Chapter 180: Lingshi level, bringing out rewards! (5k)

[You did not hesitate and came to the formation barrier. 】

[Then he punched out, and under the huge destructive power of Yuanli, the formation barrier cracked like a spider web, and finally shattered layer by layer...]

[You walked into the core area of ​​the ruins ancient tomb, and the rich spiritual energy hit your face. The spiritual energy here is no weaker than your spiritual field cave. 】

[You saw the trapped white spirit dragon, and the black gas wrapped around the body of the spirit dragon. 】

[The spirit-veined dragon screams at you twice. You suppress the greed in your heart and don't look at the spirit-veined dragon. 】

[Looking at the bronze sarcophagus, just as you expected, Master Wanmu is still sleeping. If you don't take the initiative to wake him up, his life will not be in danger. 】

[You carefully look at the core area of ​​the entire ancient tomb. 】

[The entire ancient tomb is filled with abundant spiritual energy, and right in front of you is a spiritual field of several acres. 】

[Various precious elixirs are planted in the spiritual field, starting from the year 2000. These elixirs are enough to refine middle-grade or even top-grade elixirs! 】

[In the spiritual field, there are still several puppets taking care of the spiritual field. These puppets seem to be specially used to take care of the spiritual field and are not aggressive. 】

[You didn’t hesitate and began to search everything around you like a whirlwind. 】

[All the elixirs, including the soil at their roots, were put into the Lingtian Cave by you. 】

[For a time, the entire spiritual field at the core of the ancient tomb ruins was left with only bare land. 】

[But the puppet farmers were at a loss and stood there in a daze. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you start to search for other treasures in the core area. 】

[You soon discovered that there was a spirit gathering formation in front of the spirit vein dragon. In the spirit gathering formation, there was a mountain of spiritual stones piled up! 】

[You were pleasantly surprised. After some research, you successfully entered the spirit gathering array. 】

[You pick up a spirit stone and look at it carefully. You are surprised because there seem to be not only low-grade spirit stones here, but also many middle-grade spirit stones, as well as a small amount of high-grade spirit stones! 】

[You look at the trapped Spirit Vein Dragon not far away, thinking thoughtfully. These spirit stones are probably catalyzed by the Spirit Vein Dragon. 】

[If you count carefully, there are 12 low-grade spiritual stones, [-] medium-grade spiritual stones, and [-] high-grade spiritual stones here! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel happy.

"There are actually 12 low-grade spiritual stones... and even middle-grade and high-grade spiritual stones!"

"Damn it, I don't have more than a thousand spirit stones so far. If I get this batch of spirit stones, wouldn't I be prosperous?"

It should be noted that low-grade spiritual stones are the kind that were possessed before awakening. The spiritual energy in them is relatively mixed and difficult to absorb.

And a middle-grade spiritual stone contains ten times the spiritual energy of a low-grade spiritual stone!And easier to absorb.

The spiritual energy of high-grade spiritual stones is ten times that of middle-grade spiritual energy!
"If you calculate it this way, it's equivalent to 20 low-grade spiritual stones in this ancient tomb ruins!"

Su Xing felt happy if he had these spiritual stones.

No matter whether the awakening is used to implement the spiritual rice plan, practice, or even refine weapons in the future, it will be enough to consume!

It can even make awakening practice faster!

"It's equivalent to 20 low-grade spiritual stones... which is just [-] million energy... I must get all these spiritual stones!"

Su Xing felt a little excited.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You pack all these spiritual stones and put them into the Lingtian Cave. 】

[After searching for the spirit stones, you began to look at the ruins again. 】

[Unfortunately, apart from the spiritual stones and elixirs, there are only the trapped spiritual dragon and the huge bronze sarcophagus on the stone platform. 】

[You look at the Spiritual Vein Dragon in front of you, feeling a little greedy in your heart. If you can save the Spiritual Vein Dragon and use it for your own use, you will no longer be short of spiritual energy in the future. 】

[But your reason finally defeated greed, because you know that if you touch this spiritual dragon, I am afraid that Master Wanmu will wake up from the bronze sarcophagus. 】

[So after some hesitation, you left the core area of ​​the ruins and prepared to return the same way and leave the ancient tomb ruins. 】

[Before leaving, the Spirit Vein Dragon screamed at you...]

[After leaving the ruins tomb, you quickly left the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[You are worried that after triggering the formation, the real Wanmu in the ancient tomb of the ruins will wake up at any time. 】

[To avoid endangering yourself, you returned to the real world. 】

[After returning to the real world, you still practice hard on swordsmanship every day. 】

[Your mastery of sword control has improved slightly, but you are still far from reaching the master level. 】

[In the boring practice, two years passed quickly...]

[In the fifth year of No. 20, the situation at the Demon Zhen Pass began to deteriorate, and the powerful human race suffered heavy casualties. 】

[You know in your heart that the legendary monster army is coming to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[And after you broke through to the Void-Breaking Realm, you just wanted to test your own strength. 】

[After you arrived at the Demon Suppression Pass, it didn’t take long for the legendary army of demons to arrive. 】

[Hundreds of legendary monsters, several emperor-level monsters... and countless monster armies are approaching the city. 】

[In this battle, the human race, including ten legends and one powerful emperor, all took action, but in the end they still failed to defend the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[The Demon Suppression Pass was completely destroyed, but you performed outstandingly in this battle. 】

[You fight against a legendary level monster alone. 】

[The monster is nearly a thousand feet tall, and its body is as terrifying as a mountain. 】

[But you are now a monk in the Void-Breaking Realm. With the addition of Yuanli, the power of a punch can reach up to one million tons! 】

[You have fought hundreds of rounds with legendary monsters, and you have not lost at all. 】

[The body-protecting Gangqi will firmly protect you, and a layer of Yuanli armor outside your body will greatly enhance your defense. The Yuanli seeds in your body will continuously produce Yuanli, replenishing your Yuanli loss. 】

[The legendary monster is as huge as a mountain, and ordinary attacks cannot seriously damage it. 】

[The thick layer of hard armor on the surface of the monster's skin, combined with the hundreds of meters of fat and muscle layers, is an excellent protective barrier. 】

[Even for monks in the middle stage of Breaking the Void, it is extremely difficult to kill a legendary beast. 】

[And you are also faced with this thorny problem. With your strength in the Void Breaking Realm, if the enemy is not so huge, you can easily injure or even severely injure the opponent. 】

[But for legendary monsters, because of their unique size, they are almost immune to most blunt force damage. 】

[Compared to using pure strength to deal with the huge legendary monster, you find that using Yuanli in conjunction with the Mo Bingjian is more effective. 】

[With the addition of Yuanli and your terrifying power, you can easily cut off large pieces of flesh and blood from the legendary monster. 】

[It's just a pity that your swordsmanship is still at the human sword stage, and you can't use the power of heaven and earth to kill this legendary beast. 】

[After hundreds of rounds of fighting, you were slightly injured, but the legendary monster you fought was seriously injured, but it was not life-threatening. 】

[Just when you were about to consume this monster alive, the human emperor was finally killed! 】

[Under the siege of the three demon emperors, the human emperor was outnumbered and eventually died. 】

[And you were killed by the demon emperor who immediately released his hand, and your soul was annihilated by it...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing took a deep breath.

In this simulation, the benefits obtained by waking up are not insignificant.

Whether it is the legacy of Zong Laogou or the exploration of ancient ruins and tombs, the benefits are enough for Su Xing to achieve a qualitative change in his background in a short period of time!
"However, that legendary monster is really difficult to deal with!"

"Although his strength is only at the legendary level, he is thick-skinned and huge... Even late-stage legendary or late-stage Breaking Void cultivators may not be able to kill him easily..."

Su Xing murmured.

"If you want to kill this legendary beast, you still have to learn the Three Talents Sword Technique! If you learn the Earth Sword Chapter, your skill skills will be greatly improved. Maybe you can kill it?"

Su Xing thought so.

Then, his eyes eagerly looked at the rewards of this simulation.

[Talk Expert]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Ten years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, priced at 50 energy.

[Bagua Fortune Telling Technique (Dacheng)]: A top-level secret technique of heavenly rank, created by Taoist Yiyoufang. The technique is close to Taoism. It can give a glimpse of the nature of the destiny road. It is close to Taoism. It can predict good and bad luck, avoid danger, and be useful to people. The practice of Yunpian has reached the entry level, and is only a hair away from success.The price is 1 million simulated energy.

[Sword Controlling Technique (Xiao Cheng)]: The speed of sword control is based on the magical power of speed. The speed of sword control is determined according to the quality of the spiritual sword and the strength of the sword master. You can advance to take the enemy's head thousands of miles away, and you can retreat with the sword at ease and thousands of miles away.The price is 8000 million energy.


[3000 herbs of various types from 5000 years]: Priced at 500 billion energy.

[Zong Laogou’s Diary (Complete)]: Priced at 1 energy. [Bagua arithmetic (complete)]: Priced at 5 million energy.


Su Xing scanned the simulation rewards and found that there were dozens of simulation rewards triggered in his simulation.

It contains most of the valuable things in Zong Laogou's storage instruments.

Although those treasures and magic weapons are useful, they are not worth waking up to use precious redemption times and simulated energy to redeem.

The truly valuable ones are the above eight.

Wake up and start analyzing the reward options one by one.

"Expert of talisman...this talent may be useful in the future, but there is no rush..."

"After Jiang Zong Laogou stores the magic weapons, he can study formations, weapon refining, talismans and other side jobs..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and ruled out the talent option first.

The second is alchemy experience. Su Xing has no plans to choose it at the moment.

"As for the spirit stone... 8000 million energy, although I can afford it now... but I haven't broken through to the realm of returning to the virtual world yet, so it is useless to choose the spirit stone for the time being."

"As for the elixir... Damn, five thousand 3000-year-old elixir worth 500 billion energy? This is too expensive!"

Su Xing said he couldn't afford to exchange it.

"As for the Bagua arithmetic... I've already learned the more useful Human Luck Chapter, so I'm not in a rush to redeem it..."

"But the total value is [-] million energy, which is close to the Taoist level... This secret technique really has an extraordinary origin!"

After a pause, he looked at Zong Laogou's diary with his sober eyes.

Surprisingly, that pile of diaries only requires [-] energy.

The comparison is because in the simulator test, it is just the diary of an evil cultivator, so it has little value.

"But... in the final analysis, I still have to choose between sword control and Bagua arithmetic for this reward!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

With Xiaocheng-level sword control skills, it is not a problem to wake up and collect spring dew and purified water, so the Void-Breaking Pill can be refined as soon as possible.

There is also the Bagua arithmetic technique, which is a prerequisite for Su Xing to kill Zong Laogou instantly, so you must choose it!
"I choose sword control and Bagua arithmetic!"

Su Xing chanted silently.

[You successfully brought out the Bagua arithmetic (Dacheng), spending 1 million energy, and the remaining energy is 2000 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Sword Controlling Technique (Xiao Cheng), spending 8000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 4806 million points. 】

As the simulator beep sounded, Su Xing's originally more than 2 million simulation energy suddenly shrank to less than 5000 million.

However, it's all worth it!
Two mysterious energies fell into the awakening body.

Immediately afterwards, large fragments of memories flooded into Su Xing's mind, including his understanding of the Eight Trigrams and fortune-telling techniques, and his memories of sword-controlling practice!
Originally, Su Xing, an entry-level Bagua fortune teller, was already regarded as a semi-immortal in the world, a master of the Eight Classics who was good at fortune telling, Feng Shui, fortune changing, and divination.

But now that Dacheng-level memories are pouring in, Su Xing's understanding of destiny has long gone beyond the realm of mortals.

Su Xing looked closely and worked hard to digest the memory of the Bagua fortune-telling technique in his mind.

After a long time, he woke up and slowly opened his eyes.

There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"It's unbelievable...the theory of luck is so subtle, covering almost every aspect of the world and running through a person's life..."

Su Xing's expression was a little solemn.

With his current fortune-telling methods, Su Xing can see through the fate of mortals and even the development trajectory for a period of time at a glance, without even spending much cultivation.

Even waking up can use one's own cultivation to forcibly change the fortunes of mortals!

"This method of changing the fate of others with just one breath... is almost immortal!"

Su Xing marveled in his heart. After practicing for more than a year, his cultivation has improved rapidly. Now that he has mastered this arithmetic technique, he looks like an immortal in the eyes of mortals.

Su Xing's heart stirred, and mysterious spiritual energy appeared in his eyes. Then he took out a mirror and looked at the top of his head.

This is the art of looking at Qi!
"Hmm... the color is dark green, even with a hint of purple! Sure enough... although this is not a child of luck, but the auspicious star shines and the talent makes me the lucky one among millions!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

The theory of luck and luck is illusory.

But Su Xing can now clearly see the color of luck on the top of a mortal's head.

Ordinary people, that is, transparent white.

And those who are slightly luckier are light green in color.

If you buy a lottery ticket and win the first prize, it will be dark green.

As for the awakening, dark green with purple, that is a person blessed by great luck!

This is the change brought about by the auspicious stars of Su Xing's talent...

"With my luck, it is almost unparalleled in the world... Then if it is a higher purple color, who can have it?"

Su Xing was thoughtful.

"Maybe Liu Xiu, the great magician who rained meteorites from the sky in the past life... or Lao Zhu, who conquered the world with just one bowl at the beginning, can barely be regarded as purple luck?"

Su Xing sighed slightly.

In the thousands of years of human history, whether it is the previous life or the current Blue Star.

Every thousand years, one or two children of luck will appear.

After carefully experiencing the mystery of Bagua arithmetic, Su Xing took out the spiritual sword Mo Bing.

Mo Bing took it and moaned softly.

"After I have mastered the art of sword control...I am more familiar with and closer to the spirit sword!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

With the mastery of sword control, it is no exaggeration to say that Su Xing can now travel [-] miles a day, and does not consume much spiritual energy.

In other words, if you set out for Guangzhou, a distance of more than 1 kilometers, Su Xing can reach it in just half a day.

Su Xing stretched out his hand and rubbed the spiritual sword Mo Bing in his hand. There seemed to be a strange color in his eyes, and he praised:
"What a Mo Bing Spiritual Sword... I wore it personally for a short period of time, and the quality actually improved under the influence of Yuanli!"

"I'm afraid, the quality of Mo Bingjian is now equivalent to the best legendary weapon, right?"

Su Xing was a little happy.

Strictly speaking, after being nourished by the awakened Yuan Power, Mo Bingjian has been separated from the category of magical weapons, but belongs to Yuan weapons!

Yuanqi is different from ordinary magic weapons in that it will grow with the awakening strength.

After digesting the rewards brought out this time, Su Xing was thoughtful.

"Now I only have less than 5000 million energy left. Even if I include next week's goods, I only have more than 1 million energy..."

"This little energy is simply not enough!"

Su Xing felt that he had to find a way to increase his income, otherwise he would not be able to afford the huge amount of energy required to break through the realms of returning to the void and breaking the void.

"This week, let's make alchemy for now...if the energy is not enough after the next simulation, then go to that place..."

Su Xing already had a vague plan in mind.

In this way, Su Xing spent the next week in the busy life of alchemy and farming.

A week later, Su Xing went to see Jin Congxue with five thousand pills.

After following the familiar process of disguise, Su Xing arrived in the villa.

Jin Congxue was wearing a dark gown today, but her face seemed a little pale.

Su Xing walked into the room, glanced at Jin Congxue, and activated the qi-gazing technique.

The color of luck on the top of Jin Congxue's head is dark green. Just as Su Xing thought, Jin Congxue comes from a famous family, has outstanding appearance and outstanding ability, so he should be a person protected by luck.

But then Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a faint blood-red color among the dark green above Jin Congxue's head.

Blood red means there has been a bloody disaster recently!
The red color on the top of Jin Congxue's head was slightly lighter and obviously not fatal.

Even so, Su Xing still said to Jin Congxue in a cautious tone:

"Sister Xue, you seem to have suffered a bloody disaster recently!"

Bloody catastrophe?
Jin Congxue was confused when he heard this, and then seemed to realize something.

Her pretty face turned red, she rolled her eyes and said coquettishly: "You stinking scoundrel!"

(End of this chapter)

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