Chapter 183: Foreign metal ore worth 30 million energy! (5k)

[In the core area, a large amount of rich spiritual energy rushes towards the face, and countless things in the spiritual field are elixirs. 】

[But these elixirs cannot be refined with your current level of alchemy. 】

[So you go directly over those spirit fields and take out all the spirit stones in the spirit gathering array. 】

[You did not disturb the real person Wan Mu in the bronze sarcophagus. Before leaving, you reluctantly glanced at the spiritual dragon. 】

[After leaving the ruins tomb, you took out Zong Laogou’s diary and found the location of Five Elements Mountain. 】

[Before the Five Elements Mountain Ruins Formation, your eyebrows hurt slightly. 】

[This means that if you step into the Five Elements Mountain ruins, your life will be in danger. 】

[To be cautious, you decided to put aside the exploration of the Five Elements Mountain ruins for the time being and continue to collect more spring dew and purified water. 】

[In No. 20, you return to the real world and continue to collect spring dew and purified water. 】

[This year, your number of spring dew and purifying water has reached 190 drops. 】

[From now on, you will collect spring dew and purified water every year on the day of awakening of insects, and practice hard. 】

[Another four years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No.20 Four years after the Waking of Insects, you already have 230 drops of spring dew and purified water. 】

[Although you have strengthened your practice of Lihuo Technique, you find that you are still a long way from becoming a master of Lihuo Technique. 】

[The biggest problem is that your current spiritual power is not enough to allow the Lihuo Technique to explode to extreme high temperatures. 】

[Perhaps after the return to void period, the cultivation level will skyrocket, and the Lihuo Technique can be better activated. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, hundreds of legendary monsters broke through the Demon Suppression Pass, and a large number of powerful human beings died in battle. 】

[A small number of powerful human beings fled back to the real world, preparing for the final resistance. 】

[And you, after collecting this year’s spring dew and purified water, are ready to explore the Immortal Martial Era dungeon again. 】

[You came to Five Elements Mountain, broke the ruins formation, and walked into the ruins tomb. 】

[According to the information you have received, the person sleeping in this ancient tomb should be a powerful monk from the Five Elements Sect, a powerful immortal cultivation sect thousands of years ago. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

"In the ruins of Wanmu Sect, the person sleeping is Zhenren Wanmu..."

"Is there also a great power in the integration stage sleeping in the ruins of the Five Elements Sect?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little nervous and a little hopeful.

After all, there are a lot of good things in the ruins of the Wanmu Sect, such as elixirs, spirit stones... and even a formed spirit-veined dragon!
And if there are these in the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, then Su Xing will make a lot of money!

"Tsk, tsk, when I reach the stage of integration, I will have to lift all the coffin boards of you old antiques!"

Su Xing had a good impression of these powerful monks at first, but after knowing what Wan Mu had done, Su Xing suddenly lost all good impressions.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The formation of the Five Elements Sect is stronger than you thought, but you still smashed its formation and entered the ruins of the ancient tomb. 】

[After passing through the long and narrow tomb passage, the road ahead gradually becomes wider. You suddenly become alert, activating the Yuanli armor and the body-protecting aura. 】

[After walking a few miles further, suddenly a dark shadow flashed before your eyes. 】

[An astonishing force hit your body-protecting Qi, and the body-protecting Qi was instantly shattered into pieces. 】

[Even with the buffer of the body-protecting Gangqi, you were still punched down on the stone wall of the ancient tomb, and your entire chest was in pain. 】

[You were instantly shocked, and at the same time you saw clearly the appearance of the person in front of you. 】

【This is a living dead! 】

[It’s just that this living dead is far more powerful than the living dead puppet in Wanmu Ruins. 】

[In his lifetime, this Living Dead was at least a strong man in the late stage of Breaking the Void Realm, and even close to the Great Perfection of Breaking the Void! 】

[You carefully look at the living dead Ku Lei and find that his beard and hair are all white, and even his eyebrows are white, much like the white-browed Taoist Priest in a certain movie. 】

[But his condition is extremely miserable at this time, his pale hair is in a mess, his face is pale, and he is filled with endless resentment! 】

[Seeing the living dead attacking you again, without thinking, you immediately raised your body-protecting energy and ran towards the core area of ​​the ruins. 】

[Fortunately, your escape speed has increased a lot, and this living dead man seems to have a disability in his legs, but he couldn't catch up with you immediately. 】

[And you go at full speed, trying to escape forward, and in a few breaths you arrive at the core area of ​​the ancient tomb of the Five Elements Mountain ruins. 】

[Strangely, there seems to be no formation in the core area of ​​this ruined tomb...]

[No, it seems that there once was a formation, but it was violently destroyed! 】

[While you are running for your life, you are still confused in your heart. Could it be that Zong Laogou has been here before? 】

[But you quickly denied it, because Zong Laogou’s diary described in detail that he did not dare to set foot in this Five Elements Sect ruins. 】

[Soon, when you step into the core area, you notice a huge bronze sarcophagus. 】

[The appearance is similar to that of Wanmu Ruins, but the difference is that this bronze sarcophagus is not painted with a large forest, but with the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth...]

[What makes you even more confused is that the bronze sarcophagus has been opened, and the monk who was supposed to be sleeping in the sarcophagus has disappeared. 】

[A thought suddenly arises in your mind. The living dead chasing you are the monks who were supposed to be sleeping in the sarcophagus! 】

[It’s just that for some unknown reason, the monk who was supposed to be sleeping revived early and turned into the living dead. 】

[But at this time, the living dead are still chasing after you, and you can’t think about the reason why. 】

[You start looking for useful treasures in this ruins. 】

[Your consciousness quickly scanned every corner of the core area, but you did not find a large field of medicine, nor did you find any other living dead puppets. 】

[Only a few jade-like skeletons were seen. 】

[What makes you a little disappointed is that there is no trace of the spirit dragon in this ruins. 】

[But you found a lot of spiritual stones in a corner. 】

[At this moment, the living dead behind him have been chasing after him again. 】

[You gritted your teeth and raised your body-protecting energy again, running straight towards the spirit stone. 】

[You quickly put the spirit stone into the storage weapon, and at this moment, the living dead behind you have attacked again. 】

[This time his offensive is even more fierce! 】

[Fortunately, with the resistance of the body-protecting Gangqi, you did not die directly, but you were seriously injured and looked extremely miserable. 】

[With a thought in your mind, you prepare to flee to the Lingtian Cave to temporarily avoid the attack of the living dead puppets. 】

[However, there seems to be a space formation in this ruined ancient tomb, which slows down your entry into the Lingtian Cave for a second. 】

[And this second is fatal! 】

[Your body was badly damaged by the repeated attacks from the living dead. 】

[You were forced out of your body, hoping to escape. 】

[But the living dead don’t give you the slightest chance and directly annihilate your soul. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned and seemed to be thinking.

"Why are the Five Elements Sect's ruins different from the Ten Thousand Woods Sect's ruins... Why are there no spiritual dragons in them?"

"And why...the real person of Wanmu Sect is still sleeping, but the Great Perfection monk of the Five Elements Sect woke up early?"

Su Xing seemed to have captured several key pieces of information in his mind, but he couldn't connect them for a while.

"Wait a minute...Zhenren Wanmu, intercept the world's spiritual veins, gather the spiritual dragons, and cultivate himself..."

"Could it be possible that other sects don't even know about this!"

"It is precisely because the spiritual veins were cut off that the spiritual energy quickly dried up in hundreds of years..."

"As for the Five Elements Sect monks turning into living dead... I'm afraid it has something to do with Zhenren Wanmu!"

Su Xing seems to have captured the key information.

"In this way, the soaring resentment on the living dead can be explained..."

"Perhaps someone discovered Master Wanmu's plan, and that's why a melee broke out in the ruins of Wanmu Sect, and why there are puppets of the living dead in the ruins of Wanmu Sect?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, and felt that if he followed this line of thinking, he should be pretty close.

"It's just that, how about giving it a still need to go to the dungeon of the Immortal Martial Era to look up the historical books and search..."

Su Xing sighed. Thousands of years have passed, and those ancient historical books should be hard to find.

However, there may be some traces in the three major sects of the current Immortal Martial Era copy.

Su Xing plans to explore it when he has time later. Perhaps this information will be helpful to Su Xing in exploring the ruins and ancient tombs.

"However, in short, the purpose of this simulation was achieved!"

"Spring dew, purified water, spiritual stones... With these, I believe my practice during the return period will be smoother!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[I am not the Rain God]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.


[Spring Dew Purified Water 240 Drops]: The first ray of rootless water that falls on the Day of Waking of Insects contains mysterious power and can be used to refine the Void Refining Pill. There are 240 drops in total, priced at 2400 million energy.

[Zong Laogou’s Diary]: Priced at 1 energy points.

[1000 cubic meters of ore containing third- and fourth-order heterometals]: worth 150 billion energy. Because it contains a large amount of impurities, the value is halved.

Su Xing looked at this simulation reward without much hesitation.

After all, his purpose for this simulation was to obtain Spring Dew Purified Water and Spiritual Stone resources to prepare for the subsequent breakthrough in the Void Return Stage.

But the problem is that the awakening simulation energy is not enough!
His current simulated energy is only 1 million points when fully calculated, and it takes 4756 million energy to bring out the spiritual stones and spring dew purifying water.

Su Xing looked at the last reward option with a bit of surprise on his face.

"The total value of the third- and fourth-level exotic metals contained in the Red Lotus Demon Cave is 150 billion energy?"

"Wait a minute... after the simulator charges ten times the price difference... it should be 15 billion simulated energy!"

Seeing such a huge amount of energy, Su Xing's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

15 billion energy is enough for him to cultivate to the Void-Breaking Realm plus the Void-Returning Realm to Perfection!

"But...why is the value halved?"

Su Xing was a little confused.

The simulator also gave a rare answer for Su Xing.

[Ding, since the proportion of different metals contained in this ore is 30%, it is a secondary energy substance... If it is purified, it can be worth [-] billion energy. 】

The moment I woke up, I understood what the simulator meant.

"Co-authored, if I absorb it directly, energy worth 15 billion...can I absorb energy worth 30 billion after purification?"

Su Xing was a little excited. Whether it was 15 billion or 30 billion, it was a huge sum of money for Su Xing!
"In this case, we should go to the Red Lotus Demon Cave dungeon first!"

Su Xing murmured.

He previously used the immersive simulation function to completely simulate the scene of going to the Red Lotus Demon Cave.

Now if you go there again in the real world, you will definitely be foolproof!
With this thought in mind, Su Xing glanced at the sky and began to lose his breath in disguise.

When the sky darkened a little, Su Xing left Kyoto Academy and ran outside Kyoto.

After making sure that no one was paying attention to him, Su Xing used the secret shielding technique, then flew with his sword and rushed to Mai City in the northwest province.

Soon, Su Xing arrived near the copy of the Red Lotus Demon Cave in his memory.

After Su Xing got closer, he found a heavily armed army of professionals wandering outside the Red Lotus Demon Cave instance.

As a forbidden level dungeon, the Red Lotus Demon Cave must be strictly controlled.

These professional armies are not only to prevent the monsters in the dungeon from escaping, but also to prevent anyone from entering by mistake.

However, the strength of these professional soldiers is only around the master and grandmaster level, and they do not dare to get too close to the entrance of the dungeon.

Su Xing, on the other hand, just used a little bit of Bagua arithmetic to block these people's perception of him, and then successfully blended into the Red Lotus Demon Cave copy.

For today's Su Xing, these master-level professionals are no different from ordinary people.

Stepping into the red lotus cave dungeon, Su Xing quickly entered a strange environment.

Obviously, this is no longer Blue Star.

"Well...the surrounding temperature has risen a lot. The body temperature is about fifty or sixty degrees..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, but this temperature was no different from normal temperature to him.

Even though Su Xing's strength is now comparable to that of a legendary powerhouse, for the sake of caution, Su Xing still props up the protective aura and activates the Yuanli armor.

After a little exploration, Su Xing discovered a cave that was almost straight downward and bottomless, and could only be traveled by one person.

"This should be the passage leading to the core area of ​​the dungeon..."

Su Xing did not hesitate and flew directly into the cave.

Because the cave terrain is narrow, it cannot reach its maximum speed.

Therefore, it took him several hours to wake up and reach the Balrog area thousands of miles deep.

At this time, the surrounding temperature has soared to [-] to [-] degrees Celsius, and those who are not king-level or above cannot survive.

Under the induction of his divine consciousness, Su Xing quickly discovered the Balrog he encountered in the simulation.

Not the slightest sloppiness.

Yuanli wrapped around his arm, and then punched out!
In just an instant, the Balrog's life breath quickly diminished.

The Flame Demon at the peak of the Martial Emperor's peak couldn't survive even one move in Su Xing's hands!
"This is the benefit of steady development!"

"It doesn't matter what level your enemies are... when I grow up enough, I will kill you all!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and continued to explore the Balrog's lair.

Soon, he woke up and discovered a deeper cave, leading to the magma layer.

"Down here, it should be where the foreign metal mining area is..."

After waking up and exploring the depths of the cave, he saw a magma pool after a while.

At this time, the temperature here has reached over [-] degrees Celsius.

Fortunately, Su Xing has a body-protecting Qi that isolates the inside and outside, so the body is not affected.

So awake, he looked across the magma pool and towards the ore area on the side.

Sure enough, there were a lot of reddish special metals mixed in the uneven rocks.

"Sure enough, exotic metal ore!"

"Then... let's start working!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and took out his spiritual sword Mo Bing.

Under the warmth of Yuanli, Mo Bingjian became sharper and tougher.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he wrapped his Yuan Power around Mo Bingjian.

Then he slashed at the rock layer mixed with foreign metals.

Under the influence of Yuanli, these uneven rocks were cut like tofu and became smooth and flat.

Su Xing had some obsessive-compulsive disorder and cut each piece of ore into one cubic meter.

Then, throughout the night, Su Xing continued to mine.

It was not until noon the next day that the last foreign metal ore was dug up by Su Xing.

Only after Su Xing was satisfied was he ready to leave.

"I have obtained one thousand cubic meters of ore containing foreign metals... These ores are worth at least 15 billion energy!"

"As for whether to purify or absorb directly, we will consider it later... It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first!"

So, Su Xing spent several more hours leaving the Red Lotus Demon Cave instance.

Yujian Fei did not return to the dormitory until evening.

After decisively entering the blessed land of Lingtian, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but his little heart was pounding.

"My dear, this is a foreign metal worth 15 billion energy!"

Su Xing looked at the mountains of exotic metals in front of him and began to think.

"If it is absorbed directly, it is only worth 15 billion energy..."

"But if it is purified, it would be worth 30 billion energy!"

"However, the purification of this foreign metal must still be very time-consuming... I just don't know how much time it will take?"

Su Xing hesitated, then called Jin Congxue.

"Hey, you're so busy, why do you have time to call me?" Jin Congxue's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Su Xing smiled and said: "Ahem... I have something to ask you. Those foreign metals need to be purified and refined, right?"

Jin Congxue's affirmative reply came from the other end of the phone:

"Aren't you talking nonsense? After all, you are also the big boss who has contracted six mining area dungeons! Don't you know this?"

"Mining is not easy, but purification also takes time. The exotic metals you get every week need to be purified four to seven days in advance..."

"Of course, the higher the level of the foreign metal, the more time it takes to purify and refine it."

Su Xing had a serious look on his face when he heard this, so he asked:
"Sister Xue, if it is a thousand cubic meters of ore containing third- and fourth-order exotic metals with a purity of about 3.7%... how long will it take to purify and refine it?"

Jin Congxue didn't expect Su Xing to ask such a detailed question so seriously.

After thinking for a moment, he said:
"According to your description... I estimate that it will take about a month to purify this batch of ore..."

After hearing this, Su Xing's eyes lit up. In one month, he could purify 15 billion worth of foreign metals and get 30 billion directly!
Hiss~ This is quite a lot of money!
"However, there is also a problem... If it is all purified, then I will have no simulation energy to use..."

After some hesitation, Su Xing decided to absorb one-third of the foreign metal, which was [-] million simulated energy.

The rest was given to Jin Congxue for purification.

"There are more than 600 cubic meters left, which should be purified in three weeks... By then, 10 billion energy will be converted into 20 billion!"

(End of this chapter)

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