Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 202 The first golden legendary talent, a natural sword body!

Chapter 202 The first golden legendary talent, a natural sword body! (5k)

Su Xing looked at the reward options in front of him and thought for a moment.

First of all, talent and alchemy experience can be eliminated.

The talent of being hungry for nine meals in three days will cover the talent of the awakened Big Eater, which is completely a reverse enhancement.

The alchemy experience was also ignored by Su Xing.

"As for the Five Elements Mutual Generation Method and the Five Elements Formation... although they are good, they are a bit expensive..."

"When I am strong enough, I will personally go to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. It will obviously be more cost-effective to seize these two jade slips..."

After Su Xing thought for a moment, he said decisively:
"I choose to bring out the Dacheng-level Spirit Explosion Technique and the Dacheng-level Wishful Viewing Idea!"

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[You successfully brought out the Spirit Explosion Technique (Advanced Level), spending 1 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5000 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Ruyi Golden Cauldron Secret Technique (Dacheng level), spending 1 million energy, and the remaining energy is 5000 million points. 】

As the simulator beep sounded, two mysterious forces fell into Su Xing's body.

A large number of memory fragments instantly flooded into my waking mind.

These memory fragments are all about the spirit explosion technique and the Ruyi Golden Cauldron method.

Su Xing closed his eyes and concentrated, carefully digesting the memories in his mind.

After a moment, he slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his lips.

Su Xing took a deep breath and frantically mobilized the spiritual power in his body.

The spiritual power gathered in the palm of his hand, continuously collapsed and compressed, and finally condensed into a whirlwind.

This was fire-attributed spiritual power. Later, Su Xing tried to add a wisp of wood-attributed spiritual power.

When the wood and fire attributes merged, Su Xing clearly felt that the power of this spiritual explosion was greatly increased.

"It is indeed a magical power that can seriously injure a monk at the peak of the Shattering Void Realm... This power is truly terrifying!"

Su Xing murmured.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Su Xing then re-contained this spiritual power.

The whirlpool of spiritual power in the palm of his hand slowly dissipated, and finally reintegrated into Su Xing's body.

"Yes, with my current strength, I can mobilize up to half of my spiritual power to join the spiritual explosion technique... If I cancel the spell later, most of my spiritual power can be returned, which greatly increases the practicality..."

"However, as my cultivation level further improves, the consumption of this spiritual explosion technique will probably decrease..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Theoretically speaking, the more spiritual power that can be mobilized, the more powerful this spiritual explosion technique will be!
For example, if Awakening could mobilize half of his spiritual power into the Spiritual Explosion Technique during the integration stage, the power would probably be more than double what it is now!
"The next step is to attack with spiritual consciousness..."

Su Xing's heart stirred, and his spiritual consciousness was released again.

Only this time, Su Xing tried to gather his consciousness.

Finally, the awakened consciousness condensed into a small golden cauldron.

With a thought in his heart, Xiaoding hit a boulder in the distance.

With a loud noise, in an instant, the boulder several meters high turned into powder.

Su Xing immediately raised his eyebrows and murmured:

"The method of attacking with divine consciousness is not only very useful against divine consciousness, it can even affect reality!"

"Simply relying on the power of my spiritual consciousness, I'm afraid I'm not inferior to ordinary monks in the transformation stage!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, which was a little unexpected surprise.

It also made Su Xing understand that when one’s spiritual consciousness is powerful enough, it can indeed affect reality!

"Having learned how to attack with spiritual consciousness this time, I guess there won't be much of a problem entering the void world..."

"The intensity of spiritual consciousness needs to be further improved. After all, this is the prerequisite for entering the integration stage."

"In addition, the cultivation level of Poxu should also be improved..."

Su Xing thought for a moment.

Obviously, entering the integration stage does not happen overnight. At this stage, it is better to improve the efficiency of body training.

Su Xing vaguely had plans for the next simulation in his mind.

In the next week, Su Xing continued to refine elixirs and accumulate more simulated energy.

Occasionally I take time to read Zong Laogou's diary, just to pass the time.

As for practicing in the real world, waking up is absolutely impossible.

After all, priority is given to obtaining energy and then practicing in the simulator, which is hundreds or thousands of times more cost-effective...

In this way, a week passed quickly.

A total of [-] pills were refined within a week of waking up.

As the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave became more and more intense, subtle changes occurred in the spiritual plants and animals in Lingtian Cave...

The first is the large amount of spiritual rice planted in Su Xing.

Su Xing clearly felt that the spiritual rice today was much fuller than before, and the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual valley was more abundant.

I'm afraid the effect is much better than before!
"Tsk, tsk, this kind of spiritual rice has probably reached the quality of middle-grade spiritual rice... Not to mention the monks in the Qi refining and foundation-building stage, even if the Golden Pill Nascent Soul monks take it for a long time, it will have great benefits!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. The improvement in the quality of spiritual rice would be beneficial but not harmful to Su Xing.

Except for the changes in Lingmi.

The rest of the spiritual plants, such as the divine power vine and the dragon spirit flower, began to multiply, and dozens more spiritual medicine germs were produced.

Su Xing looked at the newly grown elixir thoughtfully.

"If you keep consuming the elixir without planting new ones, it will easily run out... For sustainable development, it is imperative to breed new elixirs!"

After getting Zong Laogou's storage bag before waking up, some of the elixir seeds had been planted.

Although it is still very early to mature, the earlier you plant, the earlier you will harvest.

Su Xing occasionally goes to the professional market to look for some old Chinese medicines, such as ginseng, angelica and so on.

Select medicinal materials of good quality from them and have the potential to cultivate them into elixirs.

"In an ordinary place of cultivating immortality, it can take anywhere from decades to hundreds or even thousands of years to grow a spiritual medicine... This means that planting spiritual medicine requires a lot of effort, and it is extremely difficult to plant it on a large scale..."

"But in my middle-grade spiritual field cave, the spiritual plant matures more than ten times faster than the ordinary spiritual energy land!"

"Coupled with the blessings from the Spirit Gathering Array and the talents of Shennong's descendants... the elixir that originally took hundreds of years to grow will probably mature in four to five years."

"If you are willing to spend energy to use spiritual power to ripen, I'm afraid it will be faster..."

Wake up thinking.

Because of the uniqueness of Lingtian Cave and his own talent.

This allows Su Xing to mass-produce high-vintage elixirs.

I dare not say anything else, but elixirs that are hundreds of years old can be planted in one simulation after awakening.

The only problem now is that there are not enough awakened seeds...

Most of these elixir seeds are difficult to obtain, and one is used less than the other.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a special method in Shen Nong's spiritual cultivation technique.

The method of the spiritual bee!

The so-called spiritual bee method is to raise some spiritual bees in the spiritual field.

Not only will this spiritual bee not attack its owner, it will also pollinate regularly to help the elixir reproduce.

And every once in a while, when you wake up, you can also get the spiritual honey produced by the spiritual bees.

This spiritual honey is also the main ingredient in some elixirs.

Or you can eat spiritual rice directly, which not only tastes great, but is also beneficial to your spiritual practice.

"Perhaps we can capture some bees and try to cultivate some spiritual bees?"

Wake up thinking.

With the current foundation of Lingtian Cave, if we continue to feed the bees with spiritual liquid on a regular basis.

As little as a month, as much as March or May, ordinary bees may be transformed into spiritual bees one after another.

"You can try this method..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, and then continued to look at Lingtian Cave.

In addition to the changes in the spiritual plants, there are also two kinds of spiritual pets in the Awakening Lingtian Cave Heaven, which have undergone great changes.

One is the spiritual chicken raised in the chicken coop.

After several generations of breeding, the awakened spiritual chicken has long surpassed the category of chicken.

It is no exaggeration to say that simply relying on combat power, these spiritual chickens can outperform bronze-level professionals.

Since the spirit chicken has become more and more intelligent, Su Xing rarely eats the spirit chicken.

But I still eat a few eggs from time to time to get the meaty taste.

"Tsk tsk... If we have enough time to breed, and supplement it with heavenly materials and earthly treasures, maybe the spiritual chicken can really turn into a phoenix..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and took a few steps forward.

Soon, a spiritual earthworm more than ten meters long and as thick as a thigh caressed the awakening calf affectionately.

Seeing this, Su Xing took out a few spirit rice and fed them to them. The spirit earthworm opened its mouth and ate it. "Yes, I have been working hard at farming recently, keep up the hard work!"

Su Xing patted Ling Earthworm's head appreciatively.

The spirit earthworm... no, it should be said that it is the spirit earthworm that has begun to take shape as an earth dragon!

As the spiritual energy of Lingtian Cave continued to rise, this spiritual earthworm was almost turning into an earth dragon.

And because of the existence of this earth dragon, Su Xing almost didn't need to take care of the spiritual field.

Pests or weeds are the food of earth dragons.

Moreover, when the earth dragon rolls in the land, it often makes the spiritual field more fertile.

"Everything is developing for the better... Now my Lingtian Cave is close to the caves of some powerful monks..."

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

Spirit liquid, spirit rice, spirit chicken... spirit-gathering flower, elixir...

This spiritual field of about [-] acres provides many conveniences for awakening.

Even in the prosperous age of cultivating immortals, I am afraid that some Mahayana level or even scattered immortal caves may not be practical enough to awaken this spiritual field cave.

After all, these tens of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers are not something ordinary monks can get their hands on.

"The only thing that makes me shiver is this thatched hut... But as the saying goes, this is a humble house, but I am virtuous..."

"This thatched hut is just a place to stay!"

After a pause, Su Xing actually still had a vision for Lingtian Cave in his heart.

"Five hundred acres of spiritual land is still a bit small... It would be better if the area could be larger!"

Su Xing's heart moved slightly.

There is no doubt that the larger area of ​​​​the cave sky has certain advantages.

For example, you can plant more spiritual plants and raise more spiritual pets...

However, if the area is too large, the spiritual energy within a certain area will become thinner, and the grade of the Lingtian Cave may also drop from a middle-grade cave to a low-grade cave.

At that time, it will be necessary to wake up and further increase the spiritual energy content of the cave.

"Everything is going in the right direction..."

From dozens of acres of wasteland at the beginning, it has now been awakened and reclaimed to hundreds of acres of spiritual land, turning it into a middle-grade cave.

Su Xing felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

After sighing with emotion, Su Xing glanced at the time and saw that it was almost time, so he took the elixir and prepared to look for Jin Congxue.

After some time of disguising himself and gathering his breath, he woke up and returned to the villa.

Jin Congxue wore a blue dress today and had a bun on her head. She looked really cute.

Su Xing skillfully sat across from Jin Congxue and started chatting.

The two talked and laughed, and after chatting for a while, they started talking about business.

"Ah Xing, here are this week's goods..."

"And those fourth-order exotic metals you gave me before have all been purified..."

Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring.

After hearing this, Su Xing took it and sent over the new week's elixir.

Jin Congxue paused, hesitated and said:
"There is news that the Daxia military will auction a copy of the second-level exotic metal mining area in two months..."

"The people participating in the auction are at least the heads of first-class chambers of commerce. Should we give it a try then?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this. The copy of the second-level exotic metal mining area is much more precious than the first-level exotic metal mining area!

The energy produced by a second-level exotic metal mining area dungeon in one month is probably equivalent to four or five first-level exotic metal mining area dungeons.

So Su Xing nodded quickly and said: "We will try our best to get the mining rights for this dungeon of the mining area!"

Jin Congxue nodded after hearing this, but still said with some hesitation:
"Second-level exotic metal mining areas are already extremely precious... Our competitors are almost all the top chambers of commerce. I'm not very sure that we can capture it..."

After a pause, Jin Congxue continued:

"However, I heard that the Daxia military said that they are in great need of props that can be useful on the battlefield of Zhenyao Pass... If we can provide such props, maybe we can compete for them..."

Su Xing nodded when he heard this and murmured:

"Is it suitable for props on the battlefield..."

Su Xing probably understood what Jin Congxue meant.

Suppressing the Demon Pass has always been the top priority of the human race, but what the Daxia military needs is obviously not a piece of legendary or even mythical equipment.

But it is a prop that can really play a key role on the battlefield.

In other words, props that can enhance the overall strength of Daxia soldiers.

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart moved and he thought to himself:

"Bigu Pill...it's time to come out!"

Yes, Su Xing has a lot of trump cards in his hand now, but not many that are suitable to be used.

Whether it is Longling Pill, Yangyuan Pill, etc., they are not suitable for large-scale release.

Relatively speaking, the turmoil caused by Bigu Pill is much smaller.

After all, this is just a pill that can ensure that soldiers will not be hungry for a long time.

"After the quality of the spiritual rice is improved, the effect of Bigu Pill should also be further improved..."

Su Xing muttered, and he planned to try it in the next simulation.

Thinking of this, Su Xing said to Jin Congxue:
"Leave the auction to me... I will provide you with enough chips. We must win this second-level exotic metal mining area!"

Su Xing said somewhat cautiously.

After talking about the business, the two communicated for a while.

Then he woke up and disguised himself, calmed down and left the villa.

Returning to Lingtian Cave, Su Xing exchanged this week's goods into simulated energy.

Nowadays, the goods Jin Congxue provides every week can almost reach [-] million simulated energy.

Coupled with the 5000 cubic meters of foreign metals from before, Su Xing's pure simulation energy income this week reached close to one billion and fifty million!
Including the remaining energy from the previous simulation, the total energy is about 16 billion!
Seeing that the energy in the simulator reached a new high, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and sighed:
"Sure enough, if you want to get rich suddenly, you still need an unexpected windfall!"

"With more than 16 billion energy, at least until the integration stage... there should be no need to worry about insufficient simulation energy!"

Su Xing murmured, then looked at the simulation panel.

At this time, the simulation time has cooled down, and Su Xing is ready to simulate decisively.

In the new era, November 2024, 11, Awakening will start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 6000 energy points, with 16 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate when he heard this and said:
"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden legendary talent Natural Sword Body. The guaranteed probability bonus has been cleared. Your probability of drawing a golden quality talent next time is 10%...]

"Sure enough, it's another guaranteed talent... huh? Wait..."

"Damn it, golden quality talent, you just pulled it out?!"

Su Xing wanted to complain about the lottery probability of the simulator out of habit, but he didn't expect that this time he actually got a golden quality talent.

After all, Su Xing's probability of drawing a gold-quality talent this time was only 60.00%... He thought that with the simulator's urine quality, he would have to wait until at least eighty or ninety.

"Tsk, tsk, I was born with a sword! Sure enough... I was born to be a good material for practicing swordsmanship!"

Su Xingzu almost smiled crookedly.

With this natural sword body and golden talent, it seems at first glance that he can help Su Xing increase his cultivation speed!
Moreover, Su Xing once extracted the purple talent Sword Crazy, and the effect was already abnormal.

But now the golden quality of swordsmanship talent, I don’t know how terrifying the improvement will be.

"Tsk tsk... let me see the introduction of this talent!"

Su Xing looked a little excited and looked at the introduction of the natural sword body.

[Natural Sword Body]: Golden legendary talent, you are born to practice swordsmanship.You can quickly understand most sword techniques and sword moves, and you can quickly get started and learn even extremely difficult swordsmanship classics... You are innately compatible with any type of sword.When you swing the sword in your hand, all you want is to kill the enemy.

After seeing the talent introduction, Su Xing's eyes suddenly lit up.

In addition to the improvement of the talent for practicing swordsmanship, awakening with this talent is equivalent to the initial full talent for sword weapons.

Even if it is a new sword, there is no need to adjust it in the hands of Su Xing.

"Not bad!"

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured:
"It seems that the plan for this simulation is going to change a little bit..."

Su Xing was still hesitating whether to enter the realm of nothingness and practice wishful thinking to improve his spiritual consciousness... or to practice the "Three Talents Sword Technique".

But now, after taking out this talent, Su Xing no longer has any worries.

Fortunately, I need to practice some swordsmanship first to experience how powerful this golden legendary talent is?

"Tsk, tsk, if the Earth Sword can be cultivated to perfection, and coupled with the strength of the Great Perfection of the Shattering Void Realm... I guess I will be able to fight against an emperor-level powerhouse!"

(End of this chapter)

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