foot long, all red, exuding a strong smell of blood and the burning sensation of fire.

Su Xing was three feet away from the giant red axe, but he could still feel oppressed by a powerful aura, and even felt like he couldn't breathe.

Niu Rulie danced his giant ax in front of Su Xing, and the powerful momentum he unleashed even caused the birds outside the hall to fall from the sky.

A few minutes later, Niu Rulie put away the giant ax and gave a light drink.

The giant ax turned into an illusion again and disappeared into Niu Rulie's body.

Su Xing was so shocked by this scene that he was speechless.

Niu Rulie looked at Su Xing proudly and said:
"Good disciple, your skills as a master are pretty good, right?"

"Just now, that was my master's elemental weapon, the Sky-Opening Ax!"

"Hahaha... Of course, the teacher named this ax just because he wanted to be more domineering!"

After a pause, a flash of memory flashed in Niu Rulie's eyes and he said:

"Master, you still remember when you first joined the Luo Tian Sect. That was more than 2000 years ago, right?"

"At that time, I was still a young monk in the Qi refining stage... and then I accidentally moved into the body refining lineage..."

"Later, after I understood Yuanli, what I cultivated was this ax that I use to chop wood every day."

"Yes, you heard it right! This ax was just an ordinary wood-cutting ax at first! But now, it is already comparable to an immortal weapon!"

Speaking of this, Niu Rulie had a little pride on his face.

"And all of this is the result of Yuanli!"

"Yuanli is infinitely wonderful, and its usefulness is not inferior to spiritual power... As long as you have enough patience to nurture it, this Yuanqi will become more and more powerful."

"It must have been more than 800 years since I nursed this ax for my master, right?"

Su Xing was extremely shocked when he heard this.

Recalling the strong murderous aura and smell of blood on the huge red ax just now, the blazing fire seemed to be able to burn everything in the world.

That terrifying aura that makes it almost impossible for the cultivator to look at him...

2000 years ago, was this mountain axe just the most common wood-cutting ax?
The difference is really shocking!
As if seeing Su Xing's shock, Niu Rulie explained:

"The warmth and nourishment of Yuanqi lies in the use of words!"

"No matter how high the material of ordinary magic weapons is, after years of erosion and countless battles, the material will always be damaged, and the quality will decline..."

"But the elements are different!"

"For us body-refining cultivators, when we fight, our elemental force wraps around our elemental weapons. Our elemental force acts as a buffer for our elemental weapons. Collisions between ordinary weapons cannot harm our elemental weapons at all."

"In addition, daily maintenance and cleaning, and even feelings for Yuan Qi can make Yuan Qi stronger and stronger..."

"If you are stronger, you can take the elemental weapon into your body. When the time comes, you can use your own Qi, blood and elemental power to warm and nourish it, and you will be able to form the natal elemental weapon. All of them are in your hand, and they will not be inferior to any magic weapon. !”

Su Xing could tell that Niu Rulie's face was very proud when he said this.

Indeed, turning a mortal weapon into such a terrifying and earth-shattering weapon is a matter of pride in itself!

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, then saluted Niu Rulie and said:

"Thank you Master for your guidance!"

Niu Rulie smiled and nodded after hearing this:
"Okay, go find your Uncle Shennong!"

Su Xing nodded when he heard the words, and his heart was always shocked by the red giant axe.

When I was almost reaching the back mountain, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to ask about how to break through the Void Return Stage.

"Forget it, it should be possible to ask Uncle Shennong..."

Su Xing thought this and quickly arrived at the back mountain.

Shennong Youtian still looks like an old farmer in the mountains, tending his spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

After carefully loosening the soil and fertilizing a seed,

Shennong Arita stood up, looked at Su Xing, and said with a smile:

"Master Nephew Luo, did you call me to go to the Luotian Conference?"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Uncle Shennong!"

Shennong Arita walked towards Su Xing with a smile and said:

"My nephew's aura is getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid that both body refining and qi refining have come to an end, and he will soon enter the virtual realm, right?"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and took the opportunity to say:
"Uncle Shennong, my nephew came here this time and wanted to ask, how to enter the realm of returning to the virtual world?"

After hearing this, Master Shennong nodded slightly and said:
"After cultivating to this level, you should really know some things about the Return to Void Realm..."

"The so-called refining Qi, refining Qi to transform into spirit, refining spirit to return to void...this is the way of my early cultivation as a Qi refining monk."

"When you step into the realm of returning to the void, you can keep your spiritual consciousness inward and keep your mind within your physical body. You can keep your physical body immortal within your mind and spirit... but you can also travel out of your mind and enter the realm of nothingness!"

After hearing this, Su Xing frowned slightly and said doubtfully:

"The realm of nothingness? What is that place?"

After hearing this, Uncle Shen Nong asked, "Does my nephew know the meaning of having been friends with the gods for a long time?"

"The so-called gods have been friends for a long time. For mortals, it means that they have heard of each other's reputations and have wanted to know each other for a long time, but they only just met each other."

"As for the monks in the Return to Void Realm, it means that the two people's consciousnesses have sensed each other in the realm of nothingness, but they have not been able to meet in the real world."

Su Xing's frown deepened after hearing this. It sounds like this void world is a place where only monks at the stage of returning to the void can go with their spiritual consciousness?
As expected, Shennong Youtian said:
"When your soul is strong enough, you will be able to sense the call of the void world. Once you can enter the void world, your body and soul will be sublimated..."

"After surviving the Divine Thunder of Nothingness, you will be a monk in the Return to the Void Realm!"

Su Xing frowned after hearing this, the void world, the void divine thunder.

These things seem to be only found in the world of immortality...

There are no monks born in the world where Su Xing lives, and he is not sure whether the void world still exists.

"Could it be that...the way forward is cut off?"

Su Xing was unwilling to give in and asked:

"Uncle Master, if we don't enter the realm of nothingness, is it possible to break through and become a monk in the stage of returning to the void?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Shennong Arita laughed and said:

"What are you talking about, my nephew? If you don't enter the realm of nothingness, how can you become a monk in the realm of returning to the void..."

Speaking in general, Shennong Youtian suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something, and said:

"There is indeed such a rumor... It was rumored that hundreds of thousands of years ago, a god-transforming monk accidentally entered the land of the outer world..."

"The so-called outer world is a world without a realm of nothingness."

"And the monk has been in the outer world for thousands of years. Even though he has cultivated to the perfection of spiritual transformation and full spiritual consciousness, he still cannot sense the void world..."

"But the cultivator who transforms into gods is also amazing. He is a wizard of alchemy. Although he has no realm of nothingness, he has refined a kind of elixir..."

"It's called Void Refining Pill!"

After a pause, Shennong Youtian continued:

"The current main purpose of refining the Void Pill is to help monks in the Great Perfection Stage of Divine Transformation to ensure that their souls are immortal and can withstand the thunder of the void god after entering the void world."

"But at the time of its birth, the Void Refining Pill was rumored to be a pill that could skip the realm of sensing the void and directly enter the stage of returning to the void."

"Of course... this is just a rumor. Whether it is true or false, it has been so long ago that my uncle doesn't know."

After listening to it, Su Xing secretly made a note that no matter whether it was true or not, Su Xing had to give it a try.

If there really is no realm of nothingness in the real world, wouldn’t it be cool to wake up?

So he woke up and said:

"Uncle Master, this recipe for refining the Void Pill... ahem, can I lend it to my nephew for a look?"

(End of this chapter)

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