Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 187: Breaking through the Void Return Stage, cultivation level and consciousness surge!

Chapter 187: Breaking through the Void Return Stage, cultivation level and consciousness surge! (Third update, please vote for me~)

On the afternoon of September 9rd in the new era, Su Xing started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 5400 energy points, with 3 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 energy points to extract blue talents, and 10 energy points to extract purple talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Draw the purple talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on your late blooming purple talent. 】

[Late Bloomer]: Purple talent, it will automatically take effect when your age is greater than [-] years old, and your cultivation speed will be doubled based on the current basis. (Note: The premise is... you can live to be a hundred years old.)
Su Xing couldn't help but roll his eyes after seeing this talent.


If you are older than [-] years old, your cultivation speed will double...

Damn it, the giant beast will come in more than 20 years. Su Xing will not live to be 40 years old, so how can he live to be a hundred years old?
"But...if I can really survive 100 years from the demon clan in the future...this talent is comparable to a magical skill!"

Su Xing secretly noticed this talent.

To be honest, for a cultivator, a hundred years is really nothing.

But doubling the speed of practice does not specify whether to refine Qi or body...

This also means that once Su Xing lives over a hundred years old, his Qi and body refining speed will double!
This is definitely a magical skill for later development!

"It's a pity that this simulation is temporarily useless..."

"However, my original purpose for this simulation was to break through and return to void. It won't be too late to claim this talent when the time comes..."

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You stayed in Kyoto City for two weeks and then set off for Shuangqing City. 】

[On October 2024, 10, you released your spiritual consciousness and attracted Zong Laogou. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing muttered silently: "Use the immersive simulation function for one hour!"


Soon, an hour passes in the simulator and only a few seconds pass in the real world.

Returning to the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:

"Very good, the time and place have been confirmed again!"

"Even the posture of killing Zong's old dog is much more handsome than before... Luo Shuying also successfully believed me!"

The reason why Su Xing did not hesitate to waste energy points was to try to kill Zong Laogou and gain Luo Shuying's trust in every simulation.

Naturally, he is worried about accidents and constantly increases his familiarity with this incident.

After all, there is only one chance to wake up in reality, but you can practice it many times in simulation.

"Is it October 10th? It seems there are only two simulation opportunities left..."

Su Xing murmured, and he decided to improve his strength as soon as possible to prevent any accidents from happening.

"Then this time, set a small goal and reach the Void Return Stage!"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After killing Zong Lao Gou, you took away Zong Lao Gou’s storage bag and gained Luo Shuying’s trust. 】

[Then you returned to Kyoto City and stayed for another month. 】

[A month later, you came to the agreed place and met Luo Shuying. 】

[Luo Shuying brought you a precious Concentrating Tree, and you also took the opportunity to propose joining the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining Advent Cult, it is because you have outstanding strength and possess the talent of being a successful master. 】

[So you quickly gathered a large number of followers in the Advent Cult and obtained the position of protector. 】

[After becoming a protector, you refined several concentration pills for Luo Shuying, helping him break through to the legendary level. 】

[After that, you start refining the Void Refining Pill and other elixirs every day, hoping to improve your mastery of the Void Refining Pill to the master level as soon as possible. 】

[In this way, two years passed slowly. 】

[In the third year, you have collected many medicinal materials and refined enough elixirs, so you took Luo Shuying and rebelled against the Advent Sect. 】

[You went to Kyoto. After the Advent Sect members found out, they rushed to Kyoto overnight to question you. 】

[In the end, you relied on the phrase "understand the applause~" to transform all these believers into death-defying armies at the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[Interestingly, even several king-level advent spies lurking in the Great Xia military contacted you privately and secretly, and were successfully deceived by you into becoming the frontline warriors against the demon clan. 】

[In the fourth year, you handed over the more than 20 refined elixirs to the Daxia military, adding many strong men to the military. 】

[After that, you began to study the refining of Xu Dan wholeheartedly. 】

[On the Jingzhe Day every year, you collect enough spring dew and purified water to prepare for refining the Void Refining Pill. 】

[In this way, in your daily study of the Void Refining Pill, your understanding of the Void Refining Pill has rapidly improved, and it has approached the level of Dacheng. 】

[In the fifth year, you refined another fifty furnaces of Xu Dan. As you continue to refine, your skills in refining Xu Dan become more and more mature. 】

[You even discovered that among the Void Refining Pills you refined, there are several pills that are of excellent quality. Although they have not reached the top level, their quality is much better than ordinary Void Refining Pills. 】

[You know, you are not far away from perfecting your Void Pill refining skills...]

[While studying the elixir with great concentration, another two years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the seventh year, it was a sunny morning. 】

[You are inspired and start making elixirs. 】

[A small piece of Ningshenmu powder, a drop of spring dew purified water, and some other elixirs...]

[You performed the entire action in one go, and the order and timing of placing the elixirs were extremely precise. 】

[The spiritual consciousness of the subtle realm is firmly shrouded in this alchemy furnace, and you can clearly sense every change in the medicinal materials. 】

[My heart moved, and spiritual energy spurted out...]

[You accurately control the temperature of the Lihuo Technique, sometimes high and sometimes low, to maximize the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials in the alchemy furnace. 】

[In this way, a full two hours have passed since the refining of a furnace of elixirs...]

[Two hours later, your forehead is already covered with fine beads of sweat. With your full concentration, your consciousness and spiritual energy are greatly consumed. 】

[In order to ensure the perfection of this alchemy, your spirit and will are always tense. 】

[But fortunately, the elixir refining has also reached the final step, the elixir-forming stage! 】

[In the end, when you slowly dissipated the Lihuo technique, you opened the alchemy furnace with a happy heart. 】

[A round and plump Void Refining Pill, exuding the fragrance of pills, appears in front of you. 】

[On top of the Void Refining Pill, there is a small group of purple mist. 】

【You are overjoyed! 】

[The elixir becomes purple mist, which is the sign of the best elixir! 】

[It was also at this moment that your understanding of the Void Refining Pill finally reached the Dacheng level! 】

[You carefully take out this top-grade Void Refining Pill and put it in a jade box. 】

[Then you started to meditate with a lot of effort. 】

[After refining the Void Refining Pill, you can obviously try to break through the Void Return Stage. 】

[But now that you are in poor condition, it is obviously not the best time to make a breakthrough. 】

[You took some spiritual liquid, adjusted your breath for several days, and finally adjusted your state to its peak. 】

[So, you are ready to break through the Void Return Stage! 】

[You take out a lot of spiritual liquid and spiritual stones, and continue to absorb spiritual energy. 】

[After a few days, you feel that the spiritual energy in your body has expanded to the extreme, and your Dantian and meridians are filled with strong spiritual energy. 】

[But you are still compressing, because you know that the more spiritual energy you absorb at this time, the easier it will be to break through the Void Return Stage later. 】

[Finally, you feel that the spiritual energy in your body has reached a critical value. 】

[At this moment, you have activated your spiritual consciousness to the extreme! 】

[In this way, I don’t know how long it has been... your consciousness vaguely noticed a special space. 】

[You know, that is the realm of nothingness! 】

[And if you want to enter the realm of nothingness, you have to break the barrier in front of you. 】

[You try again and again to concentrate your consciousness. 】

[The intensity of your spiritual consciousness far exceeds that of ordinary monks in the transformation stage. With your unremitting efforts, you finally broke through this barrier. 】

[You step into the realm of nothingness, and the barrier behind you quickly recovers. 】

[In the realm of nothingness, you see a desolation and a slight feeling of loneliness. 】

[You know that thunder will fall soon, so you begin to prepare for the baptism of the thunder of nothingness. 】

[I don’t know when dark clouds began to gather in the sky, and there were bursts of thunder...] [A white thunder struck straight towards your consciousness. 】

[Even if you are prepared in advance, the pain that reaches the depths of your soul still makes you almost unable to hold on. 】

[Your perseverance came into play at this moment, and you survived the first thunderbolt. 】

[After a few breaths, your consciousness has grown from ten thousand feet to fifteen thousand feet...]

[But you did not relax your vigilance, because the thunder of nothingness in the sky gathered again. 】

[So... you have withstood two more thunders of nothingness. 】

[At this moment, your consciousness has grown to twenty-six thousand feet! 】

[Your eyes are just staring at the dark clouds in the sky, and sure enough...]

[The fourth thunder of nothingness begins to gather! 】

[At this moment, half of the efficacy of your Xudan Dan has not been exerted. 】

[Refining the Void Pill nourishes your consciousness and constantly repairs the fatigue of your consciousness. 】

[Soon, the fourth thunder of nothingness fell! 】

[You gritted your teeth and persisted, and combined with the efficacy of the Void Refining Pill, you finally survived this thunder...]

[At this moment, your consciousness experienced its final surge. 】

[Twenty-six thousand feet...twenty-eight thousand feet...]

[Finally, thirty thousand feet! 】

[Just withstanding the baptism of this thunder of nothingness, the intensity of your consciousness has tripled in just half an hour! 】

[At the same time, in the Lingtian Cave... you feel an invisible shackle in your body being shattered. 】

[The total amount of your spiritual energy stored has tripled at this moment! 】

[The spiritual energy you accumulated before has been put to use. They poured into the Dantian crazily and transformed into your own spiritual power...]

[The entire breakthrough process lasted for a full three hours! 】

[Compared with previous breakthroughs, you are relatively relaxed this time when you enter the Void Return Stage. 】

[But your strength has indeed grown the most ever! 】

[The spiritual power in your body is three times more powerful than when you were in the Great Perfection of Divine Transformation! 】

[If the spiritual power in your body was originally an endless river, then at this moment, it is a turbulent river! 】

[Like a river rushing to the sea... one day, it will converge into a vast ocean of spiritual power. 】

[You have successfully entered the first level of the Void Return Stage! 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he couldn't help but feel joy on his face.

"Sure enough, refining the best Void Refining Pill is a must!"

"Whether it is my consciousness or spiritual power, I have tripled it after the breakthrough!"

"Tsk, tsk, the monks in the Void Return Stage... are so terrifying!"

Su Xing is very satisfied with this. For him who is cultivating immortality alone, the road to immortality requires constant exploration.

What Su Xing can do is to make every step as perfect as possible.

Only in this way can we have the chance to become an immortal...

Su Xing'an resisted the excitement in his heart and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the realm of nothingness, you are ready to explore this space carefully. 】

[You walked in the endless void space and explored for several days. 】

[Suddenly, you sensed an unusual aura. It didn’t seem to be the aura of the monk’s spiritual consciousness...]

[Driven by curiosity, you decide to go and explore...]

[You saw a ball of white energy, which is very similar to divine consciousness, but it is not divine consciousness...]

[At the same time, you can't help but feel a desire to defeat this energy and devour it to become stronger! 】

[You immediately understand that this special energy in front of you is one of the opportunities in the void world...the spirit of Taixu! 】

[After you got close to this Taixu spirit, it also sensed you, and then launched an offensive directly towards you. 】

[There are no traces of fighting skills, and you have not mastered any method of attacking with spiritual consciousness...]

[You and the Taixu Spirit are fighting together, just like the most primitive beasts, just biting and devouring each other crazily. 】

[In the end, you win! 】

[There is no doubt that when you enter the stage of returning to the void, you have a spiritual consciousness of [-] feet and a subtle state, which is far beyond what this weak white Taixu spirit can resist. 】

[You swallowed this Taixu spirit, and in just a few breaths, you felt the growth of your consciousness. 】

[The growth is not much, it grew from about [-] feet to [-] feet...]

[The growth of five hundred feet of spiritual consciousness would have been satisfying to you in the past, but for you now, it is just the icing on the cake. 】

[But if the number of swallowed Taixu Spirits is large enough, and a small amount adds up, a quantitative change can also cause a qualitative change! 】

[So for the next few days, you have been wandering around in Taixu, exploring the world of nothingness. 】

[You are very lucky. You found another Taixu spirit. After swallowing it, your consciousness reached [-] feet! 】

[Just when you were about to continue to steadily devour the spirit of Taixu and strengthen your spiritual consciousness, you suddenly sensed a breath. 】

[A gray consciousness is coming towards you, it is Taoist Long! 】

[Taoist Long was shocked by your appearance. He said that in the past thousand years, he had only one spiritual consciousness in the void world here. 】

[At the same time, you also sense Taoist Long’s fear and temptation towards you. 】

[It seems that he wants to find out your details. 】

[Facing Taoist Long’s questioning, you can only claim to be a monk who has just woken up from a deep sleep. 】

[Taoist Long is indeed even more wary after hearing this and is unsure of your strength. 】

[He asked where you came from in the world of immortality, but naturally you wouldn't tell him. 】

[Seeing that you are so vigilant, Taoist Long knows that you are not an ordinary person. 】

[So he invited you, and he told you that he knew of a place where a mysterious-level spirit of nothingness existed. 】

[But his strength alone is limited, so he wants to invite you to solve this void spirit together. 】

[At the same time, Taoist Long said that after killing this void spirit, you two will share the benefits equally. 】

[You know that Taoist Long has no good intentions, but you also want to learn more about this realm of nothingness through Taoist Long, so you agreed to his invitation. 】

[The consciousness of the two of you has been wandering in this realm of nothingness for several days. 】

[In the past few days, Taoist Long talked a lot, but you mainly listened and seldom took the initiative to speak, so you did not reveal your true identity. 】

[Through Taoist Dragon, you learned that in this realm of nothingness, only Taoist Long has existed as a monk for thousands of years. 】

[At the same time, you also understand that this Taixu spirit is a huge opportunity in the void world. 】

[This Taixu spirit is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow. The yellow level is the lowest and the heaven level is the highest...]

[Among them, the yellow-level Taixu spirit can increase the range of spiritual consciousness by [-] feet if swallowed! 】

[The spirit of Taixu at the Xuan level, swallowing it can increase your spiritual consciousness by three thousand feet! 】

[As for the Taixu spirit of the second level of heaven and earth, if it is swallowed, it will not only greatly increase the spiritual consciousness, but can even comprehend the spiritual attack method of the ancient times! 】

[But at the same time, Taoist Long also said that the spirit of Taixu in this realm of nothingness is extremely difficult to obtain. 】

[Often, even if he searches for several years, he may not be able to find a yellow-level Taixu spirit...]

[You secretly kept Taoist Long's words in mind, but did not take the initiative to express your opinion. 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him and nodded slightly:

"Sure enough, the Realm of Nothingness is really a treasure place for monks in the Return to Void Stage to increase their consciousness and strength!"

"Not only can you find ways to directly increase your spiritual consciousness, you can even learn how to attack with your spiritual consciousness!"

It should be noted that the method of attacking with spiritual consciousness is a precious skill, and it is no less precious than ordinary heaven-level skills.

"It's just that this dragon guardian may not be able to find a Taixu spirit for several years... This is probably the normal speed."

"As for me, I swallowed two Taixu spirits in less than ten days. In addition to the blessing of auspicious stars and talents, I'm afraid my luck has also improved to the extreme!"

Su Xing estimated that just relying on the purple talent and auspicious stars would not be enough to be so lucky.

Under normal circumstances, with the blessing of auspicious stars, it would be considered good to encounter a Taixu spirit in a few months...

"Let's see what this dragon protector is thinking!"

"Although I know he has bad intentions, having him as a guide should save me a lot of effort..."

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the void world, a few days later, you really saw a powerful Taixu spirit. 】

[This Taixu Spirit is much stronger than the previous one. It looks like a yellow energy group. It is exactly the Xuan-level Taixu Spirit mentioned by the Dragon Protector! 】

(Third update, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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