Chapter 167: Earn 5000 million energy, Tianlinggen is here! (5k)

Hearing this sudden sound, Bailitu raised his head suddenly.

When he saw the disguised person waking up, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Then he showed a look of surprise and said:
"Senior, why are you here? Didn't you tell me in advance?"

Su Xing saw the change in Bailitu's demeanor and just nodded slightly:
"I heard that your Baili Chamber of Commerce has been purchasing dungeon props with great fanfare recently?"

Baili Tu nodded quickly when he heard this and said:
"Since senior needs those dungeon props, our Baili Chamber of Commerce will naturally buy them with all our strength, as long as senior is happy!"

Su Xing didn't answer after hearing this, but secretly thought that Baili Tuzhen could talk.

Then Su Xing took out another life-sustaining pill from his arms and said:
"There is also a life-extending pill here, which can extend your life for another five years... Just give me the same number of dungeon props as last time!"

The moment the life-sustaining pill appeared, Bailitu's face showed a look of longing.

Although he has been granted five more years of life, who would despise him for living longer?
If you can extend it for another five years...then you will have ten years of good life!

So Bailitu quickly took out a storage ring from his pocket and said:

"Senior, Bailiqi was ignorant before...I have advised him during this period. These are the dungeon props he collected in the past few years, so please give them to senior!"

Su Xing heard this and took the storage ring.

After searching with his spiritual sense, it turned out that the mountains piled inside were all copy props, and the quantity was similar to the batch obtained before.

A look of surprise flashed across Su Xing's eyes, and then he tossed it lightly, and the Life-Resisting Pill fell into Baili Tu's hand.

"In that case, this life-extending pill belongs to you."

"The deal is done, I'm leaving..."

After saying that, he woke up and prepared to leave.

"Senior, please be slow!"

Just when Su Xing was about to turn around and leave, Bailitu stopped Su Xing, then handed over a storage ring and said:

"Senior, that was a deal just now... but during the next period, I also collected a batch of dungeon props. I should thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this, but looking at the simulated energy in his hand, he still reached out and took it.

After some exploration with spiritual consciousness.

Good guy, there are so many dungeon props in this storage ring!
Although there are not as many transactions as before, it is at least about [-]% of the previous transactions!

The value is probably one to two hundred million simulated energy.

Presumably, these are the dungeon props that Baili Tu collected with great fanfare during this period.

Su Xing thought for a while, then took the storage ring and said slowly:
"伱, very good..."

After that, Su Xing was ready to leave.

But then Bailitu said quickly:

"Senior, how can we contact you in the future? If there are still dungeon props, how should we give them to you?"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this.

Bailitu wanted his contact information, seemingly to satisfy Su Xing's need for dungeon props.

But in fact, Baili Tu was trying to gain friendship with Su Xing. If the Baili family encountered problems that they couldn't solve in the future, they might need Su Xing's help.

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt that the storage ring in his hand was a little hot.

After all, he never likes to owe favors to others, so it is best if the transaction does not owe either party...

But the replica props in this storage ring are worth at least one to two hundred million, and Su Xing really doesn't want to part with them.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Xing said:

"If your Baili family encounters an unsolvable crisis, let the news out that a shocking treasure inheritance has been discovered in the dungeon props..."

"When the time comes, I will naturally understand and come to help you... But then, it will still be business, understand?"

After hearing this, Bailitu quickly nodded in agreement.

Su Xing didn't hesitate, turned around and left, his figure disappearing into the night.

After he woke up and left, the smile on Bailitu's face faded, and he tapped his fingers on the table regularly, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, from the dark room of Baili Tu's room, the powerful Martial Emperor named Fu Bo came out.


After hearing this, Bailitu nodded slightly and said: "Uncle Fu, look at the reason why this mysterious strong man wants to collect dungeon props so much."

After hearing this, Uncle Fu didn't know. He just asked tentatively:

"Perhaps there is some shocking secret hidden in those replica props?"

Bailitu nodded after hearing this, then shook his head and said:

"Copy props. Throughout the ages, there are millions of people who want to explore its secrets...but no one can benefit from it."

"But this senior is a real big opportunity for our Baili family!"

"This senior should understand what we mean... Perhaps if my Baili family is in trouble in the future, with the friendship given by today's gift, we may be able to ask senior to take action..."

Uncle Fu was silent after hearing this. He didn't know much about the calculation.

He has been a servant of Baili Mansion since he can remember, and has been serving Baili Mansion for hundreds of years.

After thinking about it, Fu Bo said:

"Sir, this senior... seems to have become stronger again."

"I just felt threatened by him before... But now with his aura, I don't even seem to have the courage to confront him head-on."

"I suspect that this senior may have entered the realm of legend..."

After a pause, Fu Bo said again:
"Moreover, this senior should have discovered my existence, but he simply ignored me..."

Baili Tu looked a little solemn after hearing this. After a long silence, he said loudly:
"Here comes someone! Go ahead and double the size of the purchase of dungeon props! The purchase price will be increased by another [-]%!"

"I want all the dungeon props in the thirteen provinces of Daxia to be included in our Baili Chamber of Commerce!"

A legendary strongman, this is a peerless boss who is not mundane.

If the Baili Chamber of Commerce can really get acquainted with a legendary boss, it can ensure that the Baili family will last for thousands of years!

This is Bailitu's only thought at this time!
At this moment, all the conspiracies and calculations in his heart disappeared, and he just wanted to befriend Su Xing...

This is the change brought about by absolute strength...


On the other side, after Su Xing got two storage rings, he traveled hundreds of kilometers overnight and returned to Fudong Province. Then he caught the nearest flight and prepared to return to Kyoto.

The next day, when he returned to school, Su Xing couldn't wait to enter the Lingtian Paradise, preparing to exchange the duplicate props in the two rings into energy.

[Ding, a large amount of energy material has been detected, with a total energy value of 4 million. Do you want to redeem it? 】

[Ding, a large amount of energy material has been detected, with a total energy value of 1 million. Do you want to redeem it? 】

Listening to the pleasant sound in his ears, Su Xing couldn't wait to say:
"Confirm redemption!"

In this way, Su Xing looked at the skyrocketing simulation energy on the simulation panel.

From more than 200 million, it skyrocketed to 6 million!
After calming down his excitement, Su Xing opened the simulation panel and prepared to redeem the dungeon rewards.

"I choose to redeem the body-protecting energy and wish-fulfilling ideas!"

[You successfully brought out the body-protecting Gangqi cultivation results (small success), spending 5000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the results of the cultivation of Ruyiguan (entry level), spending 4000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious powers were injected into Su Xing's body.

After that, a large number of memory fragments suddenly flooded into his mind.

These are the results of practicing the body-protecting Gangqi and wish-fulfilling concepts!
In just a few moments, Su Xing learned the Yuanli magical power and body-protecting Gangqi, and directly reached the Xiaocheng level!

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, his heart moved, and he whispered:
"Yuanli Armor..."

Then, a thin layer of Yuan Power enveloped Su Xing's entire body.

After the Yuanli armor is wrapped around Su Xing's body, Su Xing's ability to resist blows and defense more than doubles in an instant.

However, not only that.

After waking up and feeling the invisible Yuanli armor on his body, he muttered softly:
"Body-protecting Qi, rise!"

The next second, three feet away from Su Xing's skin, an invisible Yuanli shield directly protected Su Xing.

This shield is like an airtight transparent glass, isolating the awakening from all harmful substances in the outside world.

Not to mention attacks and sneak attacks, not even a fly or even poisonous gas can break through this protective layer of gas!
The most important thing is that body-protecting aura and Yuanli armor can exist at the same time!

"It's unbelievable... No wonder I didn't die immediately after entering the stomach space of the giant beast during this simulation..."

"The body-protecting aura plus Yuanli armor, such a terrifying defensive power...even a legendary powerhouse can't break through it immediately, right?"

Su Xing was excited.

If we just talk about defense power, with the Yuanli armor and body-protecting aura, Su Xing may be comparable to a strong man who has just entered the legendary level!

"Such a terrifying defensive power... If these two are cultivated to the limit at the same time, I am afraid that I can really break the limit in the stomach space of the giant beast and achieve the goal of breaking the void!"

Su Xing calmed down for a while before he could calm down the excitement in his heart.

Later, Su Xing appeared in the real world and wanted to test how powerful his consciousness was now.As soon as his heart moved, his spiritual consciousness spread out like a tide.

In an instant, the entire Kyoto Academy was enveloped.

And it is still expanding!
Three thousand feet...three thousand five hundred feet...four thousand feet!

Five thousand feet... six thousand feet...

In the end, the range of spiritual consciousness was seven thousand feet!

What is the concept of seven thousand feet?
It is equivalent to taking Su Xing as the center of the circle. Within 26 kilometers around, everything is under the induction of Su Xing!
This range covers almost the entire city of Kyoto.

"Tsk, tsk, in the entire city of Kyoto, no one can be hidden in my sense of consciousness..."

Experiencing the divine consciousness covering the entire city, Su Xing felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It's like... Su Xing is the god of this city!
Su Xing finally understood why in the world of immortality, mortals were no different from ants to powerful monks.

After all, this feeling of fully enlightened consciousness is like opening up the perspective of God.

It makes people become arrogant and conceited.

But after all, Su Xing was a monk who had passed the five levels of divine transformation. This kind of arrogance was suppressed by Su Xing before it could even sprout.

Returning to Lingtian Paradise, Su Xing kept brainwashing himself in his mind.

Be humble and cautious!
Damn, you haven’t even become the strongest person in the human race. Are you so crazy?

As long as the alien race is not eliminated, life and death will always be under the control of others...

After his mind calmed down, Su Xing began another week of refining elixirs and collecting spiritual fluids.

Five days passed quickly, and Su Xing brought the elixir to the villa, and then took away this week's goods.

Because Jin Congxue was busy dealing with chamber of commerce affairs this week, Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave Heaven earlier.

The new week's goods once again provided nearly 3000 million energy points for Awakening.

In the new era, August 2024, 8, the summer heat is getting strong, and Awakening starts a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4800 energy points, with 5 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent, wood and fire dual element Heavenly Spiritual Root! 】

[Wood and Fire Dual System Heavenly Spiritual Root]: You are the only genius among millions of people to cultivate immortality. You possess the rare Heavenly Spiritual Root in the world. Your cultivation speed is more than a hundred times that of ordinary practitioners. At the same time, your Heavenly Spiritual Root seems to be damaged. There has been some kind of mutation, and it has one more attribute than the ordinary Heavenly Spiritual Root.

Seeing the surprising talent that suddenly appeared in front of you.

A complicated look flashed across Su Xing's eyes.

The good news is that a more powerful spiritual root has been drawn out.

The bad news is...this spiritual root seems to have arrived a little late.

"Forget it, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal!"

"After all, with the Heavenly Spiritual Root, my practice during the Return to Void Stage should be much easier!"

Su Xing also knew that this talent lottery could not be so smooth.

Being able to draw out the Tianling Root at this time is already great news.

"With the Tianling Root, will it be easier to break through the Void Return Stage...?"

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[After possessing Tianling Root, you will be more sensitive to the spiritual energy around you, and you will feel that your spiritual energy affinity has increased. 】

[With the same amount of spiritual energy, you can absorb and turn it into spiritual energy in a shorter time, three times faster than before! 】

[After you have experienced the mystery of Tianlinggen, you are ready to start cultivating Yuanli and body-protecting Qi. 】

[After more than an hour, the energy in your body is exhausted, and you continue to practice meditation with satisfaction. 】

[Three weeks passed so quickly. 】

[Three weeks later, Jin Congxue brought you good news. The mining area copy has been officially contracted, and exotic metals can be produced every week in the future. 】

[You were very satisfied with this and stayed in Daxia for two months. 】

[After that, you are going to join the Advent Cult. 】

[You came to Shuangqing City alone, controlling your consciousness within a certain range, hoping to attract Zong Laogou. 】

[As expected, Old Dog Zong showed up within a few days, and he respected you very much. 】

[Because even if you have restrained your spiritual consciousness, he still thinks that you are a strong man who is at least half a step back to the Void Stage! 】

[In order to make good friends with you, Zong Laogou invited you to join the Advent Cult. 】

[Of course you will not refuse, you have successfully joined the Advent Cult, and with your own strength, you have received a personal interview from the leader of the faction. 】

[Afterwards, you successfully became a nominal protector of the Advent Sect. 】

[Not only do they rarely perform tasks, but they also have a lot of freedom. 】

[So you secretly contacted Luo Shuying and got a large number of elixirs. 】

[You will stay in the Advent Sect for two years. During the two years, in addition to the necessary four hours of practice every day, you will refine elixirs. 】

[You have accumulated nearly sixty days of blessings in the "Great Wisdom" state. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Sure enough, strength is everything in this world!"

In the past, when Awakening's strength was about the same as Zong Laogou's, he had to take the initiative to give gifts in order to gain Zong Laogou's friendship.

But now that he has awakened and his consciousness has surged, he was mistaken by Zong Laogou as a strong man approaching the stage of returning to the void.

Zong Laogou even took the initiative to show his kindness to Su Xing.

"This is still a case of converging my spiritual consciousness... If my spiritual consciousness is at full strength, wouldn't I be regarded as a strong person in the Void Return Stage by Zong Laogou?"

"When the time comes, Old Dog Zong will probably kowtow in fear when he sees me, right?"

Su Xing couldn't help but sigh.

In the world of immortality, realm strength is everything.

Nascent Soul monks are no different from weak chickens to the transformed gods.

The gap between becoming a god and returning to the void will only get wider!

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the third year, within two years, you have refined 10,000+ elixirs, and have almost emptied out the elixirs. 】

[So you took Luo Shuying and rebelled against the Advent Cult. 】

[Later, Zong Laogou was brutally hunted down...]

[After betraying Adventism, you stayed in Kyoto with peace of mind and continued to refine alchemy. 】

[In the fourth year, you exhausted the elixirs you brought previously, and the elixirs you refined added many strong men to Daxia. 】

[After you don’t need to refine elixirs, you will have more time to practice. 】

[In order to break through to the Void-Breaking Realm as soon as possible, in addition to practicing your magical powers and body and energy every day, you have also strengthened your cultivation of Yuanli! 】

[After practicing body-protecting Gangqi for two hours every day, your energy has been exhausted. 】

[Then you work hard to restore your Yuan Power. The process of forcibly restoring your Yuan Power is very painful, just like countless ants biting at your Yuan Power. It is extremely sour. 】

[But you still gritted your teeth and persisted. 】

[After practicing like this, another two years passed quickly. 】

[In the sixth year, because the erysipelas in the body are no longer poisonous, your cultivation speed of spiritual consciousness becomes faster again. 】

[In the past few years, your consciousness has grown from [-] feet to [-] feet. 】

[But what will surprise you even more is the speed of improvement of Yuanli and body-protecting Qi. 】

[In the process of practicing body-protecting Gangqi day after day, your mastery of Yuanli becomes increasingly skillful. 】

[And frantically draining your energy every day also stimulates your potential to the greatest extent, and your energy recovery speed is accelerated. 】

[The eighth year is another year of hard training. This year, your consciousness has increased to [-] feet! 】

[At the same time, you can feel that your external release-level Yuan Power seems to have made a small breakthrough again, taking a solid step towards Dacheng-level external release. 】

[In the tenth year, the scope of your spiritual consciousness has further expanded in this year, growing to eight thousand five hundred feet. 】

[In the same year, you tried to collect spring dew and purified water on Jingzhe Day, but ultimately failed. 】

[But what surprises you is that as you practice Yuanli day after day, you can feel that your mastery of Yuanli is not far from the third stage of success...]

(End of this chapter)

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