Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 166: There is a bright future in another village, and we find the ultimate place!

Chapter 166: Another village has a bright future, finding the ultimate place! (5k)

[In the tenth year, in addition to practicing and observing wish-fulfilling visualizations every day, you begin to explore various dungeons. 】

[However, for you who are already close to being a legend, ordinary copies pose almost no danger to you. 】

[In one year, you explored dozens of dungeons, trying to find a suitable extreme place, but ended in failure. 】

[In No. 11, with the blessing of great wisdom and understanding, you have begun to practice the idea of ​​wishful thinking. 】

[This year, the range of your consciousness has increased to [-] feet! 】

[In Year No. 12, you have explored more than 100 dungeons in a few years, and even killed many emperor-level dungeon bosses. 】

[Although there are existences similar to the Evil Land in the dungeon, they are not suitable for you. You still have not found the ultimate place you like. 】

[In No. 13, the range of your spiritual consciousness has further broken through and has reached nearly five thousand feet. 】

[Since you cannot find the ultimate place, you can only focus on refining the Void Refining Pill. 】

[You don’t lack the material Condensing Tree, but what you lack is spring dew and purifying water. 】

[So, on the day of the Waking of Insects this year, you try to collect spring dew and purify water. 】

[Running the spiritual power, the whole person floats in the sky, with his spiritual consciousness outward, always catching the dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, and always watching for possible falling rain. 】

[But when the raindrops fell, you were still confused. 】

[Tens of thousands of raindrops fall at the same time, and the sequence is difficult to capture even in milliseconds. 】

[Even if your spiritual consciousness is strong enough, it is still far from being able to sense the first ten drops of rain. 】

[You know in your heart that your consciousness is not strong enough, so you are ready to continue to refine your consciousness! 】

[No.14, the longer you observe the wish-fulfilling visualization picture, the more powerful your soul becomes. 】

[Initially, you felt dizzy and unable to continue after observing for half an hour, but now you have been able to observe continuously for nearly an hour. 】

[You know that this is the result of the transformation of your spiritual consciousness. Under the idea of ​​​​Kuanmo Ruyi Guan, your spiritual consciousness has not only increased in scope, but also undergone some unknown changes. 】

[This year, the range of your consciousness has increased to [-] feet! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing felt mixed emotions for a moment.

Fortunately, during the simulation, both the magical power of body-protecting Gangqi and the awakening of spiritual consciousness have fully increased.

What is worrying is that there is no progress in the refining of the Limit Land and the Void Refining Pill.

"On Blue Star, most dungeons are actually not dangerous to me..."

"Like those bronze and gold level dungeons, the strongest ones are the bronze and gold level bosses. How bad can the natural environment inside such a dungeon be?"

Su Xing sighed. He could ask Daxia's military if there was a "forbidden-level copy". It was rumored that even the Emperor Wu would find it difficult to survive such a copy.

If you wake up and go to that kind of dungeon, maybe you can find one or two extreme places?

Su Xing secretly wrote it down, but immediately began to worry about refining the Xu Dan.

"Spring dew purifies water...the first ray of rain on the Jingzhe Day really requires extremely high levels of spiritual consciousness!"

"With my current spiritual consciousness of more than 5000 feet, although the range is sufficient, the use of spiritual consciousness is still too superficial. It is still too difficult to distinguish finely to within milliseconds!"

Su Xing sighed.

Regarding this, Su Xing doesn't have a good solution.

The only thing he can think of now is to continue cultivating his spiritual consciousness.

By constantly observing the thoughts of wishful thinking, perhaps the awakened spiritual consciousness will have a breakthrough, and in this way, it may be possible to successfully collect spring dew and pure water.

After waking up and thinking for a moment, he looked at the simulation panel again.

[In No. 15, you temporarily gave up collecting spring dew and purified water. 】

[Instead, focus on improving your spiritual consciousness and cultivating body-protecting Qi. 】

[Your daily practice time has been extended to four hours. 】

[The rest of the time, you try to collect more information about the extreme place. 】

[In the same year, the range of your spiritual consciousness increased to [-] feet, but you are still in the five senses realm! 】

[In No. 16, your spiritual consciousness made another breakthrough and grew to [-] feet. 】

[But you also find that with the excessive consumption of Concentration Pills over the years, your spirit occasionally becomes trance-like. 】

[And the effect of the Concentration Pill begins to decline, and the growth of your spiritual consciousness becomes slower. 】

[In No. 17, although the Daxia military was worried about your safety, under your strong request, the Daxia military still told you the coordinates of several "forbidden level" dungeons. 】

[You start trying to explore the "forbidden level" copy. 】

[Your first target is a copy called Red Lotus Demon Cave. 】

[According to legend, there is an extremely powerful Balrog in this dungeon, and several Martial King-level professionals have been buried in this dungeon. 】

[You prepared for a few days, adjusted your condition to its peak, and then entered this copy. 】

[The environment in this copy is located in an extremely deep cave, and the temperature becomes higher as you go down. 】

[But you are immune to cold and heat, and the high temperature has no effect on you. 】

[After a month of exploring, killing demons all the way, you finally reached the bottom of the Red Lotus Cave and met the rumored Balrog. 】

[But this flame demon is only comparable to the peak of the Martial Emperor. 】

[Although your strength is not bad, you still spent some effort to solve it. 】

[After approaching the Balrog, you carefully explored it and found that there was a deeper cave under the Balrog's lair. 】

[You walked tens of thousands of meters further down this cave, and finally discovered a precious metal mining area! 】

[What is produced in this alien metal mining area is a red alien metal. In addition to being strong, it also has scorching high-temperature properties. 】

[You did not hesitate, crossed the foreign metal mining area and continued to explore. 】

[Finally, you discovered a pool of extremely hot magma. 】

[You are pleasantly surprised and try to jump into this magma pool. 】

[You feel slight pain and burning. 】

[You soaked in the magma pool for three days and three nights, and finally crawled out disappointed. 】

[Although this magma pool can barely be regarded as an extreme place, for you who have perfected the divine power realm. 】

[Lava bathing is just a routine operation and does not allow you to break the limits of the human body. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Sure enough, extreme places are not so easy to find... Even the level of magma pool is not the limit for me..."

Su Xing was slightly disappointed, but immediately became interested in this copy called Red Lotus Demon Cave.

"Is there actually a different metal mineral produced in this copy?"

"And this foreign metal mine also has special flame properties... Foreign metals that can have special properties... This is at least a third-level, or even fourth-level foreign metal mining area!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up.

Although it is useless to know this mining area in the simulation.

But for waking up, it means a lot of simulated energy!
More importantly, because of the existence of the Balrog, the Great Xia Kingdom did not discover this copy.

Therefore, this dungeon mining area should still be unopened at this moment.

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart moved and he said:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for one hour!"

[Ding, congratulations on using immersive simulation, you spent 10 energy and have 1244 million remaining energy points.]

Su Xing's vision changed, and the next second he appeared outside the mining area.

Su Xing secretly noted the coordinates of this dungeon, preparing to explore the dungeon when he had the chance.

Soon the immersive simulation ended and the awakening returned to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly and murmured:

"Although the Red Lotus Demon Cave copy has a very high output of foreign metals, the environment is too harsh for ordinary people to survive..."

"It is impossible to send low-level professionals to conduct large-scale mining. I can only wait for the opportunity in the future and I will take a look in person..."

Su Xing temporarily put down the copy of the exotic metal mining area and looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the dungeon, you continue to explore the remaining "forbidden level" dungeons. 】

[But you are disappointed to find that in these copies, although the monsters are powerful, and some of them are even legendary, even you have to avoid them. 】

[But these copies may not be able to form a natural limit place, so you still haven't found a suitable place. 】

[In No. 18, you continued to practice with great concentration, and the range of your spiritual consciousness increased to nearly six thousand feet. 】

[What surprises you even more is that even though your spiritual consciousness grows extremely fast, you still fail to sense the bottleneck of your spiritual consciousness. 】

[In No. 19, you made a small breakthrough in your mastery of body-protecting gas. 】

[You insist on practicing Yuanli magical power every day, and visualizing thoughts as you wish. 】【In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In one year, the range of your consciousness has increased to [-] feet. 】

[Due to excessive use of the Concentrating Pill, you feel that the growth of your spiritual consciousness has reached a bottleneck, and at the same time, the erysipelas in your body has also become quite deep. 】

[But you are not worried about this. You just continue to practice visualization and steadily improve your spiritual consciousness. 】

[No. 20 In three years, with your unremitting practice, your magical power and body-protecting Gangqi finally made some achievements and reached the level of Xiaocheng! 】

[The Xiaocheng-level body-protecting Qi is not only more defensive, but the time you can maintain the body-protecting Qi is also extended to three hours! 】

[In the same year, the range of your spiritual consciousness increased to [-] feet! 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, aliens invaded Zhenyao Pass in large numbers. 】

[Once the Demon Suppression Pass was destroyed, the giant beast descended on Blue Star and swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[You were swallowed into the belly of the giant beast, but because of your strong physical body, you did not die immediately. 】

[You forcefully activated your Yuanli and used your magical power to protect your body! 】

[The protective aura will firmly protect you within it, temporarily blocking the terrifying spatial turbulence around you. 】

[As the entire continent tilted, the surrounding sky began to spin and the earth shook. 】

[You work hard to maintain your spiritual power and elemental power to keep yourself balanced. 】

[You tried to enter the Lingtian Cave, but the space in the stomach of the giant beast was too turbulent, and you were unable to enter the Lingtian Cave at all. 】

[Suddenly, an extremely huge pressure came on you. You roared angrily and activated your body-protecting energy to the limit, barely resisting the pressure. 】

[You look around and see that the surrounding continents, mountains and rivers, and all life have dissipated, and there is only a burst of nothingness left around you. 】

[Suddenly, there is an explosion in your ears, it is a thunder! 】

[If you look carefully, the thunder comes from the turbulent flow of space in the stomach of the giant beast. 】

[And in that broken space, there are clearly small worlds. 】

[The extremely high-speed collision between worlds creates this kind of turbulence, further causing phenomena similar to thunder and lightning. 】

[A bolt of lightning struck you. You had no room to resist, and your soul was annihilated directly. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing's eyes widened and he murmured:

"There is really no way out of the mountains and rivers, and it takes no effort at all!"

"That's right... Why didn't I think of it before? Isn't the stomach space of this giant beast an excellent extreme place?"

"It's just... isn't this a little too extreme? Let alone the Shattering Void Realm, I'm afraid even the stronger monks can't withstand the power of the world's collapse, right?"

Su Xing couldn't help but frown slightly.

The good news is that there is a new idea for the Extreme Land.

The bad news is that this girl is too extreme, and she can’t even withstand it with her awakening strength!
“I just don’t know, how long does it take to persist in the extreme place to break through the Great Perfection of Divine Power Realm to the Void-Breaking Realm before you can break the limit?”

"Or maybe...if I successfully break through the Void-Breaking Realm, but my body dies and my Tao disappears, this cultivation level should be able to bring it out, right?"

Su Xing thought for a moment.

He was very sure that the terrible environment in the stomach space of the giant beast was definitely a terrifying extreme place, and it would definitely meet the requirements of waking up to break the limit and enter the Void-breaking Realm.

As for whether he will still die after breaking through the Void Realm... Su Xing is not worried at all.

Because in principle, even if you die the next second after breaking through to the Void-Breaking Realm, you can still bring out your cultivation through the simulator when you wake up.

Su Xing's only worry is, with his strength, can he withstand this extreme place?
"Judging from the current situation, I probably can't stand it..."

"Perhaps after completing the cultivation of Yuanli and body-protecting Gangqi, I will be able to hold on in the stomach space of this giant beast for a while longer?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, and the goal in his heart gradually became clear.

Let’s first bring the Yuanli and the body-protecting Gangqi Liver to the state of Dzogchen, and then try to reach this extreme place, right?
"Furthermore, the growth of spiritual consciousness is also amazing... although I took too many elixirs during this simulation, which resulted in erysipelas in my body."

"But what does taking drugs in the simulation have to do with my awakening in reality? If I just take it out of the realm of spiritual consciousness, that's the end of it?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

From this point of view, the breakthroughs in the realm of breaking the void and returning to the void are on track.

As long as you continue to work hard, you will not be far from a breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Animal Friends]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, priced at 50 energy.

[Experiences of Yuanli Cultivation]: Contains the experience of Yuanli Cultivation. After selection, you can have a deeper mastery of Yuanli. The price is 1000 million energy.

[100 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 1 million energy.

[Body-protecting Gangqi (minor level)]: Yuanli magical power, Xiaocheng-level body-protecting Gangqi, within three feet of Gangqi, nothing can invade, and the Gangqi is not broken, then people are not in danger.The price is 5000 million simulated energy.

[Wishful thinking concept (entry level)]: After choosing it, you will gain partial visualization and understanding of the wishful thinking idea. At the same time, the range of your spiritual consciousness will be increased to seven thousand feet (five sense realm). The price is 4000 million energy.

Su Xing glanced at the simulation reward.

There is no doubt that the goal of awakening is to protect the body's Gangqi and to contemplate thoughts as desired.

"Choosing the idea of ​​wishful thinking can actually directly increase the range of spiritual consciousness?"

Su Xing was pleasantly surprised. Just one simulation of this wishful thinking more than doubled the range of his consciousness. It was truly a wonderful method.

"The only pity is...my current simulation energy doesn't seem to be enough?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

He now only has a little over 1000 million energy left on hand.

And just the two rewards of Body Protecting Gangqi and Ruyi Guanfa alone require 9000 million energy!

Taking into account the simulated energy of next week's cargo, the awakening can barely reach 4000 million.

After all, the deal between Jin Congxue and Daxia's military would take several weeks to be finalized, and Su Xing would not be able to enjoy the benefits from those copies of the mining areas for the time being.

"Looking at it this way, there are only two ways that I want to obtain analog energy in large quantities..."

Su Xing murmured.

The first step, of course, is to go to Baili Mansion again. There are certain risks, but the energy gained will probably not be less.

The second, of course, is to go to the Red Lotus Demon Cave copy.

"The copy of the Red Lotus Demon Cave. From my memory, the coordinates of this copy seem to be on the border of Daxia, and it is strictly blocked by the border guards. It is not easy to enter..."

Su Xing muttered: "It seems that we can only go to Baili Mansion again!"

Going to Baili Mansion is naturally risky for Su Xing.

But with Su Xing's current strength, the Martial Emperor will not be his opponent. Even if the legendary strong takes action, Su Xing is sure to escape!
If you really can't get enough energy, you can go to Lingtian Cave to avoid the limelight. It shouldn't be a big problem.

Thinking like this, there is no trace of ink when I wake up.

First, I bought the nearest plane ticket to Fudong Province.

After packing up for a while, Su Xing prepared to head to Fudong Province.

Eighteen hours later, the plane landed slowly at an airport in Fudong Province.

Su Xing also immediately got off the plane, ran into the deserted mountains, and began to disguise himself and catch his breath.

Yi Yong Dan, Xi Ling Dan plus a voice changing pill.

After following a familiar process, the appearance of waking up completely changed.

After that, Su Xing traveled hundreds of kilometers and arrived outside Baili Mansion in Guang Province.

"Logically speaking, Baili Mansion shouldn't know when I will come again, or even whether I will come again, so there shouldn't be much preparation, right?"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and thought.

But for the sake of safety, Su Xing still released his spiritual consciousness, which instantly enveloped the entire Baili Mansion.

In the awakening sense, the powerful aura of Baili Mansion was the same as last time.

More than ten heavenly kings and three martial emperor-level experts.

After confirming that there was no trap targeting him, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and lurked into Baili Mansion...

At this time, the head of the Baili Mansion, Baili Tu, was in his house.

Su Xing quietly appeared behind Baili Tu and said in a hoarse voice:

"Old man Baili, long time no see...how are you doing lately?"

(End of this chapter)

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