Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 182 Kill the old dog of the clan instantly and meet Luo Shuying by chance!

Chapter 182 Kill the old dog of the clan instantly and meet Luo Shuying by chance! (Additional updates with monthly pass~)

The answer to waking up was silence.

But Su Xing did not dare to take it lightly, because in the induction of his spiritual consciousness, a breath had been following him since he killed Zong Laogou.

The other party didn't know what kind of means they used to prevent Su Xing from capturing this person's specific location.

"Haha, if you don't dare to show up... then please continue to follow me!"

"When we get to Kyoto, I wonder if you still have the guts to follow me?"

Su Xing threatened in a loud voice.

There was silence in the air.

Not long after, a figure stepped out of the shadows, stared at Su Xing and asked:

"Why did you want to attack and kill the sect protector?"

Su Xing secretly accumulated strength and prepared to kill people and silence them.

But when he saw this man's figure, Su Xing was stunned.

"Luo Shuying, is that you?"

Su Xing never expected that the person who happened to bump into the scene where he attacked Zong Laogou was not someone else, but Luo Shuying!
The man in black was silent after hearing this. She never expected that Su Xing would recognize her.

You must know that Luo Shuying is her real name. No one in this world should know her name.

So Luo Shuying was secretly vigilant and said doubtfully:
"Why do you know my name?"

Su Xing suddenly said after hearing this:

"Do you still remember that little girl who cried all night in the heavy rain? You can never go back, Luo Shuying!"

This was the code word that Luo Shuying had made before he woke up.

Sure enough, after Luo Shuying heard this sentence, her delicate body was shocked and she said in disbelief:
"Who are you? How do you know this?"

Su Xing heard the words and began to explain.

"Luo Shuying, we have known each other for a long time in different timelines... We have been comrades who have fought together for many years and can trust each other!"

"We fight against alien races together to prevent them from invading our world..."

Su Xing said what he had said countless times in the simulator.

Luo Shuying's expression changed from shock to finally trust.

Su Xing saw all this in his eyes.

Finally, Luo Shuying said:
"Comrades who rely on each other... Then, do you need me to do anything?"

When Su Xing heard this, he felt happy.

He was originally worried that after Zong Laogou died, he would have no excuse to join the Advent Cult in the simulation in the future.

But now, isn't it the same with Luo Shuying introducing him?

So he woke up and said:

"In a month, we will meet here again. At that time, I want you to drag me to join the Advent Cult... There is what I need there!"

Luo Shuying nodded obediently after hearing this, but didn't ask any more questions.

The two did not leave any contact information, but separated from each other.


Soon, the immersive simulation time ended, and he woke up and returned to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured:

"After this simulation, it is completely feasible to kill Zong Laogong one month later in reality!"

"At that time, I will truly be able to obtain Zong Laogou's inheritance!"

"But... the only problem is that it will attract Luo Shuying's attention..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

To be honest, Su Xing doesn't want to meet Luo Shuying in reality yet.

It's not because he doesn't believe Luo Shuying, but because there are too many variables that may arise.

Possible assassinations or a series of troubles...

"However, if you want to kill Zong Laogou, you will inevitably meet Luo Shuying..."

"What's more, meeting Luo Shuying is not necessarily a bad thing!"

Wake up thinking.

After killing Zong Laogou in the real world, it became more troublesome for Su Xing to enter the Church of Advent in the simulation.

But if you get Luo Shuying's recommendation, the effect will be the same.

Moreover, as Su Xing's strength increased, he gradually set his sights on the Advent Sect's treasure trove.

If you want to loot the treasure house, you may need Luo Shuying's cooperation inside and outside...

"Perhaps, after killing Zong Laogou, we can indeed take this opportunity to contact Luo Shuying. After all, she can be trusted..."

"It's just that we can no longer use the excuse of traveling through the timeline... After all, you only have one life in reality..."

Su Xing closed his eyes and thought for a while, then murmured:
"Perhaps, I can use a disguised identity to meet Luo Shuying... It's not that I don't trust her, but it's better to do less than to do more."

"But if you don't say that code word, how can you make her trust her?"

Su Xing had an idea, and suddenly thought:

"That's right! Master of Chenggong Study (Fudge Study)! With this talent, I must be able to gain Luo Shuying's trust!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, preparing to bring out this talent again in the subsequent simulation and give it a try.

"But for this simulation, it's time to accumulate resources... and prepare for breaking through to the Void Return Realm in the future!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You return to Kyoto City, and a month later, you meet Luo Shuying on time. 】

[With the help of Luo Shuying, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[At the same time, it was also discovered that the Adventist Cult was investigating the cause of Zong Laogou’s death, but because you were concealing it and shielding your own secrets, the Adventist Cult did not find the real murderer. 】

[With Luo Shuying's help, you harvested a large amount of medicinal materials and collected a lot of elixirs. 】

[A few months later, what you didn’t expect was that the Dragon Protector actually left the Advent Sect’s treasure house and came to the Advent Sect’s base camp. 】

[As you might imagine, it was the Dragon Protector who recommended Zong Protector to join the Advent Cult. 】

[And he came here this time precisely to investigate the cause of death of the Zong protector. 】

[He investigated for a month and found no problems. Before leaving, he looked at you deeply. 】

[You thought Dragon Protector saw some clues, but he just returned to the treasure house, and nothing happened after that. 】

[You feel a sense of oppression from the Dragon Protector. His strength seems to be much stronger than yours. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Sure enough... is the old dragon mentioned in the diary by the protector of the sect the same as the protector dragon?"

"Is this Dragon Protector a member of the Dragon Clan? He is much stronger than me... Could he be a Dzogchen in the Return to Void Stage, or even a monk in the Integration Stage?"

Su Xing suddenly felt something was wrong.

If he wants to plunder the treasure house of Advent Cult in the future, he will inevitably have to have a fight with the Dragon Protector.

And the stronger the Dragon Guardian is, the more detrimental it will be to Awakening...

"It seems...at least after you achieve the Great Perfection of the Shattering Void Realm, you can be confident of looting the Advent Sect's treasure house..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, thinking that he had once received a talent called "Dragon Slayer".

Seems to have natural restraint and intimidation towards dragons?
"Dragon Slayer... maybe at the right time, this talent should appear..."

Su Xing murmured.

"Did the dragon protector find out that I killed the old dog of the sect?"

"Probably not...otherwise the Dragon Guardian would have captured me on the spot. It must have been the secret shielding technique that evaded the Dragon Guardian's detection!"

"And the reason why he pays attention to me is maybe because he is also an immortal cultivator? Or... he feels that I am very powerful?"

Su Xing had some speculations in his mind, but the Dragon Protector had not focused on Su Xing for the time being. Su Xing was naturally happy to continue to develop and strengthen himself.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Nothing will happen in the next few months. You will still stay in the Advent Sect, refining elixirs and practicing sword control. 】

[The second year, the day of the Awakening of Insects. 】

[You have arrived at a large mountain, and your spiritual consciousness spreads out like a tide, covering the entire mountain in an instant. 】

[In the entire stretching mountain, every bird song and every breeze is within the induction of your spiritual consciousness. 】

[The moment the spring thunder fell, you took action, flying swords on your feet, as graceful as an immortal, turning into an afterimage in the air. 】

[In this half second, the trajectory of every drop of rain is within your perception. 】

[After half a second, you stopped. 】

[Opening the palm of my hand, there is a wisp of spring dew and pure water in the package of spiritual energy. 】【Exactly ten drops, one drop is not enough...】

[You leave with satisfaction and return to the Advent Sect to continue refining alchemy. 】

[In the third year, on the day of the Waking of Insects, you took the time to go to the mountains again, and you accumulated twenty drops of spring dew. 】

[In the same year, you embezzled all the medicinal materials from the Advent Sect and refined more than [-] pills. 】

[You are planning to defect from Adventism. 】

[One late night, you woke up Luo Shuying and took her to escape to Kyoto. 】

[She didn’t ask, just followed you silently, trusting you unconditionally. 】

[You give her the Condensation Pill you have refined over the years to help her successfully break through and become a legendary powerhouse. 】

[Afterwards, you were chased by the Advent Cult, but you were outstanding in strength, and you even killed several guardians at the peak of the Martial Emperor along the way. 】

[After coming to Kyoto, you still make alchemy steadily every day and provide elixirs for Daxia. 】

[In the fourth year, on the day of the Waking of Insects, you collect spring dew and purified water again. At this time, the number of spring dew and purified water reaches thirty drops. 】

[In the same year, you gave all the elixirs you refined over the years to the Daxia military, adding many strong men to Daxia. 】

[After refining the elixir, you spared time to sort out Zong Laogou’s inheritance. In addition to some treasures, you got [-] spiritual stones. 】

[You did not use these spiritual stones, but carefully preserved them. 】

[In the fifth year, on the day of the Awakening of Insects, the amount of your spring dew and purified water reaches forty drops. 】

[In the same year, you went to the Demon Suppressing Pass to defend yourself against the enemy, trying to find a way beyond the Void-Breaking Realm. 】

[There are many demon king and demon emperor level monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass, but it is difficult to meet legendary monsters. 】

[Despite your current strength, let alone the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence, even the Demon King’s flesh and blood essence will have little effect. 】

[So you stay in the Demon Suppression Pass and kill enemies every day. 】

[On the day of the Waking of Insects, I will go to the real world to collect spring dew and purified water. 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly. 】

[In the eighth year, the spring dew and purified water in your hand has reached seventy drops, which is enough to refine seventy furnaces of Xudan. 】

[But the Void Refining Pill is one of the most difficult middle-grade elixirs to refine, so you are not yet sure of its success...]

[So you plan to continue collecting spring dew and purified water to bring out as a simulation reward. 】

[One day, while you were killing enemies in the Demon Suppression Pass, you encountered an unexpectedly difficult monster. 】

[This monster is less than a hundred feet tall, but it possesses legendary strength. 】

[This size is comparable to that of a dwarf among legendary monsters. 】

[However, this monster is extremely powerful and fast, and is not even weak to you. 】

[But compared to those legendary monsters that are thousands of feet in size, their defense power is far inferior to them. 】

[You fought this legendary beast for hundreds of rounds, and with your extremely strong endurance, strength, and body-protecting aura, you finally killed it. 】

[Afterwards, you got three hundred kilograms of precious legendary monster flesh and blood essence! 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this, thinking deeply.

"So... among the legendary monsters, not all of them are huge monsters with a height of thousands of feet..."

"There are also smaller ones, such as the shadow clan monsters that we encountered before that were less than ten meters tall...or the legendary monsters that were a hundred feet tall this time..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"Compared to those huge legendary monsters... although these legendary monsters are also difficult to deal with, their defense power is not that abnormal after all, so they will not be my opponents."

"So, maybe I can kill this agile monster to get the essence of flesh and blood? After all, although their sizes are different, the amount of flesh and blood essence they contain is about the same..."

But then he woke up and frowned slightly:
"But there are more huge legendary monsters on the battlefield..."

"If I want to kill them, I must rely on the sword in my hand. It's time to put the practice of Sancai Sword Art on the agenda..."

"I just don't know how much the essence of flesh and blood of legendary monsters can help me today?"

With doubts, he looked at the simulation panel with awake eyes.

[After killing the legendary monsters, you start taking the flesh and blood essence of these monsters to enhance your body refining skills. 】

[You find that the essence of the flesh and blood of the legendary monster is very effective on you. With the blessing of the Big Stomach King's talent, your cultivation is getting better and better day by day. 】

[One day, you suddenly had a whim and wanted to try the rebirth elixir refined from the flesh and blood essence of legendary monsters. Would it be helpful to your practice? 】

[So, in addition to practicing and killing monsters every day, you also started trying to refine the Rebirth Pill. 】

[In the ninth year, the refining of the Rebirth Pill is more difficult than you imagined. Since you have no experience in refining the pill before, you have to start learning from scratch. 】

[You try and make mistakes again and again every day, correcting the prescription through constant experiments. 】

[With the support of a large amount of Demon King and Demon King flesh and blood essence, you have become increasingly sophisticated in refining the Rebirth Pill. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In Year No. 12, the number of spring dew and purified water you accumulated reached 110 drops, and you carefully preserved them. 】

[In the past three years, your body training has improved a lot, but there is still a long way to go before you are at the second level of the Shattering Void Realm. 】

[At the same time, you have also made great progress in refining the Rebirth Pill. You have successfully mastered the Demon King Level Rebirth Pill with minimal side effects. 】

[You begin to master the Demon King-level Rebirth Pill. 】

[In the same year, you and Luo Shuying cooperated to kill another legendary monster. 】

[You have stored more than 300 kilograms of legendary monster flesh and blood essence for future use in elixir making. 】

[In this way, another three years passed while practicing, refining elixirs, and killing demons day after day. 】

[In No. 15, you successfully mastered the demon emperor-level rebirth elixir and began to try to refine it using the flesh and blood essence of legendary demon beasts. 】

[You have some expectations in your heart. If the rebirth elixir is successfully refined, your practice in the Void-Breaking Realm will be much easier! 】

[In the same year, you accumulated 140 drops of spring dew and purified water. 】

[No. 16, this is your third failed attempt to refine the legendary level rebirth elixir. 】

[Obviously you have done it perfectly and meticulously every time, but you can still only make useless elixirs. 】

[You suspect that the medicinal properties are not gentle, because the medicinal properties of the legendary flesh and blood essence are too violent, and even caused you to explode the furnace many times, and several second-level alien metal alchemy furnaces were worn out. 】

[You start trying to add new auxiliary drugs to neutralize the medicinal properties of the Reborn Pill. 】

[Unfortunately, your remaining flesh and blood essence of the legendary monsters has been consumed in many elixir refinings, and you start to think of ways to hunt more legendary monsters. 】

[In No. 17, you once again cooperated with Luo Shuying to kill a legendary monster, and then took out the essence of its flesh and blood and continued to refine the elixir. 】

[This year, you have 160 drops of spring dew and purified water. 】

[In No. 18, after your continuous attempts, you unexpectedly discovered that the medicinal properties of Snow Bone Jade Ginseng are cold and calm, and can well neutralize the violent medicinal properties of the flesh and blood essence of legendary monsters. 】

[You are pleasantly surprised and ready to continue trying to make alchemy. 】

[But after you try for the thousandth time, failure is still waiting for you. 】

[Also after constant attempts, you gradually discovered the problem. 】

[Your Lihuo Technique is no longer hot enough... You need more advanced fire control techniques, and you need to practice Lihuo Technique to a great level...]

[In addition, the alchemy furnace made of second-level exotic metals is not strong enough. Only the alchemy furnace left by Qingyunzi for you, although it looks shabby, can withstand extreme high temperatures. 】

[You know in your heart that the achievement of Lihuo Technique will not happen overnight, so you can only temporarily stop the research on the Rebirth Pill. 】

Su Xing sighed slightly when he saw this:

"It's a pity... If I could develop a legendary level rebirth elixir, I'm afraid my cultivation level in the Shattering Void Realm would be improved more than twice as fast, right?"

"But we still need to master the Lihuo Technique, so we can only wait for the subsequent simulation..."

Su Xing was not disappointed with this. After all, his purpose this time was to take out the Spring Dew Purifying Water and obtain a large amount of spiritual stones.

Save it for future practice during the return to void period.

Trying to refine the Rebirth Pill was just a casual thing.

"It's time to visit the ancient tomb ruins again..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[No.19, on the day of the Waking of Insects, you collected a wisp of spring dew and pure water. 】

[In this way, the number of spring dew purified water in your hand reaches 180 drops. 】

[A month later, you went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, preparing to take out the spirit stones in the ruins. 】

[You spent a week to find three broken jade pendants, and successfully found the location of the mountain. 】

[After breaking the stone formation, you entered the ancient tomb ruins. 】

[Not long after entering, you encountered the living dead puppet that was comparable to the Void-Breaking Realm. 】

[You fought with him for hundreds of rounds and beheaded him. 】

[Subsequently, you broke through the formation barrier and entered the core area of ​​the ruins tomb. 】

 Brothers, there will be a double monthly ticket event starting on the 28th~
  In the past two days, I have been coding like crazy, sleeping four hours a day... I have saved some manuscripts, and I will see everyone's enthusiasm when the time comes!Go, go, go!
(End of this chapter)

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