Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 176: Bring out the cultivation level of Breaking the Void Realm, the body of Heavenly Thunde

Chapter 176: Bring out the cultivation level of Breaking the Void Realm, the body of Heavenly Thunder! (Fourth update, please vote for me)
As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the first level of cultivation in the Void-breaking Realm, spending 1 million energy, and the remaining energy is 3 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the body of thunder (minor level), spending 2 million energy, and the remaining energy is 1 million points. 】

In the blink of an eye, the awakened simulated energy dropped like water, directly reduced by [-] million!

This caused a look of pain to appear on Su Xing's face.

"However, it's all worth it!"

"Breaking Void Realm, here I come!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

Then he sat cross-legged and held his mind, welcoming the upcoming breakthrough in cultivation.

Immediately, two mysterious energies submerged into the awakening body.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's whole body's momentum began to skyrocket at this moment!
It was like bathing in the warm sunshine, without the usual pain when breaking through the realm.

But every breath is naturally accompanied by an increase in physical strength...

No, not just an increase in strength!
This is an all-round enhancement of physical fitness!

Su Xing could feel that both the strength and power of his physical body had doubled in just a few breaths!
Moreover, this enhancement is still continuing and has no tendency to stop at all...

One hundred thousand tons...20 tons...30 tons...

In the end, the power of awakening stopped at 40 tons!

In just a few breaths, Awakening's strength and physical fitness quadrupled!
After sensing that the surge in cultivation had stopped, Su Xing had a look of surprise on his face.

"No wonder...Is this the difference between the Void-breaking Realm and the Perfection of Divine Power Realm..."

"A full 40 tons... This is no longer as simple as lifting an aircraft carrier, right?"

Su Xing finally understood why the living dead puppet was no longer a match for him.

The difference in power is really too big...

Even if he wakes up at the extreme Yuanwu realm of 1000 million kilograms, even if he wakes up at the ultimate divine power realm of Dzogchen, with a power of [-] tons.

But he still won’t be an opponent in the Void-Breaking Realm...

"Tsk tsk, the Void-Breaking Realm that can defeat all kinds of magic with one force really deserves its reputation!"

Su Xing felt something in his heart and murmured:

"With my current strength... I should be able to kill the old dog Zong with one punch, right?"

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

The huge force of 40 tons, when entangled with Yuanli, can be doubled again, and a force of 80 tons can be exploded in an instant!

However, in this simulation, the benefits of waking up are far more than that!

When Su Xing broke through to the Void-Breaking Realm, a bolt of thunder power appeared in Su Xing's body.

Su Xing quickly looked inside, and the first thing he felt was the change in his spiritual roots.

It's still the Tianling Root...but the number of colors of the Spiritual Root has changed to three, with an extra deep purple!

Mutated spiritual roots, thunder spiritual roots!

Su Xing carefully experienced the changes in the spiritual roots in his body.

Logically speaking, the more complex the spiritual roots are, the slower the cultivation speed will be.

Ordinary heavenly spiritual roots only have one elemental attribute.

But the awakening spiritual root comes from talent and has undergone mutation.

Therefore, the three attributes of thunder wood fire not only did not degrade the quality of the awakening sky spiritual root, but even absorbed the spiritual energy faster than before!
Su Xing was just running his skills slightly, and the spiritual energy in the surrounding Lingtian Cave began to rush toward Su Xing crazily.

This speed of absorbing spiritual energy is much faster than before!
The increase in the speed of absorbing spiritual energy can not only speed up the improvement of Qi refining cultivation.

Under the current background of spiritual energy depletion, it is even more important for Su Xing to quickly restore spiritual energy in the Lingtian Cave to ensure sustained combat effectiveness.

"Tsk, tsk, the three series of mutated heavenly spiritual roots...are really strong!"

Su Xing sighed slightly at the wonders of the Heavenly Thunder Body. The mutation of the Heavenly Spiritual Root alone was enough to give Su Xing endless gains.

But the Heavenly Thunder Body's strengthening and improvement of awakening is far more than just a mere mutation of spiritual roots.

I saw that Xing Xing's physical fitness began to rise rapidly in a few breaths.

From 40 tons, it skyrocketed to 50 tons!

In addition to the sudden increase in strength, Su Xing's physical fitness also began to improve rapidly.

The Heavenly Thunder Body is an all-round improvement in strength and physical strength.

In addition, Su Xing's affinity for the thunder element has also been greatly improved.

Su Xing can even feel a small amount of thunder aura contained in the surrounding aura.

Compared with the conventional Five Elements Spiritual Energy, Thunder Spiritual Energy is more violent and destructive!
With a thought in his heart, a ball of thunder spirit energy appeared in Su Xing's hand.

Thunder spirit energy is the nemesis of all evil spirits!

"Tsk tsk... This is only a small-level thunder body. If it were a Dacheng-level... or even a perfect-level sky thunder body, how terrifying would it be?"

Su Xing murmured softly.

Obviously, judging from the process of obtaining the Heavenly Thunder Body, the Heavenly Thunder Body, as a special "acquired physique", can be perfected and strengthened step by step.

The method of strengthening is naturally to continuously absorb the power of thunder and feel the blessing of the law of thunder on the body of thunder!

"No wonder...it only requires [-] million energy to break through to the Void-Breaking Realm..."

"But a small-level Heavenly Thunder body actually requires [-] million energy!"

Su Xing somewhat understood why the simulator's price for the Heavenly Thunder Body was so outrageous.

In terms of the price of a single option, this Heavenly Thunder Body is only lower than the Immortal Technique Shennong Nurturing Technique worth one billion.

"In terms of improving strength at this stage, it is obvious that the Shattering Void Realm is more critical..."

"But if you look at it in the long run, I'm afraid the price of the Heavenly Thunder Body is far higher than the price of a mere realm breakthrough!"

Su Xing murmured.

Because this body of heavenly thunder is equivalent to increasing the potential for awakening, and the body refining and qi refining talents are improved with the addition of physical fitness.

"My current strength should be directly comparable to the professionals in the late legendary stage...or even the monster beasts in the late legendary stage, right?"

Wake up and think for a moment.

Originally, with the blessing of body-protecting Gangqi and Yuanli armor, Su Xing's defense power was close to the mid-stage of Breaking the Void, which was also equivalent to around the mid-stage of Legend.

It's just that the attack power was too low when he woke up, and his defense power was only up to standard.

To put it harshly, it is just a human-shaped sandbag that can withstand beatings from thieves...

After all, the power of the Divine Power Realm is 20 tons. Even if the energy entanglement doubles the destructive power, it will only be [-] tons.

But now it's different!

With a pure physical body of 50 tons of power, combined with the superior force, it can activate a million tons of power in an instant!

Su Xing looked at his fist and said with a strange expression:

"Could this... be the rumored Megaton Boxing?"

After arriving at the Broken Void Realm and awakening the Heavenly Thunder Body, his awakening strength has skyrocketed like never before!
This also gave Su Xing extra confidence... even a little bit swollen.

Su Xing even had an impulse in his heart to kill directly in front of Zong Laogou.

Kill him instantly with one punch...take away his stored magic weapon...and inherit his thousands of years of accumulated inheritance!

For such evil cultivators and scum of the human race, there is no psychological burden in waking up to kill people and seize treasures.

After hesitating for a while, Su Xing still suppressed the impulse in his heart and murmured:
"With my current strength, it shouldn't be difficult to kill the old dog in an instant..."

"But just to be on the safe side, it's better to try a few more times in the simulation to avoid any accidents..."

After Su Xing calmed down, he began to customize plans for future growth.

"Although I reached the Shattering Void Realm this time and obtained the body of Heavenly Thunder...but the perfect body-protecting Qi was not brought out..."

"Even for those who are strong in the Shattering Void Realm, the improvement brought by the Perfect Level Body Protecting Qi is huge!"

"But there is no rush. It will take only five or six years to reach the perfection level. I can just find an opportunity to bring him out..."

After a pause, Su Xing murmured again:

"The only headache right now...the breakthrough to the Void-Breaking Realm is too expensive!"

"Just one level of cultivation... requires [-] million energy! If you cultivate to the Great Perfection of Breaking the Void, wouldn't it be close to one billion energy?"

After waking up for a while, I still couldn't get that much energy on hand.

We have just finished searching for Baili Chamber of Commerce's dungeon props. I am afraid that within two or three months, Baili Chamber of Commerce will not be able to provide much simulation energy...

"As for the Tarot Society...well, the energy source is quite stable. Even if there are 8000 million energy in a week...that's [-] million in a month..."

"It will take three months of accumulation to provide one billion energy!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing had a headache for a while.

The later the stage, the higher the simulation energy required to awaken and bring out the realm of cultivation. "The amount of energy required to improve body refining is too exaggerated... Let's first consider breaking through to refining Qi and returning to void..."

Su Xing sighed softly.

"Perhaps, getting the legacy of Zong Laogou...or maybe getting a wave of looting of the advent sect's treasure house can make up for these energy gaps?"

Wake up and think carefully.

"Whether it can be implemented specifically... still depends on the risks reflected in the simulation."

"Let's not consider what happens after the Void-Breaking Stage... If I want to enter the Void-Returning Stage, I still lack the spring dew and purifying water."

"And the collection of spring dew and purified water requires the practice of speed and magic, sword control, and the spiritual consciousness to enter the subtle realm!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, and the goal of the next simulation was clearly visible.

"Hey, even though I am now a great monk in the Shattering Void Realm... I still have to keep practicing alchemy!"

Su Xing sighed, and then began to refine the elixir.

It is a pity that the improvement of body refining cultivation will not make the awakening and elixir refining speed faster.

In one week, Su Xing refined five thousand pills, collected a lot of spiritual liquid, and harvested a batch of spiritual rice.

I am reluctant to use even a drop of spiritual fluid to revive myself.

After all, after the return period, the rapid improvement of awakening cultivation depends on these spiritual liquids.

Soon, a week passed.

The day came again when Su Xing and Jin Congxue met.

Su Xing disguised himself in advance and calmed down, and only entered the villa after making sure no one was following him.

Today, Jin Congxue wore a black casual suit, like an urban beauty, with her career line looming...

"Cough cough~"

Su Xing quickly guarded his heart, looked away, and began to eat honestly.

After the meal, the two began to talk about business.

"Big Boss~ This is the new week's goods. All the newly mined minerals from the four mining areas are here..."

Jin Congxue lowered a storage ring, and Su Xing also handed over the elixir refined this week to Jin Congxue.

After the transaction was completed, Jin Congxue began to complain:

"Hey, big boss~ The business of replica props is getting more and more difficult now!"

"The Baili Chamber of Commerce in the south has gone crazy...not only has it raised the market price of replica props, but has also monopolized the entire southern market..."

"Now, you even want to reach out to us in Kyoto. Is this a price war?"

Su Xing's heart moved when he heard Jin Congxue's complaint. He knew that the Baili Chamber of Commerce was working harder to acquire dungeon props.

As for the reason... of course it was to please Su Xing.

Thinking of this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said:

"Since the Baili Chamber of Commerce wants to collect... then let's leave our business of dungeon props to them!"

"We are focusing our main efforts on collecting white quality equipment and have acquired more mining area dungeons!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, although Jin Congxue was a little surprised, she still nodded slightly.

Finally, Su Xing thought for a while and added:
"By the way, if there is any big commotion at the Baili Chamber of Commerce... remember to tell me in time..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue became even more confused, why was Su Xing so interested in Baili Chamber of Commerce?
But no matter how hard Jin Congxue tried, he probably couldn't believe that the Baili Chamber of Commerce put so much effort into it just to please Su Xing.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Su Xing left the villa.

After skillfully walking around in a circle and using his spiritual sense to confirm that no one was following him, Su Xing returned to the dormitory and entered the blessed land of Lingtian.

Su Xing couldn't wait to exchange all the goods in the storage ring into simulated energy, wanting to see how much he had in total.

[Ding, a large amount of energy-containing material has been detected, with a total value of 9123 million points of simulated energy... Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Huh? There are actually more than 9000 million... This is much more than I expected!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. He originally estimated that a week's cargo could bring 8000 million energy, which was pretty good.

But I didn't expect it to be a full 1000 million more, and this was despite the massive reduction in dungeon props.

"My dear, it seems that the energy benefits brought by different metals are higher than I imagined!"

"Among them, in addition to the first-order alien metals, there are probably many second-order alien metals, otherwise there would be no way there would be so much energy..."

"After all, with the same mass, the energy contained in the second-order metal is ten times that of the first-order metal!"

Su Xing thought so.

Calculated this way, one week's goods can provide 9000 million energy to Su Xing... maybe it can reach [-] million in a while?

By then, it will be an income of [-] million energy per month!

"Tsk, tsk, [-] million energy per month... I couldn't have imagined this before, but now, for me in the Void-Breaking Realm, it's still not enough!"

Su Xing sighed.

After absorbing the simulated energy, the awakened simulated energy reached 2 million.

On the afternoon of April 2024, 8 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 5000 energy points, with 2 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing thought about it and decided to draw the purple talent.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent and having a one-on-one battle with real men! 】

[One-on-one real man battle]: Purple talent, you can use this talent whenever the opponent is outnumbered and overwhelmed by numbers.When you say the words "If you are a real man, let's fight 1v1", and force a one-on-one real man battle with the strongest opponent until one party dies. (Note: More often than not, I hope you are not delivering food~)

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing touched his chin, feeling a little surprised.

Obviously, this is a more conceptual talent.

After waking up and triggering the talent change, a relatively fair combat environment can be forcibly created... Maybe we no longer need to be afraid of the crowd tactics?

"But... what will happen if we kill the strongest person on the other side?"

Su Xing was a little curious. He was afraid that after killing him, the other party's men would still swarm him. Wouldn't that make no difference?
"Forget it...if you have a chance, how about trying this talent in a simulation?"

"However, the goal of this simulation is to improve your spiritual consciousness and learn the art of escape and sword control!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the Lingtian Cave, you realized that you were simulating. 】

[You did not waste time and directly chose to start practicing sword control and observing the wishful thinking. 】

[You stayed in Kyoto for a month, and after confirming that there were no accidents in the Tarot Club, you prepared to go find the Advent Cult. 】

[You came to Shuangqing City in Southwest Province and released part of your spiritual consciousness, which soon attracted Zong Laogou. 】

[You forcefully resist the urge to kill Zong Laogou. It is not the best time to kill him now. You have to sneak into the Advent Cult first. 】

[Zong Laogou respects you very much and speaks of senior. 】

[Under the leadership of Zong Laogou, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After some time, you and Zong Laogou ostensibly called you brothers, but in fact you contacted Luo Shuying and obtained a large amount of elixirs. 】

[You began to lurk in the Advent Sect. In addition to practicing sword-control and observing thoughts every day, you also refined elixirs. 】

[This incubation lasted for two years. 】

[In two years, you have refined more than [-] elixirs, and at the same time accumulated a state of great wisdom for sixty days for future observation and observation. 】

[And within two years, your spiritual consciousness has also grown rapidly, from [-] feet to [-] feet! 】

[Unfortunately, you have not yet mastered the art of sword control. 】

[In the past two years, you have almost emptied out the Advent Sect’s elixir. 】

[You think the time is ripe, so you are always ready to take Luo Shuying to betray the Advent Sect. 】

[Before you betray Adventism, you have one last thing to do. 】

[That is to kill the old dog of the sect by force! 】

[However, you have been searching for several days in Advent Sect, but you still can’t find Zong Laogou. 】

[Just when you were preparing everything and planning to kill Zong Laogou forcibly...he mysteriously disappeared! 】

[You asked other protectors in the Advent Cult, and even the faction leaders, but Zong Laogou did not go out to perform tasks. 】

[You understand, Zong Laogou sensed the danger in advance, so he ran away...]

(PS: Today’s four updates of 2 words are completed, and we will continue to update tomorrow! Please give me a monthly ticket~Please subscribe~, there is no charge for this number of words)
(End of this chapter)

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