Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 177: The vast divine consciousness, the divine consciousness reaches the subtle realm!

Chapter 177: The vast divine consciousness, the divine consciousness reaches the subtle realm! (First update)
Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Oops, it must be Zong Laogou's Bagua arithmetic that predicted the danger in advance..."

"That's why you just ran away?"

Su Xing thought to himself that he had miscalculated.

This old dog's life-saving methods are really first-rate. He just had some murderous intention in his heart, so this old dog just dropped everything and ran away.

"It seems that if you want to kill the old dog of Zong...you must first learn the Bagua arithmetic!"

"The Bagua arithmetic has the ability to shield the secrets of heaven. It should be able to shield the old dog from Zong's sense of crisis towards me..."

Su Xing murmured.

"I just don't know how far this old dog has mastered the Bagua calculation technique?"

After waking up, I felt quite troubled for a while, so I decided to understand the Bagua arithmetic first.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You knew that you could not forcefully kill Zong Laogou in a short period of time, so you could only do the next best thing and defected to Daxia Kyoto with Luo Shuying. 】

[You took out the more than [-] pills you have accumulated over the past few years and created many strong men for the Daxia military. 】

[Next, you can stay in Kyoto to refine elixirs and study secret techniques with peace of mind. 】

[You temporarily gave up the practice of sword control and began to study Bagua arithmetic. 】

[While refining alchemy and practicing every day, another two years passed. 】

[In the fourth year, you used up all the medicinal materials accumulated over the years and refined many elixirs. 】

[You know in your heart that these pills are enough to keep the Demon Suppressing Pass until No. 20 for five years, so you start to concentrate on practicing. 】

[However, the practice of Bagua arithmetic is more difficult than you think. 】

[You have been practicing for two full years, but you still have not been able to get started. 】

[This year, your spiritual consciousness has expanded to eight thousand feet! 】

[In the fifth year, in order to learn Bagua arithmetic as soon as possible, you can only use the talent of Dazhiruoyu to forcibly improve your understanding. 】

[Sure enough, with the triple addition of understanding and wisdom, your understanding of Bagua arithmetic has rapidly improved, and you have gradually scratched the surface. 】

[In the sixth year, you still meditate on the wishful thinking in your mind every day. Your spiritual consciousness has increased to [-] feet in this year! 】

[But unfortunately, your understanding of Bagua arithmetic is still superficial. 】

[Understanding of secret techniques is slow, all you can do is work harder to understand! 】

[So, another two years have passed...]

[In the eighth year, your spiritual consciousness increased to eight thousand eight hundred feet in this year. 】

[And after six consecutive years of understanding, your understanding of the Bagua arithmetic and fortune has finally reached the entry level. 】

Su Xing was a little surprised when he saw this.

"Is this Bagua arithmetic so difficult?"

"No wonder, it is recorded in this secret technique that those who do not have excellent understanding cannot understand this secret technique..."

"Relying on the triple comprehension bonus of the Great Wisdom state... it actually took me six years to barely comprehend it?"

When I woke up, I started to doubt myself.

"Damn it, is my understanding really that bad?"

Su Xing complained with black lines on his face.

But to be fair, Su Xing's understanding is not bad, it can only be regarded as an above-average talent.

It's just that the secret method of Bagua arithmetic is too perverted and requires extremely high levels of understanding!
I'm afraid only one in a million people with excellent understanding can get started within five years, right?
"But... hmph, I have the gift of enlightenment! When I have enlightenment... your Bagua arithmetic skills will be broken by me sooner or later!"

Su Xing muttered and said a little unconvinced.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After getting started with Bagua arithmetic, you have acquired some special abilities. 】

[You can sense potential danger from time to time. If you are about to face danger, your heartbeat will accelerate. 】

[This is very similar to the effect of your talent to seek benefits and avoid disasters...]

[At this point, you finally understand why Old Dog Zong sensed danger in advance. 】

[I also understand why he can escape in the world of immortal martial arts for hundreds of years without dying. With this talent, it is indeed an invincible life-saving skill. 】

[You don’t know to what level Zong Laogou has practiced the Eight Trigrams Fortune Telling Technique. To be cautious, you did not go looking for Zong Laogou without authorization, but chose to continue practicing this secret technique. 】

[In the ninth year, your consciousness has increased to the range of nine thousand feet. 】

[But your understanding of Bagua arithmetic is still at the introductory stage. While you are practicing hard, you are praying that you can trigger the enlightenment state as soon as possible. 】

[During the boring practice, another three years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 12, this year, the scope of your consciousness has been further improved, growing to nine thousand five hundred feet! 】

[And as you take too much of the Ningshen Pill, a lot of the erysipelas from the Ningshen Pill has been left in your body, and you will occasionally experience auditory hallucinations. 】

[But you don’t care about this, you still observe the wishful thinking and practice the secret technique of Bagua fortune telling every day. 】

[In No. 13, your spiritual consciousness grew to nine thousand six hundred feet. 】

[As you observe the wish-fulfilling visualization more and more, you will feel subtle changes in your spiritual consciousness. 】

[In addition to the significant increase in the range of your spiritual consciousness, you will begin to be able to sense subtle changes in some tiny foods thousands of feet away from you. 】

[Ten thousand meters away, the lines on a fly’s wings, or the frequency of a butterfly’s wings vibrating. 】

[You are happy in your heart, you know that you are not far away from the second stage of spiritual consciousness, entering the subtle realm! 】

[But what gives you a headache is that the progress of Bagua arithmetic is still slow. The past few years of practice have only made you more sensitive to crises. 】

[No. 14, this year your consciousness increased to nine thousand seven hundred feet. 】

[The improvement in the scope of your spiritual consciousness only makes you slightly satisfied. What makes you even more delighted is that your spiritual consciousness is getting sharper and your probability of successfully observing small things is getting higher and higher. 】

[At the same time, you can feel that your practice of wish-fulfilling visualization is about to move from the beginner level to the advanced level. 】

[In No. 15, you finally made a small breakthrough in your practice of Bagua arithmetic. 】

[In addition to being able to passively sense danger, good or bad luck, you have also learned the art of divination. 】

[With divination, you can predict good or bad luck within a day as far as possible, and you are very satisfied with this. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Hey, in addition to crisis sensing... you can actually predict your own good or bad day?"

"Is this old dog of the sect foreseeing its own crisis in advance and escaping?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

The more he learns the Bagua arithmetic, the more troublesome Su Xing becomes about this secret technique that is close to Taoism.

If he wakes up and masters the Bagua arithmetic, everything will be fine.

But now that Su Xing is in control of the enemy, it still inevitably gives Su Xing a huge headache.

"I just hope that the old dog's mastery of Bagua arithmetic is not too advanced..."

Su Xing sighed, but he also knew that there was little hope.

After all, with Zong Laogou's character and his stubbornness, he might be the first to practice this secret technique to a very high level, right?
Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In No. 16, the range of your consciousness increased to nine thousand nine hundred feet in this year! 】

[Every move in the entire city ranges from the movement of every force to the smallest stray dog ​​urinating and urinating in a deep alley. 】

[As long as the divine consciousness is within the range, you can sense it clearly! 】

[But at the same time, you also find that as your spiritual consciousness has grown to such a limit, the effect of the Concentrating Pill has been minimal. 】

[You understand, you need to slowly achieve the final journey to the ten thousand feet of divine consciousness through your own hard work and accumulation of time...]

[This year, your progress in fortune telling has been minimal. 】

【No.17, you are still struggling to observe the thoughts of wishful thinking. 】

[Immersed in the visualization picture in your mind, you feel that your whole soul is being sucked in. 】

[This visualization picture seems to contain great horrors and great secrets, and you can’t help but want to find out. 】

[This year, your spiritual consciousness has grown slightly. 】

[In No. 18, you occasionally had a flash of inspiration and noticed the mystery of Bagua arithmetic, but you couldn't capture the unreal feeling. 】

[Sometimes, when you practice Bagua fortune telling, you don’t know what it means, which gives you a huge headache. 】

[But fortunately, you are not a fool after all. After more than ten years of practice, your understanding of the Bagua arithmetic has become more and more profound. 】【Your spiritual consciousness will further grow this year. 】

[No.19, on a calm afternoon, you were sitting cross-legged in your room, your consciousness spreading like a tide, covering the entire city, feeling the movements of the entire Kyoto city as always. 】

[You try to expand your consciousness bit by bit, so even though your soul is exhausted, you still enjoy it. 】

[Finally, at a certain moment, you feel that your spiritual consciousness has taken a further step forward! 】

[The scope of your spiritual consciousness finally breaks through at this moment, reaching the perfect spiritual consciousness of ten thousand feet! 】

[Although you have great spiritual awareness, you feel that you are still some distance away from achieving a small level of wishful thinking visualization, and you have not yet completely entered the subtle realm. 】

[Therefore, you can only decide to continue the penance and meditate on thoughts. 】

[No. 20, this year your Bagua arithmetic skills once again made a small breakthrough, and you finally understood the art of heavenly secret shielding. 】

[But because you do not have a deep grasp of the Bagua arithmetic, the use of the Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique will occasionally fail. 】

[You know, if you want to completely master the art of celestial shielding, shield your own luck, and deceive the old dog... you need to cultivate your fortune to a minor level. 】

[No.20, one day you are immersed in the practice of wishful thinking as always. 】

[Your whole mind is immersed in the visualization picture in your mind. 】

[The old man in the picture who could not be seen clearly in the past became clear at a certain moment...]

[You seize this flash of inspiration and try to control your mind to contemplate the old man in the painting... You seem to clearly see the cold smile on the corner of the old man's mouth in the painting. 】

[At this moment, you feel that your consciousness has been sublimated! 】

[When you withdraw from the visualization chart, you will find that the meticulous observation method that you could not master 100% in the past can now be used completely and stably! 】

[Congratulations on your spiritual consciousness entering the realm of subtlety! 】

[No. 20 In the second year, after your soul reaches the subtle state, the first thing you do is to try to sense the spring dew and purify the water. 】

[On the day of the Waking of Insects this year, you were climbing a mountain alone, sitting high in the sky, with your eyes closed, but your spiritual consciousness had enveloped the entire stretch of the mountain. 】

[The moment the spring thunder exploded, you felt the first wisp of rootless water falling from the sky. 】

[One drop...two drops...three drops...ten drops! 】

[Ten drops of rootless water, their sliding trajectory slows down countless times in your eyes, and you can easily sense the position of each drop of spring dew and pure water. 】

[You didn’t choose to collect spring dew and purified water right away. You knew you still lacked an escape skill...]

[Now, although you can completely sense ten drops of spring dew and pure water, you are not sure you can collect them all in half a second! 】

[But everything is ready and all you need is the east wind. You know in your heart that the practice of sword control will only be simpler than the subtlety of spiritual consciousness. 】

[No.20 In three years, your mastery of Bagua arithmetic has been close to the level of success, but you have been unable to take that step. 】

[You know in your heart that it will be too late if you don’t take action, so you deploy a half-baked secret shielding technique and prepare to go to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon to find Zong Laogou. 】

[With your current spiritual consciousness, you can release the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique, and you can sense the position of Zong Laogou even if you are thousands of miles away. 】

[So, you were wandering in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon and successfully sensed Zong Laogou. 】

[He was hiding in a big mountain, with unkempt hair and a dirty face, like a savage. 】

[The moment he saw you, he laughed desperately and seemed to give up on escaping. 】

[He took out the magic weapon stored in his hand and pretended to destroy it. 】

[You quickly stepped forward to stop him. 】

[Yuanli wraps around his fists, and the Void-Breaking Realm expert pours out millions of tons of power in an instant. 】

[The old dog Zong was turned into bloody foam by your punch. 】

[But you are a step too late after all, and all his storage magic weapons have been destroyed. 】

[You looked at the spirit of the old dog from the Air Sect, sneered, and decisively punched it to pieces! 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Sure enough...this old dog still sensed danger...but why did he give up escaping this time?"

"Did you sense that the strength gap between the two sides was too big? Did you know that there was no hope of escape?"

Su Xing nodded slightly, perhaps this was the only way to explain the old dog's performance in this simulation.

But seeing that Old Dog Zong didn't forget to destroy the storage magic weapon before he died, Su Xing was speechless for a while.

"Damn it, does this storage magic weapon contain some invisible secret?"

"Do you really not want to be acquired by others?"

Su Xing suddenly thought about the jokes he had seen before.

A passerby who was hit by a car used his last bit of consciousness to format his phone before he fell into coma...

This special meow is very similar to what Zong Laogou does!
Are you really not afraid of being shattered to pieces? Do you want to remain innocent in this world?
Su Xing complained crazily in his heart, and then sighed:
"Hey, it seems that if you want to get Zong Laogou's magical weapon... you have to completely block your own secrets..."

"Then I made a surprise sneak attack and killed him with one blow before I had a chance!"

Su Xing planned to study a wave of Bagua arithmetic first, and then practice it to a small degree.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In four years, after Zong Laogou died, you continued to work hard to study the Bagua arithmetic, but you were still stuck before a small success and could not break through. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, the Demon Suppression Pass is in danger, and hundreds of legendary monsters have descended into the real world. 】

[At the last moment, you decided to fight with all your strength to see how strong you are now that you have broken through to the Void-Breaking Realm! 】

[You arrive at the city gate of Zhenyao Pass and look at the countless monster beasts in the wilderness, looking at the hundreds of legendary beasts that are thousands of feet tall and terrifying. 】

[You know that you simply cannot face so many legendary monsters at the same time with your own strength. 】

[So, with a thought in your heart, you shouted out the phrase "If you are a real man, let's fight 1v1"! 】

[Then something unexpected happened...]

[A monster no more than ten meters tall walked out of the army, and then looked at you lightly. 】

[The terrifying aura coming from him almost scares you... This is a demon emperor! 】

[I saw this great emperor beast turning into an afterimage and attacking directly towards you. 】

[The speed is so fast that you can hardly react...]

[In just a short moment, you only have time to activate your elemental armor and support your body's protective aura. 】

[The next moment, the great monster beast rides on your face. 】

[click! 】

[With just one blow, the protective aura was covered with spider web-like cracks and shattered...]

[click! 】

[Another blow, your body was turned into dregs by the Great Emperor Monster!The soul is out of body! 】

[Click!With the final blow, your soul will be completely annihilated...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, several black lines appeared on Su Xing's forehead.

"Isn't this really a man's talent...too much?"

Su Xing was speechless. This talent was indeed conceptual.

Even the emperor-level monsters are affected!
But the problem is that Su Xing will not be the opponent of the Great Emperor Monster at all... After all, it is an existence that is far beyond the legend.

"Looking at it this way...this talent seems a bit useless!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. He had not yet thought of the usefulness of this talent. Maybe it would only have miraculous effects at critical moments?

"It's a pity that I originally planned to practice sword control in this simulation... But in order to get Zong Laogou's inheritance as soon as possible, I'd better master the Bagua arithmetic first..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulated reward in front of him.

[One-on-one battle between real men]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, priced at 50 energy.

[Bagua Fortune Telling Technique (Introductory)]: A top-level secret technique of the heavenly level, created by Taoist Yiyou Fang. The technique is close to Taoism. It can give a glimpse of the essence of destiny. It is close to Taoism. It can predict good and bad luck and avoid danger. It is good for people. The practice of Yunpian has reached the entry level, and is only a hair away from success.The price is 5000 million simulated energy.

[Wishful thinking thoughts (minor level)]: Contains the understanding of wishful thinking thoughts, the scope of spiritual consciousness has been increased to ten thousand feet, and the observation of all things in the world has reached the level of subtlety. It is sold for 8000 million energy.

[Sword Controlling Technique (Furry)]: Speed ​​​​magical sword control skills, the encounter speed is determined according to the quality of the spiritual sword and the strength of the sword master. You can advance thousands of miles away to take the enemy's head, and you can retreat with the sword freely and thousands of miles away.The price is 1000 million energy.

(End of this chapter)

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