Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 209 Blood Immortal Sutra, the secret of the Blood Demon Realm!

Chapter 209 Blood Immortal Sutra, the secret of the Blood Demon Realm! (5k)

Su Xing frowned even more when he saw the simulated text in front of him.

"You don't need spiritual energy, you don't cultivate your spiritual roots... you can cultivate immortality directly by relying on your blood energy?"

"This... is really an act of rebellion against Tiangang!"

After a pause, Su Xing said doubtfully again:

"But what is the background of this blood immortal... If he really created such a heaven-defying technique, is he really an immortal?"

"Could it be that... the Blood Immortal is Old Dog Long?"

Su Xing's heart tightened, but he quickly shook his head in denial.

"Impossible. With Long Laogou's cultivation in the stage of returning to the void, it is impossible to create such a heaven-defying technique!"

"To be able to create such a technique, you must have a deep understanding of the great path, at least to the level of an immortal or even higher!"

Although Su Xing didn't know how much cultivation it would take to fully understand the Great Dao, he thought it might be higher than that of an immortal.

Even ordinary immortals cannot have such a deep understanding of the Great Dao.

"I'm afraid this blood fairy is not Long Old Dog... but I'm afraid he has a great connection with Long Old Dog..."

"Could it be that the Blood Immortal is Long Laogou's boss, the leader of the Advent Sect?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing took a deep breath.

"How could it be that...the leader of the Advent Cult is an immortal!?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. With the current information, Su Xing could not make such a reckless judgment.

But there must be some connection between the Blood Immortal and the Advent Cult...

"Forget it, let's continue looking down..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[You collect the corpses of these golden elixir monks and carefully examine their storage rings. 】

[You found several bottles of unusual elixirs in the storage ring. 】

[These elixirs are round and red in appearance, and each one is about the size of a fist. 】

[You take out an elixir and put it in your hand to examine it carefully, only to find that this elixir is full of karma and violent power, and seems to be refined with blood...]

[After sniffing it close to your nose, your face suddenly changed slightly. The strong smell of blood on this elixir was not derived from animal blood, but from human blood! 】

[The energy filled in this elixir is very similar to spiritual energy, but it contains a strong evil spirit. If taken for a long time, although it can improve cultivation, it may damage longevity...]

[You immediately understood that this elixir is probably what monks in this world need for their cultivation...]

[You put these pills away and want to leave this place soon. 】

[But just after you ran away for a few dozen miles, you were chased by the Blood Demon Sect monks. 】

[Digital Nascent Souls and a god-transformation monk, holding spiritual evil weapons, are attacking you. 】

[You stand there, frowning slightly, and kill all these monks with a wave of your hand. 】

[The only monk who transformed into a god seemed to want to escape. 】

[But you easily captured the god-transforming monk and interrogated him. 】

[After interrogating the cultivator of the God Transformation, you soon learned the specific location of the Blood Demon Sect and its strength. 】

[According to what the god-transforming monk said, there are monks in the Void Return Stage in the Blood Demon Sect, and there is also the rumored Blood Dragon Ancestor. He threatens you to let him go, otherwise you will definitely die. 】

[You just sneered at this, regretting that you did not practice the soul-searching technique, otherwise you would have been able to get more information from the soul of this god-transformation monk without any effort. 】

[But at this moment you can only suppress his soul and ask him for more information. 】

[Under the suppression of divine consciousness, you find that the aura of this god-transformation monk is empty. Although he is in the middle stage of god-transformation, his strength is probably only equivalent to the early stage of god-transformation. 】

[Moreover, the aura of the monks who transform into gods is long and their lifespan is annihilated...]

[But you happened to see the lingering mark of death on this monk's face. It seems that most of his life span has been lost and there is not much time left. 】

[You ask him how long he has been cultivating. This god-forming monk is oppressed by you, so he naturally does not dare to hide it. Answer honestly that he is 170 years old this year and has been practicing immortality for more than 160 years...]

[You frown slightly after hearing this. This god-transformation monk has a rotten aura and can only live for another 30 to [-] years at most... If he is an ordinary god-transformation monk, his lifespan of a thousand years is not a problem. If he takes life-prolonging substances, he can live for fifteen hundred years. What's the difficulty in carrying it? 】

[You suddenly understand in your heart that such evil cultivation methods will greatly damage your lifespan!The lifespan is less than one-fifth of that of monks of the same realm! 】

[But at the same time, you are also surprised that this person without spiritual roots has been able to reach the middle stage of spiritual transformation in more than 160 years, and his qualifications are close to those of a monk with spiritual roots! 】

[You wanted to continue questioning this god-transforming monk, but he still threatened you slightly. In the end, he seemed to have seen something terrifying. There was a look of pain on his face, and he fell to the ground and lost his breath within a few minutes. 】

[After the death of this cultivator, his face rapidly aged and became as thin as a stick... All the energy, blood, energy and spirit in his body seemed to have been sucked away. 】

[In just a few breaths, he changed from a middle-aged man to a decrepit man, and finally turned into a mummy. 】

[Resentment and karma are wrapped around the mummy, and even the soul has been completely wiped out. 】

[You were suddenly surprised and quickly activated your consciousness to inspect the corpse. 】

[But an insect the size of a thumb was found under the body! 】

【This is a Gu worm! 】

[The whole body is red, with the smell of resentment and blood lingering around it, giving people a very vicious feeling. 】

[If your prediction is correct, the reason why the body of this god-transformation monk shriveled up quickly is probably because all his energy, blood, cultivation, and soul were swallowed up by this Gu insect. 】

[Use your spiritual power and grab this Gu insect. 】

[After being caught by you, this Gu insect stared at you with hatred and viciousness. Its eyes the size of sesame seeds were blood red, and it seemed to be extremely intelligent. 】

[Then the Gu worm bared its teeth at you, as if it wanted to eat your flesh and blood. 】

[But after being burned by your fire spirit, the Gu insect instantly became more honest. 】

[So you look at this Gu insect carefully. 】

[In the induction of your spiritual consciousness, this Gu insect’s thumb-sized body actually hides huge energy. 】

[This energy comes from the same source as the one you sensed from the monks in the Transformation Stage before, but there seems to be less resentment and karma, and the energy is purer. 】

[You were a little unsure, so you took out a jade bottle and put the Gu worms in it. 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him thoughtfully.

The information contained in the lines of text in front of me is really too great.

"A monk who takes blood pills to improve his cultivation can reach the Nascent Soul stage in just a hundred years... and become a god in less than 200 years!"

"Hiss~ Who is this Blood Immortal? He actually created such a heaven-defying method!"

From Su Xing's point of view, the Blood Demon Sect's practice method has obviously become a system.

There is a special training method, the Blood Immortal Sutra!

There are even more specialized training resources, the fist-sized blood pill from before!
"For ordinary monks, if they can cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Realm after a hundred years, they are already considered to be very talented..."

"The realm of Jindan Yuanying...even for those with excellent qualifications will take three to five hundred years!"

"Not to mention the cultivators of the Transformation Stage... there are not a few who have been unable to break through after thousands of years of cultivation, and eventually turned into a handful of loess..."

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"But the monks in this Blood Demon copy can become gods in less than 200 years... Although they can only live for 200 years in the god transformation period..."

"But this is equivalent to exchanging longevity for cultivation... Ordinary people can only live for 80 years, but becoming a god-forming monk can live for [-] years."

"It's not bad at all, but I wonder if there are any other side effects for monks in this world besides their short lifespan?"

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated.

"And this Gu insect... although it has some intelligence, it cannot communicate. It seems to be just a violent thing. The person who raised it... uses the essence, blood and longevity of the monks as one body. It has a big plot!"

Su Xing sighed softly and finally said:
"Besides, this time I went to the Blood Demon's Cave, I discovered another weakness of mine."

"Although my cultivation is strong, I don't know the basic magic of searching for souls... It seems that I have to try to practice it when I have time."

Among the inheritance of Zong Laogou when he woke up, there were also techniques similar to the Soul Searching Technique and the Blood Burning Technique.

Although it has some side effects or is a bit vicious, there is still a gap compared to the real evil cultivation method.

If you wake up and study, you can also improve your own skills several times.

"With my current level of cultivation, it should be much easier to practice these basic techniques..."

“You can spend some energy in the simulation later and use immersive simulation to learn!”

"But for now, let's continue exploring the Blood Demon Sect!" Su Xing thought as he looked at the simulation panel.

[After dealing with the Gu worms, you release your spiritual consciousness and prepare to head towards the Blood Demon Sect. 】

[The Blood Demon Sect is thousands of kilometers away from where you are, but at your current speed, Yu Jian can fly there in less than half an hour. 】

[When you arrive at the Blood Demon Sect, you will find that the entire Blood Demon Sect has lined up to meet the enemy. Tens of thousands of monks are guarding the mountain gate, and countless spiritual consciousnesses are sweeping towards you. 】

[A blood-red light curtain enveloped the entire Blood Demon Sect. 】

[With your formation skills, you can tell at a glance that this is at least an intermediate compound defensive formation!The power is even comparable to the defensive formations encountered in the Five Elements Sect before. 】

[You tiptoe slightly, and the Mo Bingjian falls into your hand, supported by your spiritual power, standing high in the sky. 】

[The corners of your clothes move with the wind, and your heart moves, and a sword energy strikes out! 】

[The sword energy stretches endlessly, passing through the air like a lone shadow, and slams into the blood-red light curtain. 】

[With just one sword strike, the Blood Demon Sect’s defensive formation shattered layer by layer like a spider web, with the risk of being completely shattered at any time. 】

[Seeing that you almost destroyed the sect-protecting formation with one strike of your sword, the entire sect’s monks suddenly panicked. 】

[At first, some monks advised you to leave quickly, and some threatened you. 】

[But you are dismissive. The purpose of your coming here is to test the background and strength of the Blood Demon Sect. 】

[So you adjust your breathing and slash out a sword light across the sky again. 】

[As this sword light flashed, the entire Blood Demon Sect's sect-protecting formation finally could no longer hold up, and the blood-colored light curtain turned into blood rain all over the sky, and the layers shattered. 】

[Seeing the sect-protecting formation shattered, the monks in the Blood Demon Sect were no longer calm and quickly called for the monks to rush towards you. 】

[For a moment, swords, swords, spiritual weapons, etc. all kinds of attack methods are coming at you like raindrops. 】

[But you just smiled slightly and casually supported the body-protecting Qi, thus isolating all these methods from the outside. 】

[Immediately afterwards, your spiritual consciousness scanned all the monks on the ground and found that most of these monks were in the foundation building and golden elixir stages, and the number of monks above Nascent Soul was much smaller. 】

[A monk at this level cannot withstand your casual blow at all. 】

[You thought for a moment and put away the Mo Bingjian in your hand. The terrifying spiritual power gathered in your palm and began to compress continuously. 】

[You consumed one-third of your spiritual power to form a wood-attribute cyclone, and then injected a wisp of fire-attribute spiritual power into it. 】

[With the cultivation level of these low-level monks, they are simply unable to resist the Spiritual Explosion Technique. 】

[Compared to swordsmanship, spiritual explosion has a wider attack range and is very suitable for cleaning up these low-level monks. 】

[With a thought in your mind, throw the Spiritual Explosion Technique in your palm into the Blood Demon Sect! 】

【boom!In an instant, a terrifying spiritual power explosion swept through most of the sect...]

[After a few breaths, the smoke slowly dissipated, and I saw thousands of low-level monks below being killed by you like ants. 】

[Fear and roars instantly filled the entire Blood Demon Sect. 】

[But you calmly took out a bottle of spiritual liquid. After taking a sip, you condensed the cyclone again and released the spiritual explosion technique downwards. 】

[In this way, you released three spiritual explosions in succession. 】

[There were tens of thousands of monks in the entire sect, but in less than a quarter of an hour, only a few dozen were left. 】

[So monks below the stage of becoming gods are all killed by the Spiritual Explosion Technique without distinction. 】

[And those monks in the transformation stage were also seriously injured and their breath was weak. 】

[After clearing the area, you controlled your spiritual power and slowly descended into the Blood Demon Sect's main hall, where you saw dozens of monks who had finally gathered together for defense. 】

[Except for the two Void-Returning Stage cultivators who deserve a second look, these Spirit-Transformation cultivators are equally vulnerable to you. 】

[You slowly come to the main hall and kill a god-transformation monk with a sword. 】

[Then the consciousness swept over the corpse. Sure enough, just as you thought before, the corpse rotted quickly, and soon a Gu worm slowly crawled out of the corpse. 】

[Use your spiritual power and grab the Gu worm. The Gu worm immediately grinned at you. 】

[You frown slightly, not only the incarnation monks you killed before, or the corpse you killed in front of you, but also the monks from all the sects, from the foundation building stage to the Nascent Soul stage, turned into corpses after death. . 】

[You look up at the monks in front of you, and they are suddenly trembling in shock. 】

[Spiritual consciousness scans the only two cultivators in the Void Return Stage. 】

[As expected, these two monks in the stage of returning to the virtual world both seem to have lost their lifespan and have weak auras. 】

[One of them, a tall returning cultivator, is in better condition, but the other one is already riddled with black energy, and his lifespan is no more than fifty years...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly as he looked at the text in front of him and murmured:
"Unexpectedly, even the monks in the Return to Void Stage don't have much longevity?"

"Normal return-to-empty stage monks can easily live for two to three thousand years...but the life-span of return-to-empty stage monks in this world may not be more than four to five hundred years, right?"

"Is it because of the Blood Immortal Sutra?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and then said silently:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spending 240 million energy points, 10 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in a strange environment.

First there was the strong smell of blood and the thick, uncomfortable smell in the air.

Su Xing frowned slightly and glanced forward.

Dozens of monks with different faces and holding weapons and magic weapons were seen dozens of meters away in front of Su Xing.

Every monk had deep fear in their eyes.

Su Xing glanced at the monks who had turned into rotten corpses not far away, and then glanced at the dozens of living monks in front of him with his consciousness, and murmured:
"Sure enough, it's just like what was described in the simulated text...these monks' lifespan is damaged and they don't look like immortal cultivators at all!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The methods practiced by monks in this world have deviated from the origin of the path of cultivation and gone to some extreme.

What is the path of spiritual practice?

Although Su Xing has only entered the world of immortality for less than two years, because he has experienced the five stages of transformation into a god, he is quite firm about the state of mind of cultivating immortals and his desire to seek the Tao.

In Su Xing's view, any monk has only one ultimate goal of cultivating the Tao, and that is immortality!
Those who live forever will live as long as the heaven and the earth, and will shine with the sun and the moon.

Further down, the immortal cultivators may want to be happy with their grudges, or they may want to be free and easy... Or they may be ambitious monks who want to seize the power of the world and get drunk in the lap of a beautiful woman.

But no matter what, it cannot be separated from the ultimate goal of cultivating immortality, immortality!

But even if a monk in this world achieves the Void Return Stage, his longevity is not even as good as that of an ordinary Golden Core Yuanying monk.

This move really goes against the essence of cultivating immortality.

"Quick fixes are really not advisable..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. The only good thing is that this Blood Immortal Sutra doesn't pick anyone.

Just when he was awake and deep in thought, the dozens of monks in front of him all said with trembling voices:

"Senior, what grudge do you have against us? Why go to the trouble of destroying our whole Blood Demon Sect?"

"That's right...Senior, those low-level monks will kill you if you want...but for us monks above the divine transformation stage, it's not easy to practice!"

Su Xing looked coldly at the monks begging for mercy and said nothing.

Seeing that they were unable to regain their consciousness, these monks threatened again:
"Senior, although you are very powerful...our Blood Demon Sect is not someone to be trifled with!"

"This time, although you defeated my Blood Demon Sect, it was because our Blood Dragon Ancestor was not in the sect when he went out!"

"But if you break through the formation, the Blood Dragon Ancestor will definitely return soon. If you leave now, we can still pretend that nothing happened...otherwise you won't be able to escape even if you want to!"

After Su Xing heard the words of the two Void Return Stage monks, he showed a look of interest and asked:
"Oh? I killed tens of thousands of monks from your Blood Demon Sect, how can you pretend that nothing happened?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

The two Void Return Stage monks looked at each other after hearing this.

A slightly stronger monk stepped forward and said to Su Xing:
"Senior, to tell you the truth, the Blood Dragon Ancestor is my father!"

"If you are willing to be so noble, we will treat it as if nothing has happened... and we are even willing to give you a big gift!"

 Brothers, I was deceived by a man pretending to be a woman online. After meeting, I vomited all over the floor. I have acute appendicitis and I can’t type. The chapter at noon tomorrow will be postponed for a few hours...

(End of this chapter)

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