Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 210 Use the cultivation of one world as a sacrifice to fulfill one’s path!

Chapter 210 Use the cultivation of one realm as a sacrifice to fulfill one person’s path! (5k, please subscribe~)

When Su Xing heard this, he showed a look of interest and said doubtfully:
"Big gift? You mean..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the tall and strong monk in the Void Return Stage took out a bottle of liquid, handed it over and said:
"Senior, this blood spirit liquid... is the most advanced cultivation treasure of our Blood Demon Sect. It can not only improve your cultivation, but also has much less side effects... it is far less harmful to the foundation than the blood coagulation pill..."

When Su Xing heard this, his heart moved, and he used his spiritual power to hold the bottle of spiritual liquid.

In order to prevent any treacherous tricks, Su Xing also checked it carefully with his spiritual consciousness before taking it.

Opening the cork, Su Xing smelled a refreshing fragrance full of spiritual power.

Su Xing poured out a wisp of spiritual liquid and observed it carefully for a moment. The spiritual liquid was pink in color and was indeed not as full of resentment and violence as the blood-coagulated pill he had found before.

Moreover, the quality of this spiritual liquid is excellent, even higher than the low-grade spiritual liquid that Su Xing owns. Su Xing estimates that it has reached the level of mid-grade spiritual liquid.

But after careful inspection, Su Xing still frowned slightly.

Although it is much better than the Blood Condensation Pill, this blood spirit liquid is still filled with a trace of karma and is not as pure as the real spirit liquid.

And after taking it for a long time, this blood spirit liquid will definitely damage the foundation.

Su Xing collected the blood spirit liquid, shook his head slightly and said:

"This spiritual liquid is impure, so it is not enough to buy your lives!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the tall and strong monk in the Void Return Stage kept his expression unchanged and said confidently:

"Senior, just one bottle of blood spiritual liquid is naturally not enough... But if it is a million drops of blood spiritual liquid, I wonder if senior would be interested?"

When Su Xing saw the monk's confident look, he suddenly felt like laughing.

It is true that spiritual liquid is a very valuable cultivation material for monks who are returning to the void or even in the integration stage.

Especially this blood spiritual liquid is comparable to the existence of mid-grade spiritual liquid.

And in today's era of Dharma-ending and spiritual energy depletion, this blood spiritual liquid is indeed a rare good thing.

But for Su Xing, that may not be the case.

If Su Xing is willing, he can easily obtain millions of drops of spiritual liquid in one simulation.

Although the spiritual liquid in Lingtian Cave may not be as effective as the blood spiritual liquid in improving cultivation.

But the advantage is that the energy is pure, has no side effects, and will not be contaminated with the karma that even immortals avoid.

Su Xing estimated that the actual value of 100 million drops of blood spiritual liquid is equivalent to 500 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid.

With Su Xing's current vision, he still looks down upon it.

Thought so far.

But Su Xing did not make it clear. Instead, he pretended to be hesitant and asked instead:
"But, I killed tens of thousands of monks from your Blood Demon Sect... Could it be that when the Blood Demon Ancestor comes, he won't settle the score with me?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the tall monk smiled even more and said firmly:
"Haha, I don't know, senior...those low-level monks are just some reserve human elixirs to us!"

"We, the Blood Demon Sect, believe in the great Blood Immortal..."

"And the Lord Blood Immortal's lifelong wish is to create a prosperous age of immortality where everyone can cultivate immortality and become a great monk!"

"The journey of cultivating immortals is inherently unfair... Why are those monks with spiritual roots born to be the proud ones of heaven? And we mortals... can only be ants?"

Speaking of this, the tall monk continued with fanatical faith and reverence on his face:

"And the Blood Immortal Sutra! It's a technique that can create a new era!"

"In this new era, everyone can practice cultivation! Everyone has the chance to become an immortal! As long as..."

"Haha, senior seems to be practicing pure spiritual power?"

Speaking of this, the tall monk licked his lips and said somewhat crazily:
"If the senior is willing to practice the Blood Immortal Sutra, he will be able to reach the integration stage within a hundred years!"

"Coupled with the longevity of my senior... maybe within 500 years I will be able to get a glimpse of the immortal way and achieve the realm of loose immortality!"

"By then...the world is so big and seniors have a long lifespan...you can go anywhere!"

The tall monk shook his head as he spoke, as if he wanted to brainwash Su Xing.

Su Xing sneered after hearing this. If he were an ordinary monk, he might not be able to withstand such temptation.

But there is plenty of time to wake up, and there is a simulator, so playing slowly and steadily is better than anything else.

"Blood Immortal..."

Wake up thinking.

Obviously, from what the tall monk said, Su Xing could roughly tell that the Blood Immortal and the Blood Dragon Ancestor were not the same person.

And Su Xing is now more than [-]% sure that the Blood Dragon Ancestor is probably the Dragon Protector.

After all, creatures like dragons are rare, and the Dragon Protector personally admitted that he came from the Blood Demon Realm.

Su Xing continued to ask:

"Haha, I understand your thoughts for the time being... I wonder how long it will take the Blood Dragon Ancestor to come back?"

"I would like to meet them..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, the tall monk quickly said:

"My father is currently in seclusion and is not in this world...but I think my father already knows about the senior's destruction of the formation."

"As short as three months, as long as half a year...my father will definitely come to meet my senior!"

"At that time... I will help you bridge the gap, and I believe the misunderstanding will be resolved!"

"After my senior practices the Blood Immortal Sutra, he will definitely become the second ancestor of our Blood Demon Sect. By then, there is hope for immortality!"

Su Xing laughed after hearing this and did not explain, but just said:
"In this case, I want to get the complete version of the Blood Immortal Sutra. I want to retreat and comprehend it..."

After hearing this, the tall monk quickly handed over a jade slip.

Su Xing did not refuse. After taking the jade slip, he randomly found a place to investigate.

Soon, the immersive simulation time ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This Blood Immortal Sutra... is actually a top-notch heaven-level technique!"

"Even the path after the Immortal has a vague description... It seems that this Blood Immortal must have an extraordinary origin!"

Su Xing has no intention of practicing the Blood Immortal Sutra.

But he was not in a hurry to leave the Blood Demon Sect, but planned to meet the so-called Blood Dragon Ancestor.

"At this time, it should be about half a year before the behemoth arrives in the simulation..."

"We should make good use of this time!"

Su Xing had a vague idea in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[You are not in a hurry to leave the Blood Demon Cave instance, but choose to stay in the Blood Demon Sect. 】

[In the next month, you will enter the Lingtian Cave and accumulate the blessing of great wisdom and foolishness for three days. 】

[After accumulating the state of being roughly stupid, you are ready to practice soul searching. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Three days to practice a soul-searching technique should be enough!"

The Soul Searching Technique can be practiced by Jindan Yuanying monks.

With the current awakening cultivation level, it is naturally easy to practice such ordinary techniques.

Coupled with the comprehension bonus, three days is enough.

Thinking of this, Su Xing silently said:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 72 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, spending 720 million energy points, 10 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

Then Su Xing looked at the jade slip in his hand that recorded the soul-searching technique, and prepared to start learning.

Comprehension bonus that stimulates the state of great wisdom...

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Su Xing had been studying the soul-searching technique during this period.

Three days later, Su Xing had a satisfied smile on his face and glanced at the attribute panel.

Sure enough, among the skill options, there is an additional soul-searching technique.

And it is directly at the Dacheng level!
"Tsk, tsk, as expected, it seems so easy to practice these secret techniques after you have reached a high level..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, touched his chin and said:
"Although this soul-searching technique has some evil qualities... it is very useful to me! And it has no side effects!"

The most important thing is that this kind of memory of soul searching can be learned directly in reality after waking up and using immersive simulation!
"If you calculate it this way, 700 million energy, exchanged for a soul-searching technique, is not a loss! It also saves the exchange quota..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he immediately left the Lingtian Cave and reappeared in the Blood Demon Sect.

The reason why Su Xing did not kill all these Blood Demon Sect monks was because he wanted to use the soul search technique now so that he could get more information.

For this reason, he chose to temporarily stabilize the monks in the Blood Demon Sect before waking up.

"it's time……"

Su Xing murmured, and then his heart moved, and his consciousness instantly covered the entire Blood Demon Sect.

What Su Xing didn't expect was that these few monks actually stayed in the Blood Demon Sect and did not choose to escape.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.After all, he didn't kill them before waking up, and everything was fine for a month.

In the opinion of these monks, there is no need to do this, so they may really think that Su Xing wants to join the Blood Demon Sect.

After all, if they were given 1 brains, they would never expect to awaken a Dzogchen cultivator in the Void Return Stage without even learning the soul-searching technique, right?

Su Xing quickly came to the sect hall and found the surviving monks.

After seeing the awakening, these monks were in awe and said quickly:

"Sword Demon Ancestor, what do you do for a living?"

After Su Xing heard the names of these monks, a strange look appeared on his face.

"Ancestor Sword Demon?"

Seeing Su Xing's confusion, these monks said:
"Haha, ancestor, you don't know something!"

"Your heroic appearance in that battle a month ago has been remembered by the entire Blood Demon Realm!"

"We are going to build a sculpture for you. You should be our second ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect!"

Su Xing's face darkened after hearing this. Damn, these people from the Blood Demon Sect are really weird!

But Su Xing will not give up killing these monks just because of the title of "Sword Demon Ancestor".

I saw the awakening figure flashing, and the next second he appeared next to a god-transformation monk.

He grabbed the god-transformation monk, and then awakened his consciousness and slammed into the monk's soul.

Just like a storm whipping a flower, Awakening invaded this guy's consciousness wantonly.

After a while, Su Xing got the information he wanted.

And this incarnated monk fell into coma instantly after his soul was searched, and his soul was severely damaged.

At the same time, the other monks also looked frightened.

"Senior... you, what are you doing?"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows, digesting the information in his mind, and then raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Said slowly:

"Haha, I suddenly changed my mind... I don't think the Blood Dragon Ancestor must meet..."

"Kill all of you, and maybe I can get what I want!"

After saying that, Su Xing rose up again, holding the Mo Bing Sword, and chased the remaining cultivators of the God Transformation.

These monks fled in all directions instantly.

But how can we avoid the Dzogchen awakening during the return to void period?
Every time Su Xing swung his sword, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god would die.

In just a few minutes, these god-transformation monks were completely killed by Su Xing, leaving only two Void-Returning Stage monks running towards the distance.

"Haha, the Blood Immortal Sutra... the spiritual power cultivated is illusory and the strength is too weak!"

Su Xing said calmly, and then chased towards the two remaining Void-Returning Stage monks again.

Su Xing took the lead in catching up with the older cultivator in the Void Return Stage, and the battle was about to break out.

This Void-Returning Stage cultivator had some tricks up his sleeve, and could barely survive ten rounds in Su Xing's hands.

But he was still awakened and finally shattered his Dantian, sealing away the spiritual power in his body.

Then he woke up and used the Soul Searching Technique to search for the souls of the monks in the Void Return Stage.

The difficulty of searching for souls for monks in the same realm is obviously much more difficult than searching for souls at the stage of becoming a god.

But the power of the awakened consciousness was so powerful that after just two soul strikes, the monk's soul was completely unable to defend himself.

Was awakened and searched wantonly.

After a while, Su Xing casually threw the unconscious and limp old man in the return stage to the ground.

He rubbed his somewhat swollen temples and murmured:

"The Soul Searching Technique is indeed not omnipotent!"

"This soul-searching method is best used on monks who are one level below yours... Only if the soul-searching gap is large enough can it be foolproof!"

"But if you are a monk of the same realm, there will be a certain risk of soul backlash!"

"But with the strength of my soul now, backlash is impossible...at most it will only be a little troublesome!"

Su Xing discovered that these monks who practiced the Blood Immortal Sutra not only had weak spiritual power, but even their spiritual consciousness was much lower than that of monks in the same realm.

"Sure enough, the quick fix method...has many drawbacks!"

There was already a lot of information in Su Xing's mind at the moment, but the most critical information was still missing!
"Haha... That tall and strong monk in the Void Return Stage, who claims to be the son of the Blood Dragon Ancestor, should be able to get more information, right?"

Su Xing thought so, and then quickly chased towards the last monk in the Void Return Stage.

This tall and strong monk in the Void Returning Stage escaped the farthest and fastest. At this time, he was already hundreds of miles away from waking up.

However, although Su Xing's practice of sword control is only a small success, it is enough to pursue the return stage.

After a while, Su Xing blocked the tall monk.

The tall monk showed a look of horror on his face, and finally gritted his teeth and said:
"Do you really want to kill them all?"

"My father is the ancestor of the blood dragon! You won't end well if you kill me..."

After hearing this, Su Xing rolled his eyes helplessly and complained:

"Damn it, it doesn't matter if your father is Zhang Erhe!"

After that, Su Xing attacked the tall monk with one sword and one man!
The two soon fought for dozens of rounds.

Su Xing did not attack with all his strength, but observed the tall monk while fighting.

Sure enough, compared to the previous monk who returned to the void, this monk who claimed to be the son of the Blood Dragon Ancestor was much stronger.

His cultivation is not frivolous, and is barely equivalent to that of a monk in the same realm.

Moreover, this tall and strong monk also mastered a special secret method, which seems to be inherited from the bloodline?
I saw some red and black scales appearing on his skin, which really seemed to be the rumored dragon scales.

But no matter what, this person is no match for Su Xing.

Su Xing became a little more serious and captured the tall monk alive.

Then, he attacked the monk's soul wantonly.

When the monk's soul was shattered by the impact of Su Xing, Su Xing used the soul search technique and invaded easily.

After a while, Su Xing threw the tall, dead-dog-like monk aside and rubbed his somewhat swollen temples.

"So that's it...the Blood Immortal Sutra, the Blood Demon Sect's practice...is this actually the case?"

Su Xing took out the monks' storage rings and took out four items.

A red elixir, a red stone, a bottle of blood spirit fluid, and a Gu worm.

"The red elixir is exactly the blood coagulation elixir... This is the training material for the low-level monks of the Blood Demon Sect!"

"On top of general foundation building, the golden elixir Yuanying stage monks use it the most!"

"And this red stone is a blood spirit stone... it was born in the land of blood demon ghosts! It was born... and can be used for the cultivation of monks in the spirit transformation and return to void stages... or Nascent Soul monks with good potential !”

"As for the last blood spirit liquid...it is something that can be consumed by the two Void-returning monks of the Blood Demon Sect and the Blood Demon Ancestor!"

Speaking of this, Su Xing showed a look of surprise on his face and murmured:
"I didn't expect that this evil cultivator would form such a standardized training system...I guess the Blood Demon Sect has been around for a long time!"

After a pause, Su Xing took out the last Gu worm.

"This Gu is called Blood Spirit Gu!"

"And this blood spirit Gu is also the source of everything!"

"All monks who practice the Blood Immortal Sutra will be planted with Gu insects after entering the foundation building stage, which is the Blood Spirit Gu!"

"Every time he practices, part of the monk's spiritual energy will be swallowed up by the blood spirit Gu... and part of the flesh and blood essence and life essence!"

"After all the monks die, this Blood Spirit Gu will quickly swallow up all the monks' cultivation, and then be recovered by the Blood Demon Sect and look for the next host!"

Speaking of this, Su Xing felt a chill in his eyes and said:
"This is equivalent to the fact that all monks are just containers!"

"The reason is to feed this blood spirit Gu!"

"And this blood spirit Gu, after absorbing enough spiritual energy, will enter the secret realm of the Blood Demon Sect and eventually spit out blood spirit liquid!"

"After the monk's physical body was purified and the blood spirit Gu evolved... this blood spirit fluid no longer has the terrifying side effects as it did at first, and it doesn't have such a terrifying impact on life span!"

"And this, the last person in charge of the Blood Demon Sect is nothing more than the Blood Immortal or the Blood Dragon Ancestor!"

"This is equivalent to all the monks training for the Blood Dragon Ancestor! They will eventually turn into spiritual liquid..."

Thinking of this, Rao's awakening mind felt a little horrified for a moment.

To put it bluntly, all the monks from the Blood Demon Sect and even the Blood Demon Realm only serve the Blood Dragon Ancestor!
They are just containers... containers for filtering the spiritual liquid!
Speaking of this, Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"And... the birth of a low-level monk is even more insane!"

(The update time will resume tomorrow~There will be another one at 12 o'clock tonight~)

(End of this chapter)

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