Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 205: The Earth Sword is completed, fight against the silver-haired demon emperor again!

Chapter 205: The Earth Sword is completed, fight against the silver-haired demon emperor again! (5k, please book in full~)

After Su Xing heard this, he was ready to refuse directly.

Luo Shuying seemed to see Su Xing's plan, so she quickly said:
"Senior, I really want to follow you!"

"I have been in Adventism for these years, and it can be said that I have had trouble sleeping and eating...and in order to gain the trust of those people, I have also done many unsavory things..."

"Only by following you and fighting against the aliens together can I wash away the sins I have committed..."

Speaking of this, Luo Shuying seemed to be a little disappointed.

Su Xing sighed after hearing this.

How could he not know what Luo Shuying was thinking.

She joined the Advent Cult for the sake of the Eldar world.

But he couldn't help but join the Advent Cult. Even though he was always looking for opportunities, he had little success.

But for today's Su Xing, the most important thing is stability and stability... It is best for things to develop in the direction he can predict.

Once Luo Shuying betrays Adventism and follows Su Xing, things may unfold in a direction that Su Xing cannot predict.

By then, it will definitely do more harm than good to Awakening.

But looking at Luo Shuying's sincere request in front of him, Su Xing couldn't refuse directly.

After some hesitation, Su Xing persuaded:

"Xiaoying, now for our great cause, it is the best choice for you to stay in the Advent Sect!"

"If you can lurk in the Advent Cult, your role will be no less than mine!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Shuying was a little surprised.

So Su Xing explained:
"If you want to join the Adventist Cult, it is not easy to gain the Adventist Cult's trust..."

"And you have been a member of the Advent Cult for decades... and have gained enough trust. If you want to insert another spy, it may not be that easy!"

"Besides, if you stay in Adventism and provide me with some necessary information, your role will be greater than if you betrayed Adventism!"

Luo Shuying's eyes became brighter and brighter after hearing Su Xing's earnest persuasion and the success of learning the master's talent.

In Su Xing's description, Luo Shuying is a warrior who has been lurking for decades in order to fight against the alien race, regardless of his own safety. He is an absolutely respectable person!

He played an irreplaceable role in the great cause of fighting against alien races!

Su Xing's description even made Luo Shuying feel a little ashamed.

For a moment, a doubt arose in Luo Shuying's mind: Could it be that I have really played such a huge role in these years?

Su Xing saw that Luo Shuying was so fooled, so he continued to encourage:
"In this case, I will assign you the next task..."

"I heard that there is a dragon protector in the Advent Sect. Although he is only a protector, his strength is unfathomable. His status is even higher than that of the leaders of the three factions!"

"I need you to conduct some research on the origins of the Dragon Guardian, and whether there are stronger people in the Advent Religion besides the faction leaders?"

After a pause, Su Xing added:
"Of course, the premise of all this must be your own safety!"

"The investigation is just casual. It is best to be able to investigate...if not, it doesn't matter..."

Luo Shuying nodded after hearing Su Xing's words and remembered them word for word.

Su Xing's move was really random.

Luo Shuying has been a member of the Advent Cult for decades. He has always been a loyal figure in the Advent Cult and will not be easily doubted.

It would be great if we could investigate some deeper information about the Dragon Protector and the Advent Sect.

In the end, Su Xing did not forget to draw a cake for Luo Shuying.

"Xiaoying, please work hard. It can take as short as one year, or as long as two or three years... By then you will be able to end your undercover career and join the army that fights against the aliens head-on!"

"When the time comes, I will personally take care of you!"

After Luo Shuying heard Su Xing's words, she suddenly felt excited.

Su Xing then said goodbye to Luo Shuying. The two did not stay long, but agreed on the time and place for their next meeting.

After leaving the mountain, Su Xing covered his whereabouts.

Then Su Xing skillfully flew with his sword and circled half a circle around Daxia Elementary School.

Furthermore, he used three modes of travel: water, land and air to cover up his whereabouts.

Finally, he woke up and made a long circle before returning to Kyoto and entering the Lingtian Cave.

"Well, that's right. With the True Concentration Wood, you can refine two furnaces of Concentration Pills..."

Su Xing looked at the Ningshen Wood in front of him and nodded slightly, then took out a small knife and scraped some powder off the Ningshen Wood.

After waking up, he spent half a day refining several furnaces of concentration pills.

This was naturally prepared for Luo Shuying to break through the legend later.

After refining the Condensing Pill, Su Xing continued to refine the Bigu Pill.

This week has passed quickly...

In just one week, Su Xing refined [-] Bigu Pills.

The refining of Bigu Pill is similar to that of Beauty Pill.

In two months, he would be able to refine about [-] Bigu Pills after almost waking up. At that time, he would be able to auction off the copy of the second-level exotic metal mining area from the Daxia military.

On November 11, Jin Congxue did not stay in the villa because she was busy with business.

Therefore, after waking up and taking his breath, he went to the villa to pick up the goods for the new week, and then returned to the Lingtian Cave.

The new week's goods once again provided nearly 15 million energy to Awakening, so Awakening's energy reached about 5000 billion points.

"It's time to start a new round of simulation..."

Su Xing murmured:
"In this simulation, continue to improve your understanding of the Earth Sword, and improve your body training as much as possible!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing muttered silently.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 6100 energy points, with 15 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing did not hesitate when he heard this and said:
"Extract golden quality talents!"

[Ding, congratulations on your drawing of the purple talent Versailles Syndrome. Your probability of drawing a gold quality talent next time is 20%...]

[Versailles Syndrome]: Purple talent, you can show off in an extremely low-key way, thus making others envious.However, this has no other purpose besides making you feel better...

Su Xing rolled his eyes helplessly when he saw the newly drawn talent.

"Sure enough, the golden talent cannot be drawn every time!"

"Forget it, it's all about accumulating guaranteed probabilities!"

Su Xing thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect that Versailles could be used in any special way.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[After refining the elixir for a whole week, you felt a little tired, so you left Lingtian Cave and prepared to stroll around the campus. 】

[Because of your outstanding appearance, you were quickly discovered by scouts in the school. Some reporters began to interview you, hoping to develop you into a big star. 】

[Facing these reporters, you said that you are just ordinary and don’t think there is anything special about your appearance. 】

[Your interview video was quickly posted online, and you were hailed as the ultimate handsome man who is handsome without even realizing it. 】

[After you learned this, you felt secretly happy. 】

[However, being handsome does not bring much convenience to your life, but only adds a lot of troubles. 】

[So for the next two months, you continue to refine the Bigu Pill. 】

[You handed over all the more than 5 Bigu Pills you refined to Jin Congxue, and successfully obtained the contract rights for a second-level exotic metal mining area from the Daxia military. 】

[After that, you stayed in Kyoto for another month. After making sure that no accident happened, you went to find Luo Shuying. 】

[Under Luo Shuying’s recommendation, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[You quickly gained a lot of followers and helped Luo Shuying break through to the legendary level. 】

[You devote yourself to alchemy in Advent Cult and continue to study swordsmanship. 】

[In this way, two years passed slowly...]

[In the third year, you saw that the time was right, so you took Luo Shuying and defected from the Advent Cult. 】

[Tens of thousands of believers rushed to Kyoto after hearing the news, but you were fooled into joining the Demon Suppression Pass to fight against the aliens. 】

[Next, you continue to refine elixirs and practice sword skills. 】

[In the fourth year, you handed over the more than 20 refined elixirs to the Great Xia military. Since then, the Great Xia military has gained many strong men. 】

[After saving time on refining alchemy, you can concentrate more on practicing swordsmanship. 】【With the addition of the natural sword body, your understanding of the earth sword is rapidly improved. 】

[In the fifth year, your understanding of the Earth Sword is close to the master level. 】

[You have encountered a small bottleneck before breaking through to the Dacheng level. You decided to join the Demon Suppression Pass to look for opportunities for the Earth Sword to break through to the Dacheng level. 】

[You performed bravely in the Demon Suppression Pass. Ordinary legendary monsters are no match for you. In just one year, you killed more than ten legendary monsters. 】

[You refine the flesh and blood essence of the legendary monster into a rebirth elixir. In addition to learning swordsmanship every day, you also improve your body refining skills. 】

[In the sixth year, you killed more than ten legendary monsters, including countless demon kings and demon emperors. 】

[The entire army of monsters and monsters under the town of Yaozhenguan were killed by you alone, and they were frightened to death. Your reputation can stop the children of the monster tribe from crying at night. 】

[At the same time, as you kill enemies day after day, you become more and more skilled in the combination of the power of heaven and earth and the way of the sword. 】

[In the seventh year, due to your constant hunting, the number of legendary monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass has been reduced. 】

[At the same time, your understanding of the power of heaven and earth has reached a peak in a short period of time. 】

[You keep thinking about the relationship between the power of heaven and earth and the sword in your hand. 】

[You realize that the powers of heaven and earth you come into contact with are not the real rules and the power of the avenue...or rather, these are just superficial things. 】

[But even if it is only superficial, these are far from what you can comprehend in your current state. 】

[You understand that if you want to cultivate the sword of heaven and earth, in addition to practicing the sword itself, you also need to have a certain understanding of the Tao. 】

[Fortunately, you have a body of thunder, and your body contains a faint trace of the origin of the thunder. 】

[You have studied painstakingly for a year, and your understanding of the sword is astonishing. You have finally understood a little bit of the Dao of Thunder, and created a sword move that contains the power of heaven and earth. 】

[You name this move Speed! 】

【Sword of Speed!The ultimate speed derived from thunder and lightning...]

[The only sword cultivator in the world who can't be broken is his speed! 】

[Your understanding of the Sword of Heaven and Earth has successfully reached the Dacheng level! 】

[In the eighth year, you killed the enemy in the Demon Suppression Pass. Ordinary legendary monsters could not see the speed of your sword at all, but the moment you swung your sword, the monster was already killed. 】

[The ultimate speed, coupled with the ultimate destructive power of the energy wrapped around the sword, your understanding of the sword has reached a new level! 】

[In the same year, with the help of the Rebirth Pill, your body training reached the sixth level of the Void-breaking Realm! 】

When Su Xing saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly and he murmured:

"With the help of the power of heaven and earth, can you understand your own swordsmanship..."

Wake up thinking.

When the Earth Sword was just getting started and completed, Su Xing's understanding of the Earth Sword was still based on the help of the power of heaven and earth.

However, the power of heaven and earth may be strong or weak. In some places, the power of heaven and earth is strong. Su Xing can naturally take advantage and his swordsmanship will be stronger.

But if it is in an area where the power of heaven and earth is slightly weaker, it will be difficult for Su Xing's swordsmanship to be used to its full potential.

To put it bluntly, it depends on the environment.

But now, if you can understand your own sword moves from the power of heaven and earth, then you have really found your own swordsmanship path...

"Ultimate speed... I should have just started to understand the sword of speed, but it already possesses such power."

"I'm afraid...the opportunity for the Earth Sword to reach the perfection level lies with this Sword of Speed!!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes slightly. After all, with his natural talent for swordsmanship, Su Xing's sensitivity to the way of the sword was beyond ordinary people.

Just based on the words in front of him, Su Xing already had some guesses.

"Next, try to cultivate the Sword of Speed ​​to the extreme!"

"The extreme speed makes it impossible for the enemy to react... Before the sound arrives, the sword has already reached!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"There is also a need for body training. There is no shortage of rebirth elixirs in this simulation. There are still 20 years left. It should not be difficult to reach the eighth level of the Shattering Void Realm..."

Su Xing had plans for the next step and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the ninth year, the monsters in the Demon Suppression Pass no longer have any enemies against you. 】

[Even the legendary peak monster cannot see clearly the sword in your hand. You can kill it with just one sword. 】

[So you prepare to go to the world of beast control and continue to work hard to hone your sword skills. 】

[You found the red dragon's lair and entered the world of beast control. 】

[You successfully went to the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world. 】

[You start killing everyone on the killing battlefield...]

[In the first year of entering the killing battlefield, you killed no less than fifty legendary monsters. 】

[You have completely established your reputation on the killing battlefield. 】

[Many monster clans have begun to gather together to encircle and suppress you. 】

[But you have the experience of the last simulation, and you are much more stable this time. Before you have absolute strength, you are not prepared to take risks, but to improve your strength step by step. 】

[You are active on the battlefield, and you can often defeat legendary monsters with just one sword strike. 】

[You refine the flesh and blood essence of these legendary monsters into a rebirth elixir, and you improve your body every day. 】

[In this way, in the killing day after day, three years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 12, in the past few years, the number of legendary monsters that have died in your hands has been no less than 150. 】

[You have refined more than 1 Rebirth Pills in total. You can't finish all these Rebirth Pills. 】

[So you brought most of the Rebirth Pills back to Blue Star and gave them to the Daxia military. 】

[These rebirth pills can greatly enhance the strength of the Martial Emperor-level powerhouse. Perhaps if you insist on taking them, several more legendary powerhouses will be born within ten years. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In No. 15, your cultivation is getting better and better. One day, you feel something in your heart, and your energy and blood are getting better. 】

[You have successfully entered the late stage of the Broken Void Realm and become a seventh-level monk of the Broken Void Realm! 】

[After reaching the late stage of Breaking the Void Realm, your strength will increase by another level, and the legendary monsters will no longer be your opponent. 】

[None of the legendary monsters on the killing battlefield can make you swing the second sword. 】

[But at the same time, as you continue to practice swordsmanship, you gradually integrate into the identity of swordsmanship, and understand the creed and secrets of swordsmanship... Look down on life and death, and do it if you don't accept it! 】

[Whether it is a human sword or an earth sword, it is necessary to accumulate experience and improve swordsmanship through constant actual combat. 】

[After all, the ultimate goal of the human sword and the earth sword...is to kill the enemy! 】

[In No. 16, you have killed hundreds of legendary monsters over the years and accumulated enough legendary level rebirth pills. 】

[And in this constant abuse of food, the improvement of your strength and swordsmanship also becomes slow. 】

[So you set your sights on those emperor-level monsters! 】

[The first person to bear the brunt is the silver-haired demon emperor! 】

[But you know that fighting the Demon Emperor will lead to a narrow escape, so you must carefully look for opportunities and make plans. 】

[No.17, you finally got an opportunity. 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor fought with the beast-controller, the great emperor of the beast-control world, not long ago. Although he did not die, both sides were seriously injured. 】

[You plan to take advantage of the silver-haired demon emperor's injury and use it as a whetstone to improve your swordsmanship. 】

[One day, you deliberately went deep into the demon army and finally led out the silver-haired demon emperor. 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor saw that you were so bold, and he suddenly felt angry. 】

[He was originally angry for not killing the Emperor's Beast Controller a while ago, but now, in his eyes, you, a little legend, dare to be so arrogant, which has touched his bottom line. 】

[So, as you expected, this silver-haired demon emperor, even though he was seriously injured, still decided to show you some color. 】

[The war is about to break out. 】

[The silhouette of the silver-haired demon emperor appears in front of you like a ghost, with sharp nails pointing straight at your neck. 】

[However, the moment the silver-haired demon emperor stretched out his hand, you moved! 】

[You arrive first and the Mo Bing Sword in your hand is blessed with the power of speed, relying on the power of heaven and earth and the elemental power wrapped around the blade...]

[You wielded the strongest sword so far! 】

[Mo Bingjian accurately hit the silver-haired demon emperor's wrist. The silver-haired demon emperor didn't even see your sword movement clearly. 】

[When he reacted, you had already cut off two fingers. The ring finger and little finger fell to the ground, and red blood dripped down the fingertips. . 】

[The silver-haired demon emperor instantly felt pain and took dozens of steps back, staring blankly at his two missing fingers. 】

[When he looked at you again, his eyes were filled with anger and malice...]

(End of this chapter)

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