Chapter 172 The first extreme trial, the body of thunder! (5k)

[You didn’t resist, you just silently activated the Yuanli Armor and supported the body-protecting Qi. 】

[You followed an entire continent and entered the stomach of the giant beast. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his whole heart became excited.

Whether you can break the limit and step into the realm of breaking the void depends on this time!

Look at the simulation panel.

[As the world spins, the surrounding mountains, rocks, vegetation, houses and continents are quickly dissipating. 】

[You watched the lives disappear in front of you, but you couldn't resist at all. 】

[You try your best to maintain the body-protecting aura and resist the space turbulence that may appear at any time. 】

[Soon, with the frequent explosions and space turbulence in the surroundings, all continents and life disappeared one after another. 】

[A powerful suction force sucks you deeper into the beast’s stomach. 】

[Like a small black hole, it is devouring everything around it crazily. 】

[You reluctantly adjust your position to prevent yourself from being sucked away by the black hole. 】

[Gradually, not only the rocks, water, and life are dissipating, but even the air is disappearing rapidly. 】

[The entire space has turned into an almost vacuum state. 】

[Because of the turbulent fluctuations in space, you cannot enter Lingtian Cave to replenish oxygen. 】

[You can only keep breathing by dissipating your own spiritual energy and the powerful lung power of the body-refining monk. 】

[I don’t know how long it took, but the surrounding environment became worse and worse. 】

[Almost all matter visible to the naked eye has turned into nothingness, and in the dark, empty space, only you are left to be supported by life. 】

[A feeling of loneliness and loneliness arises spontaneously. 】

[But fortunately, you have a firm heart and are still gritting your teeth and persevering. 】

[After a while, you can begin to see the faintly visible wreckage of the world in the turbulent flow of space. 】

[Those are small worlds (dungeons) that turned into world fragments with the destruction of Blue Star. 】

[You dare not get close to those world fragments, because you know that the terrifying destructive power, even if you are a Shattering Void Realm monk, has no power to resist it. 】

[You start to look for the limit of what you can resist. 】

[In such a harsh environment, there is almost no oxygen, and it is no longer suitable for carbon-based organisms to survive. 】

[But as a monk in the transformation stage, you rely on the protective aura to isolate the inside and outside, but this is not enough to push you to the limit. 】

[Finally, you saw the collision of two world fragments. As the power of space fluctuated, like two dark clouds colliding, a dazzling light and terrifying thunder erupted. 】

[You remembered what Niu Rulie told you, the power of thunder is also a way to break limits! 】

[And the thunder in front of me is obviously far beyond the power of ordinary thunder. 】

[But you don’t dare to try rashly, you can only look for some smaller world fragments. After they collide and generate thunder, you will approach the edge of the thunder area. 】

[Boom boom boom! 】

[The terrifying thunder strikes towards your body, and just one blow makes the body-protecting Qi almost unstable. 】

[You quickly mobilize your energy with all your strength to maintain the stability of the body-protecting gas. 】

[At the same time, a ray of thunder power hit your body. 】

[This is not an ordinary thunder, but a thunder that contains a hint of the law of thunder! 】

[You grit your teeth and persist, feeling great pain coming from your body. 】

[You can feel that your body is slowly approaching its limit. 】

[You calmed down for a while, then re-adjusted your state, mobilized the body-protecting Qi, and approached the next thunder area. 】

[You step into the thunder area again and again, and use thunder to temper your body again and again. 】

[After a few times, you feel that your body's strength is changing, and you are approaching your limit again and again. 】

[But at the same time, the energy in your body is also being consumed violently. 】

[The body-protecting qi was shattered several times during this process, and you can only use your elemental power to re-condensate the body-protecting qi. 】

[This consumes a lot of your energy. 】

[Seeing that the recovery speed of Yuanli is far less than the speed of consumption, you grit your teeth and decide to step into the thunder zone again. 】

[Because you know that only a truly desperate situation can break the limit and allow you to enter the realm of breaking the void. 】

[In this way, you have stepped into the thunder zone a few more times. In the process, your body not only approached the limit, but also awakened a trace of thunder power. 】

[You are pleasantly surprised and vaguely feel that this power of thunder will be of great benefit to your future development. 】

[As you continue to use thunder to temper yourself, you feel that the originally smaller thunder area around you has completely dissipated. 】

[There are only some slightly larger thunder areas left, and you hesitate in your heart. 】

[Because in those medium-sized thunder areas, the power of thunder is more terrifying, and you are not sure that you can completely resist it. 】

[You are torn in your mind, whether to continue looking for a breakthrough in the small thunder area, or to step into the medium-sized area and obtain more thunder gains during the breakthrough process. 】

[You finally choose to give it a try! 】

[You stepped into the medium-sized thunder area, and you felt the thunder beside you that was like the power to destroy the world! 】

【boom! 】

[The power of thunder hit your body-protecting aura. Just one blow almost shattered the body-protecting aura. 】

[You are shocked in your heart, but you want to digest this thunder power as quickly as possible before the next thunder power arrives. 】

[In the medium-sized thunder area, thunder contains more power of law. You know that the power of law is a terrifying force that you cannot touch at this stage. 】

[So you should seize this opportunity and try to improve yourself. 】

[You endure the pain and let the power of thunder continue to temper your body, stepping towards the limit step by step. 】

[But at this moment, another thunderbolt hits you...]

【boom! 】

[After a flash of lightning and flint, your protective aura was completely shattered. 】

[Without enough time to support the next wave of body-protecting energy, your body was annihilated by the endless thunder. 】

[Together with the soul, it was also annihilated by the power of law...]

【you are dead! 】

[This simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing felt a little disappointed.

"Unexpectedly, it failed..."

In just a few minutes, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him with almost fear.

In the process of breaking the limit, Su Xing successfully withstood the previous rounds of thunder baptism by relying on his tyrannical energy and supernatural power to protect his body.

The physical body continues to break through and is constantly approaching its own limit.

I even got a trace of precious thunder power...

But later, Su Xing chose to challenge himself further and went to a more powerful thunder and lightning area. Unexpectedly, he was directly annihilated by the thunder and fell short...

Su Xing was silent for a moment, asking himself questions in his mind.

If it were to happen again, would he still enter the medium-sized thunder area and accept the baptism of stronger thunder power?
Or... follow the steps and then look for a small thunder area to break the limit and break through to the Void-Breaking Realm?

"I think if I had to do it again... I would still choose the powerful thunder and lightning area and accept the baptism!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with determination.

The path of spiritual cultivation is essentially a struggle with heaven.

If you keep tending to mediocrity, you will eventually stop moving forward and be submerged in the torrent of time.

"Obviously, accepting the baptism of thunder in a small thunder and lightning area... although it can also become a Poxu, the benefits gained will definitely not be as much as that of a medium-sized thunder!"

"And what I want is to be the strongest!"

Su Xing knew very well in his heart that the Law of Thunder was such a precious power.

The power of law is a mysterious power that only immortals can access.

It is a great opportunity to awaken a young monk in the transformation stage and come into contact with the power of this law!
If you can really obtain the power of law, awakening will gain many benefits.

"It's a pity... My body-protecting Qi is only at the advanced level, and it's not enough to withstand two consecutive thunders that contain the power of the law..."

Su Xing sighed, even if the thunder and lightning only contained a trace of law, it was not something he could resist now.

"So, how can we withstand the power of two thunderbolts in a row?"

Wake up thinking.

The only way he can think of now is to further improve his body-protecting Qi and reach the perfection level!
The perfect-level body-protecting Qi, coupled with the third-stage Yuan Power of the perfect level, is already the limit of Awakening's current state.

"It's a pity. I thought I could succeed in one go..."

Su Xing sighed.

He still muttered about the terrifying and harsh extreme environment in the stomach space of the giant beast.

Ordinary Dzogchen monks in the realm of divine power can break the limit by actually releasing their Yuan Power and forming Yuan Power Armor.

Because their physical limits are lower, the place where they can make breakthroughs is much safer.

But with a solid foundation for awakening, a more extreme environment is needed to break one's own limits.

"If I can break the limit in such an extreme place, I am afraid that after breaking through to the Poxu stage, my combat power will be directly comparable to the monks in the middle stage of Poxu, or even the late stage of Poxu, right?" Su Xing felt some desire in his heart.

"Try again. This time I will directly cultivate the body-protecting Gangqi to the Great Perfection... If you still can't survive the continuous power of thunder... then I will settle for the next best thing..."

Su Xing thought so in his heart.

Look at the reward on the simulation panel.

[Immortal Seed]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, including insights into refining the middle-grade elixir Rebirth Pill (Perfect Level), priced at 500 million energy.

[Experiences of Yuanli Cultivation]: The external release level of Yuanli is the perfect level. After selection, the Yuanli seeds in the body will evolve greatly, and the Yuanli will be endless.The price is 5000 million energy.

[100 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 1 million energy.

[Body-protecting Gangqi (Dacheng level)]: Yuanli magical power, Dacheng-level body-protecting Gangqi, within three feet of Gangqi, nothing can invade, and the Gangqi is not broken, then people are not in danger, and the perfection of magical power is not far away. For sale The price is 5000 million simulated energy.

[Sky Thunder Body (Unfinished)]: After experiencing the baptism of sky thunder, the body is tempered by the law of thunder. The body contains the ultimate power of thunder. It is born with a strong sensitivity to the thunder element and has a probability of forming a mutated spiritual root, the thunder spirit root. The cultivation qualifications are slightly improved, the physical body is slightly improved, and the price is 5000 million energy.

After seeing the reward for this simulation, a ray of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

"The body of thunder!?"

"Could it be that this is the benefit I can get after experiencing the baptism of thunder?"

Su Xing was slightly excited and looked at the introduction of the Heavenly Thunder Body.

Sure enough, after experiencing the baptism of thunder, awakening will indeed have some additional gains.

"It can enhance the physical body and cultivation speed, as well as the affinity for the thunder element... and even be able to comprehend the thunder spirit root!"

Su Xing was shocked.

It should be noted that the spiritual roots of the five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Each of the five lines of spiritual roots has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is also the most common type of spiritual root.

But in addition to the five spiritual roots, there are also special spiritual roots, such as this thunder spirit root!

The most powerful thing about Leilingen is its ultimate destructive power!

Even higher than the Fire Spirit Root.

It can be said that if Awakening can obtain this thunder spirit root, his attack methods will be further improved.

In addition, Lei Linggen also has natural restraint against some evil spirits, ghosts and other creatures.

Even after awakening and becoming an immortal, if there is a chance, after possessing the Thunder Spirit Root, one can try to understand the Law of Thunder!

Thinking of this, Su Xing's breathing became a little rapid.

"It's just a pity that this is still an unfinished thunder spirit root... If it can survive the baptism of thunder in the medium-sized thunder zone, it will surely gain more power of the thunder law!"

"By then, you should be able to obtain the complete body of Heavenly Thunder, right?"

Su Xing murmured.

After waking up, he looked at the alchemy to understand his talent.

Obviously in this simulation, the awakening improvement can even be said to have optimized the Rebirth Pill.

Therefore, the proficiency in the Rebirth Pill has directly reached the perfection level!

"This rebirth elixir refining experience can be brought out in the future if there is a chance...but it is not needed yet..."

After thinking about it for a while, Su Xing said without hesitation:

"For this simulation, I chose Body Protecting Qi (Dacheng Level) and Yuanli Cultivation Experience!"

As he finished speaking, the simulator's beep sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the results of Yuanli cultivation, spending 5000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the body-protecting Qi (Dacheng level), spending 5000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 4 million points. 】

As the simulator beep sounded, two mysterious forces fell into Su Xing's body.

The first thing that changed was the elemental power seed in the awakening body.

The seeds of Yuanli that flow out continuously become more and more perfect in a few breaths.

The speed of the flow of Yuan Power more than doubled in an instant!
At the same time, Su Xing felt that his Yuan Power had also been sublimated at this moment.

More extreme destructive power, more powerful defense!
And more durable combat capabilities!
Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and silently experienced the subtle changes in the energy in his body.

"Integrating offense and defense...Yuanli is indeed the powerful foundation of a body-refining cultivator!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured.

Later, Su Xing began to realize the strength of his Dacheng-level body-protecting energy.

"It's strange...the toughness and defensive power of this body-protecting aura are more than twice as strong as before. Hasn't it reached the Dacheng level yet?"

Su Xing realized it carefully again.

Then he made a decision and murmured:

"My current body-protecting Qi is probably close to the perfect level... Unfortunately, it is only a little short of perfect... By then, I should be able to survive the power of thunder, right?"

Su Xing thought silently in his heart.

After feeling the improvement in strength, Su Xing threw himself non-stop into the life of the Liver Emperor in the new week.

Skillfully refine elixirs, collect spiritual fluids, and take care of spiritual fields.

Now, Su Xing has reclaimed almost all the [-] acres of spiritual land and has put it into reasonable use.

Most of the spiritual fields are planted with spiritual grains, which is close to [-] acres.

The rest are planted with elixirs such as Julinghua, Divine Power Vine, Ginseng, Huangxianjing, and Yangyuancao.

And because the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave is abundant, coupled with the blessing of the talents of the descendants of Shennong who have been awakened.

Su Xing has now harvested a small batch of elixir.

You can even try to refine elixirs such as Fu-Refining Pill, Yuan-Yuan Pill, and Divine Power Pill yourself.

"Tsk, tsk, if these Yang Yuan Pill and Fu Refining Pill were to appear in this world... I'm afraid it would cause a mad rush, right?"

"It's a pity that there will be too many unstable factors by then. Now that there is no shortage of simulation energy, we'd better wait..."

Su Xing murmured.

As for the divine pill... this is a powerful pill that can give birth to a powerful Martial Emperor!

A magical pill may cause vibrations in the entire Daxia market.

Before Su Xing has the strength to ignore any assassinations and dangers, he does not intend to let him appear in the world.

Soon he woke up and brought a new week's worth of elixirs. After regaining his breath in disguise, he went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue.

Today, Jin Congxue was wearing a light blue dress, which looked very girlish. With a face of pure desire, Su Xing couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"Hey, little pervert, where are you looking?"

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes, looking extremely charming for a moment.

"If you really want to watch it...come to see me tonight, I will let you watch as much as you like~"

After saying that, Jin Congxue hooked her hand seductively towards Su Xing.

As a vigorous young man, Su Xing took a big sip of iced Coke before he could calm down the excitement in his heart.

Su Xing kept giving hints to himself.

"Wake up, you have to resist the temptation! Our goal is to become stronger! Women will only affect the speed of drawing your sword!"

After brainwashing himself in this way, Su Xing said:
"Cough, next time definitely!"

Then he quickly changed the topic and said:

"By the way, how is the development of the mining area dungeon going?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue also talked about business and said:
"The manpower has been arranged and the development is almost complete!"

"Next week, new exotic metals should be available! The quantity will be more than three or four times more than before!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Su Xing left with the new week's goods.

After skillfully making several large circles nearby, and making sure no one was following him, he woke up and returned to the dormitory, entering the blessed land of Lingtian.

After converting the new week's goods into energy, the awakened simulated energy reached 800 million points!

On the afternoon of April 2024, 8 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"In this simulation, we must work hard to awaken the Heavenly Thunder Body and break through to the Void-Breaking Realm!"

Wake up and cheer yourself up.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 4900 energy points, with 4 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said decisively that although the goal this time was to reach the Void Breaking Stage, if he got a precious purple talent, Su Xing wouldn't mind taking it.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent and successfully learning from the master! 】

[Success Master]: With purple talent, your language has amazing artistry and appeal, which can often make others believe in you and even work for you without hesitation.Note: The consequences of this talent cannot be predicted. The specific effect depends on the target's strength, personality and the status gap between the two parties. Please use it with caution. (A certain success master: If anyone betrays me, give him 100 million, then those who will be loyal to me in the future will only be small targets! Listen to the applause!)
(End of this chapter)

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