Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 173 Miraculous talent, successfully learn from the master!

Chapter 173 Miraculous talent, successfully learn from the master! (First update)
"Master of success?"

Su Xing touched his chin after seeing this talent and murmured:
"Isn't this talent very interesting?"

"Co-authoring is just a master of deception...can he deceive the target?"

"I just don't know how effective this thing is? It depends on the target's strength and status..."

Su Xing couldn't figure out the specific effect of this talent for a while, so he was ready to try it in the simulation.

The target looks towards the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You left the Lingtian Cave and returned to the real world. 】

[You are ready to try the effect of successfully learning from the master. 】

[You are walking in school and randomly find a student on the road. You tell him that you are his long-lost mother. 】

[The classmate raised his head and looked at you with a look of doubt in his eyes. He scolded you for being sick, then turned and left. 】

[You are dissatisfied with the effect of the talent of Master of Success, so you are going to find two more targets to try. 】

[You choose another passing student, and this time you tell him that you are his long-lost half-brother. 】

[And you talked about it in a lot of details, from the old Wang next door putting a hat on his dad, to his mother being pregnant... to you being abandoned on a bench in the park...]

[You described the whole process in great detail, as if it really happened. 】

[In the end, this classmate believed it. He broke down emotionally and cried bitterly. He hugged your thigh and called you brother. 】

[Seeing more and more classmates watching around you, you quickly pretended to have something to do and left. 】

[In the next few months, a figure looking for his long-lost brother was seen in the school...]

[After fooling that classmate, you found a king-level teacher in the school. 】

[You tell him that his father passed away just now, and you came here specifically to report to him. 】

[From the cause of his father's death to the time of death, everything you said is true. 】

[In the end, the teacher burst into tears, thanked you and ran towards the principal's office. 】

[You will know later that the teacher’s father is a martial emperor-level powerhouse and one of the school’s vice-principals. 】

[So, you spent three days trying out the effects of the new talent. 】

[After a few days, the Tarot Club's mining area dungeon was successfully launched, and it can bring you a lot of exotic metals every week. 】

[After you are sure that there is no problem with the Tarot Chamber of Commerce, you are ready to join the Advent Cult. 】

When Su Xing saw this, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"So that's it. The master's talent of this cheating...successful learning is not omnipotent, and its implementation still requires many conditions."

"For example, at the beginning, the classmate I was looking for might only be a silver-gold-level student... but what I said was too outrageous, the gender was wrong, and the age gap was too big... This went against common sense, so he was seen through at a glance... "

After a pause, Su Xing analyzed again.

"However, after I explain the logic perfectly, the probability of success in cheating with Master's talent will be greatly increased!"

"Even if my long-lost brother and Emperor Wu's biological father died on the spot, some people will believe it based on one-sided words..."

"Hiss~ This success master really has something!"

Su Xing muttered. He felt that he had not fully developed the strengths of the successful master.

If so, the logic is very irrational... but Su Xing forces a logical situation, what will happen?

Su Xing suddenly felt that this talent became interesting.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You left Kyoto and went to Shuangqing City in Southwest Province. 】

[Afterwards, you suppressed your spiritual consciousness and enveloped the entire Shuangqing City, eventually leading to Zong Laogou. 】

[You told Zong Laogou that you were his long-lost father, and told the reason and process of the separation in detail, and expressed your sadness that you had been looking for him for thousands of years and finally found him. 】

[After Zong Laogou heard your words, a look of confusion appeared on his face, as if he was thinking carefully. 】

[After a long time, a smile appeared on his face and he said, senior, stop joking. 】

[Obviously, because the strength gap between the two sides is not big, and Zong Laogou is cautious by nature, the talent activation failed. 】

[After the activation failed, you were not embarrassed at all and joined the Advent Sect with Zong Laogou. 】

[After joining the Adventist Cult, you expressed in front of all the members that you had longed for the Adventist Cult and wanted to submit to the alien race for a long time. 】

[For this reason, you have traveled thousands of miles just to be able to serve the Advent Sect, and said that you will lead the Advent Sect to become more and more prosperous. 】

[Your speech lasted for three full days. Many members of the Adventist Church were moved by you and believed in your words. 】

[A church member even contacted you privately, hoping that you would form a fourth faction besides the "Natural Faction, Fanatic Faction, and Coexistence Faction". 】

[And he will lead the charge for you! 】

[What makes you even more unexpected is that there are not many such believers, there are even hundreds of people. 】

[Later, some faction leaders even came to you, hoping that you would serve as a protector, and said that their position would be yours sooner or later! 】

[You were amazed at the power of Master Chenggong’s talent, and found Luo Shuying in private. 】

[This time, you didn’t even say the code word and convinced Luo Shuying just by relying on the story. 】

[She completely believed in you and was touched by the countless times you traveled through the timeline to save the world. She hopes to do more for you. 】

[With Luo Shuying's help, you quickly collected a lot of medicinal materials. 】

[Then, you start refining elixirs on a daily basis, and practice magical powers and body-protecting energy every day. 】

[However, because of the outrageous performance of Master Chenggong, many followers came to see you privately, which made you upset and unable to practice with peace of mind. 】

[So you simply declare to the outside world that you are in seclusion, and you want to retreat to think about ways to lead Advent Sect to the peak. 】

[I didn’t expect that after you said this, the number of die-hard fans in the Advent Sect would instantly increase! 】

[Countless Adventist believers have deep faith in you and believe that under your leadership, the Adventist Church will reach glory and reach new heights! 】

[There are even many elder-level believers who regard you as their target faith and work hard towards you. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing had an increasingly weird look on his face.

"Tsk tsk...Are the followers of Advent Sect all lacking in brains?"

"So easily deceived?"

Su Xing thought for a while and felt that there might be something wrong with his brain if he could become a traitor to the human race.

Coupled with the fact that these people need spiritual sustenance on a daily basis to hypnotize themselves into betraying the human race?

So with the addition of many factors, the bonus of the awakening success master is extraordinarily high?
Su Xing nodded slightly, feeling that that was almost it.

"I just don't know, if I betray Adventism... how will these believers react?"

Su Xing thought it must be interesting to see the collapse of the faith of these believers, so he couldn't wait to look at the simulation panel.

[In the second year, you still refining elixirs every day in Advent Sect and practicing Yuanli magical powers. 】

[In two years, you have accumulated more than 60 elixirs and have been in great wisdom for more than [-] days. At the same time, your Yuanli, magical power, and body-protecting Gangqi are getting closer to the perfect level. 】

[In the third year, you have almost collected the medicinal materials, and there is no longer any benefit from staying in Adventism. 】

[So on a dark and windy night, you led Luo Shuying to escape from the Advent Cult. 】

[Before you betrayed Adventism, you did not forget to treat Old Dog Zong to a meal and throw dirty water on him. 】

[Soon you and Luo Shuying fled Kyoto, and the news of your betrayal of the Advent Cult spread quickly. 】

[In the beginning, the entire Advent sect, from the Dharma protectors to the ordinary members, did not believe this matter from the bottom of their hearts. 】

[They don’t believe that you, with such a firm belief, would choose to betray Adventism. 】

[As a result, the entire Advent Sect fell apart and was divided into two factions. 】

[Some members of the congregation believe that you have been slandered and spread rumors by other protectors, so they want to find you to find out. 】

[There are also some believers who even think that you are performing a secret mission and want to break into the Daxia military to complete an internal and external coordination and thereby destroy the human race. 】

[Finally, this group of sect members gathered together, left the Advent Sect overnight, and headed to Kyoto, wanting to find out more from you. 】

[The number of these congregants accounts for 80.00% of the entire Advent sect! 】

[More than 2 members of the congregation, ranging from heavenly king-level elders to ordinary master-level members, have all come to Kyoto to look for you. 】

[For a time, many strange and powerful faces appeared throughout Kyoto. 】【You quickly discovered this anomaly, so you went to meet these more than 2 believers. 】

[They asked you why you left Adventism and joined the Daxia military. 】

[On your side, you are arranging the Daxia military to be ready to catch all these people at any time. 】

[At the same time, you know in your heart that you cannot tell the truth, so you can only continue to use your talent as a successful master and continue to lie. 】

[You tell them that you feel that the ideas of Adventism are no longer pure. The three factions are fighting on their own, and they can no longer be called true Adventism. 】

[You continue to lie and tell them that you have discovered a brand new path in retreat. 】

[That is to kill the aliens and fight against the aliens to the end! 】

[When you speak of this path, Adventists will soon contradict you. 】

[But you explained that only by killing the great aliens can you completely anger them!The power of the alien race is extremely powerful, so it will definitely destroy the human race faster! 】

[This is the fastest way to unify the alien race in the entire real world! 】

[Your reason, even my lame self cannot believe it. 】

[However, after listening to your words, all the believers fell into deep thought. 】

[Some believers quickly believed in you, with fanaticism in their eyes, thinking that the path you were looking for was the true Advent path! 】

[There are also some believers who are entangled, but they are quickly infected by the emotions of the people around them and join the army of mindless believers in you. 】

[Even the last batch of slightly sober Adventists were brainwashed by your speech and wanted to try the path you took. 】

[There are even believers who have proposed that the remaining believers of Adventism should join them. 】

[In this way, something happened that made you almost doubt your life. All of these more than 2 believers were fooled by you and became a member of the army against the demon clan! 】

[Most of these believers have outstanding strength, ranging from master level to king level. If they join the Demon Suppression Pass, they will definitely be a force that cannot be ignored. 】

[Without a single blow, you directly dismantled most of the Advent Cult’s strength, and made them a loyal member of the army against the demon clan. 】

[Under the arrangement of the Daxia military, these more than 2 believers all joined the Demon Suppressing Pass and became a special army called the Advent Army! 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Damn, are you kidding me?"

"These Adventists are really so easy to fool... Not only did this girl become lame due to being fooled, she even bought a wheelchair along the way, right?"

Su Xing finally discovered that if his talent as a Master of Success was fully utilized, the effect would be astonishing!
"My dear, this directly turns an enemy into a friend..."

Su Xing smacked his lips and then looked down.

[After fooling this group of believers, you continue to devote yourself to your busy practice and alchemy career. 】

[In the fourth year, you will hand over all the more than 20 pills you have refined over the years to the Daxia military. 】

[For a time, Daxia’s military strength increased greatly, and the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass was booming. 】

[After refining the elixir, you will focus more on cultivating magical powers and body-protecting Qi. 】

[In the fifth year, in addition to practicing, you began to develop rebirth elixirs, hoping to see how far these elixirs could enhance Daxia's strength. 】

[In your continuous experiments and alchemy refining, your mastery of the Rebirth Pill has gradually improved. 】

[In the sixth year, you feel that your magical power and body-protecting energy are just one step away from reaching the perfect state of cultivation. 】

[So you use all the more than 100 days of great wisdom you have accumulated over the years, and want to break through to the state of perfection in one breath! 】

[Finally, on a moonlit night, you grit your teeth and practice alone. 】

[When you are continuously pouring energy into the body-protecting aura, at a certain moment, you finally feel that your body-protecting aura has changed! 】

[The upper limit of the defense power of the body-protecting gas has doubled again in a very short period of time, and the defense power has doubled! 】

[And as the power of the body-protecting Gang Qi increases, you also feel that its consumption of Yuan Power is higher. 】

[The continuous supply of Yuan Power in the body is far less than the consumption of Yuan Power! 】

[In the next month, you will carefully study the use of body-protecting gas and the consumption of energy. 】

[In the end, your mastery of the body-protecting Gangqi has finally reached perfection, reaching perfection. 】

[You can accurately control the strength of the body-protecting gas from every angle. 】

[If the enemy's attack comes from the front, you will adjust the energy in front of the body's protective gas to the extreme, and reduce the energy behind or under your feet. 】

[In this way, consumption can be reduced to the greatest extent. 】

[At the same time, when the power of the body-protecting Gangqi is fully activated, the defense power can be directly doubled, but at the same time, the energy consumption in your body has also reached an astonishing level. 】

[After testing, when the Yuanli is fully activated, the Yuanli in your body can only support one hour. 】

[Even so, you are very satisfied with the effect of the body-protecting Gangqi! 】

[You are confident that the protective aura at this moment can definitely withstand the power of thunder two or even three times in a row! 】

[Now you have everything ready, all you have to do is wait for the giant beast to arrive and you will reach the limit...]

[Thereby breaking through one’s own limits and reaching the realm of breaking the void! 】

[But you don’t plan to waste the next ten years. You are ready to further test the power of the Rebirth Pill. 】

[In the seventh year, you came to the Demon Suppression Pass. With your current strength, killing the Demon King is as easy as killing a chicken. 】

[And even the Demon King cannot last more than three rounds in your hands. 】

[In just one month, you killed more than ten demon kings and hundreds of demon kings. 】

[Just when you were about to use these flesh and blood essences to continue developing the Rebirth Pill, you unexpectedly saw an army fighting bravely on the battlefield. 】

[This army only has a few thousand people, but it is not afraid of death. It often kills a monster in exchange for its life. 】

[Even if they die, the soldiers in this army have smiles on their faces and something to drink. 】

[You were moved by the style of this army, so you asked Lu Yuanwu about the origin of this army. 】

[Lu Yuanwu had a strange look on his face when he heard you ask this. 】

[He tells you that this army is the original members of the Advent Sect. 】

[When these believers first arrived at Zhenyao Pass, Lu Yuanwu was still very worried and asked him and his soldiers to keep an eye on them. 】

[But soon, everyone was moved by the brave and fearless style of this death-defying army. 】

[They are always on the front line of killing monsters, and they don't care about their own death, and are even willing to trade one life with the monster clan. 】

[Under such a fighting style, this army became the army that killed the most demons. 】

[At the same time, in just three years, there were originally more than 2 believers, but now only 3000 have died...]

[After listening to Lu Yuanwu’s words, you remained silent. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his eyes widened and he almost doubted his life.

"Damn it, Master of Success Learning...flowing beer!"

Even if he wakes up, all he can say now is fuck.

This master of deception has a level of brainwashing that is truly unparalleled.

Transformed directly from a traitor to the human race into an iron-blooded soldier who is not afraid of death?

"Tsk...but this should be the best destination for these believers, right?"

"I hope that killing can alleviate their sins..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the eighth year, after continuous trial and error, you finally successfully developed the Rebirth Pill and minimized its side effects. 】

[In one year, you have refined ten thousand Rebirth Pills. 】

[What will surprise you even more is that the cost of the Rebirth Pill is extremely low. On average, one hundred Demon King's flesh and blood essence can be refined into a hundred Rebirth Pills. 】

[And one hundred Rebirth Pills are enough to increase the strength of thirty master-level experts by [-]%! 】

[After their strength increases, they will have a better chance of passing the promotion trial and becoming king-level professionals! 】

[According to your calculations, there are more than 3000 master-level experts who took the Rebirth Pill within a year. 】

[And a year later, Daxia Kingdom actually had a thousand more Heavenly King-level professionals! 】

(End of this chapter)

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