Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 199: Level 3 Immortal Seed, the Secret of Becoming an Immortal!

Chapter 199 The third level of immortality, the secret of becoming an immortal! (5k)

Su Xing just nodded slightly, the mere Martial Emperor was now unable to enter Su Xing's eyes.

"Let's take Mr. Baili back to the house first... He's not fully awake yet..."

Su Xing said so.

Soon, the three of them returned to Baili Mansion.

With the addition of Baili's various healing drugs, Mr. Baili quickly woke up.

After waking up, Mr. Baili looked around and saw the awakening among the crowd.

Soon Mr. Baili came to his senses, saluted Su Xing and said:
"Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace. It's a great kindness. I will never forget it..."

After hearing this, Su Xing just shook his head slightly, fiddled with the two storage rings on his hands, and said:

"It's just business...you pay and I'll protect your life, that's what it should be."

Bailitu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then said decisively:

"Senior, my life is more than just these dungeon props..."

"Let's do this. As long as I live, the Baili family will provide seniors with a batch of dungeon props every month..."

"My Baili family doesn't have much to offer... we just have some wealth... As long as our seniors have needs, we will try our best to satisfy them!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:
"In this case, if there is need in the future, I will come to Baili's house to find you..."

"Now that the head of the Baili family has recovered, it's time for me to leave..."

Bailitu heard this and was ready to keep someone, but Su Xing didn't want to have a further relationship and just wanted to keep the business relationship pure.

Su Xing disappeared on the spot and turned into a ray of light and left Baili Mansion.

After he woke up and left, Bailitu sighed deeply and said:

"Alas, this senior's strength is unpredictable...but he doesn't want to have too much involvement with my Baili family..."

"Forget it, it's good to be able to keep in touch with senior now... As long as we continue to collect dungeon props in the future, senior will definitely have a good impression of me, Baili Mansion."

At this moment, Bailitu was convinced that Su Xing was definitely the kind of legendary powerhouse that could never be seen in the world.

Even among the legendary powerhouses, he is at the top!
And such a strong person may be hundreds of years old and has seen too many vicissitudes of life.

Although Baili Chamber of Commerce is one of the best chambers of commerce in Daxia, for a legendary powerhouse, it is still far behind...


At the same time, after Su Xing left Baili Mansion, he used his spiritual consciousness to check the storage ring again.

Sure enough, the Baili family didn't tamper with the ring this time.

But Su Xing was always cautious. After Yujian flew to Kyoto City, he made sure that no one was following him, and then he changed his disguise and calmed down again and returned to Lingtian Cave.

Su Xing first exchanged the two storage rings given to him by Baiqi into simulated energy.

[Ding, a large amount of energy-containing material has been detected, with a total value of 4 million simulated energy. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said decisively.

Counting this batch of simulated energy, the awakening energy once again surged to 6 million points.

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, the Baili Chamber of Commerce deserves to be the first among the chambers of commerce in the south. In just two or three months, it was able to collect more than 4 million worth of dungeon props..."

"With such handwriting and professional ability, the Tarot Society is still far behind..."

On average, it can bring [-] million energy to Awakening in two months, which is a good income.

"There are also foreign metals found in this copy, which are worth 16 billion after purification..."

"If you calculate it this way, in just one day this time, I earned over 20 billion energy!"

Su Xing was a little excited, then returned to the dormitory and called Jin Congxue.

After confirming that Jin Congxue was still in Kyoto City, Su Xing sent the foreign metal ore over.

Five hundred cubic meters of exotic metal ore can be purified in up to two weeks.

By then, Su Xing will be able to earn 16 billion copy energy at one time!
"Huh... wake up and you can't float! There will be more places to use energy in the future..."

"The more energy, the better!"

Wake up and remind yourself this.

In the next few days, Su Xing still stayed in the Lingtian Cave, refining elixirs, setting up spiritual arrays every day, and also found time to read the diary left by Zong Laogou.

By October 10th, the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave was already extremely strong.

Completely promoted from a low-grade cave to a middle-grade cave.

From now on, every week, Su Xing will be able to automatically collect a full three thousand drops of spiritual liquid!

On this day, after Su Xing finished refining the elixir, he disguised himself and found Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a white floral dress today, looking very girly.

The two chatted while eating.

Su Xing took out the elixir refined this week and handed it to Jin Congxue.

Then he took out two additional bottles of elixirs and handed them over, saying:
"Sister Xue, there are twenty Dragon Spirit Pills in these two bottles of pills..."

"The Dragon Spirit Pill is of great benefit to improving your strength...and this pill is extremely precious. You should take it yourself and don't let others know..."

Seeing Su Xing's serious tone, Jin Congxue nodded and put the elixir away.

After that, Jin Congxue also took out this week’s goods and said:
"According to your request, part of the exotic metal ore sent a few days ago has been purified... and I will give it to you together!"

Su Xing took the storage ring, and the two chatted for a while.

After that, he regained consciousness and used his skillful spiritual exploration to safely return to the Lingtian Cave.

Exchange this week's goods for simulated energy.

The awakened simulated energy suddenly surged by more than 7 million.

Counting what was left before, the awakened simulated energy reached a total of 14 billion!
"Huh~ As expected, I have money in my hand, so I'm not panicking!"

Su Xing looked at the long list of numbers on the panel and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

On October 2024, 10 in the new era, Su Xing will start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 5900 energy points, with 14 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Seeing this, Su Xing thought for a moment.

His current remaining simulation energy is 14 billion, which should be enough for the next few simulations, and a large amount of energy will be credited next week.

"Currently, my basic probability of drawing gold-quality talents is 5.00%... I might as well invest another [-] million energy, so that I can draw gold-quality talents up to ten times, which improves the efficiency!"

Su Xing thought so, and then said silently.

"Spend 5 million energy to increase the probability of drawing golden talents!"

[Ding, you successfully spent 5 million energy to increase the golden talent lottery probability by 5%. The current basic lottery winning rate is 10%. The probability of winning a golden quality talent in this talent lottery is 50%... The remaining energy is 9 million points! 】

The beep of the simulator fell, Su Xing nodded slightly and continued:
"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on drawing the purple talent. Your probability of winning the gold quality talent next time is 60%...]

[Hungry for three days and nine meals]: Purple talent, your stomach structure is different from ordinary people. After eating a full meal, you can ensure sufficient physical strength in the next few days. Note that the same type of stomach transformation talent already exists, get it The talent Big Eater will be replaced later. (Following Mr. De, you will starve for nine meals in three days~)

After Su Xing saw the reward drawn this time, his vision went dark on the spot.

As expected, it is another purple quality talent.

The most important thing is, damn, if Su Xing chooses this talent, it’s hard to say whether it will be strengthened or weakened...

The Big Stomach King's talent, logically speaking, can also allow Su Xing to increase physical strength and speed up body refining through eating.

It’s hard to estimate how much the bonus will be, but it will have a certain effect more or less.

However, the talent of starving for nine meals in three days does not seem to be that effective.

After all, Su Xing is now a monk in the stage of returning to the void, and he has long been able to live without food.

Eating spiritual rice on a daily basis is also to ensure that the physical body is in the most perfect state.

"Forget it, it seems that the rewards from this simulation are of no use..."

"In this case, the goal of this simulation should still be to enhance one's own strength..."

Su Xing frowned and thought.

He had already planned before that he must use the immersive simulation function for this simulation and go to the Luotian Conference dungeon.On the one hand, it is about the breakthrough in the integration period, and on the other hand, it is about taking the body-protecting Gangqi a step further.

In addition, Su Xing also has to find a way to learn a spiritual attack method.

After all, if you want to enter the void world and compete with Long Laogou, although the awakened consciousness is powerful, it does not have the corresponding offensive skills.

"Also, I now have the upper hand in Qi refining, so it's time to practice the Spirit Explosion Technique... If the Spirit Explosion Technique can be accomplished, the legendary peak powerhouse will definitely not be my opponent!"

Su Xing had already planned the goal of this simulation and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You refine elixirs every day, use the talent of Great Wisdom and Ruoyu, and accumulate great wisdom for ten days. 】

[Ten days later, you went to the Luotian Conference copy and successfully entered it...]

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and said silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature, lasting 24 hours..."

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spent 240 million energy points, and have 9 million remaining energy points. 】

As the beep of the simulator fell, Su Xing's vision changed.

When he came back to his senses again, Su Xing had entered the copy of the Luotian Conference.

"Good disciple, you go to the back mountain...and invite Senior Brother Shennong to come over!"

In front of him when he woke up, an old man with a childlike face and fair hair said so.

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded and said: "I obey, Master!"

After leaving the main hall, Su Xing walked toward the back mountain, but he kept thinking in his mind along the way.

"Sure enough, after entering this time, my identity has changed dramatically again!"

"Although I am still Luo Xiaochuan, a disciple of Luo Tianzong...but I am no longer a direct disciple, but the real holy son of Luo Tianzong!"

The message from the Holy Son of Luotian Sect flashed in Su Xing's mind.

The Holy Son of Luo Tianzong is also known as the Immortal Seed.

As the name suggests, it is the seed of immortality...

All disciples who become immortals are talented people who are expected to become immortals!

Immortal species are also divided into three levels.

Under the age of 150, if you reach the late stage of returning to the void stage or the late stage of breaking the void stage, you can become a third-class immortal if you satisfy either of the two!
Now that he wakes up, he is the third-class immortal species of Luotian Sect!
Third-level immortals can enter the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion to see the secrets of the heavenly level!

And you can get extremely high-quality resources and get personal guidance from the leader of Luotian Sect!

The status of third-level immortals in Luotian Sect is comparable to that of the top ten elders.

Unfortunately, for Su Xing, no matter how many cultivation resources there are in this copy of the Luotian Conference, they are only a mirror, and of no use at all.

On the contrary, it is the sect leader's guidance and the ability to enter the Sutra Pavilion to view the heaven-level secrets that are truly valuable to Awakening.

Under the age of three hundred, those who have achieved the early stage of Qi Refining and Body Refining, or the early stage of Body Refining and Hunyuan Stage, can become a second-class immortal.

A second-class immortal, his status is comparable to that of the Luotian Sect master.

Being able to be accepted as a personal disciple by the Supreme Elder of Luotian Sect!
And the Supreme Elder of Luo Tianzong is at least among the Sanxian!

Although loose immortals are not as good as the orthodox "Nine Realms of Immortals", they are also powerful monks who possess immortal power and achieve immortal bodies.

Among the memory fragments Su Xing obtained this time, there was a detailed introduction to the loose immortals and the "Nine Realms of Immortals".

A monk who has completed the Mahayana stage can transform the spiritual power in his body into immortal power.

And passed the heart-refining test to become an immortal soul.

Coupled with surviving the thunder tribulation in the physical body, one can achieve the first state of the "Nine Immortal Realms", the Human Immortal Realm!

Spiritual power turns into immortal power, the heart is tempered and the heart is tempered, and the thunder tribulation is overcome to achieve the immortal body.

Among these three major levels, the heart-refining level is the most difficult. If you fail to refining your heart, you can become an immortal, but you can only become a loose immortal.

Loose immortals also enjoy the longevity of immortals, but they need to go through a thunder disaster that occurs once in a thousand years. If they cannot survive it, they will die.

Moreover, the upper limit of loose immortals is far lower than that of the orthodox immortal path of "Nine Realms of Heaven and Man".

"Even so...to be able to achieve Sanxian, he is a peerless powerhouse far beyond the Mahayana stage..."

Su Xing sighed and murmured:
"When you step into the second-class immortal category, you can basically achieve the status of a loose immortal at worst."

"And above the second-class immortal species, there are first-class immortal species..."

"First-class immortal seeds can only be obtained by reaching the Mahayana stage before the age of [-]!"

"Because of this, you can have enough time to hone your mind and walk on the orthodox path to immortality!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. This immortal realm was still too far away for him.

However, the third-level immortal seed is a real benefit to awakening!

"After entering the Luotian Sect this time, my master is no longer the great elder Niu Rulie... but the master of the Luotian Sect, Luo Ying!"

"This is a peerless power who has completed the Mahayana period and can overcome tribulations at any time and rank in the realm of immortals!"

"In addition, Shen Nong Youtian is no longer my uncle, but my senior brother?"

Su Xing murmured, and at the same time he was even more confused.

Why, every time he enters the dungeon, his identity is Luo Xiaochuan?
And as Su Xing's own strength continues to improve, Luo Xiaochuan's status will also increase?

But these mysteries cannot be solved by Su Xing yet.

"Forget it, let's ask some questions about the breakthrough of the integration stage first..."

Su Xing thought this, and then quickened his pace and came to the back mountain.

Shen Nong has a field, and he is still wearing simple clothes, planting in the field like a farmer.

After seeing Su Xing, Shennong Youtian stopped his farm work, smiled and said to Su Xing:

"Junior brother, are you here to invite me to participate in the Luotian Conference?"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this, and the two of them walked towards the main hall while chatting.

Compared with the previous simulation, after becoming the Holy Son, the relationship between Su Xing and Shennong Youtian is obviously closer.

When he was about to arrive at the Luotian Conference venue, Su Xing asked Brother Shennong:
"Senior brother, I have now reached the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage... I wonder how to break through this state of integration?"

After hearing this, Shennong Youtian thought for a moment and said:

"That's right, junior brother, you have now become the Holy Son of our Luotian Sect, and your cultivation has been promoted to the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage. It's really time to consider advancing to the Fusion Stage..."

"But you have only been a Holy Son for a short time...please listen to me and tell you in detail."

After a pause, Shennong Youtian asked:
"What do you think is the biggest difference between monks in the stage of returning to the void and those in the stage of transforming into gods?"

After hearing the words and thinking carefully for a moment, Su Xing replied uncertainly:

"Is it spiritual power...and divine consciousness?"

"The magic power of the Great Perfection in the Return to Void Stage is more than ten times that of the Great Perfection in the Divine Transformation Stage... The spiritual power in the body stretches like a river and the ocean... The power of the released spells is also greater!"

"Furthermore, after the stage of returning to the void, monks can come into contact with the void world, so the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is faster, and the range of spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that of the stage of transformation!"

After Shennong Youtian heard Su Xing's answer, he nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Although it's not completely accurate, it's not far off..."

"You need to remember one thing. You achieved the Perfect Return Stage before you were a hundred years old, and your qualifications are much higher than those of your senior brother..."

"Therefore, it is best for you to cultivate the scope of your spiritual consciousness to a hundred thousand feet and into the subtle realm when you are in the realm of returning to the void... This will be of great benefit to your future practice!"

"Other than that, the biggest difference between the return to void stage and the integration stage is the induction of the aura of heaven and earth!"

"A monk in the Void Returning Stage, no matter how full the spiritual power in his body is, it is still limited..."

"But when you reach the integration stage, you can roughly mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the power of the spell will be greatly enhanced!"

"Especially magical powers... Although you can practice magical powers during the transformation and return stages, you cannot use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the power of your magical powers is limited... But after reaching the integration stage, with the help of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the power of your magical powers will be increased several times. , or even dozens of times!”

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, and suddenly thought about the "Three Talents Sword Technique" he had learned before. Among them, the earth sword and the sky sword were the power to communicate between heaven and earth.

Shennong Arita seemed to be in a good mood, and then explained:
"And when the unity reaches the Great Perfection and the Mahayana stage, you will be able to use the power of space in a superficial way, and it will be easy to move thousands of miles or thousands of miles in an instant..."

After a pause, Shennong Arita came to the key point.

"Therefore, if you want to break through the Void Return Stage to the Fusion Stage, the most important thing is to sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

"The more outstanding the spiritual roots are, the richer the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the greater the possibility of sensing the laws of heaven and earth spiritual energy!"

"Junior brother, as a Tianlinggen, you have a lot of advantages in this regard... I think reaching the integration stage only requires an opportunity..."

Su Xing was thoughtful after hearing this. After Shennong Youtian's explanation, Su Xing had some understanding.

So Su Xing then asked:

"Senior brother, do you know how to attack with spiritual consciousness? Although I have reached the Great Perfection stage of returning to the Void, I am still not quite good at using the spiritual consciousness..."

(End of this chapter)

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