Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 203: Understand the Earth Sword and fight against the Demon Emperor!

Chapter 203: Understand the Earth Sword and fight against the Demon Emperor! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

Su Xing's face looked expectant, and he looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You took out Mo Bingjian, and you felt that your tacit understanding with Mo Bingjian had improved again, and you could clearly feel the intention of Mo Bingjian in your hand. 】

[You nodded with satisfaction and began to recall the knowledge in your mind about the "Earth Sword Chapter" of Sancai Sword Technique. 】

[Four days later, you went to see Luo Shuying as promised. 】

[You got a piece of Condensing Tree from Luo Shuying, but you didn't rush to join the Advent Cult, but returned to Kyoto. 】

[In the next two months, you will practice the earth sword while refining the elixir. 】

[Your understanding of the Earth Sword Chapter has improved rapidly. 】

[You have refined [-] Bigu Pills. 】

[Because the quality of the spiritual rice has improved, the effect of Bigu Pill has been greatly improved. 】

[Professionals below the master level can take one Bigu Pill and go without food for half a year and still not feel hungry. 】

[A heavenly king-level professional can maintain a full stomach for one or two months under the influence of Bigu Pill. 】

[You hand the Bigu Pill to Jin Congxue. 】

[A few days later, Jin Congxue brought you good news. The Daxia military is willing to exchange a second-level exotic metal mining area copy for [-] Bigu Pills. 】

[At the same time, the Daxia military also stated that if they can come up with more Bigu Pills, they are still willing to exchange them with a copy of the second-level exotic metal mining area. 】

[You know that after the auction is completed, you will temporarily give up refining Bigu Pill. 】

[One day, you entered the Luotian Conference instance. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Sure enough, as he expected.

Bigu Pill, a miraculous medicine on the battlefield, is definitely a highly coveted item for the Great Xia military.

"Fifty thousand Bigu Pills, it will only take a month or two to fully refine... In exchange for a second-level exotic metal mining area, it is equivalent to 5000 million more energy per week, which is [-] million per month... It is not a loss! "

Su Xing nodded slightly, and then said silently:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spent 240 million energy points, and have 16 million remaining energy points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

Later, Su Xing appeared in the copy of Luotian Conference.

Su Xing completed the task process skillfully, and then went to the Sutra Pavilion.

In this immersive simulation, Su Xing’s goal is to fully memorize the Three Talents Sword Art “Heavenly Sword Chapter”.

Soon, the immersive simulation time is over.

After waking up and returning to the real world, less than a few seconds of outside time had passed.

Feeling the extra memories in his mind, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"As expected of a natural swordsman, even the speed of memorizing the three swordsmanship skills is much faster..."

"Now I have memorized all the chapters of the Three Talents Sword Art. All I need to do next is practice step by step!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian Conference copy, you have gained a lot. 】

[After some time, you went to see Luo Shuying again as promised and brought you the Concentration Pill for Luo Shuying. 】

[At the same time, you also joined the Advent Sect under the recommendation of Luo Shuying. 】

[With your talent as a successful master, you have gained a large number of fanatical fans in Advent Cult. 】

[In the next two years, you will stay in the Advent Sect with peace of mind, refining elixirs and practicing swordsmanship every day. 】

[In the third year, you saw that the time was right, so you took Luo Shuying and escaped from the Advent Cult. 】

[The members of the Advent Sect came after Kyoto City, and were tricked by you into joining the front line of Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[This year you continued to refine elixirs and practice earth swords. You handed over all 20 elixirs you refined to the Daxia military, adding many strong men to Daxia. 】

[In the fourth year, you make time to practice the Earth Sword Chapter with all your strength every day! 】

[With the blessing of the natural sword body, your understanding of the Earth Sword Chapter has improved rapidly. 】

[One day, you feel something in your heart, and you have successfully started to understand the Earth Sword Chapter! 】

[After getting started with the Earth Sword, you keenly discovered the weak connection between the sword in your hand and the heaven and earth. 】

[You can roughly mobilize the power of heaven and earth and use it to attack the enemy. 】

[Your swordsmanship power has nearly doubled! 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and murmured:
"As expected of a natural swordsman... In four years, he mastered the Earth Sword... He also spent most of the time refining the elixir, otherwise the speed would be faster, right?"

"With the help of the power of heaven and earth, this earth sword is really good!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and thought carefully:

"It seems that in this simulation, the Earth Sword can at least reach the Xiaocheng level. If it can trigger enlightenment, it can at least reach the Dacheng level!"

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

You must know that the difficulty of the Earth Sword Chapter is much more difficult than that of the Human Sword Chapter.

The main difficulty lies in understanding and relying on the power of heaven and earth.

The natural sword body obviously allowed Su Xing to understand the way of the sword to an astonishing level.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the fifth year, you still practice hard on swordsmanship every day. 】

[During the continuous practice of swordsmanship, you can feel the infinite mystery of your earth sword, and the sword in your hand is blessed by the power of heaven and earth. 】

[Wherever the sword reaches, the enemy faces not only a sword, but also the coercion of the power of the surrounding heaven and earth! 】

[But your understanding of the Earth Sword has just begun. You can only use the power of heaven and earth for a short period of time, and you cannot mobilize it as you wish. 】

[You know in your heart that if you want to use the power of heaven and earth to a greater extent and make the sword power more terrifying, you need to continue to practice hard. 】

[In the hard training day after day, three years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the eighth year, in the past three years, although you have not been able to practice the earth sword to a small degree, your understanding of the sword has still greatly improved. 】

[You can more easily draw on the power of heaven and earth, and the power of each sword move is greatly increased. 】

[In order to test your current strength and improve your swordsmanship in actual combat, you decided to go to Zhenyao Pass to kill the enemy! 】

[In the ninth year, you came to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[Unlike the past battles to defend the city, this time you look more fierce. 】

[You personally go out of the city for eight hundred miles and fight against the enemy with the sword in your hand. 】

[You wave your hand and strike out with sword energy, which can cause the earth to shatter and mountains to collapse. 】

[Monster kings and below are almost a massacre for you. 】

[You strike without distinction, and with the help of the power of heaven and earth, you can kill hundreds or even thousands of monsters with your sword energy. 】

[Soon you were discovered among the demon clan, and a large number of demon clan besieged you, vowing to kill you. 】

[But even if the Demon King is in your hands, you can't withstand the second sword. 】

[Legendary monsters, you can also separate their corpses within ten swords...]

[Only monsters at the legendary peak can make you interested. After fighting with them for hundreds of rounds, you can still kill them easily. 】

[In this way, you insist on going out of the city to kill enemies every day. In just three years, countless monsters have died in your hands. 】

[You will refine the flesh and blood essence obtained from killing the legendary monster into a rebirth elixir. After taking it, your body refining skills will also improve. 】

[But you gradually realize that there are not enough legendary monsters in this Demon Suppression Pass for you to kill anymore. 】

[In a few years, you have killed dozens of legendary monsters. 】

[Without the legendary monsters, your swordsmanship will not be significantly improved if you fight monsters at the level of Demon King or Demon Emperor. 】

[Under your heroic efforts to kill the enemy, the Demon Suppression Gate has become stronger and stronger, and the situation is excellent. 】

[In No. 12, in order to further hone your sword skills, you are preparing to go to the world of beast control. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"There are currently no emperor-level monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass, and the number of legendary monsters is also limited... relying more on the endless supply of low-level monsters."

"Although monsters below the Heavenly King level are not a threat to me, if there are too many, they will still cause great damage to the Demon Suppression Pass!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"However, without the attacks of high-level monsters, the Demon Suppression Pass can still hold on for at least several decades..."

"What if I go to the world of beast control this time and kill all the legendary monsters?"

Su Xing felt a little curious.

He is now basically certain that the demon clan that invaded the Demon Suppression Pass in No. 20 is indeed from the world of beast control.

If Su Xing kills those legendary monsters in advance, it might not be realistic to break through the Demon Suppression Pass with only three emperor monsters... Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with a hint of interest in his eyes.

[You found the dungeon coordinates of the Beast Controlling World, and after taming the red dragon Barrett, you headed to the Beast Controlling City. 】

[With your extraordinary strength and your shocking tricks of deception, you have successfully joined the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world. 】

[Soon, your first battle in the killing battlefield will be ushered in. 】

[The target is a monster beast from the late legendary period. This monster is hundreds of feet tall and has a body like an ox. It looks very scary. 】

[But dealing with such huge monsters is no longer your weakness. 】

[You wave the Mo Bing Sword in your hand, and the energy is wrapped around the Mo Bing Sword. The sword moves frequently, and every move contains the power of heaven and earth. 】

[After you fight this late-stage legendary monster for thirty rounds, kill the legendary monster with one sword strike. 】

[Come to the first battle on the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world, and you will prove your terrifying strength! 】

[In the next three months, every time you go into battle, the Demon King and legendary monsters will die in your hands. 】

[In just three months, you have killed hundreds of demon kings, and no less than ten legendary demon beasts! 】

[In this way, one year passed slowly. 】

[In No. 13, after a year of fighting, you showed your strength to all the strong men in the beast-controlling world. 】

[You are known as No. 1 under the great emperor of the beast-controlling world, the first legendary beast-controller! 】

[Of course, you know that your strength has nothing to do with beast control. 】

[In the past year, you have killed dozens of legendary monsters. Your terrifying strength has made even the legendary monsters fearful. 】

[In one year, most of the legendary monsters killed on the killing battlefield almost died in your hands. 】

[And your near-hunting battle has also attracted the attention of the Demon Clan Emperor. 】

[Finally, the Demon Emperor takes action against you. 】

[One day, you were hunting a legendary monster on the battlefield as always. 】

[But that legendary monster was extremely fast, and you couldn't catch up for a while. 】

[You chased after him and finally succeeded in killing the legendary monster. 】

[But at the same time, you are also far away from the main battlefield of the beast-controlling world. 】

[When you reacted, you realized that you were surrounded by the demon emperor. 】

[A demon emperor and more than a dozen demons from the legendary peak have launched a siege towards you. 】

[But don't panic. If you can't beat him, you can go into the Lingtian Cave to save your life. 】

[But now, you don’t intend to do this. 】

[You want to try to see how far there is between you and the Demon Emperor! 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor opposite you seemed to have noticed your thoughts, so he showed a cruel smile and waved away the other legendary demon beasts behind him. 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor sneered and said: No matter how strong the legend is, he will never be a match for the emperor!He will crush you as easily as an ant. 】

[You were not scared out of your wits by the Demon Emperor's words. You just silently activated your Yuanli shield and body-protecting aura, holding the Mo Bing Sword in your hand, alert to fight. 】

[Suddenly, the silver-haired demon emperor moved. This terrifying movement speed surpassed all enemies you have encountered before. 】

[I saw it extending its claws, and its sharp nails hit your neck. 】

[If he were at the peak of an ordinary legend, he might not be able to react at all and would have died under this move. 】

[But your consciousness still captured the Demon Emperor’s movements. 】

[Yuanli is wrapped around Mo Bing's sword. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, you swing a sword with great confidence. 】


[The sound of fighting came from the Jin Ge. You blocked the blow, but under the terrifying strength of the Demon Emperor, you were still forced to take dozens of steps back. 】

[On the other hand, the silver-haired demon emperor on the opposite side only took a few steps back. 】

[You frown slightly when you see this. It seems that with your current strength, it is still unrealistic to defeat the Demon Emperor. 】

[But compared to before, you are not without any resistance now. 】

[On the other hand, after the silver-haired demon emperor on the opposite side was blocked by you, his face suddenly became furious, and he seemed to feel extremely humiliated. 】

[Soon, he launched an increasingly fierce attack on you. 】

[But even if you use all your cards, it will still be difficult to resist. 】

[The body-protecting Gangqi began to break down layer by layer, and the Yuanli armor protecting the skin also became somewhat dilapidated. 】

[You have been fighting this silver-haired demon emperor for more than ten rounds, and you are already feeling extremely tired. 】

[But when the Demon Emperor saw that he couldn't defeat you, he became even more manic. 】

[Just when he was about to put down his dignity and let all the legendary monsters attack you together. 】

[In the distance, dozens of flying spirit beasts appeared, and on the flying spirit beasts, there was an emperor-level beast master and several legendary beast masters! 】

[It turns out that it was discovered that you had left the main battlefield of the beast-controlling world, and therefore a great emperor's beast-controlling envoy came to help you with his people. 】

[Soon, the war is about to break out! 】

[Two emperor-level powerhouses fight together, and their terrifying power makes it impossible for the surrounding legendary powerhouses to approach. 】

[And you took some spiritual liquid and healing pills in time to quickly regain your fighting strength. 】

[After recovering your combat power, you held the Mo Bing Sword and entered the legendary demon clan. 】

[Even if you are not the opponent of the Demon Emperor, the legendary monsters in front of you are far from your opponent, even the legendary peak monster clan! 】

[You cooperate with the other legendary beast masters to quickly hunt these legendary beasts. 】

[This battle lasted for a full day and night! 】

[In this battle, a total of eight legendary peak monsters were killed, and six late-legendary monsters were killed! 】

[Of the fourteen legendary monsters that died, a full eleven were killed by you. 】

[Looking at the beast mastering world, the only price paid was that one beast master was seriously injured. 】

[You became famous in one battle and enjoyed a great reputation in the beast-controlling world. 】

[Although you only lasted less than twenty rounds in the hands of the Demon Emperor alone. 】

[But under the "spread" of these beast control envoys, you have become a strong man who can fight against a demon emperor alone, plus more than a dozen legendary demon beasts, without falling behind in the slightest. 】

[In the world of beast control, you are known as a powerful being comparable to the Demon Emperor. 】

[When you returned to the Beast Controlling City to recuperate, countless young and beautiful Beast Controlling girls threw themselves into your arms and made secret glances at you...]

Su Xing felt dumbfounded when he saw this moment.

"Damn it, I just lasted more than a dozen rounds in the hands of the Demon Emperor...how did it get processed by art to rival the Demon Emperor?"

Although these rumors exaggerate Su Xing's strength, Su Xing still has a clear understanding of his own strength.

"With my current strength, I should still be at the stage of legendary invincibility..."

"If you can cultivate the Earth Sword to a small level, you should be able to sweep all the legendary powerhouses..."

"If you can cultivate the Earth Sword to great perfection...or even to the perfect state, then you will be able to truly rival the powerful Demon Emperor!"

"As for fighting against the powerful Demon Emperor..."

After a pause, Su Xing muttered:

"It should be necessary to further improve the body training and achieve the Great Perfection of Shattering Void Realm, plus the Perfection of Earth Sword. It should be possible to defeat the strong ones in the early stage of Demon Emperor!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

Everything developed just as he expected.

"This natural sword body talent is so fragrant!"

"Even if I don't have an accidental epiphany, I can definitely practice the Earth Sword to a small level in one simulation. After two simulations, I'm afraid I can reach the perfect level of the Earth Sword!"

Thinking this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After this battle, you returned to Beast Control City to recuperate for a month. 】

[You also took the time to return to Blue Star. The situation at Blue Star Demon Town Pass is very good. 】

[This is inseparable from the fact that you killed dozens of legendary monsters before and stabilized the situation...]

[After recovering from your injuries, your physical training reached the sixth level of the Void-breaking Realm as a matter of course. 】

[After that, you enter the killing battlefield again and hunt legendary monsters every day. 】

[Compared to before, you are more cautious this time. You will only pursue when there are teammates beside you, so as not to fall into the trap set by the demon clan again. 】

[In hunting day after day, your swordsmanship and actual combat experience have improved rapidly, and three years have passed slowly like this. 】

[In No. 16, your understanding of the Earth Sword has further deepened, and you are only one step away from reaching the minor level. 】

[No less than a hundred legendary monsters have died in your hands over the years, and you have become a strong man who is feared by all the monsters on the battlefield. 】

(End of this chapter)

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