Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 204 has been postponed for 3 years, and the Demon Saint comes to the Demon Suppression Pass

Chapter 204: After three years of delay, the Demon Saint comes to the Demon Suppression Pass in person! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

[In No. 17, you continue to hone your sword skills and increase your understanding of the earth sword. 】

[Finally, one day, after you have accumulated a lot of experience, you feel that you are more comfortable mobilizing the power of heaven and earth. 】

[Your understanding of the Earth Sword has successfully reached the level of Xiaocheng! 】

[After completing the Earth Sword, you will be able to keenly feel the blessing of the power of heaven and earth. 】

[With the help of the power of the earth, you can make the sword moves you make more stable and powerful, and the strength of each move can be increased several times. 】

[With the help of the power of convection water, you can make the sword moves move a thousand pounds, achieving the purpose of overcoming strength with softness, and can easily block the enemy's offensive. 】

[Mountains, rivers, vegetation...flowing water, thunder and lightning...anything that exists in nature can inspire you. 】

[With the blessing of these insights from the power of heaven and earth, your sword moves will become more stable, and your sword power will become more mysterious and infinite...]

[After completing the Earth Sword, you will continue to be active on the killing battlefield and still hunt legendary monsters every day. 】

[Three years passed quickly like this. 】

[No. 20. In the past three years, you have killed hundreds of legendary monsters again. At the same time, you have refined the flesh and blood essence of these legendary monsters into a rebirth elixir. 】

[After taking it, your body refining level will be further improved, and you are not far from the seventh level of Shattering Void Realm...]

[As you continue to hunt legendary monsters, the top strength of the monster clan on the killing battlefield is greatly reduced, and the pressure on the beast-controlling world against the monster clan is also greatly reduced. 】

[But what gives you a little headache is that as you continue to kill legendary monsters, the number of legendary monsters decreases. 】

[It often takes you a month, or even more, to successfully find a legendary monster to hunt. Your efficiency in hunting legendary monsters is greatly reduced. 】

[But you are very happy about this, because it means that on the battlefield, the number of legendary monsters on the demon clan’s side has indeed been greatly reduced. 】

[There are no new legendary monsters added, which proves that the alien race may not have any extra legendary monsters to join the battlefield. 】

Su Xing saw the joy on this face, and murmured:
"Sure enough, the effect of the natural sword body is really amazing... In just over ten years of practice, I have already mastered the Earth Sword."

"It seems that even if this simulation cannot reach the Dacheng level, I'm afraid it's not far behind..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued to think:

"And the number of legendary monsters has decreased... This also shows in disguise that the number of monsters in the alien race is not endless!"

"At least... the number of high-level demon beasts is limited... Once too many are killed in a short period of time, the demon clan will not be able to immediately replenish fresh blood."

But at the same time, Su Xing felt vaguely wary in his heart.

"If these legendary monsters are completely killed, will the strength of the monster army in No. 20 Five-year Demon Suppression Pass be reduced?"

"Or... maybe a more powerful enemy will appear by then?"

Thinking of this awakening, he licked his lips excitedly.

Whatever the possibility, waking up is worth a try.

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20: In one year, you have devoted yourself to training, and your physical training has broken through to the seventh level of the Void-Breaking Stage! 】

[Congratulations on becoming a late-stage monk in the Void-Breaking Realm! 】

[After your cultivation has been improved, you are stronger than before, but you have no chance to fight the Demon Emperor alone, which makes you a little disappointed. 】

[In the next two years, you will still practice swordsmanship every day. 】

[The natural sword body is worthy of the golden quality. In practicing day after day, your understanding of the earth sword has gradually approached the Dacheng level. 】

[At the same time, you have also killed dozens of legendary monsters in two years. On such a killing battlefield, the beast-controlling world has an absolute advantage. 】

[In the midst of the fighting, two years passed slowly...]

[No.20: One day, in the third year of the [-]th year, a tribe of pupil monsters descended on the killing battlefield. 】

[His terrifying strength directly crushed all the powerful emperors. 】

[You saw with your own eyes that the originally arrogant silver-haired Demon Emperor was as respectful as a servant in front of him. 】

[This is exactly the demon strongman who appeared in the previous simulation. You seriously doubt that this is a demon saint-level strongman! 】

[The Demon Saint with Double Eyes killed two emperor-level beast masters with just a wave of his hand, and dozens of legendary beast masters were wiped out at his fingertips. 】

[You saw the silver-haired demon emperor whispering a few words into the ear of the heavy-eyed demon saint from a distance. 】

[Then the Double-eyed Demon Saint raised his head and looked at you from a distance, with a hint of teasing on his face. 】

[The moment their eyes met, you felt extremely wary. 】

[Seeking good fortune, avoiding misfortune, and the Eight Trigrams arithmetic will send out crazy warnings, and the hair on your back will stand on end. 】

[Then, you entered the Lingtian Cave without thinking. 】

[Returning to Lingtian Cave Heaven, you sat down on the ground and gasped for air. 】

[The Demon Saint is not pursuing you. You are temporarily safe. 】

[But you still feel a little uneasy. You don’t know whether the Demon Saint can see through this portable space. 】

[So you stayed in the Lingtian Cave for several days uneasily, but the Demon Saint with Double Eyes did not pursue you. 】

[This made you relieved, but you did not take it lightly, but continued to practice swordsmanship in Lingtian Cave. 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he was a little shocked and murmured:

"The time...has actually advanced!"

"I clearly remembered before that the time when the beast-controlling world was destroyed was the 20th year... Why did it become the 20th year this time?"

Su Xing became alert and had several thoughts.

"Could it be that the passage of time in the real world has just reached the point in time when the beast-controlling world is destroyed?"

"Well, it's possible...but it's unlikely!"

After a pause, Su Xing muttered:

"The greater possibility is that the demon clan suffered heavy losses on the killing battlefield..."

"Because of this, they had no choice but to send the powerful Demon Saints to fight in advance, hoping to quickly defeat the beast-controlling world!"

Su Xing nodded. Compared to the former reason, Su Xing obviously thought the latter was more likely.

At the same time, Su Xing had a doubt in his heart.

"The beast-controlling world was destroyed early, what will happen to Blue Star?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[To be cautious, you stayed in Lingtian Cave for a year. 】

[This year, you still practice swordsmanship every day and improve your physical training. 】

[No. 20, you decided to boldly leave the Lingtian Cave and return to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world...]

[Sure enough, just as you thought, the entire killing battlefield was littered with the corpses of spiritual beasts and humans. 】

[The previous army of monsters and the powerful monster saint have already withdrawn. 】

[You carefully inspected the killing field, but there was no sign of life in it. 】

[Later, you went to the beast-controlling world, and the entire beast-controlling world had been slaughtered by the demon clan. 】

[The originally lush mountain forests have turned into wilderness...]

[The entire world of beast control is full of signs of desolation and depression. 】

[After your search was fruitless, you returned to the original red dragon's lair. 】

[You returned to Blue Star from the red dragon's lair. 】

[What makes you happy is that there is still peace in Blue Star. The humans still have the upper hand in the demon suppression, and there is no sign of the city being broken. 】

[So you continue to stay in the Demon Suppression Pass, guarding the city while honing your sword skills. 】

[No.20 In five years, your swordsmanship is still at the level of Xiaocheng. 】

[One day, you calculated the time and estimated that the demon army was about to arrive. 】

[But what makes you a little surprised is that the demon clan did not come as promised. 】

[You are confused in your heart, but you just practice and wait. 】

[In this way, another year has passed. 】

[No.20 Six years, a calm year, you practice swordsmanship every day. 】

[No. 20, practicing swordsmanship...]

[No.20, one day, the demon clan finally attacked! 】

[But what you didn’t expect was that it wasn’t the countless demon clans that came, but only four more demon clans on the battlefield. 】

[Three demon emperors, one demon saint...and that demon saint is the double-eyed demon saint! 】

[The Demon Saint with Double Eyes comes to Demon Suppression Pass with three Demon Emperors. 】

[He was in the distance and saw you standing on the city wall at a glance. 】

[You felt something bad in your heart. Just when you wanted to enter the Lingtian Cave, you found that the surrounding space had become very unstable, and you failed to enter. 】

[The next second, the Demon Saint with Double Eyes appears next to you. 】

[With just one palm, he turned you into a cloud of blood, and you didn’t even have time to hold up the body-protecting aura...] [Before you died, you saw the playful expression in the eyes of the Demon Saint with Double Eyes. 】

[Your soul left your body, and your soul was mercilessly annihilated by the Demon Saint...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing stared blankly at the text in front of him for a long time.

"The simulation time has indeed been extended...from 25 years to 28 years?"

"Moreover, after I killed these legendary demon beasts, the Demon Saint actually came to the Demon Suppression Pass... This is obviously not good news."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The strength of this Demon Saint was so terrifying that he actually instantly killed Su Xing!
In fact, Su Xing couldn't even escape back to Lingtian Cave...

"Is the powerful demon saint already strong enough to control space? Or maybe... this double-eyed demon saint has some kind of treasure that can interfere with space?"

Awakening is unknown.

After a long time, Su Xing sighed and said:

"Forget it, extending it from 25 years to 28 years... this is always a good thing! In any case, the simulation time has been extended by another three years!"

Su Xing thought this, and then looked at the reward options for this simulation.

[Natural Sword Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Seventh Level of Breaking the Void Realm]: Cultivation in the Breaking the Void Realm, using one's own power to destroy illusions, selling for 2 million energy.

[Earth Sword (Small Success)]: The Earth Sword Chapter of the Three Talents Sword Technique can use the power of heaven and earth to bless one's body and greatly enhance the power of the sword. It is not far away from the completion of the Earth Sword.The price is 2 million energy.

[Rebirth Pill (1000 pieces)]:: Developed by the ancient witch clan... The power of the Divine Power Realm Monk's Clothes can quickly increase the cultivation level, while the Void-Breaking Phase Monk's Clothing is beneficial to body refining and practice, but has certain side effects.The price is 20 billion analog energy.

Regarding the reward for this simulation, Su Xing did not have too much entanglement and said decisively:

"I choose the golden talent natural sword body...and the earth sword Xiaocheng's enlightenment!"

As he finished speaking, Su Xing heard the sound of the simulator in his ears.

[You successfully brought out the golden talent natural sword body, spending 1000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 16 million points. 】

[Swordsman with the same type of purple talent has been detected and is being automatically replaced...]

[You successfully brought out the Earth Sword (Xiaocheng level), spending 2 million energy, and the remaining energy is 14 million points. 】

As the beep of the simulator fell, two mysterious energies surged into the awakened body.

A golden light first poured into Su Xing's heart.

Su Xing felt that some subtle changes seemed to have occurred in his body, and his perception of the sword seemed to be more acute.

The spiritual sword Mo Bing in his hand was completely connected with his mind, and he wielded it like an arm.

"It is indeed a golden talent...this bonus is terrifying!"

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of knowledge and memories about earth sword cultivation flooded into Su Xing's mind.

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and began to digest this knowledge.

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and an inexplicable wave flashed through Su Xing's eyes.

"I see... With the help of the power of heaven and earth, the enemy is not only fighting against the sword, but also the surrounding heaven and earth!"

"This kind of swordsmanship is terrifying... it points directly to the great road! No wonder someone with the Earth Sword can fight across the ranks..."

Su Xing had a look of satisfaction on his face.

"In just over 20 years, my understanding of the Earth Sword has gone from being completely ignorant to becoming a beginner... to becoming a minor master of the Earth Sword! It's not even far away from becoming a Dacheng..."

"If you calculate it this way, it will take about 50 years to cultivate the Earth Sword to a perfect level, which is the time of two simulations..."

It took 50 years to perfect the Three Talents Sword Technique. This speed is astonishing!
Moreover, this is the premise that awakening does not trigger accidental epiphany.

If awakening triggers an epiphany by chance, I am afraid that one simulation will be enough to practice the Earth Sword to perfection!

After all, Sancai Sword Technique is not a mortal sword cultivation book, but a real sword cultivation technique!

Ordinary sword cultivation, let alone 50 years, even if it takes a hundred or 500 years, it may be difficult to cultivate the Earth Sword to perfection...

"Tsk, tsk, what a pity... I'm not very lucky. If it triggers an epiphany by chance, that would be perfect!"

Su Xing sighed, but the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously, feeling a bit like Versailles.

"Not bad! In the next simulation, I should be able to complete the Earth Sword cultivation... and then improve my body refining cultivation to the Void-Breaking Realm, and I will be able to defeat the mighty Emperor!"

A strong fighting spirit flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

After waking up, he opened the personal properties panel and took a look.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 22 years old】

【Occupation: Immortal cultivator】

[Cultivation: Great Perfection in the Return to Void Stage, Fifth Level in the Void-Breaking Stage]

[Kung Fu: Wishful Visualization, Changchun Gong, Qianyan Jue]

[Talents: Great wisdom and stupidity, natural sword body, accidental enlightenment, alchemy wizard, big stomach king, three elements of thunder, wood and fire, heavenly spiritual roots, strength to reach the mountains, prosperous business fortune, appearance like Pan'an, descendant of Shennong, death with eyes closed, lucky star Take good care of yourself, seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, learn from the masters of success...]

[Skills: Lihuo Technique (Dacheng Level), Alchemy Technique (Little Success Level), Spirit Explosion Technique (Dacheng Level), Shennong Spirit Nurturing Technique (Entry Level), Thirty-one Thousand Zhang Divine Consciousness (Entering the Micro Realm), Yuan Li (External Power) Leveling up to perfection), Three Talents Sword Techniques (Human Sword Perfection, Earth Sword Xiaocheng), Body Protection Gangqi (Perfection), Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique (Introduction), Bagua Calculation Technique (Dacheng), Ruyi Golden Cauldron (Dacheng), Formation Dao (Introductory), Sword Control (Xiaocheng)]

[Special Physique: Body of Heavenly Thunder]

Compared with before, the attribute panel of Su Xing is much more luxurious.

There are more than ten talents, each of which has a considerable bonus to awakening, or has a special usage scenario.

Over the past year or so, Su Xing has gradually mastered more magical powers and techniques based on his own accumulation. He has also learned a variety of monk skills including alchemy, spiritual cultivation, and formation formation.

Su Xing looked at his simulation panel and planned the direction of improving his future strength.

"For now, what needs to be improved is swordsmanship and body refining..."

"After that, you have to consider entering the realm of nothingness and try to cultivate your spiritual consciousness."

Su Xing nodded slightly, he still had plenty of time now.

Step by step and proceeding steadily is the most appropriate choice.

In the next few days, Su Xing continued to refine the elixir every day.

However, Su Xing now focuses his main energy on the refining of Bigu Pill.

It wasn't until November 11th that Su Xing suddenly remembered the agreement he had made with Luo Shuying.

So he woke up, disguised himself, gathered his breath, and shielded his own secrets, then used his sword to go to the place agreed with Luo Shuying.

When he was about a hundred kilometers away from the agreed place, Su Xing used his consciousness to investigate carefully.

"Well...except for Luo Shuying, there is no other aura. It seems that Luo Shuying has not been exposed!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and headed to the mountain.


As soon as Su Xing narrowly won, Luo Shuying came over with some surprise.

Su Xing was naturally surprised to see Luo Shuying again.

But Su Xing still pretended to be a senior expert, nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, you came as promised...have you been waiting for a long time?"

After hearing this, Luo Shuying quickly shook her head, then took out the Concentration Tree and handed it to Su Xing.

Su Xing looked at the three-foot-long Concentration Tree in front of him and was as thick as an arm.

The ancient patterns on the Ningshen wood are full of a mysterious charm.

"It is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth that can enhance spiritual consciousness...it is really impressive!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and praised secretly in his heart.

Su Xing put away the Concentration Tree, and then said to Luo Shuying:
"On today next month, you come here to look for me again... If I'm not here, it will be postponed to one month later..."

"When I bring you the elixir next time, you will be promoted to a legendary powerhouse..."

After hearing this, Luo Shuying was naturally surprised, but there was still some hesitation in her eyes.

Su Xing saw Luo Shuying so hesitant, so he said:

"Although you are a junior, you and I are fellow Taoists who fight against alien races..."

"You can speak up if you have something to say, but you don't have to do this..."

Luo Shuying nodded after hearing this, then made up his mind and said:

"Senior, I want to leave Adventism and follow you wholeheartedly!"

(End of this chapter)

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