Chapter 184: Get rich overnight and earn 30 spiritual stones! (5k)

One billion turned into 20 billion, Buffett didn’t even make that much! ?

Thinking of this, Su Xing was a little excited.

"But it would be best if we could refine them all and exchange them into simulated energy... I just don't know if we can make it in time?"

After all, Su Xing is still waiting for the simulation rewards that have not yet been redeemed...

So Su Xing then asked Jin Congxue if it was convenient now.

But Jin Congxue said that she was not in Kyoto now, and if she wanted to meet, it might take a few days.

Su Xing thought for a moment after hearing the words, shook his head and said:
"If you wait a few more days, you may be too late and miss the opportunity to choose simulation rewards..."

"It seems that we still need to absorb a batch of foreign metal ores first..."

So Su Xing made an appointment with Jin Congxue and planned to hand over 10 billion energy worth of foreign metals to Jin Congxue for purification and refining.

At this time, Su Xing prepared to absorb one-third of the foreign metal in front of him and convert it into simulated energy for use in the next period of time.

The simulator selects one-third of the energy substances in a very user-friendly manner.

[Ding, a substance containing energy has been detected, worth 5 million energy. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said silently.

Soon, the pile of foreign metal ores in front of him was reduced by one-third, and Su Xing packed up the remaining foreign metal ores, preparing for Jin Congxue to use them first.

"Save the time for refining. Although it will reduce half the energy, it can save a lot of time!"

"Perhaps, I should go to the Tarot Club's mining area later and try to directly absorb unprocessed foreign metal ores... maybe I will get more simulated energy!"

Wake up thinking.

Afterwards, the simulation energy wakes up again and is ready to choose the rewards obtained in the previous simulation.

"I choose to bring out the spiritual stone and spring dew purified water..."

As he finished speaking, the simulator's beep sounded in his ears.

[You successfully brought out 22 low-grade spiritual stones, 5000 medium-grade spiritual stones, and 300 high-grade spiritual stones. It cost 3 million energy and left 3 million energy points. 】

[You successfully brought out 240 drops of spring dew and purified water, spending 2400 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 3 million points. 】

When the simulator beep sounded, Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:
"There are more than 3 million energy left... which should be enough for my simulations in the next two weeks!"

Immediately, a large number of spiritual stones appeared in the open space in front of the thatched house.

The spirit stones are uneven in size, and beside the spirit stones, there is a small jade bottle.

Su Xing hurriedly stepped forward to pick up the jade bottle, nodded and said:

"Yes, Spring Dew Purifying Water... With this thing, I can refine the Void Pill later!"

After putting away the jade bottle, Su Xing looked at the hill made of a lot of spiritual stones in front of him, his eyes were shining!

There are more than 20 low-grade spiritual stones, thousands of medium-grade spiritual stones, and hundreds of high-grade spiritual stones!
"When converted, it is equivalent to more than 30 spirit stones!"

"Damn it, I've been searching and searching, but now I only have less than a thousand spirit stones... This time the number has increased more than 300 times!"

Su Xing looked at the spirit stone in front of him, and suddenly felt like smirking.

"With so many spirit stones... practicing in the Void Return Stage shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Waking up with some anticipation.

It should be noted that the journey of cultivating immortals becomes more and more difficult the further you go. It is normal for monks in the Returning Void Stage to break through a small realm and stay in seclusion for decades.

And if Awakening has sufficient resources, it can shorten this time several times, or even ten times!

Su Xing carefully put away the spirit stone, he was not willing to spend one at all.

Waiting until the simulation is used before using it is the best way!
"Huh... Next, we still have to work hard to break through to the Void Return Stage!"

"Alchemy, you still have to refine it!"

Su Xing muttered, although now he can be regarded as a small rich man in the world of immortality.

But I still have an ordinary honestly and grow steadily!

In this way, Su Xing spent the next six days refining elixirs, farming, and collecting spiritual fluids.

In the meantime, Su Xing took time to see Jin Congxue and handed over his more than 600 cubic meters of exotic metal ore to her.

This shocked Jin Congxue.

You must know that these are not the first or second level, common exotic metals on the market.

It’s a third- or fourth-level high-grade exotic metal!
Although Jin Congxue didn't know how Su Xing got it, he still kept it a secret for Su Xing.

They even released news that they were purchasing high-grade exotic metal ores and forged a batch of orders.

In this way, the source of the alien metal ore of Awakening becomes legitimate.

Su Xing only needs to wait for two or three weeks. When the foreign metal is refined and purified, Su Xing will have a full 20 ​​billion energy!

"Tsk tsk... 20 billion energy!"

"What should we do to pay back? It's time to make arrangements for the Dzogchen cultivation of the Return to Void Stage..."

"Learn a few more techniques to improve my combat capabilities..."

Su Xing has begun to imagine the uses of analog energy in the future.

After refining the elixir for the new week, Su Xing went to the villa.

Jin Congxue is not here this week. In order to ensure that the foreign metal ore is safe, she went to the dungeon to supervise it personally.

So after Su Xing took the goods and put down the elixirs, he returned to the dormitory and entered the Lingtian Blessed Land.

After exchanging the new week's goods into simulated energy, the awakened energy instantly reached more than 4 million, making him a proper little rich man.

On the afternoon of April 2024, 9 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

However, before the simulation, Su Xing opened the talent lottery pool and prepared to draw the "Master of Success" talent.

Su Xing's heart moved and he opened the talent lottery pool function.

I saw a retro slot lottery machine appearing in front of Su Xing.

[Ding, welcome to the talent lottery pool of the simulator. Please select the quality you want to draw the talent from. The white talent has [-] energy points... the purple talent has [-] energy points. 】

The goal of awakening is the purple talent "Master of Success", so he will naturally choose the purple talent.

"I choose the purple talent pool!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, some purple balls appeared in the slot machine in front of him.

There are some fonts engraved on the purple ball.

Master of Fu Lu, Master of Formation, Cold-faced Emperor, I am a passerby...

There are about a dozen purple spheres, all of which are talents that Su Xing has experienced before but has not brought out.

[Please pay [-] energy points for a random draw...]

The simulator's beep sounded in his ears, and Su Xing's heart moved, and he paid [-] energy points.

"Hey, with just a hundred thousand points of energy, who are you looking down on?"

"Damn, I have hundreds of millions, how can it be difficult to get me with just these ten balls?"

Su Xing snorted coldly and said silently:

As Su Xing finished speaking, the transparent slot machine lottery interface began to shake.

Su Xing watched as the talent that marked the "Master of Success" kept rolling around, and he almost got pulled out several times.

But in the end, "missed out"...

Under Su Xing's gaze, a purple ball marking "I am Passerby A" slowly rolled out.


Su Xing almost cursed when the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[Ding, you drew the purple talent and I am passerby A. Do you want to choose this talent? 】

Su Xing was so angry that he muttered:

"No, no, no! Give me another stroke!"

Ever since, Su Xing began the ruthless lottery moment.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Talisman Master...]

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Cold-faced Emperor...]


After being pumped more than 30 times in a row, my eyes began to become bloodshot when I woke up, and my mind even began to drift.

"No... this is impossible? There are only a dozen talents in total... I have tried more than 30 times, why can't I draw it?"

Su Xing began to doubt life, and he began to recall the fear of being dominated by the lottery odds of a certain goose factory game in his previous life.

But successfully learning the master's talent is of great importance, and Su Xing has a reason to take it out.

"Pump! Keep pumping!"

Su Xing said through gritted teeth like a former player who was addicted to SSR.

In this way, Su Xing pumped more than 20 times, and finally heard the pleasant sound.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Success Master. Do you want to choose? 】

"Go on...wait, it's him!"

Su Xing almost went numb from the draw. There were more than a dozen talent balls in total, and it took Su Xing more than 60 draws to get what he wanted.

This probability is really no one else.

"More than 600 million simulated energy... That's not much for me, but the point is, this lottery is so exciting!"

Su Xing complained in anger.

Seeing the talent he liked in front of him, Su Xing said with some relief.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 5300 energy points, with 3 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

[It is detected that you have chosen to carry the talent "Successful Learning Master", and the simulation officially begins! 】Looking awake at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You stayed in Kyoto for three weeks, during which time you received the refined metal from Jin Congxue. 】

[Three weeks later, you went to Shuangqing City, preparing to kill Zong Laogou! 】

[After you disguise yourself and gather your breath, shielding your own heavenly secrets, you release your own spiritual consciousness, hoping to attract Zong Laogou. 】

[As expected, Old Dog Zong was quickly attracted to you. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"Okay, let's kill the old dog again and practice it in advance!"

"Use the immersive simulation feature for one hour."

[You successfully used the immersive simulation function, spending 10 energy points, and the remaining energy is 3 million points. 】

The beep fell, and Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in an unfamiliar environment.


In front of Su Xing, the voice of Zong Laogou came, his expression was very respectful.

Seeing this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The next second, a million tons of huge force poured out, directly hitting Zong Laogou.

Zong Laogou didn't react at all and was directly blasted into scum.

Then Zong Laogou's soul left his body, and Su Xing crushed his soul without hesitation at all.

Su Xing seemed to see Zong Laogou's disbelief before he died.

So he showed a lonely expression and murmured:

"You seem to be wondering why I'm so skilled?"

"Nothing else...only your hands are familiar with you!"

Su Xing picked up Zong Laogou's storage bag and killed him this time just on the way.

Next, is the real purpose of awakening this time.

Let's try to see if the awakened success master can gain Luo Shuying's trust without exposing himself.

The awakening consciousness enveloped the surroundings, and he vaguely noticed that someone was observing him.

But he didn't expose himself when he woke up, he just flew with his sword, turned around and left.

In the awakening consciousness, the figure has been following him from a distance.

Half an hour later, I woke up and stopped in a large mountain, and took out a stone table and two stone stools.

Then he pretended to make two cups of tea and said loudly:
"Have friends come from afar!"

"Your Excellency, why don't you show up?"

After Su Xing said that, he drank tea by himself, seemingly not caring about others.

Not long after, Luo Shuying's figure appeared not far from Su Xing. She looked at Su Xing warily and asked:

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill the sect protector?"

Su Xing smiled lightly when he heard this and asked:
"Traitors from the human race come to the sect, why shouldn't they be killed?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Shuying remained silent, then took out two daggers and said coldly:

"In that case, let's do it!"

After Su Xing heard this, he still looked calm and calm and said:
"Haha, you are not a traitor to the human race, why should I take action?"

"If I'm not wrong... you are an undercover agent sent by the Advent Sect from the spiritual world, right?"

Luo Shuying's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, as if she couldn't believe how Su Xing knew.

But Su Xing looked enigmatic and said:
"The poor Taoist wanders into countless small worlds~ Naturally he has been to the spiritual world... As for the elders... the protectors are just scum among the monks!"

"As for the Spiritual Clan... Pindao has also come into contact with you, so he recognized your identity..."

With the blessing of the "Master of Success Studies", what Su Xing said was reasonable and well-founded, and Luo Shuying had no doubts at all.

Seeing Luo Shuying's eyes full of surprise and confusion, and seeming to believe it, Su Xing took the opportunity to continue the deception.

"I see that you are not far from the realm of legend. There is a material and earth treasure in your advent sect's treasury, called the Condensing Divine Tree."

"If you take it, I can help you reach the legendary level!"

After Luo Shuying heard Su Xing's words, her eyes suddenly lit up and she felt a little longing in her heart.

She has been stuck at the peak of the Martial Emperor level for several years, but still has not been able to break through. If she can break through to the Legend level, her strength will definitely reach a higher level.

Under the influence of the successful master, Luo Shuying trusts Su Xing more and more.

But Luo Shuying was still a little confused and said:
"Senior, why are you so nice to me?"

Su Xing smiled slightly when he heard this and said:

"We are all fighting against aliens and protecting our hometown, aren't we?"

"Follow me, and I will take you to expel the aliens and restore your homeland!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Shuying finally believed it completely, so she quickly said:
"Senior, what do you need me to do for you?"

Su Xing saw that Luo Shuying finally believed in him completely, so he thought for a moment and said:
"From now on, you will come here on the 8th of every month. If I am here, you will come to meet me... If I am not here, you can leave on your own!"

Luo Shuying nodded slightly after hearing this.

Su Xing also drank the tea in the cup and left the place.

The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing touched his chin and said:

"Tsk tsk, the effect of successfully learning from the master is really amazing!"

"He directly deceived Luo Shuying, a nearly legendary powerhouse, into this..."

Su Xing is very satisfied with the performance of the successful master.

In fact, what Su Xing said to Luo Shuying was carefully thought out.

"In the real world, it would not be good for me to expose my identity directly to Luo Shuying... At least it cannot be exposed at this stage..."

"But I still need Luo Shuying's introduction so that I can continue to use the Advent Cult in the simulation..."

"What's more, if we want to loot the treasure house of Advent Sect later, we will need Luo Shuying's help!"

"And I ask Luo Shuying to go to that location once a month in the future, so that he will not be exposed, and there is no direct contact between the two parties. This is the safest way!"

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured.

You can be wild in the simulator, but in the real world, Su Xing is always cautious.

As for letting Luo Shuying use the Concentrating Tree, he naturally wanted her to break through to the legendary level as soon as possible, so that she could better cooperate with him.

"I don't know...will there be a risk of leakage with such a plan?"

Su Xing decided to deduce it again in the simulation.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After killing Zong Laogou, you met Luo Shuying. 】

[You won Luo Shuying's trust with your eloquent mouth. 】

[You have been waiting quietly in Kyoto for a month, during which time you have been trying to refine elixirs and practice the art of leaving fire. 】

[A month later, you found Luo Shuying on time and joined the Advent Cult along with Luo Shuying. 】

[After joining Advent Cult, you start refining elixirs on a daily basis. 】

[You refined some concentration pills for Luo Shuying and helped her break through to become a legendary powerhouse. 】

[In the next two years, you stayed in the Advent Cult. You used the Master of Success to bewitch a large number of loyal believers. 】

[They regard you as the future guide of Advent Sect and their spiritual sustenance in the world. 】

[In the past two years, you have refined a large number of elixirs and accumulated a sixty-day "Great Wisdom" status bonus. 】

[At the same time, you also received twenty drops of spring dew and purified water on the two days of the Waking of Insects. 】

[In the third year, you took Luo Shuying and defected from the Advent Sect and went to Kyoto. 】

[After more than 2 advent believers found out, they came to Daxia Kyoto to question you. 】

[And you used your talent as a successful master to develop the "Fourth Road to Salvation", bewitched them all, entered the Demon Suppression Pass, and formed a death-defying army. 】

[These advent believers have become ten warriors in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[After doing all this, you officially start refining the Void Pill. 】

[You now have a section of the Ningshenmu that is three feet long and one section that is one foot long in your hand. This medicinal material is enough. 】

[But you only have 260 drops of Spring Dew Purified Water, and each drop can only be used to refine one furnace of Void Refining Pill. 】

[So, you cherish every opportunity to refine the Void Refining Pill. 】

[You have activated your state of great wisdom, pushed your consciousness to the limit, and carefully observed the condensation and changes of every herb in the alchemy furnace. 】

[Spiritual power wraps up the spring dew and purified water, and you send it into the alchemy furnace...]

[The first time you tried to refine the Void Refining Pill, it took you two hours. 】

[There is no doubt that you failed, but you began to learn from your failures. 】

[In the first month, you tried to refine twenty furnaces of Void Refining Pills, and not surprisingly, they were all waste pills. 】

[The refining of the Void Refining Pill is a little more difficult than you thought, but under your "great wisdom state", you have made some progress in refining the Void Refining Pill. 】

[In the second month, you refined twenty furnaces of the Void Refining Pill, but all failed. Your understanding of the Void Refining Pill has made slight progress...]

[The third month...the fourth month...]

[In this way, half a year has passed, and you have refined a total of 120 furnaces of Void Refining Pills. Although they all failed, your refining details of the Void Refining Pills are several times better than before. 】

[The bonus of great wisdom allows you to gain several times more skill and experience every time you refine elixirs. 】

[You know in your heart that after successfully refining the Void Pill, the Return to Void Realm will not be far away from you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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