Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 198 brings out the cultivation level and returns to the void stage to perfection!

Chapter 198 brings out the cultivation level and returns to the void stage to perfection! (5k please subscribe~)

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Sure enough, my current strength should be at the level of the legendary peak..."

"And with the physical body of the body-refining monk, Yuan Power, and body-protecting Qi... I am not afraid at all even of the two legendary monsters!"

After a pause, Su Xing shook his head slightly and said:
"But if we want to face the Demon Emperor, we are indeed still far behind..."

"However, it is already extremely impressive to be able to improve your cultivation to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage this time!"

"After all, we have to take one step at a time..."

Su Xing thought so.

At the same time, Su Xing also figured out one thing, that is, the monster that had swallowed his soul before did indeed belong to the demon clan.

"Looks like a monkey, moves quickly, but is only half a human tall..."

"According to the information we have received before, the average legendary monster will be extremely tall, ranging from hundreds of feet to hundreds of feet tall!"

"And among the demon clan, the one who can be so small in size but so powerful... I'm afraid he comes from a special race among the demon clan!"

Su Xing already had some guesses in his mind.

"At least it comes from the royal family among the demon clan... or even from the top ten royal families!"

Of the ten royal clans of the Monster Clan that Su Xing currently knows, there is only one Shadow Clan.

But now, there should be this monster clan that looks like a monkey...

Su Xing took out a pen and paper and started recording.

Ever since the simulation, Awakening has had a habit of recording.

Recording the useful information obtained in each simulation will definitely be helpful for future awakenings in the real world!

"Next, it's time to choose Qi refining! The Void Return Stage is complete!"

When Su Xing thought about the Dzogchen cultivation that he was about to achieve in the Return to Void Stage, he felt vaguely excited and expectant in his heart.

Look at the reward of this simulation.

[Scoring twice]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Dzogchen Cultivation in the Return to Void Stage]: In the Dzogchen Cultivation Stage of the Return to Void Stage, spiritual power stretches as endlessly as a river.The price is 4 million energy.

[Body-protecting Gangqi (Perfection)]: The magical body-protecting Gangqi is perfect. Your mastery of the body-protecting Gangqi has reached the state of transformation. If you have enough understanding, you may be able to go one step further and reach a state that even the creators of magical powers have never reached.The price is 5000 million energy.

[Energy-containing heterometallic ore (500 cubic meters)]: worth 80 billion energy. Because it contains a large amount of impurities, the value is halved.

Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:

"500 cubic meters of heterometallic ore contains 80 billion energy...that is, converted into simulated energy, the value is 8 million...and after purification, it is 16 billion!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing was inevitably a little excited.

16 billion energy is definitely a big number for Awakening.

"There's nothing to worry about when choosing rewards for this simulation..."

"The priority must be to choose the body-protecting Gangqi and the Dzogchen cultivation of the Void Return Stage!"

"However, the simulation energy in my hand is not enough, only a mere 3000 million..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and decided to exchange all the useless items left in Zong Laogou's storage instruments into simulated energy.

In this way, the awakening energy directly reaches nearly [-] million!
As for the remaining half of the treasures in Zong Laogou's storage artifact, Su Xing cannot use them. After all, they are all things that are helpful to Su Xing's practice.

After having enough energy, Su Xing murmured:

"I choose to exchange for the Dzogchen cultivation of the Void Return Stage and the perfection of body protection and energy!"

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the Dzogchen cultivation level in the Return to Void Stage, spending 4 million energy, and the remaining energy is 3 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the supernatural body-protecting Qi (perfection), spending 5000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 2 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious forces fell into the awakened body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the restlessness of spiritual power in his body.

Su Xing hurriedly sat down cross-legged and guarded his mind.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's aura began to surge.

The sixth level of the return to emptiness stage... the seventh level of the return to emptiness stage... the ninth level of the return to emptiness stage!

Finally, the Return to Void Stage is complete!

In just a few breaths, the cultivation level in Su Xing's body began to break through one after another as if it came naturally.

The spiritual power that was originally as turbulent as a river has become more and more majestic... there is already a vague prototype of a sea of ​​spiritual power.

Su Xing closed his eyes and kept adjusting his breath.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Xing slowly stood up and felt the changes in strength brought about by the sudden increase in cultivation.

With a thought in his heart, a ball of spiritual power appeared in Su Xing's palm.

Su Xing continued to compress the spiritual power in his hands, and even the surrounding air began to distort slightly.

This is the magical psychic explosion technique that Su Xing realized on his own.

The ultimate compression of spiritual power brings ultimate destructive power!
Su Xing's heart moved, and the spiritual explosion technique in his palm slowly dissipated.

It is a good method to use the Spirit Explosion Technique to detect the growth of spiritual power in Ichiban's body.

After Su Xing realized it carefully, he murmured:

"Compared to when I first entered the Great Consummation Stage of Returning to Void, the total amount of spiritual power in my body has expanded at least four to five times!"

"The mana is more powerful...the power of the released spells has also increased exponentially!"

The most lethal magical powers currently being awakened are the Lihuo Technique and the Spiritual Explosion Technique.

It's just that the Spiritual Explosion Technique consumes too much spiritual energy, and the Awakening or Lihuo Technique is more used.

"That's right... with my current spiritual power, if I release a spiritual explosion, most of the city will be blown up in an instant!"

"If it hits the body of a legendary strongman, his skin will peel off even if he doesn't die..."

This is the result of Su Xing's lack of further research and practice on the Spirit Explosion Technique.

If Su Xing is willing to further study the spiritual explosion technique, coupled with the previous idea of ​​three types of spiritual energy, the power will undoubtedly be even more terrifying!
"Unknowingly, my cultivation has reached the Great Perfection Stage of Returning to the Void!"

"Correspondingly, there are still too few attack methods... We should really learn some more useful magical powers!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he decided to choose one or two magical powers from Zong Laogou's legacy to study and improve his own abilities.

As for the copy of Luotian Conference, it is also necessary to go there.

"With my current strength, if I can reach the status of the Holy Son in the Luotian Conference... I should be able to access the heaven-level secrets!"

Su Xing murmured.

At the rate at which his strength was growing, even earth-level spells would be quickly eliminated, so there was no need to spend a lot of energy learning them.

Unless it is some earth-level secret method with special effects.

After adapting to the increase in his cultivation level, Su Xing began to try out his perfect body-protecting Qi again!
I saw Su Xing's heart move, and an invisible shield protected Su Xing within it.

After Su Xing realized it carefully, he nodded and murmured:

"Compared to the previous Dacheng level, the defense power of the body-protecting Qi has now been improved by more than a tiny bit... No wonder the Perfect-level body-protecting Qi was needed when Tianlei forged the body..."

"Even an emperor-level powerhouse would probably need two... no, three hits to break through this body-protecting aura, right?"

"But...if we can go one step further, how far should the body-protecting Qi reach?"

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

After getting used to the body-protecting aura for a while, Su Xing began to disguise himself, hold his breath, and shield his own secrets.

Su Xing is planning to go to Baili Mansion.

"A copy of Frozen, exotic metal ores worth 16 billion energy... plus a thank-you gift from the Baili family..."

"The profit from this trip is at least more than 20 billion! Compared with such a huge profit... it is worth taking some risks!"

Su Xing left Lingtian Cave, waited until it got dark, and then prepared to go to Baili Mansion in Guang Province.

He had specially practiced it in the simulation before, so there should be little risk this time.

The sky was getting dark, he woke up and stepped on the flying sword, his figure was hidden in the night, flying towards Baili Mansion.

With a small mastery of sword control, coupled with the cultivation of Dzogchen in the Void Return Stage, the awakening speed is several times faster than before.

The journey from Kyoto to Guangzhou is nearly [-] miles, and within two or three hours of waking up, they have reached the sky above Baili Mansion.

It was late at night at this moment.

Su Xing's heart moved, and his spiritual consciousness covered the entire Baili Mansion.

Sure enough, it was just as shown in the simulation before waking up.

There were originally three Martial Emperors in Baili Mansion, but now there are only two.

And there is no aura of Baili Tu in Baili Mansion.

"Sure enough, Bailitu should be trapped in the dungeon right now, right?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

Immediately after waking up, he casually arranged a concealment formation and entered Baili Mansion as if there was no one there.When they came to Bailiqi's room, Bailiqi was lying on the table drinking alone with a sad face.

"Haha, Mr. Baili is so elegant... why are you drinking here alone?"

Su Xing stood behind Bai Qi and said coldly.

Baili shuddered immediately after hearing this, and quickly turned back to look at Su Xing.

After discovering that the visitor was awake, he was immediately overjoyed and even had a trace of tears in his eyes.

"Senior... you, you are finally here!"

Bailiqi trembled with excitement and said: "My father..."

Su Xing frowned slightly and just asked:
"Tell me more about it, what happened to Baili's family?"

After hearing this, Baili Qi woke up from the drunkenness and nodded quickly and said:

"Senior, it's like this...my father later entered the promotion dungeon..."

Bailiqi told Su Xing everything about what happened in the past few days, and then quickly took out two storage rings.

He handed it to Su Xing and said:

"Senior, these are the replica props our Baili family has collected in the past two months..."

"As long as you can rescue my father, our Baili family will be at the mercy of our seniors from now on!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded secretly. Although Baili Qi acted like a father and a filial son before, at the critical moment, he still valued his father.

But Su Xing was not in a hurry to take the storage ring, and just asked:
"I already know about this... just tell me the coordinates of the dungeon your father entered..."

"As for these dungeon props, it won't be too late to wait until I rescue people!"

Baili was overjoyed after hearing this and quickly informed Su Xing of the coordinates of the dungeon.

This copy of Frozen is in Guangzhou, only a few hundred kilometers away from Baili's home.

After Su Xing learned the coordinates of the dungeon, he flew with his sword and arrived outside the Frozen dungeon in less than a quarter of an hour.

This dungeon is located between the valleys. At first glance, it looks like a temporary dungeon, and the location is very hidden.

It should be open soon, and it should close soon.

Su Xing didn't hesitate too much and directly entered the air door in front of him.

After stepping into the door, Su Xing's vision changed.

Originally, the weather in Guangzhou was still very hot, but now that we have entered the dungeon, the surroundings are covered with snow, and the air temperature has dropped from [-] to [-] degrees to a dozen degrees below zero.

Heavy snow poured down from the sky, and the howling wind could blow up boulders on the roadside.

As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but white snow, and the vision was severely damaged.

"Sure enough, this place can be considered a forbidden level dungeon. The climate is so bad... Just after entering, it is already more than ten degrees below zero... and it can even reach extreme low temperatures of more than 200 degrees below zero!"

Su Xing sighed slightly in his heart.

"But this blocking of sight has no effect on me at all..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and his spiritual consciousness spread out like a tide. All the breaths within [-] feet and a hundred kilometers were under Su Xing's control.

"That aura is...the powerful Martial Emperor named Fu Bo?"

During the awakening induction, dozens of kilometers away due north of him, there was a breath moving slowly, it must be Uncle Fu.

Su Xing planned to follow the steps in the simulator and go see Uncle Fu first.

The body-protecting Qi appeared three feet away from the awakened body, blocking out all the severe cold.

Awakening activated his spiritual power, turned into a ray of light, and flew towards the north.

After a while, Su Xing came to Uncle Fu's side.

Uncle Fu was in a very bad state at this time. He was a mighty martial artist, but his body was trembling slightly and there were some wounds on his body.

However, compared to the entrance to the previous instance, the temperature here is more extreme.

It’s over 100 degrees below zero!
The extreme low temperature, coupled with the heavy snow and strong winds that obscured the view, made it difficult for Fu Bo, a powerful martial emperor, to resist for a while.

Fu Bo raised his head with difficulty, glanced at Su Xing, and then a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"Senior, you..."

Su Xing held on to the body-protecting aura and slowly fell from the air.

The body-protecting Gangqi isolates all wind and snow, and the wind and snow within a radius of three feet automatically retreat.

"I already know the matter, leave the next thing to me..."

Su Xing nodded lightly, looking like a senior.

After hearing this, Prince Wu was so happy that he almost knelt down on the spot with tears streaming down his face.

"Master...Master is saved!"

As a majestic martial artist, Uncle Fu cried like a child, which shows his loyalty.

Su Xing stretched out his finger and pointed in a direction:

"If you keep walking in that direction, you will be able to leave this copy soon..."

"Bailitu, I will bring him back."

Su Xing's words were very plain, but after hearing this, Uncle Fu no longer had any doubts and believed it extremely.

As a powerful martial artist, it was difficult for him to maintain his physical strength in such a harsh environment.

On the other hand, Su Xing was not affected at all, but even the wind and snow around him automatically avoided it.

The difference in strength can be imagined.

In Uncle Fu's opinion, if even a strong man like Su Xing couldn't save Bailitu, then Bailitu would definitely die!
"Yes! Thank you, senior!"

Fu Bo bowed sincerely to Su Xing, and then walked away from the dungeon.

With Fu Bo's strength, there is no problem in leaving the dungeon safely.

After all, the air gets colder the deeper you go into this place. The closer you get to the entrance, the better the environment will be.

After Uncle Fu left, he woke up and walked in the air again, his consciousness covering the surrounding [-]-foot snowfield, searching like a radar detector.

The area of ​​​​this Frozen dungeon is really not small, it is as big as a province.

However, Su Xing's consciousness had a very wide range and his movement speed was very fast. In addition, Su Xing knew in advance that Baili Tu was in a cave under the snowfield, so the search was very directionable.

So in less than an hour, Su Xing discovered that deep in the snowfield, in the snow cave thousands of feet underground, there was the faint aura of Baili Tu.

"Well, this should be right here..."

"But the temperature here is probably over 200 degrees below zero... It's really impressive that this snow bear can survive in such a harsh environment!"

Su Xing quickly found the entrance to the underground snow cave.

After a while, they arrived at the snow cave.

Beneath the thousands of feet of snowy ground, there is actually a cave.

The flat and open cave, with some hay around it for warmth, looks like a snow bear's lair.

After waking up and scanning the area with his consciousness, he quickly discovered Bailitu, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, as well as a large foreign metal mining area.

At the same time, several manic snow bears also launched an offensive towards Su Xing.

I saw a blizzard of blue magic roaring towards Awakening.

But Su Xing did not dodge or dodge, and the perfect body-protecting aura firmly blocked the ice and snow from the outside.

"Tsk tsk...I didn't expect these snow bears to be magical creatures..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, then without holding back, he attacked several snow bears directly.

In just a few breaths, a snow bear with the strength of a martial emperor and three king-level snow bears were killed by Su Xing.

Su Xing took a look at the snow bear's body and put it into the Lingtian Cave.

"The fur of this snow bear should be a good material... and the bear's paws can also be soaked in wine, so don't waste it!"

Su Xing adheres to the principle of diligence and frugality and does not waste anything.

After dealing with the enemy, Su Xing looked at Bailitu.

"Well, he was frozen into an ice sculpture... but the powerful vitality of a king-level warrior keeps him alive... his life should not be in danger for the time being!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, then activated his spiritual power to melt Bailitu's ice sculpture.

But Bailitu was too injured at the moment, and he was in a coma for a while after the ice sculpture melted.

Su Xing saw that Bailitu's life was not in danger, so he wielded the Mo Bingjian and began to dig out the exotic metal ores in the snow cave here.

Swish swish!
Yuanli was wrapped around Mo Bingjian, and the alien metal ore was awakened and cut into hundreds of cubes of the same size.

Su Xing collected these excavated foreign metal ores into the Lingtian Cave.

After confirming that nothing was missing, Su Xing left the Frozen dungeon while carrying the unconscious Bailitu.

As soon as he got out of the dungeon, Su Xing saw Emperor Fu Bo who had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Bailitu, Uncle Fu's eyes turned red with excitement. After confirming that Bailitu's life was not in danger, Uncle Fu knelt down directly towards Su Xing.

"Thank you, senior, for saving the head of the family. This is a great kindness. Our Baili family will definitely repay you!"

(End of this chapter)

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