Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 165 The supreme secret method, wishful visualization diagram!

Chapter 165 The supreme secret method, wishful visualization diagram! (5k)

Shen Nong Arita nodded slightly when he heard this and said:
"Why not? Danfang is just an external thing..."

After saying that, Shen Nong Arita searched among the storage artifacts and finally handed over a piece of ancient parchment.

Su Xing took it and took a look.

Not only is the recipe for refining the Xu Dan recorded on this sheepskin, but the types and quantities of the medicinal materials are also clearly recorded.

One of the main ingredients in this Void Refining Pill is the Condensation Tree!

Su Xing was not surprised by this.

After all, Ningshen Mu Na is a rare elixir that can enhance spiritual consciousness, so it is perfect as the main medicine of this Void Refining Pill.

"But, what is this spring dew and pure water?"

Su Xing pointed to the medicinal materials on the pill recipe and asked Uncle Shennong.

Shennong Youtian explained:

"Pure water refers to water without roots...that is, rain falling from the sky."

"As for the spring dew and pure water, it refers to the first ray of rainwater after the spring thunder falls on the Day of Waking of Insects!"

"On the day of the Waking of Insects and even on the day of good news, the so-called thunder from the sky will sound, and all evil will give way!"

"This spring dew and purified water is even more beneficial to the soul and body of our monks because it absorbs a trace of the power of the law of thunder contained in the first thunder."

"Returning to the Void Realm monks, after entering the realm of nothingness, their physical body and soul will be baptized by the thunder of nothingness. If they can get the thunder in the spring dew and pure water, they can survive safely."

Shennong had a field and talked eloquently.

Su Xing also nodded thoughtfully and said:
"So, this spring dew and pure water is the first ray of rain on the Day of Waking of Insect?"

"It's just... there will be so much rain this time, how can I get the first ray?"

When I woke up, I had a headache. You should know that there are more than hundreds of millions of raindrops in one rain.

How difficult would it be to extract the first drop of rainwater from these billions?
I'm afraid... only magical means can do it, right?

When Shennong Youtian heard this, he smiled slightly and said:

"Master Nephew Luo, have you forgotten your spiritual consciousness?"

"If the monk's spiritual consciousness is strong enough! It can cover an area of ​​dozens of miles around. On the day of the Waking of Insects, the first ray of rain will probably be the first ten drops..."

"In terms of quantity, naturally the more the better... But if the physical skills and spiritual awareness are not enough, there is not much difference between the tenth drop and the first drop..."

Su Xing nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

But I still have some worries in my heart. The requirements for spring dew and purified water are a bit too strict...

"Thank you, Uncle, for your advice!"

Su Xing saluted Shennong Youtian.

In any case, we have a clue of breaking into the Void Returning Stage.

No matter how difficult it is, Su Xing can always get it as long as he is willing.

Afterwards, Su Xing sent Shennong Arita to the Luotian Conference venue.

At this time, there are still ten hours left before the immersive simulation.

Su Xing took the time to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, planning to continue reciting the "Three Talents Sword Techniques" Tianjian chapter.

After all, this Heavenly Sword chapter is the most difficult, so Su Xing must cherish every opportunity to recite it.

Over time, little things add up, and as long as you practice a few more times, you will be able to memorize this swordsmanship completely.

Soon, Su Xing arrived in the Sutra Pavilion.

Arriving at a familiar location, Su Xing took out the Three Talents Sword Technique and prepared to memorize it.

But not long after arriving, Su Xing heard the voice of the ghost mother-in-law in his ears.

"Are you Luo Xiaochuan, Niu Rulie's disciple?"

The figure of Granny Ghost appeared behind Su Xing.

Su Xing hurriedly saluted and said: "Greetings, senior!"

Granny Ghost still had that calm expression and just said:

"In my opinion, your kid's talent for refining Qi is still higher than his talent for body refining!"

"Less than a hundred years old, you have already reached the perfection of the Divine Transformation Realm. I'm afraid it will only be a matter of time before you break into the Return to Void Stage..."

Su Xing just smiled and thanked when he heard this.

Granny Ghost is really wrong.

The awakening body-refining talent is purple, which is strictly better than the Qi-refining talent.

Su Xing invested more resources and energy in Qi refining cultivation, so he could barely keep the two cultivations at par.

But then, what Granny Gui said made Su Xing feel happy.

"It seems that you have never practiced the secret method of spiritual consciousness... How can you soar into the void world and enter the realm of returning to the void?"

"Huh? Strange..."

"You have never practiced the secret method of spiritual consciousness, how come your spiritual consciousness is so powerful?"

"Could it be that he was born with a soul immortal body...or has he taken some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure?"

Granny Ghost's expression became even more strange.

In fact, it's no wonder that Granny Ghost can't see the details of Su Xing.

The consciousness that is awakened now is completely accumulated by relying on the concentration pill!

However, there is erysipelas after taking the Ningshen Pill. It is okay to take a small amount. If you take too much, it may be difficult to improve your consciousness.

The biggest plug-in that can be awakened... When the simulator brings out spiritual consciousness and cultivation, it can eliminate the influence of erysipelas!
This also makes the source of the awakened consciousness and cultivation level look extremely pure, as if they are all obtained through one's own cultivation.

Just when I wake up and think about it.

The eyes of the old ghost lady in front of her turned into a strange purple color. After carefully looking up and down to wake up, she was suddenly shocked and said:

"It's weird, it's really weird! This old lady has lived for thousands of years... It's the first time I've seen such a strange talent..."

"You are obviously not born with a soul-immortal body, but you have such amazing spiritual consciousness... You can't even see the traces of taking the soul-enhancing pill..."

"Although spiritual consciousness is only a state of five senses, if you practice the secret method of spiritual consciousness... hiss, the future is immeasurable!"

Su Xing was even more surprised as he listened to Granny Ghost talking to herself.

This ghost mother-in-law's methods are really superb, even his spiritual consciousness can sense it.

Those strange purple eyes, maybe they have some kind of magical power?
If Su Xing hadn't known that the ghost mother-in-law was unfathomable.

Just listening to these words, you might think that Granny Ghost is a liar selling Tathagata Palms, right?
Just when she was awake and thinking, Granny Ghost said:
"Luo Xiaochuan, I think you have a lot of talent...I want to teach you a secret method of spiritual consciousness."

"But in return, you have to do something for me..."

Before Granny Ghost finished speaking, Su Xing agreed directly:

"Disciple is willing!"

After waking up, the ghost mother-in-law was a little bit helpless.

She didn't expect Su Xing to agree so simply.

So he wondered:
"Aren't you afraid that the old lady is the kind of evil cultivator who lives in seclusion in the sect and has weird quirks that allow her to experiment on monks?"

Su Xing shook his head decisively and said sincerely:
"Don't be afraid, disciple. I think my mother-in-law is very kind-hearted!"

But in fact, what Su Xing was thinking was: Alas, I won't remember it next time anyway... How can I get a secret method for nothing?

Su Xing secretly gave Granny Ghost a thumbs up.

Seeing that Su Xing agreed simply, Grandma Gui stretched out her hand and pointed at the center of Su Xing's eyebrows and said:

"I'm teaching you this secret method...it's called wishful thinking!"

"It is the supreme secret method of spiritual cultivation, which is comparable to the top-grade skills of heaven... You should practice it well and don't let it get dusty!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a visualization painting containing endless mysterious meaning appeared in Su Xing's mind.

In this painting, there is a white Hu Taoist holding an unreal jade Ruyi in his hand!
In addition, there was also a mantra of several hundred words that was also introduced into Su Xing's mind.

"The Supreme Ruyi... People and gods want to be pure, but their hearts are disturbed. People's hearts want to be calm, but they want to hold them... Those who recite this method will obtain the wish-fulfilling jade and protect their gods..."

Su Xing was pleasantly surprised. This method of contemplation could enhance his spiritual consciousness. It was the secret technique that Su Xing had dreamed of!
Su Xing was about to say thank you when he looked up and saw that Granny Ghost's face was a little pale and she couldn't even stand still.

Su Xing reached out to help Granny Gu, but was stopped.

I saw the ghost mother-in-law saying:

"You have a good time practicing, and don't forget to come to this Sutra Pavilion again in a year..."

After saying that, the ghost grandmother disappeared from the same place.

Only Su Xing was left, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Alas, although this old lady looks evil, she is really a good person!" "Not only did she give me magical powers and techniques... she even taught me something as precious as visualization!"

The last time she taught the sword-controlling technique, Grandma Gui had never spent so much time on it.

But this time the meditation method was taught, Gui Granny almost lost her balance.

In addition to the reason why visualization methods and visualization pictures are more difficult to manifest, I am afraid it is also related to the origin of this visualization method!
After Granny Ghost left, Su Xing first took out the recipe for refining the Xu Dan and carefully wrote down every step and every detail of the elixir.

In the remaining time, Su Xing began to memorize the three-talent sword technique "Heavenly Sword Chapter".

Soon, the immersive simulation time ended, and the awakened consciousness returned to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing rubbed his temples, closed his eyes slightly, and saw the mysterious and infinite wishful thinking picture.

At the same time, the formula was also awakening in my heart.

Su Xing took out his pen and ink and tried to draw the visualization.

But after trying for a long time, even though most of the sweat dripped down my tired forehead, I still couldn't finish writing.

"This idea of ​​wishful thinking is really mysterious, but I can only visualize it in my mind, but I can't even see it!"

Su Xing sighed in his heart. This immersive simulation has been very rewarding for Su Xing.

The secret of the elemental weapon, the refining of the Void Pill... I even got a piece of the indescribably wonderful Wishful Viewing Theory for free!

"In addition, I have memorized almost a third of the Three Talents Sword Techniques and Heavenly Sword Chapter. After a few more visits, I will be able to memorize it completely, right?"

Su Xing is not in a hurry about this matter. After all, he has not yet finished practicing his sword, and he is not in a hurry for this moment.

"Refining the Void Pill... I already have the Condensing Spirit Tree, and the other auxiliary medicines are not difficult to find... It's just that this spring dew purifying water, I'm afraid I still can't get this spring dew purifying water with my current body method and spiritual consciousness. It seems that God The cultivation of consciousness must also be put on the agenda..."

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you have gained a lot. 】

[You returned to Kyoto Vocational University and practiced the body-protecting Gangqi. After the energy was exhausted, you practiced the wishful thinking and lived a fulfilling life every day. 】

[In your spare time, you will also release your consciousness and observe whether anyone is secretly investigating you and Jin Congxue. 】

[Fortunately, no accident happened. Every time you traded with Jin Congxue after you disguised yourself, no one followed you. 】

[After observing for a year and nothing happened, you felt at ease. 】

[The next year, you went to Shuangqing City, preparing to join the Advent Cult in order to seize the elixir. 】

[You are very lucky, you met Zong Laogou within a few days. 】

[Zong Laogou followed the induction of his spiritual consciousness and became wary after seeing you, because the aura of your cultivation put great pressure on him. 】

[You wonder in your heart why Zong Laogou doesn’t take the initiative to come to you, but you don’t dare to alert the snake, but are as unscrupulous, arrogant and arrogant as ever. 】

[You pretended to be a monk who woke up from the Immortal Cultivation Dungeon, but as expected, Old Dog Zong was fooled! 】

[When you took out your life-sustaining pill, Zong Laogou's eyes showed a look of longing. 】

[In the end, you successfully joined the Advent Sect with the Life-Sustaining Pill, and obtained many elixirs from Zong Laogou. 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, Zong Laogou often invited you to drink, and you never refused. The two of you seemed to have known each other for many years. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this, wondering why Zong Laogou had changed like this?
But soon Su Xing realized that he was much stronger in this simulation than before.

In particular, his Qi refining cultivation has also been improved to the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has crushed Zong Laogou in all aspects.

And Zong Laogou probably felt the threat from Su Xing and felt that Su Xing was a more powerful monk than him, so he wanted to make friends with Su Xing, right?

"Haha... It's a pity that I don't like you at all!"

"After I break the void, you will be the first to die!"

Su Xing snorted coldly and looked at the simulation panel.

[After joining the Advent Cult, although you and Zong Laogou appeared to be brothers, you had actually secretly contacted Luo Shuying and obtained many medicinal materials. 】

[But the other members of the Advent Cult don’t know, they only think that you and Zong Laogou are inseparable. 】

[You also enjoy it and stay safely in Adventism. 】

[You will practice body-protecting Gangqi for two hours every day. While practicing your magical powers, your mastery of Yuanli and the strength of Yuanli will steadily increase. 】

[After the energy is exhausted, you will visualize the wishful thinking picture in your mind for half an hour. 】

[However, the difficulty of practicing the idea of ​​wishful thinking is higher than you think. You will feel mentally exhausted after meditating for half an hour and can only stop. 】

[You spend most of the remaining time refining elixirs. 】

[You have long been familiar with the refining of Fu-Refining Pill and Yangyuan Pill, so you decided to start refining in Ruoyu state, and you can also accumulate some understanding. 】

[In the Ruoyu state, your understanding and IQ have declined, but you are very skilled in refining these low-level elixirs, and the refining speed is only slightly affected. 】

[After a year of this, you refined nearly 30 elixirs and accumulated more than [-] days of great wisdom. 】

[In the third year, as always, you refine elixirs and practice body-protecting Qi every day. 】

[This year you have refined more than 8 elixirs, and the total duration of the "Great Wisdom" state you have accumulated has reached 60 days. 】

[In the fourth year, you have collected enough elixirs, so you took Luo Shuying and defected from the Advent Cult. 】

[After betraying the Advent Sect, Zong Laogou was also implicated and was hunted down by the protectors and faction leaders of the Advent Sect. 】

[And you and Luo Shuying came to Kyoto, under the eyes of the Daxia military, so it was safer. 】

[This year, you refined 90 elixirs again, and accumulated more than [-] days of great wisdom! 】

[You gave all the refined elixirs to the Daxia military. 】

[The Daxia military has more than 8 master-level experts, nearly [-] heavenly kings, and dozens of martial emperor-level experts. 】

[In the fifth year, after the medicinal materials are exhausted, you concentrate on practicing. 】

[You still practice body-protecting Qi for two hours every day. 】

[Through the efforts of the past few years, your body-protecting Qi has begun to take shape, and you can be considered to have reached the entry-level. 】

[When your energy is exhausted, you try to visualize the wishful thinking picture in your mind. 】

[You can still only visualize the visualization map for half an hour every day, but within this half hour you will activate the state of great wisdom, your understanding will soar, and your understanding of the visualization map will become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[Whenever the visualization ends, you will interrupt the state of great wisdom and return to the state of mediocrity. 】

[In one year, you have used your great wisdom state for about fifteen days. 】

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he muttered:

"Hey, this great wisdom can still be used flexibly!"

"Looking at it this way, the practicality is undoubtedly much better than before!"

"It is only used when visualizing the wish-fulfilling visualization. It only takes about fifteen days a year. The previous savings are enough for six years!"

Su Xing thinks this is very good. The understanding accumulated through alchemy can be accumulated where needed. This is very cost-effective!

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the sixth year, you will still practice hard to protect your body's Gangqi every day, supplemented by observing and observing the visualization pictures. 】

[While contemplating, you will accumulate great wisdom in your free time. In one year, your great wisdom has increased again, returning to a hundred days! 】

[In the seventh year, as you continue to practice the body-protecting Gangqi, your Yuanli strength will also slowly increase. 】

[The total amount of Yuan Power in your body is enough for you to practice body-protecting Gang Qi for five hours every day. 】

[At the same time, with your efforts, I have begun to gain a glimpse into the practice of wish-fulfilling visualization diagrams and formulas. 】

[You take out the concentration pill that you refined before and practice with the Ruyi Visualization Chart every day. Your spiritual consciousness will grow rapidly! 】

[This year, your consciousness has grown to [-] feet! 】

[In the eighth year, as always, you meditate on the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram internally and cultivate the body's Gangqi externally. Your understanding and application of the two magical powers and secrets are increasing day by day. 】

[Especially the growth of your spiritual consciousness, coupled with the extraordinary effect of the Condensing Pill, your spiritual consciousness has grown to [-] feet! 】

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

Since breaking through to the Great Consummation Stage of Divine Transformation, his spiritual consciousness has grown slowly.

He has always looked like he was in his early [-]s.

But he didn't expect that the wishful thinking method would be so effective. In just two years, his spiritual consciousness would reach [-] feet!

"Tsk, tsk, with such spiritual consciousness, I'm afraid it has surpassed that of ordinary Dzogchen monks at the stage of becoming gods, right?"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the ninth year, after practicing, you began to explore every hidden place in Blue Star. 】

[Whether it is a snow-capped mountain thousands of feet high, or a seabed ten thousand feet deep, you have been there. 】

[But with your physical fitness as a monk in the divine power realm, you are immune to cold and heat, and you can hardly feel the pressure of the deep sea. 】

[After a year of searching like this, you understand that the land of Blue Star will not have the limit you want, so you start to explore the dungeon...]

[In the same year, the range of your consciousness increased to [-] feet! 】

(End of this chapter)

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