Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 200: The method of attacking with spiritual consciousness!

Chapter 200: The method of attacking with spiritual consciousness!

After hearing this, Shennong Youtian thought for a while and said:

"Although my brother has learned the method of attacking with spiritual consciousness, it may not be suitable for you..."

"You can go to the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion and have a look. There are some good methods of attacking with spiritual consciousness there..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, but did not continue to ask.

Soon Su Xing brought Shennong Arita back to the main hall.

The awakened master Luo Ying has been waiting for a long time.

After Su Xing completed the task, he did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he asked his master, Luo Ying, the leader of Luotian Sect.

"Master, I still have a few questions about practice that I would like to ask you..."

Luo Ying was obviously very patient with a genius like Su Xing, who was at the level of a saint, so he smiled and asked:
"My good disciple, if you have any questions, just ask them!"

So Su Xing asked:

"Master, this is a question about Yuanli's magical power... My magical power and body-protecting Gangqi have reached the Great Perfection level, but I feel there is still room for improvement, but I don't know how to improve it..."

Su Xing briefly explained his problem.

After hearing this, Luo Ying nodded slightly and said:
"Body-protecting Gangqi, I do know that this magical power was taught to you by Great Elder Niu Rulie?"

"The body-protecting Gangqi can be regarded as a good Yuanli magical power, and its defensive power is extremely strong..."

"Generally speaking, as your realm rises, the power of Yuanli's magical power will also increase. However, if you want to break through the realm of the founder of Yuanli, you need to further deduce it after reaching the Great Perfection... This move is for The requirements for understanding and luck are extremely high, and they are hard to come by..."

Su Xing sighed after hearing this.

He roughly understood what Luo Ying meant.

It means that the magical power will come to an end when it is cultivated to perfection.

Otherwise, find a way to deduce it yourself. If Su Xing can enter the state of enlightenment again, he may have a chance to deduce one or two.

"Thank you, Master!"

Su Xing could only take leave temporarily, and then he took the time to come to the Sutra Pavilion.

Entering the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion, Su Xing began to look for a suitable attack technique with spiritual consciousness.

But after searching for a while, Su Xing was still confused and didn't know how to start.

At this time, the voice of the ghost mother-in-law came from behind Su Xing.

"Child, are you looking for a way to attack with spiritual consciousness?"

asked the ghost mother-in-law.

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded quickly and said: "I have seen the senior... The junior is indeed looking for a way to attack with spiritual consciousness..."

After hearing this, Granny Ghost nodded slightly and said:

"Child, if you are willing to do one thing for me... one year later, if you come back to this dungeon, I can teach you a method of attacking with spiritual consciousness!"

After a pause, Granny Ghost continued:
"Generally speaking, the best way to attack with spiritual consciousness is to find it in the void world, and it is more suitable for you."

"But I have a spiritual attack method here, which integrates offense and defense. It can be regarded as a good transitional attack method in the early stage..."

Before Granny Ghost finished speaking, Su Xing hurriedly said:

"The disciple is willing to..."

Su Xing couldn't remember how many times Granny Gu had made the request.

"But this dungeon of the Luotian Conference repeats the same scene day after day...even if I enter the dungeon next time, Granny Ghost will still forget about it, right?"

"This old lady must have a long-cherished wish in her heart that she has not been able to fulfill... If there is a chance later, maybe I can ask..."

Su Xing thought so.

The old lady in front of her had already raised her eyebrows with a finger and said:

"This magical attack method is called Ruyi Golden Cauldron!"

"After completing the cultivation, you can use your magical powers to protect yourself like a tripod, and you can also use your magical powers to lift your weight like a tripod... both offensively and defensively!"

Soon, Ruyi Jinding's practice methods were integrated into Su Xing's mind.

Su Xing closed his eyebrows tightly, and after a long time he opened his eyes again. With a hint of surprise in his eyes, he said sincerely:

"Thank you senior!"

After passing the Ruyi Golden Cauldron to Su Xing, Granny Ghost seemed a little tired, so she said:

"You just have a good time practicing...don't forget what you and I agreed on."

After saying that, the ghost grandmother disappeared from the spot.

Su Xing sighed and said: "It's a pity. Maybe we will never know what this agreement is..."

In this way, Su Xing no longer needs to memorize the attack method of spiritual consciousness, but can continue to recite the "Heavenly Sword Chapter" of the Three Talents Sword Technique.

Soon, the day passed.

The immersive simulation time ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and murmured:
"Yes, there are signs of a breakthrough in the integration stage... and I have also learned a method of attacking with spiritual consciousness!"

"One hundred thousand feet of divine consciousness...Based on the foundation I laid during the transformation stage, the final divine consciousness will probably be far more than that!"

"In the final analysis, I still have to go to the void world and have sex with the old dragon dog..."

"Let's learn the Ruyi Golden Cauldron first. The secret method taught by Granny Long must not be too bad..."

Su Xing has completed less than half of the goal of this simulation. Next, he only needs to practice the spiritual explosion technique and the spiritual attack method step by step!
"There is also the practice of the Three Talents Sword Technique. I have memorized most of the Heavenly Sword Technique. I only need to go there one more time to fully memorize the Three Talents Sword Technique."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian Conference copy, you have gained a lot. 】

[You have been waiting in Kyoto for a few days, and on November 11th, you met Luo Shuying on time. 】

[With Luo Shuying’s recommendation, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You quickly gained a large number of loyal followers by virtue of your master's talent. 】

[In the next two years, you will refine elixirs every day and accumulate the bonus of great wisdom. 】

[In the third year, you saw that the time was right, so you took Luo Shuying and rebelled against Adventism. 】

[You arrived in Kyoto, and soon more than 2 believers came to look for you. You tricked them into joining the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[You handed over all the more than 20 refined elixirs to the Daxia military. After that, you began to concentrate on practicing the method of spiritual attack. 】

[In the fourth year, you find that your spiritual consciousness is very strong, and you feel an unexpected smoothness in practicing the Ruyi Golden Cauldron. 】

[And the Ruyi Golden Cauldron seems to be vaguely related to the Ruyi Contemplation Method you practiced before. 】

[You have used up the two months of great wisdom you accumulated previously. 】

[In just one year, you have mastered the Ruyi Golden Cauldron, a method of attacking spiritual consciousness! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"Sure enough, sharpening the sword is as good as chopping wood... My spiritual consciousness was strong enough before, and if I switch to the method of attacking with spiritual consciousness, I will get twice the result with half the effort!"

"In this simulation, the Ruyi Golden Cauldron method may be able to reach the realm of Xiaocheng!"

"At that time... even if he is not as good as Long Laogou, I guess there will be no problem in protecting himself!"

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fifth year, after entering the Ruyi Golden Cauldron, you feel that your spiritual consciousness has become more powerful. 】

[You can transform your consciousness into a small golden cauldron. 】

[In this form, the strength and defense of your consciousness are much higher than before! 】

[In addition, you can even control your consciousness to hit the opponent. This small cauldron is very powerful and powerful. 】

[You feel the mystery of this spiritual attack method, so you practice harder. 】

[But after you get started, the difficulty of practicing this secret method will be slightly increased, and the lost wisdom status bonus will slow down your practice speed slightly. 】

[In this way, while practicing day after day, three years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the eighth year, your mastery of the Ruyi Golden Tripod has become much better. You find that with the Ruyi Visualization Chart, the practice of this Ruyi Golden Tripod is extremely smooth. 】

[In just three years, you have reached the threshold of Ruyi Jinding Xiaocheng...]

[At the same time, in addition to practicing the method of attacking with spiritual consciousness, you began to try to study the spirit explosion technique. 】

[In the ninth year, you devoted yourself to studying the spiritual explosion technique. 】

[But the power of spiritual explosion is too great, so you don’t dare to experiment it in the real world. 】【So you chose an excellent battlefield, Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[You come to the Demon Suppression Pass, stand on the city wall, and the spiritual power slowly gathers in your hands. 】

[You continue to compress the spiritual power in your hands, and the spiritual power in your palms rapidly condenses and becomes restless...]

[Gradually, a cyclone appears in your hand. 】

[You take a deep breath and throw the spiritual cyclone vigorously. 】

[Under the guidance of spiritual power, the cyclone flew more than ten kilometers and hit the core of the demon army. 】

【boom! 】

[Only a huge explosion was heard, and the aura of thousands of demon army quickly dissipated. 】

[A single spiritual explosion technique directly killed dozens of demon kings, seven or eight demon kings... countless demon beasts above the master level were killed and injured! 】

[On the battlefield, this terrifying power instantly caused a commotion among these demon clans. 】

[The demon clan is also intelligent and can also feel fear. 】

[Such an astonishingly powerful large-scale skill caused the entire demon army to fall into chaos. 】

[You nodded with satisfaction as you looked at the power of the Spirit Explosion Technique and felt the use of spiritual power within your body. 】

[The shot just now consumed one-tenth of the spiritual energy in your body. 】

[If you are willing, you can even integrate one-third of your spiritual power into the spiritual explosion technique. Then the power will be even more amazing. I am afraid that even the legendary strong ones will not survive! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction after seeing the text in front of him and murmured:

"Yes, the power of this spiritual explosion technique has met previous expectations..."

"Relying on pure spiritual power to crush everything, I am afraid that in this age of Dharma End, no monk can do such a big thing..."

"But I am sitting in a cave-heaven paradise, with millions of spiritual liquids, and hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones... I can still afford this kind of consumption!"

Su Xing touched his chin and continued:
"However, this power is still not enough..."

"Next, we should find a way to inject more spiritual power. If we can inject half of the total spiritual power at once, plus the three series of spiritual power attributes... then it will be the real killer move!"

Su Xing thought like this and put forward his own opinion on the next direction of researching the spiritual explosion technique.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the tenth year, in addition to studying the spiritual explosion technique every day, you also practice the spiritual attack method, Ruyi Golden Cauldron. 】

[In the course of continuous research, you gradually discovered the secret of the Spirit Explosion Technique. 】

[You try to inject fire attribute spiritual power into the cyclone of the Spirit Explosion Technique, and find that the fire attribute cyclone is even more violent. 】

[Because the cyclone is too violent, you can only inject at most one-tenth of the spiritual power at one time. Any more will cause the risk of explosion. 】

[But you also discovered that the fire-type spiritual explosion technique is extremely powerful, and it also has a burning effect, which is amazingly powerful. 】

[After that, you try to inject spiritual power of wood and thunder attributes in turn. 】

[You find that the wood attribute spiritual power cyclone has the strongest stability, can inject the most spiritual power, and can produce a wide range of destructive power. 】

[The lightning attribute spiritual power cyclone is released at the fastest speed and is even more destructive than the fire attribute cyclone...]

[In this way, each of the three spiritual explosion techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages. 】

[In the 11th year, your cultivation of Ruyi Golden Cauldron has come to a new level again, reaching the Xiaocheng level. 】

[This astonishing speed of practice makes you happy. Sure enough, the wishful thinking diagram is of great benefit to the practice of this spiritual attack method! 】

[After reaching Xiaocheng, the small cauldron transformed by your spiritual consciousness will have stronger attack power, and its defense power will also be greatly improved, truly integrating offense and defense. 】

[After completing the Ruyi Golden Cauldron, you originally wanted to enter the void world and have sex with the old dragon dog. 】

[But after thinking about it, you decided to be more steady and see if you can cultivate this offensive method to the level of Dacheng! 】

[In this way, after practicing the spiritual attack method day after day and studying the spiritual explosion surgery, three years passed slowly...]

[In No. 14, you began to further study the spirit explosion technique. 】

[After several years of research, you have been able to inject nearly half of your spiritual power into the Spiritual Explosion Technique. If you inject thunder-attribute spiritual power, even the legendary peak powerhouse will peel off his skin after taking a hit! 】

[You have a hunch that if you can research the Spirit Explosion Technique to the level of perfection, even the legendary peak powerhouse will be killed in an instant! 】

[But at this time, your research on the power of spiritual explosion has reached a bottleneck, so you can only invest more time and energy. 】

[While researching day after day, you suddenly had a sudden idea one day, what would happen if you inject wood-attribute spiritual power into a fire-attribute cyclone? 】

[According to your imagination, wood creates fire, and the power of the wood attribute cyclone should greatly increase the power of the fire attribute spiritual explosion. 】

[With this idea in mind, you start to research in depth. 】

[But you discovered that if you inject wood-attribute spiritual energy into the fire-attribute cyclone, an extremely unstable phenomenon will occur. 】

[It requires an extremely precise grasp of spiritual power and a high degree of proficiency to complete. 】

[If one is not careful, the explosion of the Spirit Explosion Technique is no less powerful than an H-bomb explosion! 】

[And naturally you would not choose to conduct such terrifying research in Lingtian Cave. 】

[So you found an excellent experimental place—the world of beast control! 】

[In No. 15, you entered the world of beast control and the killing battlefield. 】

[You are on the killing battlefield, fighting while studying the spiritual explosion technique. 】

[If the spiritual power control fails, you can just throw it far away. Even if the legendary monster is bombed, it will still escape death...]

[Thus, in the midst of such painstaking research, three years passed slowly...]

[In No. 18, after thousands of attempts, your research on spiritual explosions has finally been perfected, and you have also reached the Dacheng level! 】

[You can continuously inject fire-attribute spiritual energy and control the formation of a fire-attribute cyclone... After that, you can inject another wisp of wood-attribute spiritual energy! 】

[The injection of wood attribute spiritual power has doubled the power of fire attribute spiritual explosion! 】

[Just by relying on this spiritual explosion technique, you can be proud of all legendary level enemies, and you can be called invincible under the emperor! 】

[But whether the Spiritual Explosion Technique can threaten the powerful Emperor, to be honest, you are not sure...]

[After all, the powerful emperor is the one who can crush the legendary level. If you can break through the void in your body and learn the earth sword, you might be able to fight with him. 】

[In No. 19, after you mastered the Spiritual Explosion Technique, you spent more time practicing the method of attacking with spiritual consciousness. 】

[With the blessing of the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram, your practice of the wish-fulfilling golden tripod becomes increasingly sophisticated. 】

[You left the world of beast control, returned to Blue Star, and concentrated on studying the secret method of Ruyi Golden Cauldron. 】

[In this way, several years passed slowly. 】

[No. 20 In the third year, after your continuous efforts over the years, your cultivation of the Ruyi Golden Cauldron is finally close to the Dacheng level, and you are only one step away from Dacheng. 】

[You decide to work hard and continue to retreat to break through to the Dacheng level as soon as possible! 】

[No. 20, Emperor Tian has paid off his hard work, and your practice of the Ruyi Golden Cauldron has finally reached the Dacheng level. 】

[The Dacheng-level Ruyi Golden Cauldron integrates offense and defense, and its sturdiness has been upgraded to a higher level than before. 】

[After possessing the method of attacking with spiritual consciousness, you are confident that even if you cannot win against the dragon dog, you will not be at a big disadvantage. 】

[The main reason is that the strength of Long Laogou's spiritual consciousness is also extremely strong, and the range of his spiritual consciousness is probably more than [-] feet... This is the result of his thousands of years of cultivation in the void world. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"In the end, all the goals of this simulation were successfully completed... The spiritual explosion technique coupled with the divine consciousness attack method, although my cultivation level has not improved, my actual combat ability has definitely been greatly improved!"

"Furthermore, after mastering the spiritual explosion technique and the divine attack method, you will face two choices..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes. With his strength in the simulator, he still had a year to make some attempts.

The first attempt is to enter the void world and continue to explore the void world. Although there are some risks, the problem should not be big.

The second is to enter the Dharma Ending Era dungeon and explore the ruins of the Five Elements Mountain!

After hesitating for a moment, Su Xing decided to enter the ruins of Five Elements Mountain.

"The void world is mainly about enhancing spiritual consciousness... I have decided to bring out the spiritual explosion technique and spiritual consciousness attack method in this simulation. Even if the spiritual consciousness is improved, it will have no effect..."

"And in the Immortal Martial Era, the Five Elements Mountain ruins, the Five Elements True Man, should be the Dzogchen of the Void Returning Stage plus the Dzogchen of the Shattering Void Realm..."

"Although my cultivation level is better than mine, with the help of spiritual explosion technique and body-protecting aura, I may not be incapable of fighting..."

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"Of course, the most important thing is that the Five Elements Mountain ruins are very likely to have the method of interdependent growth of the Five Elements!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing had some longing in his eyes.

If he could learn the method of interrelation between the five elements, the speed of his cultivation and the power of the Spirit Explosion Technique would be greatly improved!

"So, wait until the last year... let's go to the Five Elements Mountain ruins!"

(End of this chapter)

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