Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 208: The Shattering Void Realm is completed, and the divine consciousness is endless!

Chapter 208: The Shattering Void Realm is completed, and the spiritual consciousness is ten thousand feet high! (5k, please book in full~)

Su Xing thought so, then looked at the simulation panel.

[You directly and forcefully killed all the guardians and leaders of the Advent Sect, but no trace of the conservative leader was found. 】

[This makes you even more suspicious that the conservative leader is the Dragon Guardian. 】

[But you don’t know the strength of the Dragon Protector, and you don’t know how strong he is. 】

[To be cautious, you should take Luo Shuying back to Kyoto City first. 】

[You went to Kyoto City, and tens of thousands of followers were tricked by you into going to the Demon-Suppressing Pass. 】

[You gave the elixir you refined to the Daxia military, adding many strong men to the military. 】

[In the third year, you went to the Demon Suppression Pass, and with your unparalleled swordsmanship and tyrannical strength, you hunted down dozens of legendary monsters. 】

[In the fourth year, you continued to kill demons in the Demon Suppression Pass, and the legendary demon clan was almost wiped out by you. 】

[The pressure of the Demon Suppression Pass is greatly reduced, and you also take the opportunity to exit the Demon Suppression Pass and return to Blue Star. 】

[After returning to Blue Star, you refined a batch of Rebirth Pills for your cultivation needs. 】

[In the fifth year, you are going to go to the void world to find out. 】

[Your consciousness amplifies infinitely, turning into a golden cauldron, easily breaking into the realm of nothingness. 】

[In a space of nothingness and wilderness, your consciousness is wandering. 】

[Besides desolation, there is only desolation... You decide to explore how big this void world is. 】

[So you start exploring in one direction. 】

[Two months later, you encountered a yellow-level Taixu spirit. You easily defeated and devoured it. 】

[Your consciousness has increased, reaching 3 feet. 】

[You continue to explore the realm of nothingness. 】

[Your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil comes into play at this moment. With the auspicious stars shining brightly, you can always find a suitable place for the spirit of Taixu to appear. 】

[In the next two years, you will encounter a yellow-level Taixu spirit every three to five months. After you devour these Taixu spirits, your consciousness will grow to [-] feet! 】

[During this period, you once sensed a familiar aura, which should be the dragon protector, but you don’t want to fight with it yet. You are going to accumulate your own strength first and then make plans...]

Seeing this, Su Xing had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"My dear, this place of nothingness is really a treasure place to enhance your spiritual consciousness!"

"In two or three years, the spiritual consciousness can be increased to nearly [-] feet... If this is a simulation, wouldn't it be possible to increase the spiritual consciousness to nearly [-] feet?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, with deep interest rising in his eyes.

"However, if an ordinary monk is not as lucky as me, I am afraid it will still be very difficult to capture the spirit of Taixu in the land of nothingness..."

"In addition, because there are no monks on Blue Star, the Realm of Nothingness is in an undeveloped state. This makes it more likely to encounter the spirit of Taixu in the Realm of Nothingness!"

"The two combined make the void world a holy place for me to increase my spiritual consciousness!"

Su Xing was very satisfied and prepared to continue working hard to improve his consciousness in the void world.

"Of course, you can't slack off in your cultivation at the Shattering Void Realm. You must find ways to continue to improve..."

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[You continue to wander around the Lingtian Cave, hoping to capture more Taixu spirits. 】

[New era 2031, this is the eighth year of your simulation. 】

[In May, you encountered a yellow-level Taixu spirit. You killed it effortlessly. After devouring it, your consciousness reached [-] feet. 】

[In August, I met Huang Jie Taixu's spirit and swallowed it, with a spiritual consciousness of [-] feet...]

[In December, I met the Huang Jie Taixu spirit and swallowed it, with a spiritual consciousness of 4 feet...]

[In the year 2033 of the new era, the tenth year of the simulation, you continue to take time out to wander around Taixu every day, and at the same time, you have strengthened your physical training. 】

[You have used up the rebirth elixir you accumulated previously, so you went to the world of beast control and started hunting more legendary monsters. 】

[In just one year, you hunted hundreds of legendary monsters. 】

[You have accumulated enough rebirth elixirs, and you are still improving your cultivation every day, and you are wandering in the void...]

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[In the year 2036 of the new era, your consciousness has grown to sixty thousand feet. 】

[This year, you encountered a mysterious-level Taixu spirit. After defeating and devouring it, your consciousness increased sharply again, reaching [-] feet...]

[In the year 2037 of the new era, your body-refining cultivation has made another breakthrough as a matter of course, and you have reached the ninth level of the Void-Breaking Realm! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Sure enough, practicing while wandering around in Taixu will indeed slow down the improvement of your cultivation level..."

"Approximately 14 years have passed in the simulator, which means there is still half of the time left... It seems that we need to focus more on improving our physical training!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the year 2038 of the new era, you will focus more on improving your physical training. 】

[This year, you will enter the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world again and kill hundreds of legendary monsters. 】

[At this point, you have accumulated enough Rebirth Pills, so you are ready to concentrate on practicing. 】

[Three years have passed again. 】

[In the year 2041 of the new era, your cultivation level is still at the ninth level of the Breaking Void Realm, but you have taken a solid step towards the perfection of the Breaking Void Realm. 】

[At the same time, you also feel the boundless vastness of the void world. I am afraid that it is far from being able to explore it completely during the return to void period. 】

[So you start looking for the Taixu Spirit and the dragon protector at the same time. 】

[In the year 2042 of the New Era, your cultivation is still at the ninth level of the Shattering Void Realm, but your consciousness has grown to [-] feet. 】

[In the year 2043 of the New Era, you hunted and killed a Xuan-level Taixu spirit and two Yellow-level Taixu spirits, and your consciousness increased to eighty thousand feet. 】

[In the year 2044 of the new era, your body training has improved again. 】

[Plan your time properly every day. In addition to improving your body training, you should also continue to look for traces of the old dog in the void world. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In the year 2047 of the new era, your consciousness has grown to ninety thousand feet. 】

[One day, when you were wandering in a fuzzy state, you noticed a familiar aura of divine consciousness. 】

[It is the old dog Long that you have been searching for for many years. 】

[You pretend to meet Long Lao Gou by chance, and Long Lao Gou is also very surprised after discovering your consciousness. 】

[In the end, you two successfully met. 】

[Long Laogou is very curious about your appearance and starts to ask about your origins. 】

[You are just perfunctory about this, but from the conversation with Long Laogou, you learned a great piece of information. 】

[Long Laogou claims to be from the Blood Demon Sect...]

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes narrowed after seeing the text in front of him, and he began to recall the three words Blood Demon Sect in his heart.

"If I remember correctly... the Blood Demon Sect should be in the Blood Demon Cave dungeon, right?"

A year ago, when Su Xing first came into contact with the world of cultivating immortals, he found information about three dungeons for cultivating immortals from the Daxia military.

They are the Luotian Conference, the Blood Demon's Cave, and the Immortal Martial Era dungeon! (See Chapter 36 for details)
Among them, the Blood Demon's Cave is the most difficult and is rated as a four-star dungeon.

It is said that those below the Martial Emperor level cannot explore. This is not only because the monks in the Blood Demon Sect copy are powerful, but also because the monks in the Blood Demon Cave copy are inhumane and like to kill any intruders.

For more than a year, Su Xing has been busy dealing with the Advent Cult, exploring the Luotian Conference and the Dharma Ending Era dungeon.

For a moment, he actually forgot that there was a copy of the Immortal Cultivation Copy of the Blood Demon's Cave, waiting for him to explore.

"Could it be that this old dragon dog comes from the Blood Demon's Cave copy?"

"No... there are a lot of high-level monks in the Blood Demon's Cave copy. But now that the spiritual energy of the world is exhausted, why can their cultivation level grow so fast?"

"Could it be that there is a lot of spiritual energy in the Blood Demon's Cave copy?"

Su Xing was immediately extremely curious.

After thinking for a long time, Su Xing murmured:
"It seems like it's time to take some time to explore this copy of the Blood Demon's Cave... Whether it's the special connection with Long Laogou or the mystery of the monk's growth... it's worth exploring!"

Su Xing thought this and then looked at the simulation panel.

[Long Laogou talked with you for a long time, during which time he kept testing your details. 】

[But of course you know that this old dog has no good intentions, so you have been wary of him. 】

[Soon, Long Laogou proposed to hunt a Xuan-level Taixu spirit with you. 】

[Of course you will not refuse this, so you and Zong Laogou went to the location of the Taixu Spirit. 】

[The Xuan-level Taixu Spirit is naturally no match for the two of you. Even though you each had your own agenda and hid your strength, you still killed it. 】

[Just when you were about to discuss how to distribute the spoils, Long Laogou suddenly burst out and launched a sneak attack on you. 】【But you had expected this, so you quickly used the method of attacking with your spiritual consciousness, condensing your own spiritual consciousness into a golden cauldron. 】

[Instead of running away from Long Laogou’s sneak attack, he faced him instead! 】

[Contrary to your expectations, the strength of this old dog's spiritual consciousness is actually not as strong as yours, and the method of attacking his spiritual consciousness is slightly inferior to that of Yi Jinding. 】

[You fought with the old dog gentleman for hundreds of rounds, and soon you were seriously injured. 】

[In the end, Long Laogou fled in panic, and you also swallowed the Xuanji Taixu spirit. 】

[After swallowing the Xuanjie Taixu Spirit, the power of your consciousness skyrocketed again, reaching [-] feet! 】

[Of course you will not let go of this old dragon dog, so you chase his consciousness all the way, hoping to inflict serious damage on him! 】

[However, although this old dragon dog is not as good as you in spiritual attacks, he is very good at escaping. 】

[You have been chasing for several months in the void world, and finally Long Laogou escaped from the void world...]

[Seeing that there is no hope of killing Long Laogou, you can only leave the void world temporarily. 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the words in front of him with a strange look on his face.

"Damn it, could it be that this old dog Long and the old dog Zong were carved out of the same mold?"

"Why are you so good at escaping?"

Su Xing gritted his teeth.

However, he also understood in his heart that in this era of spiritual energy exhaustion, the immortal cultivators who could survive until now were all extremely good at life-saving techniques.

"But... the strength of this old dog's spiritual consciousness is actually not as strong as mine... Doesn't this mean that he is still at the Dzogchen level of the Return to Void Stage?"

Su Xing's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had some doubts in his heart. Had he always overestimated Long Laogou's strength?
Because the awakened spiritual consciousness is only [-] feet. Although the spiritual consciousness has reached the subtle realm, it may not be as good as the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the integration stage...

But Long Laogou's spiritual consciousness is not as good as his, which means that it is definitely not more than one hundred thousand feet... It has not even reached the subtle realm!
This is the spiritual consciousness of the Dzogchen monks in the Return to Void Stage!

Because if Long Laogou breaks through the integration stage, his spiritual consciousness will definitely be much stronger than it is now!
"Tsk, tsk... I really thought too much... Since the old dog Long only has the strength of the Great Perfection in the Return to Void Stage, it seems that the old dog Long can also try to kill it!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

As for the location of Long Laogou, according to Su Xing's guess, there are only two places.

The first is the treasure house of Adventism.

After all, Long Laogou is the guardian of the treasure house of Advent Sect.

However, at this time, Blue Star's Advent Cult had almost been awakened and one person was destroyed.

Most of the believers were deceived by Su Xing into serving in the army at Zhen Yao Pass.

The cadres at the level of protectors and leaders were also almost killed by Su Xing.

The Advent Cult exists in name only, and it is unclear whether there is an awakening in the treasure house.

"Besides the Advent Sect's treasure house... maybe another place where the old dragon dog may exist is the Blood Demon's Cave!"

Su Xing thought to himself, with a plan in mind, and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the year 2045 of the new era, while you are practicing, you are working hard to continue hunting the spirit of Taixu in the void world. 】

[This year your consciousness has grown to ninety-eight thousand feet. 】

[In the year 2046 of the new era, your consciousness has grown to one hundred thousand feet! 】

[In the year 2047 of the new era, you will swallow the Rebirth Pill and practice as always. 】

[One day, you feel that your energy and blood have reached a peak, and there is a feeling of breakthrough again in your body at any time. 】

[You take the opportunity to retreat and begin to break through to the Great Perfection of the Void-Breaking Realm! 】

[So, three months later, you finally succeeded in breaking through and became a Dzogchen monk in the Void-breaking Realm! 】

[The year 2048 of the new era is the 25th year of the simulation. This year, the Demon Suppression Pass is still as stable as an old dog. 】

[You know in your heart that the Demon Saint will invade the Demon Suppression Pass in three years, so you plan to take advantage of this time to make the final exploration. 】

[You first went to the lower-difficulty Xianwu Era dungeon, and you successfully entered the Five Elements Sect ruins. 】

[In the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, you met the Five Elements Master who turned into a living dead monk. 】

[You used the Earth Sword, and with the blessing of the power of speed, you killed the Five Elements Master in just a few dozen rounds, and took away the storage ring in the bronze sarcophagus. 】

[Afterwards, you buried the Five Elements Master in a geomantic treasure place. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"With the perfection of the Breaking Void Realm and the perfection of the Earth Sword, you can already explore the ruins of the Five Elements Sect without any risk..."

"It seems that after this simulation, you can go to the ruins of the Five Elements Sect and take out the Five Elements Mutual Generation Method and the Five Elements Formation..."

The corners of Su Xing's mouth rose slightly. These two jade slips had a great effect on Su Xing.

What's more, there are other treasures and some formation materials in the storage ring, and awakening is inevitable.

"Next, we have to face Old Dog Long..."

“However, to be on the safe side, it’s not too late to go after you improve your consciousness!”

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the year 2049 of the new era, you are wandering in the void and continue to work hard to improve your consciousness. 】

[So, another two years have passed...]

[The range of your consciousness has increased to 11 feet! 】

[New Era 2051, simulated No. 20, this year, you know in your heart that the Demon Saint will come to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[So you decisively prepare to set off for the Blood Demon's Cave. 】

[The location of the Blood Demon Cave copy is located on the southwest border of Daxia. 】

[You go away with your sword and quickly find this copy. 】

[After that, you entered this copy. 】

[As soon as you enter the dungeon, you will feel several rays of divine consciousness locking your position. 】

[But you are not panicked, because the spiritual consciousness of these monks is only a few hundred to a thousand meters strong... They are just a few Nascent Soul and Soul Transformation stage monks! 】

[You stayed there quietly, without any panic in your heart. Instead, you started to sip the tea leisurely. 】

[After noticing your presence, these monks in the transformation stage did not rush to show up. Instead, they sent some foundation-building and golden elixir monks to investigate you. 】

[You were dismissive of this and slaughtered all these Jindan monks with just a wave of sword energy. 】

[Your consciousness shrouded the bodies of these golden elixir monks, and you quickly discovered something was wrong. 】

[After the death of these golden elixir stage monks, their corpses quickly decomposed, and there were still threads of black gas lingering on the corpses. 】

[These black gases are very similar to spiritual energy, but they are not spiritual energy... instead they are filled with great resentment and pollution. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw the simulated text in front of him.

"Something's wrong, this is so wrong..."

Su Xing murmured.

It should be noted that the bodies of ordinary Golden Elixir cultivators can remain incorruptible for years or even decades after death.

But why did the golden elixir monk who was awakened and killed immediately decayed after death, and why was the body still wrapped in black energy?

"Could it be that...the reason why monks in this world are so strong is because of the existence of these black energies?"

Such thoughts came to Su Xing's mind, so he became more curious and wanted to explore further.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You rummaged through the storage bags of the monks you killed, and found some rough magic weapons and parts of a technique from these storage bags. 】

[This technique is called Blood Immortal Sutra! 】

[You read this article carefully and found out that the monk who created this method calls himself Blood Immortal. 】

[The cultivation method in this Blood Immortal Sutra is very different from that of ordinary monks! 】

[Those who practice the Blood Immortal Sutra do not need spiritual energy, spiritual roots, or immortality... They can achieve Taoism and become immortals by relying only on the power of blood sacrifice...]

[You sneered at the contents of the Blood Immortal Sutra. With just a few glances, you knew that the Blood Immortal Sutra was an evil technique. 】

[But you are also a little shocked, because this Blood Immortal Sutra can obviously make an ordinary person become a monk. 】

[Although the power released by these golden elixir monks is similar to spiritual power, it is not spiritual power, but more vicious and aggressive than spiritual power...]

[The only regret for you is that the first half of this Blood Immortal Sutra can only be practiced up to the Nascent Soul level. 】

[In order to know the so-called Blood Immortal Sutra and the secrets of this world... you decide to explore further! 】

(End of this chapter)

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