Double monthly pass event~Please give me a monthly pass~
Brothers, it’s a very critical moment for the success of this book!

The next few days will be a double monthly ticket event~
This monthly vote is related to the quality of future recommendations, and also determines the future performance of this book...

Of course, it is also directly related to my coding status for a long time to come.

The monthly pass is still enough, and more will be added the next day~
The rules are: If there are [-] monthly votes every day (after doubling), there will be an update the next day!
The difficulty has been slightly reduced!

If you can get 30 monthly tickets before the 4500th of the month~
The total number of words updated next month will be over 40!
What I said is, if you can't do it, everyone is welcome to scold me!
Hey guys, don’t be stingy with your monthly tickets~
Woo hoo, kneeling down and begging for a monthly ticket - (humble~)


A little digression, the plot will be relatively unfolding later in the book.

What everyone talked about most in the early stage was why the protagonist, after practicing for hundreds of years, is not as good as other professionals...

In fact, it has always been a will be revealed slowly~
(End of this chapter)

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