Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 170: The awakened little target points at the Void-breaking Realm!

Chapter 170: The awakened little target points at the Void-breaking Realm! (5k)

As the simulator prompts fell, some mysterious changes occurred in the waking body...

The first is the change of spiritual roots.

Su Xing can feel that his sense of the surrounding aura has become more sensitive.

With just a little movement, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged crazily towards the awakening dantian.

This speed is at least three times the original speed!
In addition to absorbing spiritual power and practicing faster, the recovery speed after the awakening spiritual power is exhausted is also greatly increased.

"Hiss...is this the strength of Tianlinggen?"

Su Xing was shocked.

No wonder the quality of spiritual roots determines how far a monk can go.

Compared with the Heavenly Spiritual Root and the Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Root, the cultivation speed is probably a hundred times different!
One year of practice is equivalent to 100 years for you...

How can this be compared to others?
Su Xing still doesn't know enough about the wonders of Tianling Root.

After all, his cultivation has been stuck in the Great Perfection of the Divine Transformation Stage.

Only after the breakthrough enters the void return stage, the strength of Tianlinggen will be truly reflected.

In addition to the improvement of spiritual roots, what Su Xing then sensed was the change in the energy within his body.

Looking inwards with his spiritual consciousness, Su Xing sensed that a seed was slowly planted in his Dantian.

It is the seed of Yuanli!

Yuanli is like a trickle, constantly flowing out from the Yuanli seed, nourishing the awakened physical body and Yuanli.

Then, within just a few breaths, the awakened Yuan Power Seed underwent tremendous changes.

From an originally weak seed, the size and aura became several times more powerful in a short period of time!
The trickling stream that was originally there has also grown several times thicker in a short period of time, and the energy replenishment speed has increased by an unknown amount.

After Su Xing realized it carefully, a look of understanding appeared on his face.

"No wonder, even though I had the ability to release Yuan Li before... Although my combat power is strong, it cannot last long."

"As for ordinary monks in the god-transformation and divine-power stages, a battle lasts for several days... How can such Yuan Power be able to withstand it?"

"But now...with this seed of Yuanli, even if we fight fiercely for several hours, our Yuanli will not be exhausted..."

"If we only save some energy in the battle and only use Yuan Power at critical moments, it will probably be enough to continue fighting for several days, right?"

Su Xing's face was a little surprised.

The birth of this seed of Yuanli increased his overall strength by more than [-]%!
The continuous combat capability to maintain maximum combat power has at least increased several times!
Su Xing was alone in the Lingtian Cave again. After sensing the improvement in strength, he began to plan his next simulation target.

"Based on my current cultivation progress, the difficulty of entering the Void-Breaking Stage is definitely lower than that of the Void-Returning Stage..."

"I have now reached the third stage of my Yuan Power, and I am not far away from perfection... In the next simulation, I will definitely be able to practice to perfection!"

"And the magical body-protecting gas has been completed...at least it will be completed in the next simulation..."

"At that time, we should be able to try to break through to the Void-Breaking Realm, right?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little excited.

The three major elements of divine power entering the void are the Dzogchen Realm of Divine Power, the third stage of Yuan Power, and the ultimate place.

Not only did he achieve all the awakenings, but he also learned an additional magical power of body protection.

In this way, the probability of breaking through to the broken void realm is extremely high!
"The only question is... with my current strength, can I withstand the pressure in the stomach of the giant beast?"

He didn't know how to wake up, but he was ready to give it a try.

After planning the goals for the next simulation, Su Xing began to refine elixirs, take care of the spiritual fields, and collect spiritual fluids on a daily basis.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Xing refined four thousand elixirs and prepared to meet Jin Congxue in the villa.

Su Xing first disguised himself to calm down, and then used his spiritual consciousness to scan around the villa. After making sure that no one was watching, Su Xing entered the villa.

After seeing Xing Xing's appearance, Jin Congxue was stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and joked:
"Hey, big boss, you are so cautious!"

Su Xing touched his nose in embarrassment and said nothing, but it was always right to be cautious.

The two began to taste the food prepared in advance.

After they had had enough wine and food, Jin Congxue got down to business.

"By the way, the spiritual rice plan has been implemented... I reported this spiritual rice to my grandpa... um, a powerful Martial Emperor in the Great Xia military."

"After knowing the magical uses of spiritual rice, the Daxia Army sent people to negotiate with me, hoping to tell them the coordinates of the copy where the spiritual rice is produced."

"But I didn't agree. I said that the annual output of this spiritual rice is 200 million jins. Our Tarot Club is willing to give all of the year's spiritual rice output to the Daxia military, but..."

"As a reward, I need the contract mining rights for six copies of the mining area!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Isn't it a copy of the four mining areas?Why did it become a six-seater?
Jin Congxue said:

"Of course... Daxia's military naturally did not agree. After some bargaining, the number of dungeons in the mining area was finally set at four, which is considered to have reached our expected goal."

Speaking of this, Jin Congxue's eyes flashed with a cunning look, as cute as a little fox who succeeded in his scheme.

Su Xing couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

Is the transaction between the top chamber of commerce and the officialdom like bargaining at the wet market?

Su Xing then asked:

"So, our matter is settled, the Tarot Club has four more mining area dungeons?"

Jin Congxue nodded and said:

"Yes, there are four mining area dungeons, and they are all first-level mining areas!"

"Now that the procedures have been handed over, we are recruiting mining manpower... In as little as seven days, as long as two weeks, we can have a stable output of exotic metals!"

"Of course, as a price, we have to pay 200 million kilograms of spiritual rice to the Daxia military every year."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. This little spiritual rice was nothing, as long as the mining area copy could be put into production as soon as possible.

After talking about business, Su Xing and Jin Congxue chatted for a while.

Then Su Xing handed this week's four thousand pills to Jin Congxue and also took away the new week's goods.

After leaving the villa, Su Xing walked around the city of Kyoto.

After confirming that no one was following him, Su Xing changed his appearance in a hidden corner and changed into his own appearance again.

After waking up and returning to the school dormitory, he skillfully entered the blessed land of Lingtian.

First, the new week's goods were exchanged for simulated energy, and the awakened energy surged by 3000 million again.

Came to 500 million.

In the new era, August 2024, 8, Su Xing started a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4800 energy points, with 5 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent, Immortality Seed! 】

[Immortality Seed]: Purple talent, you have a special bloodline, and your life span is twice that of ordinary monks. (ps: Just wait and watch me beat everyone to death!)
After Su Xing saw this new purple talent, his eyes almost fell off.

This immortality talent is indeed abnormally strong!
If a Mahayana monk has this talent, his lifespan will be doubled!
A life span of 1 years directly turns into 2 years!

Darling, this is definitely the talent that all monks dream of...

But the problem is, there’s no need to wake up!
Not to mention his current cultivation level in the Divine Transformation Stage, he could have lived for a thousand years.

But 25 years later, when aliens come, he will be less than 50 years old...

Not even one-twentieth survived...

This talent is indeed useless to Su Xing.

"Hey, how wonderful would it be if this were a world of immortal cultivation without threats?"

"With this talent alone, I can survive until the end of time in the world of immortality..."

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

"Set a small goal for this simulation and break through to the Void-Breaking Realm!"

[In Lingtian Blessed Land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You start to practice your daily energy and magical power to protect your body. 】【Because of the seed of Yuanli, you can practice magical powers for up to five hours every day. 】

[Under the high-intensity practice of magical powers, your understanding of body-protecting Gangqi is increasing day by day. 】

[A week has passed very quickly, and Jin Congxue tells you that mining in the dungeon mining area has officially begun, and from now on, we can provide you with exotic metals every week. 】

[You breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but your mind was not on it. 】

[After confirming that the foreign metal can be produced normally, you are ready to go to the Advent Sect. 】

[You went to Shuangqing City, suppressed your consciousness a little, and then began to seduce the old dog of Zong to appear. 】

[Sure enough, Zong Laogou showed up successfully a few days later. He treated you with respect, as if you were a senior. 】

[You naturally pretended to be a senior expert, so you joined the Advent Sect under the recommendation of Zong Laogou. 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, you and Zong Laogou appeared to be brothers, but in fact, you have collected a lot of medicinal materials through Luo Shuying. 】

[So you stay in the Advent Sect with peace of mind, refining elixirs and practicing Yuanli magical powers. 】

[Two years passed quickly. 】

[In the third year, you refined a total of more than [-] elixirs and collected most of the medicinal materials in the Advent Sect's treasure house. 】

[You thought the time was ripe, so you decided to betray Adventism with Luo Shuying. 】

[After your defection, you were pursued by the Advent Cult. 】

[But because of the protection of the Daxia military, you are very safe...but the old dog Zong is unlucky...]

[After joining the Daxia military, you still maintained the daily alchemy and cultivation time, and two years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the fifth year, you refined all the medicinal materials over the years into elixirs, adding many strong men to Daxia. 】

[At the same time, you have also accumulated seventy days of "great wisdom", ready to be used in the cultivation of Yuanli. 】

[You have a clear goal for this simulation. You have decided to specialize in the cultivation of Yuanli and temporarily give up the training of spiritual consciousness and the practice of visualization. 】

[In the sixth year, as you practice for five hours every day, your mastery of the body-protecting Qi will become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[You occasionally use the "Great Wisdom Talent" when practicing magical powers, which makes your practice much faster than before. 】

[During the boring practice, another two years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the eighth year, one day you felt a familiar scent. It turned out to be the escaped Zong Laogou, hiding near Kyoto City. 】

[You did not hesitate and quickly launched a sneak attack on Zong Laogou. 】

[Zong Laogou escaped the sneak attack. He knew he was no match for you, so he started running for his life. 】

[You spent three days chasing him, but unfortunately Zong Laogou's storage magic weapon was destroyed and you couldn't get his inheritance. 】

[After killing Zong Laogou, you returned to your usual peaceful practice. 】

[In the ninth year, because you can only practice Yuanli magical power for five hours a day, you will have more energy to spend with your family and friends. 】

[Occasionally when the battle situation in the Demon Suppressing Pass is tense, you will enter the Demon Suppressing Pass and kill some enemies. 】

[In the tenth year, one day after you practice Yuanli magical power, you have nothing to do and prepare to go to the Demon Suppression Pass to kill the enemy. 】

[I happened to encounter a demon king rushing towards the city. 】

[You didn’t hesitate, Yuanli wrapped around Mo Bingjian, and then slashed out with one sword! 】

[This sword directly cut the Demon Emperor in half. You collected the flesh and blood essence of the Demon Emperor and began to check the injuries of the surrounding soldiers. 】

[You are surprised to find that among the soldiers who were attacked just now, there is actually your good brother Yu Yan! 】

[We haven’t seen each other for more than ten years. Not only did Yu Yan not die in the Demon Suppression Pass, he even broke through and became a king-level powerhouse! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Sure enough, Fatty Yu won't die so easily!"

"Ten years later, he will still be alive in the Demon Suppression Pass, so I feel relieved..."

Su Xing sighed with emotion.

It has been more than a month since their graduation.

Yu Yan also successfully joined the Zhenyao Pass and fought for the Daxia military.

During this period of time, Su Xing would occasionally contact Yu Yan. After experiencing the hard work on the battlefield, Su Xing could clearly feel that Yu Yan had become much calmer.

Previously, Su Xing also sponsored the soldiers of Zhenyao Pass through Jin Congxue in the name of Jin's Trading Company.

Among them, Yu Yan was given several pieces of purple epic equipment.

Yu Yan was one of his few friends, so Su Xing naturally didn't want to see anything happen to him.

Therefore, if you can help, help. These pieces of purple equipment can greatly improve Yu Yan's survivability.

"Speaking of which...at this time next year, my little sister will also graduate, right?"

Su Xing sighed. Over the past year, Su Xing had been busy simulating and improving his strength, and he didn't even go back during the holidays.

Su Xiaomei also studied at a top university in the south. Su Xing is now rich and occasionally transfers some money to Su Xiaomei.

Jin's Trading Company has a large sphere of influence in the south.

Therefore, Su Xing even asked Jin's Trading Company to hire Su Xiaomei to perform some safe tasks, but the rewards were generous.

This made Su Xiaomei's strength grow much faster.

Recalling everything in the past, Su Xing's eyes looked a little complicated.

How could he not want to be with his family and friends every day?

But the end of the world is like a big mountain pressing on Su Xing's heart.

What Su Xing thought about was that as long as he cultivated and became an immortal, he would be strong enough.

When the time comes, let alone letting your parents and family accompany you for a hundred years, why not let them accompany you for a thousand or ten thousand years?
Thinking this way, Su Xing's desire to seek the truth became more determined, and he looked at the simulation panel.

[After rescuing Yu Yan, you began to observe the situation on the battlefield. 】

[Unsurprisingly, although the human race has gained many strong men in recent years because of you, they are still far behind compared to the powerful alien races. 】

[In most cases, the human race can only rely on this majestic demon-suppressing pass to resist the invasion of demonic beasts. 】

[You see all this in your eyes and just practice harder. 】

[No. 11, you still maintain the practice of Yuanli. Even with the existence of the Yuanli seed, you can only practice Yuanli for five hours a day. 】

[In the remaining time, you will kill enemies in the Demon Suppression Pass to reduce the losses of the human race. 】

[Even if you know it is a simulation, you cannot sit back and watch your friends and compatriots die tragically in front of you. 】

[You have killed many Demon Emperors, but now the Demon Emperor’s flesh and blood essence is of little use to you. 】

[So you start to study whether the essence of the Demon King’s flesh and blood can enhance the strength of human professionals. 】

[According to your research, after taking the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence, ordinary human beings’ strength only increases slightly because they are unable to digest the energy in the flesh and blood essence. 】

[So you try to research and make elixirs from the essence of flesh and blood, hoping to enhance the strength of the human race in this way. 】

[In Year No. 12, you practice every day and study the medicinal properties of flesh and blood essence in your spare time. 】

[According to the description in Lihuo Alchemy, there is an elixir called Rebirth Pill, which is only of low quality. 】

[The medicinal effect can make up for the inherent deficiencies of the Qi Refiner. Even a person with a weak body can greatly increase his physical fitness after taking multiple Rebirth Pills, even comparable to a monk in the early stages of body refining. 】

[The main content of the Rebirth Pill is some precious flesh and blood of spiritual pets, because it contains the essence of life. 】

[According to your opinion, if the main medicine is slightly improved, the effect of the essence of monster flesh and blood may be better. 】

[So you practice and try to refine new elixirs over and over again. 】

[In No. 12, you made a small breakthrough in the cultivation of body-protecting Gangqi, and you are not far away from reaching the Dacheng level. 】

[In the same year, your research on the Rebirth Pill went a step further. You initially used the essence of the Demon King’s flesh and blood as the main medicine, and found that although its effect was outstanding, its effect was too violent and had many side effects. 】

[You didn’t use human subjects for experiments, you just caught some monsters in the dungeon to try. 】

[You find that some monsters have increased in strength after taking the elixir, but some monsters also exploded and died. 】

[You are not satisfied with this result. After practicing every day, you try to improve the elixir recipe. 】

[In No. 13, your magical power and body-protecting aura are getting closer and closer to the Dacheng level. 】

[At the same time, after your many improvements, the side effects and instability of this rebirth pill have been greatly reduced, but it is not yet to the point where it can be used on professionals. 】

[In the midst of daily arduous practice and countless improvements to the medicine, two years passed slowly. 】

[No.15, on a sunny afternoon, after years of hard training, your magical power and body-protecting aura finally reached the level of Dacheng! 】

[At the same time, your mastery of Yuanli is getting closer and closer, and you are not far from the third stage of perfection. 】

[In the same year, you finally refined the Rebirth Pill, which is so powerful that it is even comparable to middle-grade pills! 】

(End of this chapter)

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