Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 186 Entering the realm of nothingness for the first time and failing to achieve perfection

Chapter 186 Entering the realm of nothingness for the first time and failing to achieve perfection (Second update, please vote for me~)

Seeing this, Su Xing felt a little nervous.

In the last year, can I refine the Void Pill to reach the Dacheng level?

After all, only by reaching the master level of skills can one be able to refine the best Void Refining Pill to meet the requirements of awakening and trying to enter the Void Return Stage.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After the Demon Suppression Pass is destroyed, you try to refine the Void Refining Pill again. 】

[But God does not always follow people's wishes. You have been refining it ten times in a row, but you have not been able to make the best Void Refining Pill. 】

[You glanced at the few ordinary quality Void Refining Pills in your hand, and hesitated whether to directly try to break through. 】

【But there is not much time left for you now. 】

[Finally, you decide to give it a try! 】

[You entered the Lingtian Cave, prepared all the spiritual stones and spiritual liquid you had accumulated before, and began to condense spiritual energy like crazy. 】

[In this way, after three days and three nights, you feel like a balloon that is about to be filled with air inside your body, and the spiritual energy is almost ready to burst you. 】

[But the more times like this, the calmer you feel. 】

[You sit cross-legged, close your eyes tightly, and push your consciousness to the limit...]

[After several hours of this, you finally sense that your consciousness seems to have come into contact with a special space that you have never touched before. 】

[This space is extremely vast, it is between illusion and reality... Only spiritual consciousness can sense it, but the physical body cannot touch it! 】

[You understand clearly in your heart that this is the realm of nothingness! 】

[At the same time, you quickly opened your eyes and took a Void Refining Pill. 】

[The Void Refining Pill melts in your mouth. There is no change in your body, but you feel subtle changes in your consciousness. 】

[And at this moment, your consciousness is standing outside the realm of nothingness, and you have an urge to enter this realm! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing felt a little happy.

"After the spiritual consciousness maintains its extreme state, can it sense the void world? In this world... there is actually a void world!"

"It's just that you can try to break into the void world by taking the Void Refining Pill... So what's the difference between the best Void Refining Pill and the ordinary Void Refining Pill?"

Su Xing was a little confused.

No matter what, it was the right choice to simulate his attempts to break through and return to virtual reality this time.

Even if he fails to succeed, the words left behind can inspire Su Xing for his next breakthrough.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Your consciousness stays outside the realm of nothingness, and you can sense the rejection of you by the realm of nothingness. 】

[You know in your heart that this is because you have not yet been able to break through to the Void Return Stage. As long as you can break through to the Void Realm, you can become a Void Return Stage monk! 】

[So, you worked hard to condense and concentrate your consciousness on one point, trying hard to break a small corner on the barrier of the void world to enter it. 】

[You try again and again and fail again and again. 】

[But you are perseverant and keep trying when you fail...]

[I don’t know how long it’s been like this… The barrier of the void in front of you finally no longer repels you, and a tiny crack appears in front of your consciousness. 】

[You quickly seized the opportunity and entered this crack...]

[After you enter, the cracks in the barrier of the void world slowly heal. 】

[You successfully entered the realm of nothingness! 】

[Entering the realm of nothingness, your consciousness senses everything around you. 】

[But there seems to be nothing here...]

[There are no flowers, trees or trees... not even soil and moisture! 】

[This is like an extremely vast vacuum area...]

[As its name suggests, all you can see is nothingness. 】

[And in this endless nothingness, you can only feel the sense of desolation... It seems that this space has been without life for a long time...]

【at this time!The endless sky above your head begins to change...]

[There is no longer nothingness, but a scene like dark clouds! 】

[You are curious about where this dark cloud comes from, but the situation at this moment is no longer up to you. 】

[Boom boom boom! 】

[Dark clouds began to gather, and terrifying thunder began to condense. 】

[You suddenly remember that this is the thunder that Shen Nong Arita once mentioned, which is designed to deal with divine consciousness! 】

[It is also the baptism of divine consciousness that every monk who breaks into the realm of nothingness must receive. 】

【Boom!A burst of lightning fell accurately on your consciousness. 】

[At the same time, you feel that your consciousness is extremely painful...]

[The degree of pain experienced by the spiritual consciousness is far greater than that of physical pain. 】

[But you gritted your teeth and persevered, and you felt that your consciousness was getting stronger at this moment...]

[Ten thousand feet... 1 feet... [-] feet... [-] feet! 】

[In just a few breaths, the range of your consciousness has increased by [-]%! 】

[This is equivalent to the growth of your previous decades of hard work...]

[After you withstand this thunder, you feel that your consciousness becomes stronger. 】

[At the same time, the second thunder struck. 】

[The power of this thunder is more powerful than the previous one! 】

[You try to grit your teeth and persevere, but finally survive. 】

[And the scope of your consciousness is also growing rapidly. 】

[Fifteen thousand feet...eighteen thousand feet...twenty thousand feet! 】

[After a few breaths, your consciousness has grown by five thousand feet again, reaching twenty thousand feet of consciousness! 】

[Compared to before you entered the void world, your consciousness is twice as powerful. 】

[Just when you thought it was over...]

[The third thunderbolt slowly gathers and prepares to fall. 】

[But at this moment, your spiritual consciousness is extremely weak, and it is almost impossible to withstand this spiritual consciousness. 】

[Just when you thought you were about to fail... you suddenly felt that your consciousness was rapidly recovering. 】

[You know in your heart that this is the function of the Void Refining Pill! 】

[In just a few breaths, most of your consciousness has recovered. 】

[At the same time, you begin to bear the pain from that thunder. 】

[The lightning shrouds your consciousness, almost making you faint...]

[However, the effect of the Void Refining Pill has been fully demonstrated. It can not only restore your consciousness, but also reduce the pain caused by thunder as much as possible. 】

【A long time passed like this...】

[After you withstand this thunder of consciousness, you feel that the intensity of your consciousness reaches a new level in a few breaths...]

[Twenty thousand feet... twenty-three thousand feet... twenty-six thousand feet! 】

[Although temporarily weak, your consciousness is stronger than ever! 】

[At the same time, you feel that the effect of the Void Refining Pill is quickly fading, and the thunder in the sky also dissipates...]

[Your consciousness finally stopped at [-] feet. Although it is much stronger than before... you still feel that it is not perfect...]

[After the lightning disaster dissipates, you try to explore this vast and endless realm of nothingness. 】

[But your consciousness has been wandering in this void world for several days, and you have not sensed the consciousness of a monk. 】

[Just when you were about to exit, you suddenly sensed a spiritual consciousness approaching you from the southwest. 】

[You are shocked, there are actually other monks in this void world! 】

[You know that the dissipation of your spiritual consciousness in the void world will not kill you, so you have the courage to approach that spiritual consciousness. 】

[Soon, you saw a mass of gray consciousness. 】

[This consciousness seems to be very surprised. He calls himself Taoist Dragon and asks where you are a monk who woke up from the world of immortality. 】

[He said that he has been wandering in this void world for thousands of years, but he has only seen you, a monk in the return to void stage. 】

[You don’t know the origin of this Taoist Dragon, but you vaguely feel that there is something familiar about him. 】

[You gave Taoist Long a few perfunctory words. At this time, your consciousness was quite tired after wandering in the void world for several days, so you temporarily withdrew from the void world. 】

[In Lingtian Cave, with the breakthrough of your spiritual consciousness, your realm is also rising rapidly! 】

[You have successfully broken through to become a monk in the Return to Void Stage, and your spiritual power is more than twice as strong as before...]

When Su Xing saw this, he was both surprised and a little emotional.

"Twenty-six thousand feet of spiritual consciousness...this is indeed astonishing..."

"But it's not perfect yet. Is it because of refining the Xu Dan?"

Su Xing estimated that the thunder calamity that first entered the void world not only played a role in testing the monk's strength.

What's more important is to enhance the monk's spiritual soul and spiritual consciousness!

"It's a pity. If there is a top-quality Void Refining Pill, perhaps the divine consciousness can become more powerful..."

Su Xing sighed, what surprised him was that there was actually a realm of nothingness in this world!
This realm of nothingness is of great benefit to the monks' spiritual consciousness, so Su Xing naturally hopes for its existence.But at the same time, the feeling of nothingness and desolation in the void world is probably because there have been no monks in this world for a long time.

"But...who is Taoist Long? Why do I feel a little familiar?"

Su Xing suddenly thought of the old dragon from Advent Sect!

"Hiss~ Is this Taoist Dragon the Dragon Protector of the Advent Sect?"

Su Xing suddenly realized that in this world, apart from Zong Laogou, among the living immortal cultivators, Su Xing had only encountered the Dragon Protector.

And Zong Laogou is at the peak of his divine transformation, so naturally he cannot enter the realm of nothingness.

Then this Taoist Dragon, there is more than [-]% certainty that he will wake up and he will be the Dragon Protector!

"Sure enough, all monks in the Return to Void Stage like to wander around in the void..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, because there is a "spirit of Taixu" in the void world, so monks in the returning stage like to enhance their consciousness and strength in it.

"In short, the ordinary quality Void Refining Pill can help me break through the Void Return Stage... but my spiritual consciousness is flawed and not perfect..."

Su Xing thought about this and no longer hesitated.

After this simulation, Awakening should be able to get reward options for the cultivation of the Void Return Stage.

But Su Xing doesn't plan to choose, but waits for the next simulation to refine the top-quality Void Refining Pill before making a breakthrough!

"This simulation of refining the Void Pill is already close to the Dacheng level... I will definitely reach the Dacheng level in the next simulation!"

Su Xing will not miss the time of this simulation. He will push every state to perfection as much as possible. Only then can Su Xing go further in his practice...

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After the realm breakthrough, you stayed in the real world for a few more months. 】

[One day, a giant beast came to reality and swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[You hold up the body-protecting Qi, relying on the powerful physique of a monk in the Breaking Void stage to withstand the suction from the giant beast's stomach. 】

[You continue to go deeper and stand outside the thunder area. You want to see what will happen if you stay in the space of the giant beast's stomach. 】

[I don’t know how long it took, the thunder area that had frequently collided gradually dissipated, and countless chaotic spatial turbulence began to appear in this place of nothingness. 】

[These spatial turbulences are extremely terrifying. Just getting close to them will give you a feeling of heart palpitations. 】

[You struggled to avoid these spatial turbulences, but were eventually torn into pieces by the turbulence...]

[Your soul is floating in the turbulence of space, gradually losing consciousness...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the last few lines of text with deep thoughts in his heart.

"Perhaps I can change my thinking?"

"Since we can't defeat the demon clan...but if we can survive in the special space in the stomach of the alien beast, maybe we can?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

If you can really survive in the stomach of the giant beast, it will be tantamount to extending the simulation time.

It's just that the illusion in the stomach of the giant beast is too terrifying, and Su Xing cannot survive with his current strength.

Maybe you can give it a try after your strength has been cultivated to an extremely advanced level?
"This time, we barely achieved our goal."

"Not only has the skill of refining pills been greatly improved, but the refining of Void Pills is close to completion..."

"I also took the opportunity to explore the void world a little bit! Although I didn't get any particularly useful information, I met the dragon guardian..."

Su Xing was quite satisfied with the results of this simulation and looked at the reward on the simulation panel.

[Success Master]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[25 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights on alchemy, including insights on the Rebirth Pill (Perfection) and the Void Refining Pill (Xiao Cheng), priced at 1000 million energy.

[First Level of Return to Void Stage]: Entering the void world for the first time, achieving the return to void stage, but the baptism of divine consciousness by the void divine thunder is slightly defective, and the increase in spiritual power has not been maximized.The price is 1 million energy.

[Divine Consciousness Twenty-Seven Thousand Zhangs]: Achievements in returning to the void, breaking into the realm of nothingness and experiencing the baptism of divine thunder. Divine consciousness has greatly increased, but it is slightly flawed and not perfect.Priced at 1 million energy (Note: After selecting this reward, the first baptism of the Void Divine Thunder cannot be performed.)
Compared with before, what Su Xing did in this simulation was relatively pure, which was to refine elixirs and find ways to break through to the void return stage.

Therefore, the selection of rewards is relatively simple.

Regarding this reward, Su Xing has nothing to worry about.

Successfully learning the master talent was something I wanted to prepare before I woke up, mainly because I would be much more calm when facing Luo Shuying later.

And this talent is indeed ridiculously strong, and it can play an unexpected role when awakened in the simulation.

"I choose 25 years of experience in alchemy and the talent of a successful master!"

Su Xing glanced at Xiu Wei with some reluctance.

But he soon woke up and reacted.

"That's right! What I need is not the refining skills of Void Refining Pill, but just a top-quality Void Refining Pill!"

"So, in my next simulation, as long as I successfully refine the top-grade Void Refining Pill, I can try to break through the Void Return Stage, and then bring about cultivation!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened.

Different from the previous divine power pills and other elixirs, the Void Refining Pill is only useful when breaking through the void and entering the Taixu Realm.

There is no need for Su Xing to learn too advanced skills about this elixir.

Thinking this way, I felt a little hopeful when I woke up.

"If it goes well, you will be able to return to reality in the next simulation, right?"

At this time, the sound of the simulator also sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[Ding, it has been detected that your current talent bar is full. Do you want to spend 1000 million points of energy to open an additional talent bar? 】

Su Xing didn't hesitate too much after hearing this. Ten million energy was nothing to Su Xing now.

"Spend 1000 million energy to open additional talent bar!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, you spent 1000 million energy to open the additional talent bar, and the remaining energy is 3 million points...]

[You have successfully brought out your talent and learned from Master, spent 100 million energy, and have 3 million remaining energy points. 】

[You successfully brought out 25 years of alchemy experience, spent 1000 million energy, and have 2 million remaining energy points. 】

The beep fell, and two mysterious forces fell into the awakening body.

At the same time, many more memory fragments appeared in Su Xing's mind.

About refining the Void Pill and the memories of refining the Reborn Pill!
Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and digested this memory.

When he opened his eyes again, he had gained considerable knowledge in refining the Void Pill and the Reborn Pill.

"Sure enough, my refining of the Void Refining Pill is already very close to the Dacheng level. I think I will be able to break through in the next simulation within a few years."

"As for the refining of the Rebirth Pill...except for the legendary level Rebirth Pill which cannot be successfully refined due to the insufficient power of the Lihuo Technique, the rest are all mastered!"

Su Xing is very satisfied with this.

Then the next goal is to return to the void stage!
Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart was full of motivation.

So, for the next week, Su Xing still spent the stable life of refining alchemy and farming.

A week later, Su Xingyi calmed down and went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a black dress today with a touch of makeup, but she looked a little haggard.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment and asked:
"Sister Xue, why are you so tired? Did you not sleep well?"

Jin Congxue rolled his eyes after hearing this, and said:
"Humph, it's not all your fault! Bringing such a large batch of high-level exotic metals... this is no small matter!"

"It made me supervise the work in the mining area day and night, and I didn't dare to leave..."

Jin Congxue yawned and said:
"However, the purification of this batch of foreign metals has been accelerated. It can be refined in two weeks at most..."

"By the way, the alchemy furnace made of the fourth-level exotic metal you want has also been arranged. I'll give it to you when the time comes~"

Su Xing was slightly moved after hearing Jin Congxue's words. It was obvious that Jin Congxue was worried about his affairs.

"Thank you, Sister Xue!"

Su Xing said sincerely, and then took out a few top-quality beauty pills.

This thing is a serious elixir that can maintain a youthful appearance for three years.

Su Xing handed over the elixir, blinked and said:
"Sister Xue... this is a gift for you. This is the best beauty elixir!"

"Take one pill every three years, and one pill will keep you looking young and youthful for three years!"

Jin Congxue's eyes immediately lit up after hearing this, and a pill extended her youthful appearance for three years.

This is a fatal temptation for any woman.

"Hmph, you have some conscience!"

Jin Congxue smiled lightly, extremely charming.

Soon, after the two had finished talking, Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave with the new week's goods.

This is because the mining area dungeon is processing awakening high-level exotic metals at the same time.

So this week's goods are only worth more than 5000 million simulated energy.

After absorbing the simulated energy, the total awakened energy reached 3 million points again.

Later, Su Xing prepared to start a new round of simulation.

"This simulation must successfully reach perfection and successfully break into the Void Return Stage!"

(Second update, ask for a monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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