Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 188: Cultivation level skyrocketed, returning to the third level of void stage!

Chapter 188: Cultivation level skyrockets, third level of Void Return stage! (First update, please vote for me~)

[Under the guidance of the dragon protector, you quickly besieged this mysterious-level Taixu spirit from left to right. 】

[Of course, you have not exposed all your strength, but you are always alert to possible sneak attacks by the dragon protector. 】

[The same is true for the dragon guardian. 】

[Even though you two have your own thoughts, in the end, this mysterious-level Taixu spirit was finally completely killed with your combined efforts. 】

[Soon, it’s time to distribute the Xuan-level Taixu spirits. 】

[You are secretly wary of the Dragon Protector...]

[Sure enough, as you expected, the dragon guardian launched a sneak attack on you! 】

[Even if you were prepared, you never expected that this dragon guardian actually mastered a spiritual attack method! 】

[This means that his strength alone is enough to kill this Xuan-level Taixu spirit! 】

[Under the attack of the Dragon Guardian’s spiritual consciousness, you have been defeated continuously...]

[Fortunately, your spiritual consciousness is also very powerful, comparable to the late stage of the Void Return Stage. 】

[Although your consciousness was much weaker after being attacked, you still escaped from the pursuit of the Dragon Guardian...]

[You finally left the realm of nothingness, and your consciousness returned to your body. 】

[After being seriously injured by the shadow protector in a sneak attack, your consciousness was seriously injured and you are in a severely weak state. 】

[If it were an ordinary monk in the Void Return Stage, he might not be able to recover within a few decades. 】

[Fortunately, you still have a lot of concentrating pills and nourishing pills. You take the pills every day and start to recover from your injuries. 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly. 】

[In the tenth year, your consciousness injury has finally healed, but you have no longer trespassed into the realm of nothingness, but are preparing to improve your Qi refining skills! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing sighed and said:

"Sure enough, none of the monks who can survive in the Age of Ending Law are like Yi!"

"This old dragon dog is really a dog. He can clearly kill the Xuan-level Taixu spirit on his own, but he secretly shows weakness and hides the method of attacking with his spiritual consciousness!"

"Even though I was well prepared, I was still attacked by him and my consciousness was seriously injured..."

However, although he was injured and had to recuperate for three years this time, Su Xing also learned more about the dangers of the world of immortality.

I also know the secrets and situations in the void world, which is generally not a loss.

"Although I was attacked in the simulation...but in the real world, the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark!"

"This old dog dragon doesn't know my existence yet, so I have an absolutely advantageous situation!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

Although I suffered setbacks in the simulation, in the real world, I have the advantage!

"Don't be in a hurry to enter this realm of nothingness again. Maybe after you learn a spiritual attack method, you can have a fight with Long Laogou again!"

"At this time, I still have a lot of spiritual stone resources and plenty of time in the simulation... I can just improve my cultivation level!"

"Just in time, you can try the power of my three lines of mutated heavenly spiritual roots!"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, collected three pieces of jade, and found the ruins of the Wanmu Sect. 】

[After killing the living dead puppet, you entered the core area of ​​the ruins and took out all the spiritual stones placed there. 】

[You didn’t disturb the sleeping Wanmu Zhenren because you knew you were no match for him. 】

[You take a look at the spirit dragon that is still trapped. Although you want to rescue it and use it for your own use, you know that this will definitely disturb the sleeping Wanmu Zhenren. 】

[And with your current strength, you are far from his opponent. 】

[You didn’t go to the Five Elements Mountain ruins either, because you are still no match for that living dead puppet. 】

[You have returned to the real world and entered the Lingtian Cave to prepare for practice. 】

[Now, the number of spiritual stones in your hand is close to 50, and there are more than 100 million drops of spiritual liquid! 】

[Such a large amount is enough for you to practice for a long time. 】

[In the Lingtian Cave, you drank a small sip of the spiritual liquid (a thousand drops), then sat cross-legged and began to practice. 】

[The advantage of Tianlinggen is completely revealed at this moment. 】

[Your Dantian is like a torrent of suction, quickly digesting the spiritual power transformed from the spiritual fluid. Qianyan Jue is running crazily, accelerating the absorption of the spiritual fluid. 】

[Compared to spiritual stones, spiritual liquid is much easier to absorb. 】

[In just two hours, you have transformed all the aura of this spiritual liquid into your own cultivation. 】

[You feel that your cultivation has improved slightly. 】

[You try to use low-grade spiritual stones to practice one after another. You find that low-grade spiritual stones can only absorb 100 yuan a day because they have more impurities. 】

[If you absorb middle-grade spiritual stones, you can absorb 12 pieces per day. 】

[High-grade spiritual stones, you can absorb two pieces every day. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing made some calculations in his mind.

"The spiritual energy content of ten low-grade spiritual stones is equivalent to one medium-grade spiritual stone..."

"And I can absorb 12 middle-grade spiritual stones, or 100 low-grade spiritual stones every day, which is equivalent to about [-]% faster than the cultivation speed of purely absorbing low-grade spiritual stones."

"As for one high-grade spiritual stone being worth 100 low-grade spiritual stones, and I can absorb two of them every day, which is equivalent to absorbing [-] low-grade spiritual stones!"

"Hiss~ This speed is equivalent to twice that of directly practicing with low-grade spiritual stones!"

Su Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There are three levels of spiritual stones: upper, middle and lower. The top-grade spiritual stones have the least impurities and are naturally easier to absorb. This is equivalent to increasing the speed of awakening cultivation in disguise!

Low-grade spiritual stones have the most impurities, so their cultivation speed is the slowest...

Of course, it is also many times faster than directly absorbing spiritual energy to practice...

"So... what's the speed of absorbing spiritual liquid?"

Wake up and do some calculations.

"Absorbing 1000 drops of low-grade spiritual liquid in two hours is equivalent to 100 low-grade spiritual stones."

"Twelve hours a day, that is, absorbing 12 drops of spiritual liquid, which is equivalent to absorbing 6000 low-grade spiritual stones!"

"Hiss~ This cultivation speed is six times that of ordinary spirit stones!"

"If you spend all your time cultivating with spiritual liquid for one year, it is equivalent to six years of cultivation with low-grade spiritual stones, five years of cultivation with medium-grade spiritual stones... and three years of cultivation with high-grade spiritual stones!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked a little serious.

Don't underestimate this simple math problem.

Su Xing records the improvement in practice speed brought by each resource, so that the best practice plan can be found!

After all, Su Xing has so many resources in every simulation.

If you plan your practice smoothly, your awakening state will improve much faster!
"Looking at it this way, the use of spiritual liquid has the highest priority!"

"Wait until the spiritual liquid is used up, then use the high-grade spiritual stone...then use the medium-grade spiritual stone, and so on..."

"After all, after the cultivation level is improved first, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy will also increase slightly..."

After making some plans in his mind, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In Lingtian Cave, after a little experimentation, you decided to give priority to using spiritual liquid to practice! 】

[The spiritual liquid produced in the spiritual field in the past ten years, plus the millions of drops of spiritual liquid that existed before you, totals about 150 million drops. 】

[And this is probably enough for you to practice for less than a year. 】

[So, for the next year, you use spiritual liquid to practice every day. 】

[The spiritual energy brought by the spiritual liquid is more pure, and your cultivation is getting better and better day by day. 】

[In Year No. 11, the spiritual fluid you accumulated previously has been exhausted, but at the same time, your cultivation has reached the peak of the first level of the return to void stage, and you are not far away from breaking through to the second level of the return to void stage...]

[But at this moment, your spiritual liquid has been exhausted. In desperation, you can only take out the high-grade spiritual stones to practice. 】

[You hold the high-grade spiritual stone in the palm of your hand and frantically absorb the spiritual energy contained in it. 】

[Although the absorption speed of spiritual energy is far less than that of spiritual liquid, the speed is still acceptable to you. 】

[No.12, one fine morning, you were sitting cross-legged and practicing with your eyes closed. 】

[The aura on your body continues to rise, and finally reaches a critical value. After breaking through this small level, your cultivation level gradually stabilizes. 】

[You slowly open your eyes. In just over two years, your cultivation has reached the second level of the Void Return Stage! 】

[But at the same time, you feel a little helpless. In the past two years, not only have you exhausted all your spiritual liquid, but you don’t even have a few high-grade spiritual stones left...]

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"My dear, in just over two years... I have practiced from the first level of the Void Return Stage to the second level of the Void Return Stage!"

"This speed... Damn, this is the Void Returning Stage, not the Foundation Building Stage!" Su Xing couldn't help but clenched his fists excitedly and murmured:
"Sure enough, once you practice cultivation, you will become a wealthy couple!"

"This wealth comes first!"

"It is conceivable that if in the prosperous age of cultivation, a genius who cultivated immortals with sufficient resources, his cultivation speed would be many times faster than it is now?"

Su Xing couldn't help but sigh.

Take him as an example. During his transformation stage, relying on spiritual energy cultivation, he might not be able to break through to the first level in ten years.

But now in the Void Return Stage, theoretically speaking, more spiritual energy is needed to break through, and the difficulty is also much higher.

But it is because there are sufficient cultivation resources that the cultivation speed is so amazing!

Of course, this is also closely related to the awakened three-line Tianling roots.

It can only be said that resources and qualifications are indispensable for the journey of cultivating immortality!

With enough resources, the cultivation speed of the Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots can even be comparable to that of the True Spiritual Roots!

It's just so unreasonable!

"No wonder it is so difficult to cultivate immortality in this era of depleted spiritual energy... Let alone spiritual fluids and spiritual stones, even places with spiritual energy are extremely difficult to find!"

Su Xing sighed.

I just feel that all the previous accumulation is worth it!
This is called thick accumulation and thin hair!
With the Tianling Root and enough resources for cultivating immortals, even in the prosperous age of cultivating immortals, few geniuses could practice as fast as Awakening!
"Then let me see how far my cultivation level can be improved in this simulation!"

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In No. 13, after you ran out of high-grade spiritual stones, you started to practice with mid-grade spiritual stones. 】

[After your realm has been improved, you can absorb spiritual energy a little faster. 1 yuan of mid-grade spiritual stones is enough for you to practice for two and a half years...]

[In this way, while practicing day and night, two and a half years passed slowly...]

[No. 15 years, you have also consumed all the middle-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Unfortunately, the improvement of your cultivation level brought by the middle-grade spiritual stone is far less than that of the previous spiritual liquid and high-grade spiritual stone. Your cultivation level is still a long way from the third level of the Void Return Stage. 】

[Fortunately, you have accumulated more than 20 drops of spiritual liquid in the past few years. You spent more than a month absorbing it and improved your cultivation. 】

[No. 16, you have used up all the mid-grade spiritual stones and the spiritual liquid collected before. 】

[You can only settle for the next best thing and start using low-grade spiritual stones to practice. 】

[Although using low-grade spiritual stones to practice is many times faster than absorbing spiritual energy, the speed is still much slower than before...]

[But you have no other choice at this time, you can only use low-grade spiritual stones to practice. 】

[In one year, you have consumed nearly [-] low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[In No. 17, you still used low-grade spiritual stones to practice, consuming [-] spiritual stones, and your cultivation level improved slightly...]

[In Year No. 18, I consumed [-] low-grade spiritual stones, and my cultivation improved slightly...]

[In No. 19, you consumed [-] low-grade spiritual stones and finally felt that your cultivation had reached the peak of the second level of the Return to Void Stage, and you were not far away from breaking through to the third level of the Return to Void Stage...]

[In No. 20, you take out the more than 20 drops of spiritual liquid accumulated over the past few years and prepare to start a breakthrough in retreat. 】

[A month later, your cultivation level has successfully broken through. 】

[Congratulations on becoming a third-level monk in the Void Return Stage! 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, using spiritual liquid and high-grade spiritual stones to practice is much faster than low-grade spiritual stones!"

"It only took two and a half years to go from the first level of returning to the void to the second level of returning to the void... but it actually took a full seven or eight years to go from the second level to the third level!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. This speed was the result of him taking some spiritual fluid during this period.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will take another year...

"Oh, it hasn't been fun for a few years...but my cultivation speed suddenly returned to its original shape!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Based on this speed, Su Xing's simulated breakthrough to the fourth level of virtual return was hopeless.

"After all, there is still a lack of resources! All the spiritual stones and liquid that I have saved before... will not be used for more than a few years..."

Su Xing found that he still muttered about the difficulty of practicing in the Void Return Stage. Only when there is enough spiritual fluid and high-grade spiritual stones can one's cultivation level improve rapidly.

"However, it's not bad... at least every time you simulate, you can experience the refreshing feeling of soaring your cultivation level!"

Su Xing knew that he couldn't be dissatisfied.

After all, in the realm of cultivating immortals, it is more difficult to improve one level at a time.

If a monk's cultivation resources and qualifications remain unchanged, it will take ten years to advance to the level of God Transformation.

Then when he reaches the Void Return Stage, it will take decades or even hundreds of years to break through...

The difficulty increases exponentially!
But this is also the reason why for countless years, there have been countless cultivators of immortality, but very few have become immortals.

If you don’t have the qualifications or resources, do you want to become an immortal?

You are such a shitty cultivator! ?

no way!This is what cultivating immortals is like...

"Fortunately, the Void Returning Stage can still maintain a cultivation speed similar to that of the Divine Transformation Stage, which is already considered a blessing!"

"But if there are no other resources after the integration period, it may be more difficult to improve your cultivation..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt even more eager...

Desire to obtain the spiritual dragon in the ruins of Wanmu Sect!
"Hmph! When I am strong enough, I will tie up a spiritual dragon and take it home to raise!"

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In one year, you used low-grade spiritual stones to practice. You spent 3000 yuan on low-grade spiritual stones, and your cultivation level improved slightly. 】

[No. 20 In the second year, you consumed 3000 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones...]

[So, another three years passed. 】

[Until No. 20, the Zhenyao Pass was fully invaded by the demon army. 】

[You knew that you didn’t have much time, so you took all the spiritual liquid collected over the years and retreated for a month...but your cultivation still failed to break through to the fourth level of the Void Return Stage...]

[At this time, your cultivation has finally reached the second half of the third level of the Void Return Stage, but there is still a big gap between you and the fourth level of the Void Return Stage. 】

[The more than 40 low-grade spiritual stones in your hand have not been used up, but you decided to go to the Demon Suppressing Pass again. 】

[On this day, hundreds of legendary monsters, three demon emperors, and countless demon armies descended upon the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[The powerful human race suffered heavy casualties, and the entire Demon Suppression Pass was in danger of being breached at any time. 】

[And you, alone, fight against the legendary monster for hundreds of rounds, killing a thick-headed legendary monster. 】

[But at the same time, the powerful human emperor fell into siege and died, and you were also killed by the demon emperor who had freed his hands...]

[Your soul was annihilated by the Demon Emperor...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured:

"Sure enough, even if one person kills the legend, it will be difficult to change the situation..."

"Unless I have the strength to kill the Demon Emperor!"

But Su Xing also knew that it was unrealistic to do this in a short time.

"After 15 years of practice, from the first level of the Return to the Void Stage to the level of more than half of the third level of the Return to the Void Stage... this speed is not too slow!"

Su Xing still nodded with satisfaction.

After all, the purpose of this awakening was just to reach the first level of the Void Return Stage, but it exceeded expectations and achieved additional goals!

"Then it's time to receive the simulation rewards!"

Su Xing rubbed his hands excitedly and looked at the simulation panel.

[Late Bloomer]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[25 years of experience in alchemy]: Insights into alchemy, including insights into refining Xu Dan (Dacheng), priced at 1000 million energy.

[Third Level of Return to Void Stage]: Entering the void world for the first time and achieving the Return to Void Stage. After being baptized by the perfect thunder of nothingness, the spiritual power is increased several times compared to the stage of transformation.The price is 3 million energy.

[Divine Consciousness Thirty-one Thousand Zhangs]: Achievements in returning to the void, breaking into the realm of nothingness and experiencing the perfect baptism of divine thunder, greatly increasing the spiritual consciousness.Priced at 2 million energy (Note: After selecting this reward, the first baptism of the Void Divine Thunder cannot be performed.)
Su Xing looked at the reward in front of him with satisfaction. This was much richer than after the last simulation!

As for the choice of rewards, Su Xing naturally has nothing to worry about.

The late bloomer talent is of little use to Awakening at the moment.

And the awakening has already reached the third level of the Void Return stage, and it is almost useless to have the Dacheng level Void Refining Pill refining skills...

In this way, the only choices left to wait for awakening are cultivation in the Return to Void Stage and spiritual consciousness!
(Brothers, monthly tickets for the ball~)

(End of this chapter)

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