Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 190: Returning to the 6th level of virtual reality, entering the killing battlefield again!

Chapter 190 Returning to the sixth level of the virtual realm, entering the killing battlefield again! (Third update, please vote for me~)

Su Xing took a look at his remaining simulated energy.

A total of 11 million points!

For a moment, Su Xing hesitated in his heart.

"With so much energy, I shouldn't be able to use it up in a few simulations, right?"

"Coupled with the next week, there should be another [-] to [-] billion simulated energy coming in..."

"Otherwise, try to upgrade your golden talent lottery probability?"

Su Xing felt a little moved in his heart.

Everyone has a gambler's mentality, so it's no surprise that he wakes up.

With a little more simulated energy in his hand, he woke up and started to mess around.

However, Su Xing was not willing to exchange all the energy for golden talent lottery probability.

"How about using 5.00 million energy to test the water first? [-]% probability, just enough?"

Su Xing thought about it and decided to spend some of his energy to test the water first.

"Well, spending energy to upgrade the probability will happen sooner or later anyway... Why not spend it early and enjoy it early?"

Su Xing comforted himself in this way, so the probability of getting the golden talent was 5.00%, which was equivalent to a five-fold increase in the probability!
"Use [-] million energy to increase the probability of golden talent!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, you successfully spent 4 million energy, and the probability of golden quality talent increased by 5%. The current probability of winning is 7%... Your remaining energy is 3366 million points! 】

There are more than 7 million energy.

It's enough for Su Xing for the time being.

"If it's not enough in the future, I'll try to find out if there are any other high-level exotic metal copies?"

Wake up thinking.

However, Su Xing also knows that this high-level exotic metal only exists in taboo-level dungeons, and most of the military are probably already mining it.

But if Su Xing wants to find it, it may not be that easy.

"However, you can try the simulation again later. If you can find one or two high-level exotic metal copies, you will make a lot of money!"

Su Xing murmured.

On the afternoon of April 2024, 9 in the new era, Awakening started a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 5500 energy points, with 7 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract golden quality talents!"

Su Xing rubbed his hands excitedly. With a 5.00% probability, he didn't know if he could win the grand prize!
However, not surprisingly...

[Ding, congratulations on drawing the purple talent Humanoid Navigation. Your probability of winning the gold quality talent next time is 15%...]

[Humanoid Navigation]: Purple talent, you have a strong sense of direction. Even without the help of tree rings, Big Dipper, sun direction, etc., you can still have an amazing sense of the road, comparable to humanoid navigation. (Note: When traveling during the National Day, friends no longer have to worry about getting lost~)

"Sure enough, I didn't draw the golden talent..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he had already expected this result.

"However, the talent of humanoid navigation... seems a bit interesting, right?"

Su Xing touched his chin.

Humanoid navigation is obviously a more conceptual talent.

This talent seems to be of little use in Blue Star, but in some special spaces, it seems to be useful...

"For example, the realm of nothingness...or the killing battlefield?"

Wake up and your eyes will light up.

The special world of the Void World is of great benefit to Su Xing's growth in strength.

After waking up, he prepared to explore the void world after getting stronger.

And the killing battlefield is the only way to wake up and leave Blue Star and go to Qingyun Realm!
"Speaking of which... my strength has reached the stage of returning to the void, and I have reached the standard to become a disciple of the Qingyun Sect..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and an ancient token appeared in Su Xing's hand.

There are two words engraved on the token, Qingyun!

"Is it going to be a smooth success...or is it going to continue to be a struggle?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Previously, in the killing battlefield, legendary monsters prevented Su Xing from continuing to explore the end of the killing battlefield.

But now, the awakening strength is already comparable to that of legend, so it is natural to explore it.

"In this simulation, in addition to improving your cultivation, maybe at the last moment, you should also explore the killing battlefield..."

"There is also the refining of the Rebirth Pill, which requires a higher level of Lihuo Technique, and I am now sufficiently skilled... It's time to practice Lihuo Technique again!"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You start to try the practice of Lihuo Technique. 】

[The mastery of the Lihuo Technique requires extremely high spiritual consciousness and spiritual power. However, you are now a strong person in the Void Return Stage, and your spiritual consciousness has reached a subtle level, so you meet the standards for continued practice of the Lihuo Technique. 】

[You cast the Lihuo Technique and increased the infusion of spiritual power. You felt that the temperature of the Lihuo Technique increased slightly. 】

[You felt happy, so you worked hard to practice the Lihuo Technique. 】

[A week later, you met Jin Congxue. Jin Congxue handed you the last batch of purified foreign metals and gave you three fourth-order foreign metals to build an alchemy furnace. 】

[The next day, October 10, you arrived in Shuangqing City. 】

[You disguised yourself, gathered your breath, released your spiritual consciousness, and successfully attracted Zong Laogou...]

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for one hour!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 10 energy points, and have 7 million remaining energy points.]

The next second, Su Xing's vision changed and he appeared in a strange environment.

In front of me is the respectful old dog...


When Su Xing returned to the real world again, he nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Yes, I killed Zong Laogou again, and Luo Shuying still trusts me!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

There are still 10 days until October 8th, and the awakening can be simulated one more time at most.

In order to ensure that no accidents happen, Su Xing must truly experience killing Zong Laogou and the subsequent steps as many times as possible.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After killing Zong Laogou, you met Luo Shuying. 】

[With the addition of Master Chenggong’s talent, Luo Shuying completely trusts you. 】

[You and Luo Shuying agree to meet in one month, and she will bring the Concentrating Tree by then. 】

[You return to Kyoto, continue to improve your cultivation, and practice the Lihuo Technique. 】

[One month later, you met Luo Shuying and joined the Advent Cult under her recommendation. 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, you used your talents as a master of success and instantly won over a large number of followers of the cult. 】

[You refined the Concentrating Pill for Luo Shuying and helped him break through to the legendary level. 】

[After that, you stayed in Advent Cult every day and obtained many medicinal materials for your own pocket. 】

[You only do three things every day, refining elixirs, practicing cultivation, and practicing Lihuo...]

[In this way, two years passed quickly...]

[In the third year, with the blessing of spiritual liquid and high-grade spiritual stones, your cultivation level breaks through to the fourth level of the Void Return Stage! 】

[You have become a monk in the middle stage of returning to virtuality! 】

[At the same time, you feel that the time is right, and you are ready to defect with Luo Shuying and join the Daxia military. 】

[After joining the Daxia military, more than 2 Adventists found you overnight, hoping you would give an explanation. 】

[You used the master's talent to successfully trick them into becoming a death-defying army in the Demon Suppression Pass that frightened the demon clan...]

[After that, you continue to refine elixirs every day, improve your cultivation, and practice the fire-living technique...]

[You took the time to visit the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, found the ruins of the Ten Thousand Wood Sect, and took out all the spiritual stones and high-level elixirs in them. 】

[In the fourth year, the medicinal materials in your hands were exhausted, and a total of more than 20 elixirs were refined, adding many strong men to the Daxia military. 】

[You know that this way the Demon Suppression Pass can last until at least No. 20 for five years, so you calm down and concentrate on practicing the Lihuo Technique and improving your cultivation. 】

[In the fifth year, your last middle-grade spiritual stone has been exhausted. In desperation, you can only start practicing with low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[The speed of cultivation using low-grade spiritual stones is much slower, but your cultivation is still growing steadily. 】

[In the same year, your understanding of Lihuo Alchemy has improved through repeated alchemy and practice. 】

[In this way, two years passed slowly. 】

[In the seventh year, your cultivation is still stagnant at the fourth level of the Void Return Stage, and there is still a long way to go before you can break through to the fifth level. 】

[The good news is that your mastery of Lihuo Technique is getting better and better day by day, and you are not far away from reaching the Dacheng level...]

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but sigh and said:

"Sure enough, practicing with spiritual fluid is the right way!" "If you just want to get more spiritual fluid, you still have to upgrade the level of the Lingtian Cave...that is, plant more Spirit Gathering Flowers!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, thinking about whether he should spend energy and simulation times to obtain more Soul Gathering Flowers.

"Now... there are more than 3000 Spirit-Gathering Flowers in my Lingtian Cave."

"If you want to upgrade to the middle-grade Cave Heaven level, I'm afraid you need tens of thousands of Spirit-Gathering Flowers... One hundred thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers simulate energy, which means you need [-] million energy!"

Su Xing estimated that he could indeed get more than 7 million energy.

But the question is, is the Juling Flower worth spending so much energy to wake up?
Soon, Su Xing made a decision.


"During the return to void stage, if I had more spiritual fluid, I would definitely be able to reach the Great Perfection of the return to void stage very quickly!"

"And in the later integration stage and Mahayana stage... I'm afraid we will also need more Spirit Gathering Flowers!"

"Get it early and enjoy it early... It seems that next time we simulate, we will try to bring out the Spirit-Gathering Flower..."

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the eighth year, your mastery of Lihuo Technique has become increasingly sophisticated. 】

[You spend 5 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones a year, and you are a big step closer to the fifth level of the Void Return Stage. 】

[In the ninth year, you will take out all the more than 40 drops of spiritual liquid collected in the past few years, and prepare to break through to the fifth level of the Void Return Stage in one go! 】

[Two months later, on a sunny morning, the aura on your body continued to surge. 】

[Finally, you successfully broke through and became a fifth-level monk in the Void Return Stage! 】

[In the tenth year, you spend most of your time practicing Lihuo Technique every day. 】

[Now the temperature of your Lihuo Technique is several times higher than before, and the release range has reached an astonishing thousand feet! 】

[With a single thought, Lihuo Technique can appear anywhere within a thousand feet. 】

[You can feel that your Lihuo Technique is approaching the master level! 】

[In Year No. 11, one day you practiced the Lihuo Technique as always. 】

[After you controlled the fire and raised the temperature one after another, you were surprised to find that the temperature of your fire spell was more than twice as high as before! 】

[And the range of your Lihuo technique has reached three thousand feet! 】

[Your mastery of Lihuo Technique has reached the Dacheng level naturally. 】

Su Xing was very satisfied when he saw this.

"Yes, the difficulty of practicing Lihuo Technique is that it requires sufficient spiritual consciousness and spiritual power..."

"And I am satisfied with these two items!"

"It only takes ten years to achieve great success in Lihuo Technique. This is not too slow..."

Although this stage of training in Lihuo Technique is not difficult, it is a must-have reward for awakening.

After all, awakening and refining the Rebirth Pill requires the Lihuo Technique!
"Next, the legendary level rebirth elixir should be refined as scheduled, right?"

Su Xing touched his chin and thought to himself, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the 12th year of No. [-], after you mastered Lihuo, you came to the Demon Suppressing Pass. 】

[At this time, the situation at the Demon Suppression Pass is pretty good. The human race has had a lot of strong men in recent years, which has firmly blocked the Demon Clan from the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[Knowing of your arrival, the "Death Army" were all excited, and you also greeted them eagerly. 】

[Later, you wanted to kill a legendary monster, but you never had the chance to meet it. 】

[In No. 13, you successfully found a legendary monster and fought with it for hundreds of rounds before killing it. 】

[You take out the flesh and blood essence of the legendary monster and return to the Demon Suppression Pass to try to refine the Rebirth Pill. 】

[You have been extremely proficient in mastering the Rebirth Pill before, all you lack is the power of the flames. 】

[And now the Dacheng-level Fire Lifting Technique just meets these conditions. 】

[So you spent a month and successfully refined more than ten furnaces of legendary level rebirth pills. 】

[You took the legendary level rebirth pill, and sure enough you felt a manic and gloomy feeling rising in your body. 】

[But you have already broken through the five levels of transformation, and you are extremely resistant to these negative emotions, so you can contain these emotions very well. 】

[But you also find that you can only take one rebirth pill a day at most. If you take it multiple times, you will have negative emotions. 】

[Fortunately, you are not resistant to the Reborn Pill and can be taken every day to ensure the steady growth of your strength. 】

[You tried to practice using the Rebirth Pill for a month, and as expected, your strength increased much faster than before. 】

[But your purpose this time is not to improve your physical training, so you continue to practice with spiritual stones every day. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Sure enough, after getting the Rebirth Pill, it will be much easier to improve your physical training strength than before!"

"It's just... I don't have many spiritual stones left now. Is it enough for me to advance to the sixth level of the Void Return Stage?"

Su Xing was a little worried, but decided to give it a try.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 14, you consumed 5 spirit stones in one year and improved in your Qi refining cultivation. 】

[In No. 15, you concentrated on your cultivation and once again consumed [-] spirit stones, taking a big step forward in your Qi refining cultivation. 】

[In No. 16, you have less than [-] spirit stones in your hand, which is only enough for you to practice for two years. 】

[But you decided to keep trying, trying to see if you could reach the sixth level of the Void Return Stage. 】

[While you are practicing day and night, two years have passed slowly...]

[No. 18, your cultivation has improved a lot in the past two years. You have reached the second half of the fifth level of the return to the void stage, and are not far from the sixth level of the return to the void stage. 】

[But now that the spiritual stones in your hand are exhausted, you can only do the next best thing and practice with spiritual energy every day. 】

[Even though the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave is rich, the bonus to the cultivation speed is still not as good as using spiritual stones. 】

[Your cultivation is in a period of slow growth. 】

[No.19, Luo Shuying’s home world was breached. 】

[With your suggestion and the help of the human race, tens of thousands of spirit race people fled to Blue Star and joined the Demon Suppression Pass to fight against the demon race together. 】

[The pressure of the human race at the Demon Suppression Pass has been greatly reduced. You comforted Luo Shuying and continued to practice hard. 】

[No. 20, the third year without spirit stones, you miss the days when you used spirit stones to practice every day. 】

[After your cultivation speed dropped, in addition to daily cultivation, you also began to look for other undeveloped dungeons containing foreign metal mining areas. 】

[In one year, you have explored seven or eight forbidden level dungeons. 】

[Killed five or six Martial Emperor level dungeon bosses, and even two legendary level monsters! 】

[But even so, you still haven't found a copy of the foreign metal that has not been discovered by the military. 】

[No. 20 One year later, you still refused to give up and explored several dungeons, but still failed to find the mining dungeon. 】

[In this way, in addition to practicing every day, you will go to various dungeons to explore, hoping to find a dungeon that contains exotic metal ores. 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly...]

[You still failed to find the copy of the foreign metal mining area in the end. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing shook his head in disappointment.

However, this was not beyond Su Xing’s expectation.

If copies containing exotic metal ores were so easy to find, then high-level exotic metals wouldn't be so precious.

However, this just shows that when I woke up and found the copy of the Red Lotus Demon Cave, I was really lucky!
Look at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In four years, you finally searched for several copies, but still failed to find them. 】

[You know that there is not much time for this simulation, so you don’t waste any more time and try your best to break through to the sixth level of the Void Return Stage! 】

[After practicing in the past few years, your cultivation has reached the peak of the fifth level of the Void Return Stage, and you are not far from the sixth level of the Return to the Void Stage. 】

[No.20 At the beginning of the fifth year, you took out all the hundreds of thousands of drops of spiritual fluid you had accumulated previously. 】

[You are ready to break through to the sixth level of the Void Return Stage in one breath! 】

[You spent two months in seclusion to digest all the spiritual liquid. Finally... you barely entered the sixth level of the Void Return Stage! 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and murmured:
"Fortunately, we have entered the sixth level of the Void Return Stage..."

But I was a little worried when I woke up. If I followed this progress, I'm afraid it would still take two simulations to reach the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage.

"So, it's better to plant another batch of spirit-gathering flowers, find a way to collect more spiritual liquid, and speed up the practice during the Qi refining period!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

Look at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In the fifth year, the situation in the Demon Suppression Pass took a turn for the worse, and you also came to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[This time, you left the Demon Suppression Pass alone without saying goodbye to anyone, and stepped into the killing battlefield...]

[You walked in the direction of the blood moon for a long time... Time seems to be no longer clear here. 】

[You can only feel that the blood moon in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to be getting closer and closer to you. 】

[In addition, the red-eyed monsters you encounter along the way also range from weak gold to master level...]

[And then finally meet the Demon King and Demon Emperor...]

[You know, we are not far away from meeting the lost legendary monster. 】

(Today I submit [-] words, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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