Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 196: The family is in trouble and enters the Frozen dungeon!

Chapter 196 The Baili family is in trouble and enters the Frozen dungeon! (Please double the monthly pass~)

Su Xing felt a little shocked.

He vaguely felt that those peerless powers that could physically shatter the void might really exist!
"The body shatters into the void...it seems a little far away from me..."

Su Xing whispered slightly.

"At least, I can't do it when I'm in the Shattering Void Realm... Maybe after I achieve the body of an immortal, I can reach the point of Shattering the Void?"

Su Xing made a guess.

Anyone will be intoxicated by the sudden increase in power and strength, and it is not surprising to wake up.

This change of mentality is definitely not a good thing.

Su Xing has his own way of dealing with this situation!

Su Xing looked serious and murmured:

"I'm just a weakling now! What use is this strength!?"

"Old dog Zong...well, it seems that I have killed him..."

"Old Dog Long, Zhenren Wanmu...and the Killing Apostle...that giant beast! Which one is not stronger than you?"

"Wake up, wake up!"

"You need to have a clear understanding of yourself!"

"You are just a noob! All saints are ants... Do you know this sentence?"

"Hold in! Steady and steady!"

After half an hour of brainwashing and self-pua, Su Xing's mentality finally became cautious and humble again.

"Well, I'm still very weak right now...so I still have to stabilize my development!"

Su Xing thought this, and then prepared the daily refining of elixirs.

But when he looked up, he found a large box in the open space in front of him.

"This is...spiritual liquid!?"

Su Xing suddenly remembered, damn, I still have a lot of spiritual liquid!
I quickly opened the box and took a look. Sure enough, hundreds of small bottles were neatly arranged.

Su Xing put these jade bottles together with what he had accumulated before.

The total adds up to more than 500 million drops of spiritual liquid!
"Hiss... 500 million drops of spiritual liquid, plus another 380 million drops can be collected during the simulation... a total of close to 900 million drops!"

"Is such a terrifying amount enough for me to break through to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage!?"

There was some expectation in Su Xing's heart.

Although Su Xing's strength is getting stronger, he still has a normal heart.

I have become accustomed to the life of refining elixirs and cultivating spiritual fields every day.

Compared with the bustling and bustling cities outside, Lingtian Cave is leisurely and contented, but it has a different flavor.

A week passed quickly.

The spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave has become increasingly dense over the past week.

Su Xing also spent a lot of time setting up an intermediate compound spirit gathering array.

The rich spiritual energy in the cave sky quickly condenses into liquid under the action of the spirit gathering array, and then is gathered together by the water gathering array, and finally automatically helps the awakening gather the spiritual liquid.

The Lingtian Cave has not yet been fully promoted to the intermediate cave, and the Spirit Gathering Array has not yet been fully arranged.

Even so, the production of spiritual liquid has doubled from a week or two ago, providing two thousand drops of spiritual liquid in one week!
On October 21st, Su Xingyi Rong calmed down and took the newly refined elixir to find Jin Congxue in the villa.

Jin Congxue was still waiting in the villa early.

Today Jin Congxue wore a light-colored skirt with a bear pattern printed on the skirt, which looked quite girlish.

"Sister Xue, you look good lately~"

Su Xing sat skillfully opposite Jin Congxue, and the two of them chatted while eating.

Jin Congxue nodded proudly and said:

"The development of the Tarot Club in the past month or two has been completely on the right track... Although it has just entered the level of the top chamber of commerce, it can be considered as stepping into this threshold..."

"We will have more and more resources and goods in the future! However... Tarot Club will be preparing to recruit a new batch of employees next month to expand production scale!"

Jin Congxue told Su Xing in detail about his future prospects for the Tarot Society.

Su Xing just nodded slightly, he really didn't understand this aspect.

But summing up Jin Congxue's meaning, he also got a rough idea.

The Tarot Club will expand its staff, which means that it can obtain more equipment and exotic metals. Ultimately, it means that Awakening can obtain more energy!
When he thought of this, Su Xing felt a lot happier.

After talking about business, Jin Congxue handed the new week's goods to Su Xing.

Then he seemed to remember something, and suddenly smiled and said:

"By the way... I heard that the Baili Chamber of Commerce seems to have obtained some incredible treasure recently..."

"It seems that I found it from the dungeon props... You kid wouldn't have known that there were treasures hidden in the dungeon props, so you collected them so much before, right?"

Jin Congxue winked at Su Xing playfully.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then thought of something and asked calmly:
"Oh? Did you really find the treasure? What a pity... when did this happen?"

Jin Congxue blinked and said:
"Maybe a day or two ago? I don't know why the news spread so quickly..."

Su Xing nodded calmly after hearing this. After the two chatted for a while, Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave.

In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing frowned slightly and murmured:

"The Baili family...could something happen?"

Su Xing remembered that after the last transaction, Mr. Baili gave him a large number of dungeon props as a gift.

Due to human feelings (energy), Su Xing reluctantly agreed and made a casual promise.

He also proposed that as long as something happens to the Baili family, the news of the shocking treasure obtained from the dungeon props will be released to the outside world.

But I didn't expect that something happened to Baili's family less than two months ago.

"How about... taking the time to visit Baili's house?"

Su Xing rubbed his chin and muttered.

He has no friendship with the Baili family, it can only be regarded as business dealings.

Su Xing just happened to be worried about the lack of energy in his hands recently. If he helped the Baili family this time, the reward would definitely be indispensable.

After taking a look at the time, he saw that the simulator's cooling was almost over. Su Xing nodded and said:

"After this simulation is over, it won't be too late to increase your strength..."

After converting the new week's goods into simulated energy, the awakened simulated energy came to about 3000 million.

On the afternoon of October 2024, 10 in the new era, Su Xing started eight simulations on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 5800 energy points, with 2 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the golden talent!" Su Xing did not hesitate.

[Ding, congratulations on scoring twice with the purple talent. Your probability of winning the gold quality talent next time is 45%...]

[Scored twice]: Purple talent, when your physical strength is exhausted, you can regroup and score twice, recovering 50.00% of your physical strength in a very short time. (Dear, I may be a little tired recently...)
As expected, the purple talent was still drawn, but the probability of drawing the awakening gold quality talent was close to 50.00%.

Presumably the probability of winning will become higher and higher in the future.

"Scoring twice...this talent seems a bit interesting!"

Su Xing touched his chin and analyzed this newly acquired talent.

"The general meaning is... after the physical strength is exhausted, half of it can be recovered in a short time?"

After Su Xing analyzed it carefully, he shook his head slightly.

At present, for him, strength consists not only of physical strength, but also of spiritual power, Yuan power, etc...

Moreover, this double-scoring talent should be suitable for situations when the enemy and ourselves are equally matched in strength.

By then both sides will be exhausted, and when Su Xing has half more energy, he will naturally win easily.

But now the enemies encountered in the awakening simulator, including Zhenren Wanmu, Dragon Protector, Killing Apostle... these guys are much stronger than the awakening.

Even if you wake up and regain half of your physical strength, it will be the same as being ravaged again...

Just to be clear.

For weak enemies, Awakening cannot use this talent; but when this talent is used, Awakening still cannot defeat the enemy.

"It seems a bit useless at the moment...but this talent may be useful in the future..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[After you disguised yourself and gathered your breath, you headed to Guangzhou. 】【Late that night, you arrived at Baili Mansion. 】

[Your consciousness scanned Baili Mansion and found that there were only two powerful Martial Emperors in Baili Mansion, and Mr. Baili was not in the manor. 】

[You were confused and went to Bailiqi’s room. 】

[Baiqi burst into tears immediately after seeing you. 】

[He asked you to save his father and gave you a copy of the item filled with several rings. 】

[You did not accept the copy props, but asked him what happened. 】

[Baiqi hurriedly told you what happened. 】

[It turns out that after Baili Tu’s lifespan was extended, he wanted to take a step closer and be promoted from a Heavenly King level professional to a Martial Emperor level. 】

[For this reason, Bailitu spent a lot of effort to find a very simple copy of the Martial Emperor level, hoping to complete the promotion task and become a strong Martial Emperor level. 】

[Furthermore, in order to prevent accidents, Bailitu also brought Uncle Fu, who was a martial emperor-level expert. 】

[I thought everything was safe, but it has been almost three days since Mr. Baili entered the dungeon and he still hasn’t come out. 】

[Baiqi has no choice but to contact you. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

If a Heavenly King-level powerhouse wants to be promoted to the Martial King-level, in addition to reaching the full experience level, the most important thing is to complete the promotion dungeon.

Upgrading the level is not difficult. A normal King-level professional can achieve it after ten or eight years of hard work and dungeon experience.

For people in high positions like Bailitu, if they are trained by high-level professionals, they may be able to reach the peak of the Heavenly King level in one or two years.

But the hard part is to advance to the dungeon!

The promotion dungeon has a very wide range of difficulty. Although a simple promotion dungeon can be promoted to the Martial Emperor level, it is still the weakest and there is no hope of becoming a legend in the future.

But it’s not easy to stand up to this copy!
"With the treasures and equipment on Mr. Baili's body... coupled with a Martial Emperor-level professional protector, there shouldn't be any accidents, right?"

Su Xing frowned and murmured, feeling a little curious.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You decide to find out what happened to Mr. Baili. 】

[You asked Baiqi for the coordinates of the promotion dungeon and arrived outside the dungeon. 】

[You learned from Bai Qi’s mouth that the copy here is called Frozen. 】

[This copy seems to be a temporary copy, and it looks like it will be closed in a few days. 】

[You entered the dungeon. When you first entered the dungeon, you felt a chill. 】

[You frown slightly and continue to move forward. The deeper you go into the dungeon, the lower the surrounding temperature becomes. You see that the temperature has dropped to more than 100 degrees below zero. 】

[There is also howling ice, snow and strong wind all around, blocking most of the sight. 】

[Everywhere you look is covered with ice and snow. Even a king-level warrior would find it difficult to survive in such harsh weather. 】

[Fortunately, your spiritual consciousness has a very wide range. When you release your spiritual consciousness, you can clearly sense every place within a radius of [-] feet. 】

[You feel that there seems to be a familiar breath dozens of kilometers away from you. 】

[You quickly found the aura and it turned out to be Uncle Martial Emperor Fu. 】

[Uncle Fu was overjoyed when he saw you, and explained to you their experience of entering the dungeon. 】

[The promotion dungeon can only be participated by professionals themselves. When Fu Bo and Baili Clan Head came, they could only raid the formation. 】

[Before coming to this dungeon, they had investigated that this Frozen dungeon was not very difficult. 】

[But unexpectedly, Bailitu had been missing in the ice and snow for two full days. In desperation, Uncle Fu had no choice but to search deep into the dungeon, but he has not been able to find him so far. 】

[Fu Bo's condition doesn't look good. He is mainly feeling sad and worried. 】

[You point out the direction for Uncle Fu to leave the dungeon, and tell him that the search for Bailitu will be left to you. 】

[You hold up the body's protective energy, isolating the cold, wind and snow. 】

[You have been searching in this dungeon for several hours. Your spiritual consciousness has covered almost every corner of the dungeon, but you still cannot find Baili Tu. 】

[What will shock you is that the coldest place in this dungeon even has a temperature of more than 200 degrees... If it were dozens of degrees lower and reached absolute zero, I am afraid that even the legendary strong ones would not be able to survive...]

[After you searched to no avail, you thought, maybe Baili Tu is not in the snowfield, but under it? 】

[Your consciousness is directed towards the thick snow under your feet. 】

[After another hour of this, your consciousness indeed found a familiar scent in an ice and snow cave thousands of feet above the ground. 】

[It is Bailitu's aura... except that besides him, there seem to be several strange auras at the peak of the Heavenly King level, and one of them even reaches the Martial Emperor level...]

[You came to the ice and snow cave and saw several boss snow bears that were ten meters tall and extremely manic. 】

[Snow Bear seems to be a special boss in this dungeon, with rough skin and thick flesh, and extremely strong strength...]

[And in the cave, you saw Baili Tu who was frozen into an ice sculpture and seemed to have lost consciousness. 】

[The violent snow bear attacks you...]

[Kill all these snow bears in just a few turns. 】

[You activated your spiritual energy to unseal Bailitu's ice sculpture, but he is still in a coma...]

[You look at this ice and snow cave and are surprised to find that there are a lot of metals as clear as ice in the snow bear's lair. 】

[After your judgment, this should also be a third- and fourth-order high-order exotic metal. 】

[You glance at Bailitu beside you. He is unconscious but not life-threatening. 】

[So you wave the sword in your hand and start digging for exotic metals. 】

[In just a few hours, you dug out all the foreign metals in the cave, the amount is about 500 cubic meters. 】

[After digging the mine, you grabbed Bailitu, who was still unconscious, and left this dungeon...]

[On the same day, you sent Baili Tu back to Baili Mansion. 】

[Under the treatment of many drugs and props, Bailitu finally woke up slowly. 】

[Everyone in Baili Mansion is grateful to you. Baili will give you several storage rings containing dungeon props. 】

[This time you did not refuse. After checking it with your spiritual consciousness, you found that there was no manipulation in it, and then you put it into the Lingtian Cave. 】

[After Bailitu woke up, he learned that you had saved him, and he was grateful to you in every possible way. 】

[You know that Bailitu may be sincere in his gratitude, but the rest is more because he just wants to be friends with you. 】

[But you did not refuse this friendship, because Baili Tu said that as a favor to save your life, from now on, their Baili Chamber of Commerce will provide you with a batch of dungeon props every three months. 】

[You didn’t refuse this, you just said that you would come and get it when you had time. 】

[You left Baili Mansion alone without leaving any contact information. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Tsk, tsk, this Baili Mansion is in quite a lot of trouble...but this is definitely a great good thing for me!"

"If you go to rescue Baili Tu, not only can you get a large number of dungeon props, but you can also discover a foreign metal mining area?"

Su Xing never expected that he could not find the foreign metal mining area after searching for so long.

Unexpectedly, it took no effort at all this time.

Although it is only 20 cubic meters, after purification and adding the dungeon props... it should barely have about [-] billion energy, right?
Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"What's more important is that this Baili Chamber of Commerce can be completely used by me and become a tool for me to collect dungeon props and convert energy!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, feeling very satisfied.

A big part of the reason why he didn't do it at first was that the Baili Chamber of Commerce might have a big job for him in the future.

After all, although a golden chicken is valuable, it cannot beat a chicken that can lay golden eggs!

"However, the relationship between the Baili Chamber of Commerce and me is just a mutually beneficial business relationship... it is not considered friendship or friendship. We still need to remain vigilant!"

Su Xing murmured.

He knew very well that Baili Chamber of Commerce valued his absolute strength.

What Su Xing values ​​​​is the resources and financial resources of the Baili Chamber of Commerce.

There is nothing wrong with mutual benefit and a win-win situation.

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving Baili Mansion, you took a long detour, disguised yourself several times, and returned to Kyoto Academy. 】

[You spent half a month setting up the spirit gathering array, and the Lingtian Cave was completely promoted to a mid-level cave. 】

[You found dozens of Dragon Spirit Grasses from Zong Laogou’s elixir. You took out a few of them and refined the Dragon Spirit Pill. 】

[Dragon Spirit Pill is of great benefit to master-level professionals. You gave a few bottles to Jin Congxue, hoping to add a little more strength to her. 】

[Then you contacted Yu Yan again, gave him a batch of Dragon Spirit Pills, and asked him not to let outsiders know. 】

[After doing this, you went to see Luo Shuying as agreed. 】

(End of this chapter)

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