Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

181. Monthly ticket sprint and additional updates at the end of the month

Monthly ticket sprint and additional updates at the end of the month~
Woohoo, thank you readers for your support~
This book has been on the shelves for a month, and it has been selling over [-] copies~
Although the physical burden is heavy ~ I am very happy to have everyone's support ~
This book has been collected from dozens of collections at first, and now it is also a masterpiece~
and so!
The rest of this month, including next month, will still be tens of thousands!
This speed... shouldn't be too bad at the starting point, right?

The main feature is a large amount to keep you full!

Let’s talk about adding updates

The monthly ticket sprint at the end of the month is coming soon~
So I hope the ball monthly ticket~
The number of monthly tickets increased to 200 on that day, and there will be an update the next day!
The big guys can stay until the end of the month to double sprint~
You vote every day and I will explode every day, there is no limit!

(End of this chapter)

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