Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 201 The sorrow of the era of spiritual dryness, the fallen genius!

Chapter 201 The sorrow of the era of spiritual dryness, the fallen genius! (5k)

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After you have mastered the Spiritual Explosion Technique and the Ruyi Golden Cauldron, you will begin to make plans to go to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[You are not in a hurry to enter the dungeon, but plan to practice steadily in the end to improve your strength. 】

[No. 20, you know in your heart that the Demon Suppression Pass will be destroyed in this year, and the human race will not be able to hold on for long. 】

[So you choose to enter the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, and finally leave some useful information. 】

[You have entered the Five Elements Mountain ruins. 】

[You pass through the long underground tomb passage, and soon your spiritual consciousness senses a powerful aura in front of you. 】

[You suddenly feel vigilant, knowing that this is the living dead, the Five Elements True Man! 】

[Although the Five Elements Master is not as powerful as the Wanmu Master, as a monk who has achieved both Return to Void and Break Void, you are still not completely sure that you can defeat him. 】

[You carefully propped up the body-protecting energy and summoned the Yuanli Armor. 】

[Under the double defense, you feel a little more at ease. 】

[You secretly use the Spiritual Explosion Technique and run towards the direction of the Five Elements Master. 】

[The hot fire spiritual energy is continuously compressed in your hand, trembling slightly, exuding a frightening aura. 】

[You soon discovered the Five Elements Master, and he also discovered you! 】

[He launched an attack on you without hesitation, and you decisively injected the last ray of wood spiritual power into the spiritual explosion technique. 】

[Seeing the Five Elements Master approaching you quickly, you throw out the successfully condensed Spirit Explosion Technique without hesitation. 】

[The next second, you decisively turned around and entered the Lingtian Cave. 】

[You stayed in the Lingtian Cave for a quarter of an hour, drank half a bottle of spiritual fluid, and after fully recovering your spiritual power, you left again and returned to the ruins of the Five Elements Sect. 】

[Sure enough, just as you expected, most of the entire ancient tomb passage collapsed. The protective formations in the ruins were also damaged under the bombardment of the spiritual explosion technique. The entire ancient tomb could collapse completely at any time. risks of. 】

[Boulders filled the entire tunnel, and from time to time there were aftershocks on the ground, but you couldn't care less about it, and quickly covered the entire ruins with your consciousness. 】

[In the induction of your spiritual consciousness, you quickly discovered the Five Elements Master who was pressed under the rubble. 】

[Judging from the aura sensed by your spiritual consciousness, the Five Elements Master should have been seriously injured, but there are no signs of dying...]

【boom! 】

[The next second, the Five Elements Master will lift off all the boulders pressing on him, turning into a terrifying afterimage and attacking you again. 】

[A huge impact hit your body-protecting aura, and slight cracks appeared on the surface of the body-protecting aura, but you still managed to block this sneak attack by Master Wu Xing without any danger. 】

[You channeled your spiritual energy, and your figure quickly dodged the follow-up attack from the Five Elements Master. 】

[At the same time, you also saw clearly the miserable appearance of the Five Elements Master. 】

[The whole body was covered in red and black blood mist, and half of his chest was collapsed by the impact of the Spiritual Explosion Technique. There were burnt marks all over his body. 】

[But even so, despite such a severe injury, the Five Elements Master still showed no signs of serious injury or death, but the spiritual power in his body was abnormally disordered, and his strength must have declined slightly...]

[Black blood flowed out of Wu Xing Zhenren's body strangely, slowly repairing his damaged body. 】

[You are surprised at the terrifying strength of the Five Elements Master. After being attacked by your spiritual explosion technique, he can still have such combat power. 】

[But you also know in your heart that what awaits you next is a fierce battle, so you mobilize your energy and fight at close range with the Five Elements Master. 】

[The war is about to break out, and the horrific aftermath of the battle has made the ruins’ protective formations even more unstable...]

Seeing this, Su Xing frowned slightly and said:
"Sure enough, you can't underestimate the geniuses in the world!"

"With my Dzogchen cultivation in the Void Returning Stage, plus the fifth level in the Void Breaking Stage... Now that I have mastered the Divine Psychic Explosion Technique, I must be almost invincible under the Emperor..."

"But the Five Elements Master, although he has both gas and gas cultivation, his strength must have declined after turning into a living dead... But even so, he still has the strength to fight after taking one of my spiritual blasts!"

Su Xing was surprised and began to think deeply.

According to Su Xing's judgment, after the Five Elements Master turned into a living dead, he should no longer feel pain, which is different from ordinary life.

Coupled with the weird black blood, Wu Xingzhen's injuries and endurance can be quickly restored...

"It's unexpectedly difficult, but if it's a head-on battle, I should be able to fight!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and looked at the simulation panel again.

[You and Wu Xing Zhenren begin to fight hand to hand, and as soon as you raise your hands, there are terrifying momentum fluctuations. 】

[But what shocks you is that the physical strength of these Five Elements Masters is also very good, and they are vaguely superior to you. 】

[You know in your heart that this is because you are currently only at the fifth level of the Broken Void Realm, and the Five Elements Master is already a perfect monk in the Broken Void Realm. Even if your strength reaches its peak in the Divine Power Realm, it will be difficult to make up for such a huge gap in cultivation. . 】

[Fortunately, your mastery of Yuanli is better than that of the Five Elements Master, so you didn't suffer too much in close combat. 】

[But you know that if this continues, you still won't be able to defeat the Five Elements Master, so you distance yourself from the battle and prepare to win with Qi refining methods. 】

[Your heart stirred, and a wisp of Lihuo burst out from the palm of your hand. The terrifying temperature instantly caused serious injuries to the Five Elements Master. 】

[But then, you didn’t expect that Master Wu Xing would take out another trump card. 】

[I saw him perform a mysterious spell, and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in the air were absorbed into his body, and the dazzling five-color light rushed toward you. 】

[When you see this, you quickly use the Thunder Spirit Explosion Technique, and quickly form seals to attack the Five Elements Technique of the Five Elements Master! 】

【boom!The terrifying movement instantly bombarded the entire ancient tomb ruins. The defensive array in the ancient tomb was blasted with huge holes by the aftermath of the collision of spells, and the entire ancient tomb space began to tremble continuously. 】

[You know in your heart that if this continues, the ancient tomb ruins may eventually collapse. 】

[So you took out a bottle of spiritual liquid, replenished the lost spiritual energy, and launched an even more fierce attack on the Five Elements Master. 】

[But the Five Elements Master is worthy of being the top three peerless geniuses in the Immortal Martial Era thousands of years ago. 】

[His mastery of the Five Elements Technique has reached an advanced level. 】

[Earth spells have extremely strong defense, and most of your attacks will be blocked by them. 】

[Golden spells are even more sharp. A sword of spiritual power transformed from golden spiritual power can actually compete with your Mo Bingjian in a short period of time. 】

[Wood spells can restore injuries, and fire spells are so powerful that even you have to stay away. 】

[What makes you feel even more difficult is that the water spells of the Five Elements Master have a considerable restraint effect on Li Huo. He must also have a good spiritual water magical power. 】

[You and the Five Elements Master fought for hundreds of rounds. During this period, you even realized the horror of the Five Elements Sect's "Five Elements Mutual Generation Judgment". 】

[The five lines of spiritual power are intertwined. Not only is the power of the spell greatly enhanced, it can even be used flexibly to restrain the enemy. 】

[In this way, you fought fiercely for several hours. 】

[Finally, you are constantly replenishing your spiritual energy by using spiritual liquid, and the energy seeds in your body are also constantly replenishing your energy loss. 】

[Looking at Wu Xing Zhenren, he was seriously injured because he was attacked by your spiritual explosion from the beginning. In addition, he has been in the battle, and his injuries gradually worsened. 】

[After several hours of fierce fighting, you finally gained the upper hand. 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is the method of the five elements' interdependence really so mysterious?"

"With this magical power and secret method, these Five Elements Masters probably have almost no opponents during the integration stage..."

"Fortunately, he turned into a living dead, and he was seriously injured by my early sneak attack... Otherwise, I may not be his opponent!"

Su Xing sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, none of the peerless geniuses who can emerge in an era of spiritual exhaustion are ordinary. They are all amazing talents who suppressed an era!
"But the Five Elements Technique...Theoretically speaking, it should be able to absorb the Five Elements spiritual energy before it can be released..."

"Could it be that this Five Elements Master is the Five Elements mixed spiritual root?"

As soon as Su Xing finished speaking, he shook his head slightly, denying this possibility.

With five elements and mixed spiritual roots, how could it be possible to reach the Great Perfection of Returning to Voidness in less than a thousand years?

"Presumably, this Five Elements True Spirit also has mutated spiritual roots...at least the Five Elements True Spiritual Roots! Even the Five Elements Heavenly Spiritual Roots exist..."

Su Xing thought so.

He increasingly felt that the art of mutual generation of the five elements was extraordinary. This secret art, even in ancient times, might have been a sect's treasure.

If the Five Elements Master is able to study the art of interrelation between the Five Elements, his understanding must be outstanding!
"I must obtain the method of interdependence between the five elements!"

Su Xing made up his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[As the injuries of the Five Elements Master gradually worsened, the spiritual power in the body gradually depleted and could not be replenished...]

[You are gaining more and more advantages in the battle! 】

[After fighting for thousands of rounds, this advantage gradually turns into a victory. You are ready to kill the Five Elements Master in one go! 】【You forced the Five Elements Master back with one sword, then stretched out your palm, and the spiritual power surged out and compressed crazily... and finally formed a fire-attributed spiritual power cyclone! 】

[After the fire cyclone was formed, you injected the wood spiritual power into it! 】

[This means that your strongest attack at this time, the Wood and Fire Life Explosion Technique is finally born! 】

[After the Spiritual Explosion Technique was condensed, you gasped a few times. 】

[This is just one Spirit Explosion Technique, which has injected nearly half of the spiritual power in your body. You are confident that with this trump card, you can completely kill the seriously injured Five Elements Master! 】

[The Five Elements Master also seemed to feel the threat of terror, so he once again released the method of the Five Elements' mutual generation...]

[Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the five elements spells are cast in sequence. 】

[Five splendid spells of light are coming towards you! 】

[And at this moment, you throw out the Spirit Explosion Technique in your hand! 】

【boom! 】

[The collision of the two magical powers, the terrifying air waves and the aftermath of the battle, finally completely destroyed the already broken ruins protective formation. 】

[And with the destruction of the protective formation, the entire ancient tomb ruins were shaking like an earthquake. 】

[For a moment, the ground collapsed and boulders rolled. 】

[You know in your heart that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. You must find the legacy of the Five Elements Master as soon as possible, otherwise these treasures may be buried underground forever with the ruins of the Five Elements Sect. 】

[Fortunately, with your final blow of the Wood and Fire Life Explosion Technique, the Five Elements Master who was originally seriously injured was finally completely killed. 】

[You glance at Wu Xingzhen, who is lying dozens of meters away. At the last moment of his life, he seems to have regained consciousness for a short time. 】

[I saw dark red blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and he just spit out one word...]


[You were silent after hearing this word. Before Wu Xingzhen died, you really felt his overwhelming hatred...]

[You know, it’s not you he hates. 】

[But he hates the sorrow that he was born in an era when spiritual energy was exhausted...]

[I hate being betrayed by my best friend Wan Mu Zhenren, and ultimately reduced to the miserable situation of the living dead...]

[The aura of the Five Elements Master slowly dissipated, and a peerless genius who amazed an era thousands of years ago finally died completely...]

[You don’t have a bad sense of the Five Elements Master. This is just a sad person who died in the torrent of the times. 】

[So you collected the body of the Five Elements Master and prepared to find a geomantic treasure place to bury it. 】

[Then, before the ruins completely collapsed, you went to the core area of ​​the ancient tomb. 】

[You push open the bronze sarcophagus and find a storage ring in the sarcophagus...]

[After scanning the core area with your spiritual consciousness and making sure nothing was missed, you quickly left the Five Elements Sect ruins. 】

[After you left the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, the Five Elements Sect completely collapsed and destroyed. 】

[Once the relic formation is damaged, the relics of the Five Elements Sect will also disappear in the turbulent flow of space and disappear without a trace...]

[You quickly left the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. After a fierce battle with the Five Elements Master, your body was seriously injured and you needed to calm down and recuperate. 】

[So for the next three months, you will stay in the Lingtian Cave with peace of mind to recover from your injuries. 】

[While you were recuperating, you also checked the storage ring you obtained from Master Five Elements. 】

[In the storage ring, there are not a large number of spiritual stones as you imagined, but instead there are a lot of materials and treasures for forming formations. 】

[In addition to these treasures, you found two very important jade slips. 】

[They are the Five Elements Sect’s formation method that has been passed down for thousands of years, the Five Elements Formation Way...]

[And the improved magical secret method of the Five Elements Master, the Five Elements Mutual Generation Method! 】

[The records in these two jade slips will be of great benefit to you! 】

[The Five Elements Mutual Generation Method allows the mutually generated auras to cooperate with each other to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two. 】

[Monks with spiritual roots of mutuality will not only greatly increase the power of their spells, but even the speed of their practice will increase slightly. 】

[In addition, after you have learned the basic formations, the Five Elements Formation left by the Five Elements Sect will also be a huge treasure for you. This formation formation book has endless mysteries and is enough for you to study for a long time...]

After Su Xing saw this, his expression was a little complicated, but also a little happy.

"Living in the Age of Ending Dharma, the spiritual energy is exhausted...the monks will never return to the glorious days of the past..."

"Under the general trend of this era, the most tragic thing is the amazing geniuses in these eras."

"If you were born during the golden age of cultivating immortals, you might have a chance of becoming an immortal..."

"But now, it can only be turned into a handful of loess..."

Su Xing sighed, feeling quite sad.

But Su Xing quickly cheered up and murmured:

"However, I have such a heaven-defying plug-in as the simulator, and I will definitely get a glimpse of the immortal way from now on..."

"After I kill that terrifying giant beast, I will be free in the three thousand worlds!"

There was a hint of expectation in Su Xing's eyes.

"As for the present...the Five Elements Mutual Generation Method and the Five Elements Formation are quite useful to me. Let's wait and see the price after the simulation is over..."

Su Xing thought so, then looked at the simulation panel.

[You buried the Five Elements Master in a beautiful mountain, feeling the disappearance of the predecessor Master and the cruelty of the path to immortality. 】

[Your state of mind has improved, and your desire to seek the truth has become stronger...]

[One day, the Demon Suppression Pass was broken, and the human race was in danger. 】

[A few months later, the giant beast came and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one bite...]

[You were swallowed into the belly by a giant beast...]

[You did not die immediately. 】

[You persisted for a long time...]

[You were killed by space turbulence...]

[Your soul is completely annihilated. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

“The harvest from this simulation is quite rich!”

"With my current strength, after mastering the spiritual explosion technique, I can be regarded as almost invincible to the emperor..."

"But we must also be careful of those former geniuses in the world of immortality. The Five Elements Master is so difficult to deal with... Then the Wanmu Master will probably be even more terrifying!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think.

"As for the Five Elements ruins, it is still risky to explore them now..."

"After reaching the integration stage, I will explore the Five Elements ruins. I believe I will easily obtain the Five Elements Mutual Generation Method and the Five Elements Formation..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, then took out a small notebook and wrote down this goal.

Then, Su Xing looked at the reward list for this simulation.

[Three Days and Nine Meals]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Spiritual Explosion Technique (Dacheng)]: A magical power technique developed from awakening research. Relying on the extremely compressed spiritual power, it produces amazing power after the explosion. It can also be combined with different attributes of spiritual power to produce different effects.The power is astonishing, comparable to a small magical power, but it consumes a lot of spiritual power and needs to be further improved.The price is 1 million energy.

[Ruyi Golden Cauldron Technique (Dacheng)]: A method of attacking with spiritual consciousness. Ruyi Golden Cauldron can make spiritual consciousness as strong as a cauldron, integrating attack and defense. It is barely considered superior among methods of attacking with spiritual consciousness.Although it is not as good as those spiritual attack methods handed down from ancient times, it is better than it can be used as a transition and does not conflict with other spiritual attack methods.The price is 1 million energy.

[Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique]: The pinnacle technique of minor magical powers, close to the level of great magical powers. It is understood by a real person of the five elements. It is infinitely mysterious and sells for 3 million.

[Five Elements Formation]: The Five Elements Sect’s ancient formation book has been passed down for thousands of years. It has been perfected by countless monks and its content points directly to the formation path.The price is 2 million.

(End of this chapter)

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