Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 195: Body training and cultivation skyrocketed, tens of thousands of spiritual fluids!

Chapter 195: Body refining and cultivation skyrocketed, millions of spiritual fluids! (Please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~)

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and murmured:

"Sure enough, this world of beast control is a good place for me to obtain the flesh and blood essence of legendary monsters!"

"On average, we kill four or five legendary monsters a year, which is not too slow...it's more than enough to refine the Rebirth Pill!"

"Unfortunately, at this rate, there is no hope of killing all the legendary monsters... We can only wait until we become stronger in the future!"

Su Xing thought this way, his current main goal is to first improve the cultivation of breaking the void and returning to the void to the peak of the current realm.

In this way, we will have the opportunity to kill hundreds of legendary monsters in one day.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 11, you lived on Blue Star for a year. In addition to taking the Rebirth Pill to practice every day, you stayed with friends and family. Your life was pretty ordinary. 】

[In No. 12, you returned to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world and continued to hunt legendary monsters on the battlefield. 】

[You take the Rebirth Pill every day to improve your cultivation. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No. 14, with your hard training in the past two years, you feel that your strength is getting closer and closer to the third level of the Shattering Void Realm! 】

[In No. 15, one day after you completed your training goal, you felt that your energy and blood power had once again reached a new level. 】

[You have become a third-level monk in the Shattering Void Realm! 】

[In No. 16, you were hunting legendary monsters on the battlefield as always. 】

[But you have been hunting frequently over the years, and finally the aliens have focused on you. 】

[An emperor-level monster leads several legendary monsters to launch a sneak attack and siege against you. 】

[Fortunately, you have rich combat experience and hid in the Lingtian Cave in time. 】

[Later, the emperor-level beast master came to help and successfully rescued you. 】

[After this calamity, you have become much more cautious when hunting legendary monsters on the battlefield. 】

[Fortunately, you have accumulated thousands of Rebirth Pills over the years, and you decided to temporarily retreat and practice for a while. 】

[In this way, three years passed slowly...]

[In No. 19, after three years of retreat, your cultivation level has greatly increased, and you are not far from the fourth level of the Shattering Void Realm. 】

[But the fourth level of the Broken Void Realm belongs to the middle stage of the Broken Void Realm. There is a small bottleneck in it, and it is not that easy to break through. 】

[This year, your quantity of low-grade spiritual liquid has reached 290 million drops! 】

[In No. 20, your rebirth elixir was exhausted, so you went to the killing battlefield again to kill the monsters. 】

[In one year, you have killed several legendary monsters. 】

[At the same time, you take the Rebirth Pill every day to practice. 】

[One day, you finally broke through the bottleneck of the middle stage of the Broken Void Realm and became a fourth-level monk of the Broken Void Realm! 】

[After the breakthrough, you did not slack off. You still stayed in the killing battlefield every day to kill monsters and improve your cultivation. 】

[The legendary beast masters in the beast mastering world also discovered your powerful physical strength, but under your deception, they believed that this was the power given to you by the dragon. 】

[And the red dragon that you regard as your mount can only admit it with tears. 】

[No. 20 For one year, you still kill legendary monsters every day and take the Void-Breaking Pill to improve your cultivation. 】

[The strength of the beast-controlling world is already strong. With your help, even the monster beasts were once at a disadvantage and were suppressed and beaten on the battlefield. 】

[In this way, several years passed slowly. 】

[No. 20, you know in your heart that the demon saint with infinite power will come to this world this year. 】

[In line with the stable mentality of a poor Taoist friend who will never die a poor Taoist, you decide to avoid the limelight for the time being and leave the beast-controlling world. 】

[Before you leave, tell these beast masters that there may be a disaster in the future and they should make plans as soon as possible. 】

[But they have been dazzled by the good situation in the past two years and firmly believe that they can defeat the demon clan. 】

[In desperation, you can only return to Blue Star alone. 】

[At this time, your cultivation level is not far from the fifth level of the Shattering Void Realm. You decide to use the remaining Rebirth Pill on hand to practice and break through to the fifth level of the Shattering Void Realm as soon as possible! 】

[No. 20, on an ordinary morning, you successfully broke through and became a fifth-level monk in the Void-Breaking Realm! 】

When Su Xing saw this, he couldn't help but have a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"The Pill of Rebirth is indeed the pill used by children of the ancient witch clan to polish their bodies!"

"After my improvements, the level of the monks in the Shattering Void Realm has improved so quickly!"

Su Xing was a little surprised in his heart.

The effect of this rebirth pill was so terrifying that in just over 20 years, he was promoted from the first level of Poxu to the fifth level of Poxu!
It takes an average of six years to break through the first level!
Such speed is extremely rare among monks in the Shattering Void Realm!

"No. 20 It's been five years, and the amount of spiritual fluid collected is about the same. The goal of this simulation has been exceeded!"

"If the world of beast control had not provided me with such sufficient flesh and blood essence of legendary monsters, I might not be able to reach the level I am today!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think deeply.

"However, the next time cannot be wasted... The Demon Suppression Pass should be destroyed soon."

"At this last moment, maybe we can go to the space-time rift at the end of the killing battlefield..."

Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly.

After seeing the murderous apostle last time, Su Xing had too many doubts in his heart that he wanted to solve.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You know in your heart that in the fifth year of No. 20, those legendary monsters and monster emperors will definitely come to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[And with the current strength of the human race, it is simply unstoppable. 】

[So you prepare to leave the Demon Suppression Pass and enter the killing battlefield alone. 】

[You have prepared enough tranquilizing pills and other elixirs in advance. 】

[This year, the total amount of spiritual liquid you collected has reached 380 million drops! 】

[You entered the killing battlefield and walked on the barren red soil. 】

[The only thing that can point you in the direction is the red moon above your head. 】

[Along the way, the lost monsters you encounter are getting stronger and stronger. 】

[From the Demon King to the Demon Emperor...and then to the last legendary monster...]

[The red moon in front of you is getting bigger and bigger, until it eventually becomes the size of a millstone...]

[And as you continue to go deeper into the killing battlefield, the negative emotions in your heart become more and more serious. 】

[You can still compete at the beginning, but in the end you can only take a Jingxin Pill occasionally to ensure your condition. 】

[Finally, you’ve been gone for who knows how long...]

[There is a fork in the road ahead of you, but you have lost your humanoid navigation talent at this moment, and you don’t know which way to take for a while. 】

[After hesitation, you decide by tossing a coin...]

[You are very lucky, you have chosen the right path...]

[After walking for a while, you encounter a fork in the road again...]

[You flip the coin again...you have chosen the right path! 】

[In this way, you have experienced more than ten forks in the road, all decided by tossing a coin! 】

[With terrible luck, you finally reached the end of the killing battlefield...]

[You see the red moon so close at hand, it seems that you can reach out and touch it. 】

[You know that the white air door leading to the unknown is nearby, so you release your spiritual consciousness to carefully explore the area of ​​[-] feet in radius. 】

[Sure enough, you found the white air door. 】

[But at the same time, you also sensed the alien monster who calls himself the Apostle of Killing...]

Seeing this, Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"Now that we've come this far, there's no way out..."

"This time I am much stronger than before, maybe I can give it a try?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After hesitating for a while, you went to the area near the white air door. 】

[The alien-like monster is attacking you... you activate your protective aura to block it in front of you...]

[The protective aura shattered in response, and you were instantly knocked back a hundred meters, with two ribs broken. 】

[You struggle to get up. The monster in front of you is indeed far beyond what you can resist now. 】

[This monster who calls himself the Apostle of Killing looks at you with interest. He means that you have passed his test. 】

[He asked you if you are willing to return to Hongyue's arms and become as powerful as him. 】

Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this. His previous choice was to refuse.

So what will be the consequences if we agree this time?
With this thought in mind, Su Xingwan looked at the simulation panel.

[You express to the Killing Apostle that you are willing to return to the embrace of the red moon. 】

[The Killing Apostle nodded with satisfaction upon hearing this, praising you as a sensible person. 】

[He called you to his side, and then began to pray towards the red moon. 】【The Killing Apostle keeps murmuring, and you can't understand what he is saying at all. Obviously this does not belong to the category of animal language. 】

[After a while, the red moon in the sky flickered, and then you seemed to feel a pair of invisible hands touching you. 】

[You feel the gaze from a great being... a red light flashes in front of you...]

[Immediately afterwards, the face of the killing apostle on the side changed drastically. He knelt down with a plop and kept kowtowing to the red moon in the sky to apologize. 】

[Then, sharp nails scratched your neck...]

[Your head slipped off in response, and your soul was crushed by the Killing Apostle. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, activate your talent without closing your eyes! 】

[You saw clearly what the Killing Apostle seemed to be saying when he opened his mouth. This time he did not speak that strange language. 】

[There is still a look of horror in his eyes...]

[You can tell from the shape of his mouth that he is saying: Please forgive Hongyue. He doesn’t know that you are the person hated by Slaughterer Hongyue...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned.

"He is still dead... It seems that whether he falls into the arms of Hong Yue or not will not affect the outcome..."

"And, it appears again! The person who is disgusted by killing..."

"Why? Why does this red moon hate and reject me?"

"Is it because I am an immortal cultivator?"

Su Xing was confused. He judged it from the reaction of the killing apostle.

Being disgusted by Hongyue should be a rare or even rare thing...

Why did it happen to him?
Awakening is unknown...

After thinking hard for a long time, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:
"Forget it, don't worry about this anymore..."

"It seems that in this killing battlefield, there is only one way to get the white door, and that is to kill the so-called killing apostle!"

"It can be said that my current strength... seems to be far behind..."

Su Xing's desire to become stronger is getting stronger!
"Let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..."

Thinking this, he looked at the reward list with his awake eyes.

[Midas Turning Stone into Gold]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Fifth Level of Breaking the Void Realm]: In the middle stage of the Breaking the Void Realm, with a solid foundation, he can use his own power to destroy all illusions. His physical strength has been greatly improved, and his pure physical strength has reached 200 million tons!The price is 4 million energy.

[380 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 3 million energy.

[Rebirth Pill (Top Grade) 200 pieces]: Developed by the ancient witch clan... The power of the Divine Power Realm Monk's Clothes can quickly increase the cultivation level, while the Void-Breaking Phase Monk's Clothing is beneficial to body refining and practice, but has certain side effects.The price is 4 million simulated energy.

Su Xing didn't hesitate much about the choice of simulation reward this time.

After all, the talent of turning stone into gold is temporarily useless for awakening.

And what he wants is 380 million drops of spiritual liquid, which has reached the fifth level of the Void-Breaking Realm!
"Cultivation plus spiritual liquid... a total of nearly [-] million energy is required..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, and his current energy was less than [-] million at full count...

"Even if we add next week's goods, it probably won't be enough to redeem..."

"It seems that we can only take out part of Zong Laogou's inheritance..."

Su Xing nodded slightly.

Not everything in Zong Laogou's storage instruments is useful for awakening.

In addition to some useful magic weapons, exercises, elixirs, elixirs... and those spiritual stones, etc.

There are also a large part of things that are used for awakening. After all, Old Dog Zong is an evil cultivator.

Many of his treasures often damage the foundation and sacrifice human souls with blood...

Su Xing has the incredible plug-in of the simulator, so there is absolutely no need to use these things to enhance its own future potential.

Therefore, when sorting before waking up, I was going to exchange some of the treasures into simulated energy to restore some blood...

Su Xing's heart moved and he took out a batch of treasures.

"Exchange energy!"

[Ding, an evil magic weapon containing some energy has been detected, worth 300 million energy. Do you want to absorb it? 】

What Su Xing took out was the magic weapon Dry Bone Sword used by Zong Laogou before.

Although the Withered Bone Sword is a good magic weapon, Su Xing already has a better elemental weapon Mo Bing, so it is almost useless for Su Xing.

And there are many more useless things like this.

"Confirm absorption!"

Su Xing muttered silently, and then exchanged these useless items into energy one by one.

[Ding, some items containing energy have been detected, worth 530 million energy. Do you want to absorb them? 】

[Ding, an item containing some energy has been detected, worth 270 million energy. Do you want to absorb it? 】


A series of sounds rang in Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing did not choose to exchange all these useless items into energy, but first exchanged about [-] million simulated energy.

"Yes, converting these useless items into energy can be considered as maximizing the value!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then his heart moved, wanting to see how much all the items in Zong Laogou's storage bag were worth.

[Ding, a large amount of energy items have been detected, worth a total of 12 billion energy... Do you want to redeem them? 】


Su Xing decisively refused.

"In other words, counting the previous 15 million, the value of the items in the entire storage bag is about [-] billion energy..."

"Hiss~ If we bring it out of the simulator, it will cost at least 150 billion!"

"Tsk tsk... I can't afford it, I really can't afford it!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, very satisfied with the legacy Zong Laogou left him.

There are too many items in Zong Laogou's storage bag and they are too messy. After thousands of years of accumulation, there are too many things in it to be counted.

And among the items worth 15 billion energy, at least half are useless for awakening.

But the value of the remaining things to awakening is at least no less than 100 billion energy!
In particular, it will be of great use to fill some of the vacancies left by Su Xing in the world of cultivating immortals...

"Tsk, tsk, once all the treasures of Zong Laogou are digested, my understanding of spiritual practice will definitely be greatly improved!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

Later, Su Xing prepared to receive this reward.

"I choose to exchange the cultivation level of Shattering Void Realm and the spiritual liquid!"


[You successfully brought out the fifth level of cultivation in the Shattering Void Realm, spending 4 million energy and leaving 1 million energy points remaining. 】

As the beep of the simulator fell, a mysterious force fell into the awakening body.

Su Xing felt his own rolling, surging blood and breath, and quickly closed his eyes and meditated to adjust his breath.

Immediately afterwards, the aura on Su Xing's body began to surge!
The first level of the Broken Void Realm... The third level of the Broken Void Realm... The fourth level of the Broken Void Realm...

Finally, the fifth level of Shattering Void Realm!
The entire breakthrough process was as smooth as a matter of course. Su Xing only felt that his own strength and physical strength were increasing rapidly.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and stood up, with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Physical strength...physical strength has probably increased by about four times compared to before!"

"Without the help of Yuan Power, it can reach a huge force of 200 million tons!"

There was a hint of excitement in Su Xing's eyes, and he murmured:
"Although Breaking the Void and Returning to the Void are both in the middle stage... But with my current strength, I won't be at a disadvantage even against a strong person in the late legendary stage or even at the peak, right?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

Before, his strongest point was defense, which was the defensive power brought by the body-protecting Gangqi that was comparable to the mid-stage Breaking Void!

But now, the awakening power and attack methods have also followed.

There is no big problem in the later stage of the battle against legends!

As long as the enemy is not an emperor-level warrior, he basically poses no threat to the awakened life...

"It's really a terrifying power!"

Su Xing looked at his fists, feeling indescribably shocked in his heart.

Such a terrifying surge in power caused Su Xing's mentality to expand in an instant.

Su Xing's heart moved, Yuanli wrapped around his fists, and then punched the air!
Wherever the awakening fist wind passed, the surrounding space was even slightly distorted!
This is not because Su Xing has mastered the avenues such as space, but because the pure physical power coupled with Yuanli has a slight impact on space!
"Hiss... Thousands of powerful forces are gathered into one body, affecting the space with pure power... Is this the power of a monk in the Shattering Void Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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