Chapter 175 Baptism of Thunder, finally breaking the limit! (Third update, please vote for me!)
Looking at the simulated text in front of him, Su Xing felt half expectant and half nervous.

After breaking through to the Void-Breaking Realm, Su Xing's strength will soar.

By then, there are so many things that Su Xing can do!

Whether it is exploring the ruins and ancient tombs of the Xianwu Era dungeon...or inheriting the legacy of Zong Laogou...

If you take some risks, Awakening can even loot the Advent Cult's treasure house!

And the body of Heavenly Thunder is a rare and shocking opportunity.

If it is successfully condensed, you can obtain the unique mutant spiritual root Thunder Spirit Root!

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, and after relieving his inner tension, he looked at the simulation panel.

[You did not hesitate and stepped into a small thunder area. 】

[The moment you just stepped in, the terrifying thunder in the area attacked you as if sensing a foreign intruder. 】

【Boom!The terrifying thunder struck the protective aura that had been protecting you. 】

[Perfect-level body-protecting Qi, amazing defensive power! 】

[The body-protecting Gangqi only shook slightly for a moment, but remained as solid as ever, with no signs of breaking. 】

[At the same time, a trace of thunder power, accompanied by the weak power of the Law of Thunder, begins to baptize your body. 】

Su Xing was relieved to see this.

Sure enough, as he expected, after the body-protecting Qi was perfected, the defense was not improved by a single factor.

[Severe pain, extremely terrifying pain fills your mind in an instant! 】

[Under such severe pain, you have no doubt that even the most determined and tough guy will faint on the spot. 】

[But you are different. You are a monk who has experienced the five stages of transformation into a god. Your determination to seek the Tao is beyond ordinary people. 】

[The severe pain caused by the power of thunder makes you grimace in pain, but your mind becomes clearer! 】

[You work hard to control the spiritual energy in your body, guide this power of thunder, and temper your body bit by bit. 】

[The cool feeling from the spiritual energy can relieve the pain of your physical body. 】

[You seize the time to further digest this power of thunder. 】

[At the same time, in the process of digesting the power of thunder, your physical body is also constantly strengthening, and you are gradually approaching your physical limit. 】

[A quarter of an hour later, you have completely digested the power of thunder and lightning, and the thunder area is slowly dissipating. 】

[You hurry up and get ready to go to the next thunder area. 】

[Because of your first experience, you seem much more calm this time through the thunder baptism. 】

[The body-protecting Gangqi isolates most of the thunder, and guides a trace of thunder power along with the weak law of thunder, tempering your body bit by bit. 】

[Soon, a quarter of an hour has passed, and you can clearly feel that your physical body has further strengthened, and you are closer to breaking through the limit. 】

[After this thunder area dissipates, you decisively move to the next thunder area! 】

[A strange scene appeared in this way, in the stomach space of the giant beast, amidst the turbulent flow of nothingness and space...]

[A figure is constantly avoiding the turbulence in space, and is constantly looking for small thunder and lightning areas. 】

[As you continue to be baptized by the power of thunder, your body is getting closer and closer to its limit. 】

[Your affinity and resistance to thunder are also getting higher and higher. 】

[Every time you digest the power of thunder, the time to complete the baptism is gradually shortened from a quarter of an hour to 10 minutes. 】

[After such an hour, you have traveled between thirteen thunder areas and absorbed the power of thirteen thunder areas. 】

[At this time, you feel that your physical strength has nearly doubled compared to before, and you can even sense the whereabouts of regional thunder. 】

[You know, this is a sign that the body of thunder is slowly forming. In the constant baptism of thunder, a weak law of thunder is almost born in your body. 】

[But at the same time, your spiritual power is also severely depleted. 】

[You took out a bottle of spiritual liquid from your pocket and drank it in one gulp. 】

[In this space turbulence, the Lingtian Cave can no longer be opened, and space magic weapons cannot be used, so you have put some useful resources on your body in advance. 】

[As the spiritual liquid enters the body, you work hard to replenish your own spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy you consumed before is rapidly recovering. 】

[If your spiritual power is exhausted, there will still be spiritual fluid to replenish it. You don’t have to worry about this. 】

[However, what gives you a headache is the consumption of your energy. 】

[In this void space, there are strange suction forces and terrifying spatial turbulence everywhere. 】

[You can only maintain your magical power to protect your body, and coupled with the thunder's offensive in the thunder area, the recovery speed of your energy is far less than the speed of consumption. 】

[In just over an hour, one-third of the energy in your body has been consumed. 】

[To ensure nothing goes wrong, as a precaution, you can only take a short rest. 】

[After your energy has recovered a little, you will start looking for the next small thunder area. 】

[But as time goes by, in this void space, there are fewer and fewer small world space fragments, and the probability of world fragments colliding is also getting lower and lower. 】

[Looking around, there are more medium and large world fragments around. 】

[With your current strength, you can only choose to stay away from them for the time being, while looking for the next area where thunder may be born. 】

[Fortunately, you quickly discovered several world fragments that were about to collide. 】

[You prepare in advance. After the collision, the thunder area will be slowly born, so you quickly enter it and absorb the power of thunder. 】

[In this way, another half hour passed. 】

[At this time, you have been baptized by the power of thunder in a small area nineteen times. 】

[Your physical body has been greatly strengthened, more than twice as strong as before. 】

[And your body is slowly approaching its limit. 】

[You know you are not far from breaking your own limits. 】

[What surprises you even more is that your body of thunder is constantly improving under the continuous tempering of the power of thunder... You feel that there is a new power in your body that is about to come out! 】

[After your body is close to its limit, you continue to search around, hoping to continue to find a small thunder area. 】

[But at this time, the small thunder area is almost impossible to disappear, and you can't find it at all. 】

[What’s worse is that as time goes by, the number of medium-sized thunder areas is constantly decreasing. 】

[You understand that if you delay any longer, you will have no choice but to go to the large thunder area. 】

[As for the large-scale thunder area, it is simply not something that the Void-Breaking Realm monks can sustain. 】

[If you delay any longer, you may miss the opportunity to enter the broken void realm again. 】

[So you no longer hesitate, you look for two medium-sized world fragments that are far apart. 】

[You judge that they are about to collide, but they have not yet collided. 】

[So you keep a safe distance from them, and then start working hard to adjust your state. 】

[Then take out a bottle of spiritual liquid and quickly replenish the consumption of spiritual power, and the spiritual power in your body will become abundant again. 】

[At the same time, the Yuanli seed in your body is constantly replenishing the Yuanli that you consume so much. 】

[After a while, most of the energy in your body has been restored. 】

[At this moment, the thunder area is slowly being born. 】

[You knew you couldn’t hesitate any longer, so you rushed toward the thunder area while recovering your energy. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his nervous palms were almost sweating, and he kept praying in his heart:

"Definitely, must succeed!"

"After entering the void-breaking stage, the dragon enters the sea...the sea is as vast as the fish can leap!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[You have arrived in the medium-sized thunder area. 】

[The moment you stepped on it, a thick bolt of thunder struck at you, hitting the protective aura heavily. 】

[You looked nervously at the body-protecting aura. Fortunately, the perfect level of defense power of the body-protecting aura did not disappoint you. 】

[The protective aura blocked the power of thunder this time. Although it was shaking violently, there was no risk of breaking. 】

[You breathed a sigh of relief and quickly guided the power of thunder to start tempering your body. 】

[This ray of thunder is more powerful and violent than those you have encountered before. 】

[Fortunately, you absorbed a lot of thunder in advance this time, and the body of thunder has begun to take shape, so your resistance to thunder has been greatly improved. 】

[You endured the pain caused by the stimulation of the physical body by lightning, and tempered the physical body bit by bit, approaching the limit. 】

【Boom! 】

[However, at this moment, the second thick thunder power came down again, hitting the body-protecting aura heavily. 】

[This time, the protective aura is covered with spider web-like cracks, almost torn apart. 】

[You quickly seize the time to activate your energy, trying to quickly repair the body-protecting aura that is about to be broken. 】

[The energy in your body is rapidly depleted. 】【What's worse is that when the thunder falls for the second time, the power of thunder also enters your body. 】

[You haven't had time to fully digest the previous ray, and the two rays of thunder superimposed, making your body tremble slightly in pain. 】

[You gritted your teeth and drank another bottle of spiritual liquid. While repairing the body's protective aura, you desperately used your spiritual power to guide the digestion of the power of thunder. 】

[Under this extreme pressure, your physical strength increases rapidly, and you are approaching the limit. 】

["Almost, still almost, one more thunder will be enough!..." You kept shouting in your heart, staring closely at the lightning and thunder in the endless void. 】

[It seems that I heard your call, and the third thunder fell again! 】

【Boom! 】

[In an instant, the terrifying power of thunder shattered the already damaged body-protecting aura. 】

[A large amount of thunder is blasting towards your body. You know in your heart that if you are directly hit by the thunder, you will definitely die. 】

[Fortunately, you still have the last line of defense, Yuanli Armor! 】

[At this moment, you no longer hold back, and pour all the remaining Yuan Power into this layer of Yuan Power Armor on your body. 】

[The invisible Yuanli armor seems to emit a faint light. 】

[This is the last line of defense that you have devoted all your energy to build! 】

[You are confident that even a monk in the middle stage of Breaking the Void cannot break this Yuanli armor! 】

[When the thunder collides with the Yuanli armor, you are still trying your best to digest the two rays of thunder power in your body. 】

[A huge thunder exploded in your ears, and the intense pain made you almost faint. 】

[You survived after all. After being blocked by the Yuanli Armor, most of the power of this thunder power has been wiped out. 】

[But at the same time, the power of thunder, which is more powerful than before, enters your body and tempers your body. 】

[If you survive, you will have a bright future... If you cannot survive, you will die! 】

[You pushed the spiritual power in your body to the limit. The spiritual power and the power of thunder collided crazily in your body, trying to protect your physical body from being severely damaged by the power of thunder. 】

[You are very lucky that you have the Nine Transformation Golden Pill, the Super Nascent Soul, and the Heavenly Spiritual Root. Otherwise, your spiritual power at the moment would not be able to suppress this terrifying power of thunder. 】

[In this way, your body maintains this wonderful balance. 】

[Pain, accompanied by the great pleasure brought by breaking the limit again and again, exist in your body at the same time. 】

[I don’t know how much time has passed, but when your spirit is almost numb...]

[You feel that an invisible shackle in your body is finally broken! 】

[Your physical body has undergone transformation at this moment, and you feel as if your life essence has been sublimated. 】

[Endless power surges out of your body...]

[At this moment, you have finally entered the Broken Void Realm! 】

[Just when you are filled with surprise, another thick thunderbolt is aimed at you in the sky and is about to fall! 】

[This is the fourth thunder! 】

[But at this moment, you are no longer your original self. 】

[You stare closely at the thunder in the sky, you roar, vent... you want to crush this thunder! 】

[The invisible Yuanli armor wraps around your body again. You jump lightly and face the power of thunder. 】

[When the purple lightning hits your body, the Yuanli Armor blocks most of the damage for you. 】

[The remaining thunder power is rapidly integrating into your body, tempering your body! 】

[There is no pain like before. In the bath of thunder, you even feel the slightest pleasure! 】

【This hearty feeling...】

[At the same time, the power of four thunders has accumulated a trace of the law of thunder in your body...]

[Although it’s just a tiny bit, you feel that your body has undergone some huge changes! 】

[The next second, the law of thunder dissipates in your body. 】

[Part of it is integrated into your body to make your body of thunder more perfect. 】

[The other part quietly changes your spiritual roots...]

[The spiritual roots have changed. You quickly look inside to see what happened. 】

[On top of the original Heavenly Spiritual Root, in addition to the green and red that symbolize the Wood-Fire Spiritual Root, there is also a deep purple! 】

[This is the mutated spiritual root, the thunder spiritual root! 】

[You are ecstatic because your spiritual roots have changed from the dual-system Heavenly Spiritual Root of wood, fire, to the three-system mutant Heavenly Spiritual Root of wood, fire, and thunder! 】

[There is an extra spiritual root attribute, which not only does not affect your cultivation speed, but even makes you faster than before when you were dual-elemental! 】

[Congratulations on gathering the body of thunder! 】

[After you break through to the Void-Breaking Realm and condense the body of Heavenly Thunder, this thunder area begins to slowly dissipate. 】

[At the same time, more crazy space turbulence is coming towards you! 】

[The space turbulence containing the power of the world tears your body with an irresistible power. 】

[You gritted your teeth to activate the body-protecting energy, but you only lasted less than a moment. 】

[Your body was torn to pieces, and your soul was annihilated by the turbulent currents...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling uncontrollably excited.

"Finally, finally succeeded!"

"Step into the realm of breaking the void! Condensate the body of heavenly thunder!"

Su Xing looked happy, even though the simulation process was extremely thrilling.

But fortunately, Su Xing finally completed the task without any danger!

"Breaking Void Realm monk! With such strength... he should be able to kill the old dog of the sect instantly, right?"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart and couldn't wait to inherit Zong Laogou's legacy.

But at the same time, Su Xing was a little shocked by the terror of the giant beast.

"What is the origin of this giant beast... Just in the stomach space, those terrifying fragments of the world are enough to make me, who is in the Void-Breaking Realm, die..."

"But with such terrifying power, the giant beast is still alive?"

Su Xing's face looked a little ugly, and there was a vague premonition in his heart.

"Could it be that... the strength of that giant beast is still higher than that of an immortal?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and finally sighed helplessly.

"No matter what his strength is... if I want to survive, I must crush that giant beast to pieces!"

"What do you mean by that? If the sky stops me... I will destroy the sky!"

For Su Xing and the entire Blue Star professionals, that giant beast is no different than the sky at this moment...

The ambition burned in his body, and he looked at the reward of this simulation with his awakened eyes.

[Success Master]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, including insights into refining the middle-grade elixir Rebirth Pill (Perfect Level), priced at 500 million energy.

[Body Protecting Gang Qi (Perfect Level)]: Yuanli magical power, perfect level body protecting Gang Qi, within three feet of Gang Qi, nothing can invade, and if the Gang Qi is not broken, then people are not in danger.The price is 5000 million simulated energy.

[The Body of Heavenly Thunder (Small Success)]: After experiencing the baptism of Heavenly Thunder, the body is tempered by the law of thunder. The body contains the ultimate power of thunder. The mutated spiritual root Thunder Spiritual Root is formed in the body, which greatly increases the affinity for the thunder element. It can greatly improve the cultivation qualifications, aura sensitivity, and strengthen the physical body to a medium extent.The price is 2 million energy.

[Level 1 of Breaking the Void Realm]: Refining the body and cultivating the body, gathering thousands of great powers into one body, and destroying some illusions and evil spirits.The price is [-] million energy.

[Eighteen Drops of Spring Dew Purifying Water]: The first ray of rootless water that falls on the Sun of Waking of Insects contains mysterious power and can be used to refine the Void Refining Pill. There are 18 drops in total, priced at 180 million energy.

[Sword Controlling Technique (Introductory)]: Speed ​​​​magical sword control, the encounter speed is determined according to the quality of the spiritual sword and the strength of the sword master. You can advance thousands of miles away to take the enemy's head, and you can retreat with the sword freely and thousands of miles away.The price is 3000 million energy.

Su Xing looked at the reward for this simulation.

In this simulation, the rewards are generous.

Whether it is the talent "Master of Success" or the experience of alchemy or the awakening of body-protecting Gangqi, I want it all.

However, you can only choose two rewards.

" you still need to hesitate?"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said without hesitation:

"I choose the first level of Breaking the Void Realm, and... the body of Heavenly Thunder!"

(There will be another update before 21 o’clock~)

(End of this chapter)

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