Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 169: A spiritual dragon is discovered while exploring the ruins, and a real person in the in

Chapter 169: A spiritual dragon is discovered while exploring the ruins, and a real person in the integration stage is surprisingly discovered! (5k)

Su Xing felt a little excited when he saw this.

Can you finally see clearly what is in this ancient tomb?
"It's obviously the end of the Dharma era when spiritual energy is exhausted... Why is there such amazing spiritual energy in the ancient tomb ruins?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with doubts in his heart.

[You broke into the core area of ​​the ruins tomb, and an invisible formation barrier appeared in front of you, which seemed to block the inside and outside. 】

[The living dead puppets are still chasing after him. 】

[Without any hesitation, you punched directly on the formation barrier. 】

[But the formation barrier is extremely strong. The power of your punch only made it tremble, but did not break it. 】

[So you took a deep breath, attached your Yuan Power to your fists, and punched out again! 】

[The power of this punch is amazing.For a moment, the entire ancient tomb ruins were shaking, and rubble slid from the stone walls. 】

[And the invisible formation barrier in front of you is also broken layer by layer like a spider web, and eventually collapses and is destroyed. 】

[In an instant, extremely rich spiritual energy rushes toward you, and you can clearly see the core area of ​​the ruins within the formation. 】

[Unlike the thin spiritual energy in the ancient tomb passages outside, the richness of the spiritual energy here is almost as strong as the spiritual energy in your Lingtian Cave! 】

[Looking around, there is a wide medicinal field ahead, at least five or six acres in width. 】

[There are many elixirs planted in the medicine field. With just one glance, you can see how precious these elixirs are. Their quality is even higher than that of the elixirs in the treasure house of Advent Sect. 】

[What makes you even more excited is that these elixirs are all over 3000 years old! 】

[It is an extremely precious treasure of heaven and earth that can be used to refine high-grade elixirs! 】

[And in the medicine field, there are several bronze-colored figures with no hair on their bodies who seem to be taking care of the medicine field. 】

[You are surprised, are these people all great monks who have lived for thousands of years? 】

[But after some induction, you find that these figures are all puppets of the living dead. 】

[It's just that it's not a combat puppet, it seems to be a puppet specially used to take care of medicine fields. 】

[You quickly scanned the ruins with your spiritual consciousness, but found no trace of the Soul-Gathering Flower. 】

[You are confused, you must know that such a strong aura requires at least thousands of spirit-gathering flowers to achieve it. 】

[But your consciousness finally discovered something unusual...]

[In front of the medicine field, there is a huge stone platform that is ten feet long, wide and high. 】

[This stone platform is simple and extraordinary, and the entire body seems to be made of some kind of rare ore. 】

[And on the stone platform is a huge bronze coffin three feet long and two feet wide. 】

[The bronze coffin is engraved with a lush green dragon. Under the green dragon's claws is a large forest, which looks full of vitality. 】

[Under the bronze coffin, there is a young dragon whose body is as white as jade but covered with black energy! 】

[Yes, this is the first time you have seen a creature like a mythical dragon. 】

[This white jade-like young dragon is three feet long...a camel head and antlers, a rabbit-eyed snake neck, and its body is covered with scales as white as jade...]

[Your consciousness swept over the young dragon, and the young dragon also sensed your arrival and let out bursts of grief. 】

[You are confused. In your perception, this does not seem to be a biological dragon of flesh and blood. 】

[You sense it carefully again and find that although this dragon has a weak aura, it is exuding amazing aura...]

[This kind of spiritual energy is even in the cave sky! 】

[A bold idea arises in your mind. You have seen a special creature called the Spirit Vein Dragon in ancient books...]

[It seems that the young dragon as white as jade in front of me is a spiritual creature gathered by spiritual veins...]

When Su Xing saw this, his eyes were filled with shock and joy.

Memories flashed through my mind.

He had seen an introduction about the Spiritual Vein Dragon in Luotian Sect's Sutra Collection Pavilion.

Spirit stones are collected from spiritual veins, and spiritual veins are limited...

Spiritual stones are divided into four categories: low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade, and spiritual veins are naturally divided into these four grades.

Rumor has it that when the spiritual energy of the best spiritual veins reaches a certain level, a creature called the spiritual vein dragon will be born!
Wherever the spiritual dragon is, spiritual power is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

It is a treasure that countless monks dream of!

If you can get the favor of a spiritual dragon, you will have inexhaustible spiritual stones, and you will surely rise to the top.

And in another rumor.

According to legend, there were nine extremely powerful spiritual dragons in the Three Thousand Worlds. These nine spiritual dragons continuously delivered spiritual power to the entire world.

The reason for the great end of heaven and earth and the exhaustion of spiritual energy is the disappearance of the nine spiritual dragons...

Countless memory fragments flashed through my waking mind at this moment.

Even though his mind had passed through the five levels of spiritual transformation with awakening, he couldn't help but burst out with greed at this moment, and his eyes were red.

This is a spiritual dragon!
Even if it's just a young dragon, even if it's languid, even if it's wrapped in black energy.

But waking up and getting the spirit dragon is equivalent to getting a supreme treasure in the world!

The Immortal Avenue is right in front of you!

Thinking of this, Su Xing's breathing couldn't help but become heavier.

Su Xing took a few long breaths before he managed to calm down the excitement in his heart.

After suppressing the greed in his heart, Su Xing couldn't help but raise a doubt.

"Why is there a rumored creature like the spirit dragon appearing in the ruins of this ancient tomb?"

Su Xing doesn't understand, this is a spiritual dragon!
With this thing in mind, why is the world in the Immortal Martial Era still depleted of spiritual energy and heading toward the end of the Dharma?

With such curiosity, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Just when you are shocked by the shocking treasure hidden in the formation, the puppets of the living dead have already arrived behind you. 】

[Looking at the living dead puppet that is approaching you, you quickly activate your elemental power to stop it. 】

【The war is about to break out! 】

[You have fought fiercely with the living dead puppets for hundreds of rounds, which consumes a lot of energy. 】

[As for the living dead puppet in front of him, his offensive gradually weakened, and he seemed to be seriously injured. 】

[If this continues, you have no chance of consuming this living dead puppet to death. 】

[So while fighting with the living dead puppets, you observe everything in this treasure land, hoping to explore its secrets. 】

[After thinking hard, you look at the huge bronze sarcophagus on the stone platform. 】

[For some reason, except for the first glance, you can't help but ignore this bronze sarcophagus, as if it doesn't exist in the first place. 】

[This makes you even more convinced that there is definitely a greater secret hidden in this sarcophagus. 】

[So you repel the living dead puppet with one move and rush towards the bronze sarcophagus! 】

[Seeing you approaching the bronze sarcophagus, the living dead puppet is trying desperately to stop you like crazy. 】

[After fighting for more than ten rounds, you are already seriously injured. 】

[But you still endured the heavy blow from the living dead puppet. Your energy wrapped around your fists and blasted towards the bronze sarcophagus with all your strength. 】

[Boom boom boom! 】

[For a moment, the entire ruins tomb was shaking violently. 】

[And you were severely injured by the living dead puppet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. 】

[The bronze sarcophagus only shook violently a few times, and then returned to calm. 】

[You were unwilling to accept it, so you entangled your energy again and violently bombarded the bronze sarcophagus. 】

[During this period, you were also injured several times, and even your protective aura was shattered by the living dead puppet. 】

[Your breath became weak, just when you thought you were about to die...]

[A surprising momentum suddenly came from the bronze sarcophagus, and an old voice with the aura of countless years came. 】

[Who dares to disturb my deep sleep? 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked shocked when he saw this.

"A real person...how can it be a real person?"

Su Xing murmured.

It should be noted that even monks in the Return to Void Stage cannot claim to be real people.

Only when you reach the integration stage can you be called a real person.

And Mahayana monks are called true kings!
"What's sleeping in this bronze sarcophagus is actually a great power in the integration stage?"

Su Xing was in disbelief.

A monk who transforms into a god has a lifespan of a thousand years, and a monk who returns to the void has a lifespan of three thousand years.

A combined monk has a life span of six thousand years... A Mahayana monk has a life span of ten thousand years!

This is only the minimum life span for a monk in this realm.A monk who transforms into gods can live for 1000 years even if he does nothing.

But if you take various life-extending elixirs during this period.

Like a fusion monk, it is not difficult to live for 8000 to [-] years.

"Doesn't this mean that...the owner of this bronze coffin is a monk in the integration stage who has lived for seven to eight thousand years?"

When I woke up, I felt a little heavy.

If he is really a monk in the Fusion Stage, and wakes up and breaks into the ruins of the ancient tomb, disturbing his sleep, he will probably die...

Look at the simulation panel.

[You widened your eyes and looked at the figure walking out of the bronze coffin. 】

[Just the aura and coercion emanating from your body will make you unable to resist. 】

[I saw a young man slowly walking out of the bronze coffin. He was wearing a blue robe and had an extraordinary temperament. 】

[However, you feel a trace of decay and age in this young man, and you are even not sure whether this young man is still alive...]

[This aura is somewhat similar to the living dead puppet, but not exactly the same. 】

[You know that you cannot judge the age of a monk based on his appearance. 】

[Because monks in the Nascent Soul stage are already young forever, and their appearance will not age rapidly until their lifespan is over. 】

[And there are some monks who are very good at keeping their appearance. Even if they live for thousands of years, they may still look like a child. 】

[You look at the powerful monk in front of you who claims to be a real person, and he looks at you quietly. 】

[Surprisingly, when the young man woke up, the living dead puppet stood quietly aside and stopped moving. 】

[This makes you more certain that this real person is probably the owner of this ancient tomb ruins. 】

[The Qingpao Master looked at you quietly, and you seemed to feel that everything in your soul was being penetrated by him. 】

[Then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. He saw that you practiced Changchun Gong, so he asked you if you were a monk of Wanmu Sect, and what year it was now. 】

[To save your life, you can only tell the truth. 】

[The Qingpao Master was silent for a moment after hearing this, not knowing what he was thinking. 】

[But then, he discovered the spirit dragon suppressed by the bronze coffin, with ecstasy and greed in his eyes. 】

[He shouted before: Hahaha~ I didn’t expect that I, Master Wanmu, sacrificed the world’s spiritual veins, suppressed it with my body, and actually catalyzed the creation of a young spiritual dragon! 】

[But before he smiled for a while, he discovered the layer of black energy wrapped around the young dragon's body. 】

[Then his expression changed drastically, and he seemed to have noticed the changes in himself. 】

[Rage, hatred, resistance, dissatisfaction...all kinds of complex emotions appeared on Wanmu Zhenren's face in an instant. 】

[Then he looked at you, with a hint of hatred in his eyes. 】

[He didn’t say much, he just waved his hand gently and crushed your body...]

[Then it swallows your soul in one bite. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Activate your talent with an eye to the end. 】

[You saw the confused look on the monk who called himself Wanmu Zhenren, and seemed to be mumbling to himself...]

[Through lip reading, you can tell what he is talking about: Why is there something wrong with Huang Quan Dan, why does he become a living dead... Only by swallowing the living soul can we continue to live...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned and didn't know what he was thinking about.

In this simulation, we explored the ruins and ancient tombs, and we really discovered a shocking secret!
"The treasures in the ruins of this ancient tomb are really amazing...the elixirs in those acres of spiritual fields..."

"Or maybe it's that dragon-shaped spiritual vein in its infancy! If you can get it... there's hope for immortality and becoming an immortal!"

Su Xing couldn't help but get excited.

But then he frowned. With Su Xing's current strength, it was really unrealistic to get the treasure in that ruins.

After all, there is a real person sleeping there!
"Is the green-robed monk... really a real-life strong man?"

Su Xing sighed in his heart, even the monks in the integration stage will eventually reach the end of their lifespan if they cannot break through.

"This time, the information brought out by the talent of not closing one's eyes is not unimportant..."

Su Xing murmured softly.

"The reason why the copy of the Immortal Martial Era is depleted of spiritual energy is probably because it condensed the world's spiritual veins into a dragon-shaped spiritual vein... in order to achieve a breakthrough, right?"

"However... Master Wan Mu seems to have failed. He clearly took Huang Quan Dan, but because of something went wrong, he became a living dead. In this way, his vitality will eventually dissipate and he will become a puppet who has lost his consciousness..."

"Under such a huge blow, I'm afraid Wanmu Zhenren's Taoist heart will collapse... and eventually become a demon cultivator, right?"

Based on the information from this simulation, Su Xing roughly inferred what happened in the Xianwu Era copy two or three thousand years ago.

The old dog's diary also recorded that about 2000 years ago, the spiritual energy in the Immortal Martial Age was rapidly drying up, and there was no hope for monks to be born.

I'm afraid that Master Wanmu had already taken away the spiritual veins of the world at that time, so the spiritual energy of the world was decreasing day by day, so the old dog of Zong was also broken and fell into a deep sleep, right?

"So... the depletion of spiritual energy in the world was caused by Master Wan Mu?"

Su Xing murmured and shook his head slightly.

Based on the available information, it cannot be inferred.

Perhaps it was Master Wanmu who caused it...

Or maybe it was because of the decline of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that Zhenren Wanmu had no hope of breakthrough. Fortunately, he seized the spiritual veins of the world and fell into a deep sleep in order to achieve a breakthrough.

The specific process of awakening is unknown.

"But... that dragon-shaped spiritual vein, I'm afraid even the immortals are jealous of it, right?"

There was a look of desire in Su Xing's eyes.

Although he is not strong enough to obtain the dragon-shaped spiritual vein now, when the time comes, Su Xing will definitely try to conquer this spiritual dragon!
"After all, it's still not strong enough!"

"With my current strength, although it is not far from the Shattering Void Realm... but it is only defensive enough, and the pure attack power is still insufficient."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the reward on the simulation panel.

[Wood and Fire Dual System Spirit Root]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, priced at 50 energy.

[Experiences of Yuanli Cultivation (Dacheng Level)]: The mastery of Yuanli has entered the third stage of Dacheng. The seed of spiritual power is bred in the body. Yuanli is endless and is not far from perfection. It is sold for 5000 million energy.

[100 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 1 million energy.

[Body-protecting Gangqi (Dacheng level)]: Yuanli magical power, Dacheng-level body-protecting Gangqi, within three feet of Gangqi, nothing can invade, and the Gangqi is not broken, then people are not in danger.The price is 5000 million simulated energy.

[Wishful thinking concept (entry level)]: Contains the understanding of wishful thinking concept, the range of spiritual consciousness has been increased to 2900 feet (five senses realm), not far from the realm of spiritual consciousness, and the price is [-] million energy.

Looking at the simulation options in front of him, Su Xing fell into deep thought.

It has to be said that the reward for this simulation is the most generous one since Awakening.

Whether it is Yuanli magical power, Yuanli or divine consciousness...even talents are top rewards.

"In terms of cost-effectiveness, this Dacheng-level Yuanli experience is a must-have!"

"After all, the accidental enlightenment was triggered in this simulation. I am afraid that the mastery of Yuanli is not far from the third stage of perfection..."

The three days of enlightenment in this simulation were equivalent to giving Su Xing an extra 30 years of practice.

Su Xing is confident that in the next simulation, he should be able to completely master Yuan Power to the third stage of perfection!
"As for the other options...spiritual consciousness, spiritual power, or talent, I seem to want them all!"

Su Xing hesitated for a moment, and after thinking carefully for a while, he decided to choose the spiritual root talent.

After all, this is the rumored Tianling Root!Awakening is a must!

If you don’t choose this time, you will definitely need to spend energy to draw out the prize pool in the next simulation, and then you will have to spend millions or even tens of millions more energy.

And if you get to enjoy it early, you might gain something when you wake up and break through to the Void-Breaking Realm.

As for the body-protecting Gangqi, after awakening and now mastering Yuanli, he has the seeds of Yuanli in his body and can use Yuanli magical powers for a longer period of time.

In this way, it will be easier to practice the body-protecting Gangqi next time, and you can practice it to the Dacheng level at the beginning. If you are lucky and have an epiphany, you might be able to reach perfection directly!
As for spiritual consciousness... To be honest, Su Xing is a little reluctant.

He just needs to work harder, and maybe his spiritual consciousness will break through.

At that time, new changes may occur and we may enter the next realm of spiritual consciousness.

"Entering the Subtle Realm of Divine Consciousness... I'm really looking forward to it..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, and then said silently:

"I choose the third stage of Yuanli Dacheng, as well as the natural wood and fire dual-system Heavenly Spiritual Root!"

As he finished speaking, the simulator prompt sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the results of Yuanli cultivation (external release level achievement), spending 5000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the purple talent wood and fire dual-system Tianling Root, spending 100 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5 million points. 】

(End of this chapter)

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