Chapter 191 The gap in the world, the apostle of murder? (5k~)

Seeing this, Su Xing still had some expectations in his heart.

Can you reach the end of the killing battlefield?

Whether you can find the gap through other worlds is related to whether Su Xing can go to Qingyun Realm!
"I hope I can go further this time..."

"At least, we can no longer fall into the hands of those lost legendary monsters!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[On the endless killing battlefield, you continue to move forward. 】

[Your consciousness observes any disturbance within [-] feet around you. 】

[You tried to avoid those lost monsters and avoid unnecessary battles. 】

[But the farther you walk, the bigger the red moon is above your head, and the more you feel that the negative emotions in your heart are difficult to control. 】

[I don’t know how much time has passed, but at this time, there are fewer and fewer low-level monsters within the range of your consciousness. 】

[Almost all monsters are above the level of Demon King. 】

[Occasionally, you can see a few legendary monsters wandering meaninglessly on this killing battlefield...]

[You continue to move forward, occasionally taking a Jingxin Pill to resist the influence of the red moon on you. 】

[Finally, the monsters you encountered were all at least the Demon King level, and you even encountered dozens of legendary monsters. 】

[Your consciousness is detecting the enemies you may encounter within [-] feet, but you still do not fight them and carefully avoid them. 】

[After all, on this killing battlefield, you don’t know how far you have to go, so you can only preserve your strength as much as possible. 】

[In this way, the red moon in the sky changed from the size of a jade plate to the size of a wheel... and finally became the size of a millstone. 】

[You feel that the closer you are to the red moon, the stronger the rage in your heart becomes. 】

[You walked forward for a long time... The vastness of this killing battlefield is far beyond your imagination. 】

[Its area may be dozens or even a hundred times that of Blue Star...]

[You wonder in your heart why this killing battlefield is so vast. 】

[At this time, every few hundred miles you walk, you will encounter one or two legendary monsters. These legendary monsters will all lose themselves. 】

[They will not attack each other, but as long as they sense a strange aura, they will pursue them relentlessly. 】

[You accidentally encountered a legendary monster along the way, and fought with it for hundreds of rounds before killing it with difficulty. 】

[You know, this is because of the influence of the red moon, your strength will decline significantly. 】

[And this lost legendary monster becomes even more violent and bloodthirsty under the influence of the red moon, making it really difficult to deal with. 】

[After that battle, you will be more careful. If you encounter a legendary monster on the road, you will take a detour as far as possible to avoid fighting. 】

【I do not know how long it has been……】

[Finally, you feel that the red moon is so close in front of you, you can reach out and touch it...]

[There seems to be a voice from the bottom of your heart. He keeps bewitching you, seeming to make you give up your resistance and return to the embrace of God. 】

[You don’t know what this god is referring to, but you know that he definitely has bad intentions. 】

[Fortunately, you are determined, but you are not lost. 】

[There are more and more murmurs in your ears, and you have to spend more attention and energy on suppressing your violent emotions. 】

[Fortunately, you still have many Meditation Pills in your hand. With these, you have the confidence to go far forward. 】

[You are like a weather-beaten traveler who doesn’t know where the end point is, but just keep moving forward...]

[After a long time, there are two forks in the road ahead of you, and you don’t know where to go. 】

[You decide to follow the instructions in your heart and choose to continue walking forward. 】

[Gradually, there are more and more side roads in front of you, and they seem to be tempting you to go in other directions. 】

[But you can always choose the right path, you know... this is the role of gifted humanoid navigation! 】

[Finally, it seems that you have reached the end of the killing battlefield...but in fact, you are not sure...]

[Because the red moon you see before your eyes is finally fully and clearly displayed in front of you. 】

[He is no longer as hazy as before, but is like a handicraft that is close at hand and can be touched with one hand. 】

[There is a voice in my heart, asking you to touch this red moon. 】

[But your intuition tells you not to touch. 】

[When you get here, it seems that there is no way to go. 】

[You suppress the negative emotions that are about to come out in your heart, and your consciousness sweeps everything around you. 】

[You suddenly sense that the space fluctuations in a certain location are extremely strong. 】

[You immediately cheered up again. You know, that may be what you are looking for, the gap between the worlds, the passage between the worlds! 】

[But in your perception, there is a very terrifying aura in front of that space coordinate...]

[But you didn’t hesitate. No matter what that breath represented, you had to go and explore it. 】

[You have arrived at the coordinates where space fluctuations are extremely strong, and you seem to see a bug in the world. 】

[On the bloody earth, there is a wall of pure white air suddenly...]

[Just when you are about to go to the air wall, suddenly a black shadow attacks you. 】

[You are already a little delirious at the moment, but you still managed to hold up your body-protecting energy, hoping to block this sneak attack. 】

[The protective aura shattered in response, and you were also knocked several hundred meters away, seriously injured and vomiting blood. 】

[At the same time, you also clearly see the appearance of the monster that attacked you. 】

[This is a humanoid monster, but it is completely black and has disgusting limbs like tentacles and tentacles. 】

[Unlike those lost monsters, he seems to still retain his own consciousness. 】

[He claims to be the messenger of killing...]

[He warns you not to go near the white door. 】

[He asks you if you are willing to accept the test of God and become a messenger of God like him, possessing endless power...]

[You saw his disgusting look, and you refused...]

[The alien creature who calls himself the Killer Messenger secretly said a pity after hearing this. He said that he smelled a disgusting smell on you. 】

[That is the smell of a person who is hated by the God of Slaughter...]

[After saying that, he flashed, and his fingertips grew sharp nails like blades, slicing across your neck. 】

[Your head fell down and your soul left your body...]

[He captures your soul effortlessly. 】

[Then he made a strange gesture, as if he was worshiping the blood moon. 】

[He seems to want to sacrifice your soul to the blood moon. 】

[Your consciousness slowly dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, activate your talent without closing your eyes! 】

[Your eyes widened, seeing the alien who called himself the Killer Messenger, and threw your soul towards the blood moon. 】

[The moon in the sky seems to flicker, and a strange gravity draws your soul towards the blood moon. 】

[However, something happened that you didn't expect. 】

[You originally thought that the blood moon would absorb your soul, but you felt a sense of disgust from the blood moon. 】

[The blood moon has put your soul back. 】

[The killing envoy suddenly showed a horrified expression on his face, and continued to worship the blood moon. 】

[In the end, he will annihilate your soul...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, but the look on his face was a bit complicated.

"Sure enough, after reaching the legend, with his own strength and super spiritual consciousness... he is enough to reach the end of the killing battlefield!"

"And just like Zong Laogou said before, the end of this killing battlefield is the passage to other worlds!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

He couldn't help but believe everything he saw in this simulation!

That strange wall of pure white air, maybe through that wall, you can go to other worlds?

Or maybe it's the guy who calls himself the Messenger of Killing, who is so afraid of the blood moon that he even worships it...

It also shows that the blood moon is extraordinary in disguise. Perhaps it is really the incarnation of a certain god after his death?
"And the most important thing...why does the alien say that I am disgusted by Blood Moon?"

"And why...the Killing Blood Moon would refuse to swallow my soul?"

Su Xing is really confused. Everything he saw in this simulation is beyond his understanding.

"No matter what, there is indeed a need to explore the white wall of air at the end of this killing battlefield!"

Su Xing frowned slightly and murmured:

"It's just that the killing envoy's strength is probably at least at the level of the Great Emperor!"

"Plus...that weird blood moon affected my negative emotions, which greatly reduced my strength!"

"I'm afraid, I have to wait until my strength improves a lot before I have the possibility of defeating the killing messenger!"

After thinking for a long time, Su Xing's frown relaxed.

In any case, everything he saw on the killing battlefield this time was important information for Awakening. "But,'s time to choose the simulation reward!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation reward panel.

[Humanoid Navigation]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[Sixth Level of Returning to Void Stage]: In the middle stage of returning to void stage, one’s spiritual power will stretch like a river.The price is 3 million energy.

[Ten years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 100 million energy.

[Lihuo Technique (Dacheng)]: A powerful monk developed a powerful magical power by observing the ancient divine fire Nanming Lihuo. After cultivating to the level of Dacheng, the temperature is enough to kill demons and spirits. Within a range of three thousand feet, with a thought, Lihuo will now!The price is 5000 million energy.

[Rebirth Pill (Top Grade) 100 Pieces]: This pill was developed by the ancient witch clan and improved by Su Xing. It is close to top grade quality.The power worn by monks in the Divine Power Realm can quickly improve their cultivation level, while the clothes worn by monks in the Breaking Void Stage are beneficial to body refining and have certain side effects.The price is 2 million simulated energy.

"In the killing battlefield, there seem to be many forks in the end...and this time, I was led to the end by this humanoid navigation talent."

"It is still unknown what the consequences will be if we choose another fork in the road..."

Su Xing paid attention to the purple talent humanoid navigation this time.

This seemingly useless talent played a vital role before finally meeting the Killing Messenger after awakening this time.

"With experience in alchemy, there is no need to choose again... After all, no new elixir was developed this time..."

Su Xing paid attention to the simulator's explanation of the Rebirth Pill.

He didn't expect that his name would also appear in the introduction of the Rebirth Pill.

This shows that this rebirth pill was indeed created by Su Xing's independent improvement.

Therefore, Su Xing naturally has a great or even perfect understanding of this rebirth elixir.

"But, there is nothing to hesitate about this time's reward selection!"

"I choose the sixth level of cultivation in the Void Return Stage, and the Dacheng Level Fire Lifting Technique!"

Su Xing said decisively.

[You successfully brought out the sixth level of cultivation in the Void Return Stage, spending 3 million energy, and the remaining energy is 4 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the master level of Lihuo, spending 5000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 3 million points. 】

After the simulator beep sounded, two mysterious forces poured into Su Xing's body.

Feel the restless and surging spiritual power in your body.

Su Xing quickly sat cross-legged and meditated, holding on to his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the cultivation level in Su Xing's body began to skyrocket.

The third level of the return to emptiness stage... the fourth level of the return to emptiness stage... the fifth level of the return to emptiness stage!

Finally, the sixth stage of returning to virtual reality!
In just a few breaths, the spiritual power in Su Xing's body more than doubled again!

Directly from the early stage of returning to the void, to the middle stage of returning to the void!

Even before returning to the late stage of virtual reality, there is only one minor realm left...

Su Xing first stabilized the breath in his body, then slowly opened his eyes and murmured:

"The feeling of a sudden increase in cultivation... is so refreshing!"

No matter where you are in the world of cultivating immortals, you can go from the third level of returning to the void to the sixth level of returning to the void in just 25 years!

This is undoubtedly a move of genius!

After all, this is not the realm of golden elixir or Yuanying, but the state of returning to virtual reality!
"Resources for cultivating immortals are indeed the first priority... It took 20 years to break through the third level in the golden elixir stage..."

"Today, it still only takes more than 20 years to return to the void stage... This is the importance of resources for cultivating immortals!"

Su Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The feeling of using the spiritual liquid together with the Tianling Root to cheat and practice is really great!
It's a pity that more than 100 million drops of spiritual liquid are only enough for one year of awakening and cultivation...

"It seems that the plan to obtain more spiritual liquid must be implemented as soon as possible, otherwise the growth of cultivation in the late stage of returning to void and the integration stage may slow down again..."

Su Xing murmured, and then turned his attention to the Lihuo Technique.

"What kind of amazing power does the Dacheng-level fire-living technique possess?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to summon Lihuo Technique again.

A wisp of fire appeared in the palm of Su Xing's hand.

The great-level Fire Lifting Technique, with hot, bright red flames, even a hint of purple in them...

With a thought in Su Xing's heart, this wisp of Lihuo can appear anywhere in the Lingtian Cave.

But Su Xing didn't dare to try too much.

After all, although this Lihuo will not harm Su Xing, if it burns the flowers and plants in the Lingtian Cave, then Su Xing will be heartbroken...

"The temperature and power of the flame...are indeed several times stronger than before!"

"Just such a small wisp of flame. If an ordinary Martial Emperor were to be exposed to it, I'm afraid it would be burned to ashes in an instant!"

"Even if you are a peak Martial Emperor, if you are accidentally contaminated, you may have a narrow escape from death!"

You can feel it when you wake up, as your proficiency in the Lihuo Technique increases.

The power of Li Huo has also increased significantly...

At the same time, Su Xing also felt that the spiritual energy required to release the Lihuo Technique had more than doubled.

Fortunately, Su Xing's spiritual power now is much stronger than before. Su Xing doesn't take this consumption lightly.

"How about you try refining alchemy..."

Su Xing's heart moved and he took out the alchemy furnace.

But within a few seconds of burning, the alchemy furnace made of second-order exotic metal was completely melted.

Su Xing blinked, shook his head slightly and said:

"Sure enough, the solidity of the second-level alien metal is not enough to withstand this wisp of Lihuo!"

Fortunately, Su Xing still has the alchemy furnace left by Qing Yunzi, which can refine the elixir.

"When the alchemy furnace made of the fourth-level exotic metal is obtained, it should be able to withstand the temperature of this fire-living technique!"

Su Xing thought so.

Of course, the premise is that Su Xing does not use all his strength to activate the Lihuo Technique.

Refining elixirs and killing people... the control of temperature is naturally different!

In the next week, Su Xing spent busy time farming.

Because the second-level alien metal alchemy furnace was destroyed, Su Xing could only use one alchemy furnace to refine elixirs, and his speed was instantly halved.

Su Xing simply refined more than two thousand pills.

The rest of the time was spent collecting spiritual liquid, and he woke up with a thousand more drops of spiritual liquid in one week.

Su Xing even took the time to remove some weeds in the fields.

Then the layout of the spirit gathering array was changed.

After all, more spirit-gathering flowers may be welcomed in the Awakening Lingtian Cave Heaven!

Soon, a week passed.

It’s October [-]th.

After waking up and taking a breath, he went to find Jin Congxue again.

Jin Congxue has been waiting in the room of the villa for a long time.

Different from the sporty girl style last time, Jin Congxue wore a close-fitting gown today. The autumn mood was getting stronger, but the gown could not hide Jin Congxue's graceful body curves.

Su Xing secretly admired.

Jin Congxue's beauty is indeed like the first snow in winter, beautiful...and like an ever-changing elf, unpredictable.

Especially after taking the beauty elixirs refined by Su Xing one after another, the skin condition has become like that of a young girl, it can be broken by blowing, and the face is covered with collagen.

Jin Congxue's pretty face turned red when she woke up, and she said with a sweet voice:

"Why don't you sit down and eat~"

Su Xing smiled, and the two sat across from each other and enjoyed the food together.

After finishing the meal soon, Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring.

Su Xing opened the ring and took a look, and sure enough, it contained refined metal ore.

There are also five red and purple alchemy furnaces.

"Is this an alchemy furnace made of fourth-order exotic metal?"

Su Xing's face was filled with joy and he quickly took out a cauldron of pill furnace to check.

Sure enough, the workmanship of this alchemy furnace is much better than the previous second-level alchemy furnace.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he pressed his fingers slightly on it, but only left a shallow fingerprint.

"Hiss~ It's really strong enough!"

Su Xing was secretly happy.

Although he didn't use his full strength, if it were the previous second-level pill furnace, it would have been poked out of holes, which shows that the solidity has been greatly improved.

"Yes, it should be able to withstand the power of Lihuo Technique!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

The two of them soon finished their meal. After Su Xing skillfully explored the place, they returned to Lingtian Cave.

"After this simulation, we will set out to kill that old dog..." Su Xing murmured, with a little anticipation in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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