Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 211 Battle of the Blood Dragon Ancestor, Hunyuan Realm Monk?

Chapter 211 Battle of the Blood Dragon Ancestor, Hunyuan Realm Monk? (5k)

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and absorbed the memories in his mind.

The Blood Demon Sect...or the entire Blood Demon Realm, has a simple and crude method of giving birth to low-level monks!
In the entire Blood Demon Realm, there are not only monks.

There are also many cities and ordinary people.

Moreover, there are so many ordinary people, with the population in one world exceeding billions!
Subsequently, the Blood Demon Realm vigorously encouraged childbirth.

Every year, children who reach the age of ten must go through a... battle on the Immortal Road!
The so-called Battle of Immortal Road is actually to let those teenagers start practicing the Blood Immortal Sutra.

After practicing for a year, 1000 people entered a closed environment.

Finally... after a fight!

The only child who survives in the end can become a Qi Refining Monk... and can absorb the blood sacrifices obtained from the killing.

Get the so-called... blood coagulation pill!

After that, with the Blood Condensation Pill, you can quickly become a foundation-building monk!
After the foundation is established, there will be a killing contest every ten years.

Hundreds of people participated in the competition, and only one person survived. This person will be able to receive the Blood Coagulation Pill reward.

Moreover, after practicing the Blood Immortal Sutra, the lifespan of a foundation-building monk is less than fifty years.

Golden elixir monk, with a lifespan of eighty or ninety years...

A Nascent Soul monk, with a lifespan of one hundred and twenty years...

Moreover, the deeper you cultivate and the more blood coagulation pills you take, the greater the loss of your lifespan!

Of course, the vast majority of Blood Demon Sect monks will not live to that age.

Because of the killing battle that happens once every ten years, 90.00% of the foundation-building monks and even the golden elixir monks will die in it...

It is only slightly better after the Nascent Soul stage, when you can use the Blood Spirit Stone to practice, and the loss of longevity is slightly smaller.

So...all the foundation building, golden elixir, Nascent Soul, and even the god-transforming monks that Su Xing saw were finally obtained after fighting again and again!

"Hiss~ It's simply terrifying!"

"This is not just a world of monks, but a world of all human beings to support the top monks!"

"Such a barbaric law of the jungle...is truly an evil cultivator!"

Su Xing finally understood that the journey of cultivating immortality was not as inevitable as he thought.

Whether it is Long Lao Gou, Zong Lao Gou, Wan Mu Zhenren... or today's Blood Demon Realm.

When the spiritual energy is exhausted, people will kill others and monks will kill others!
"Compared with this blood demon world, Zong Laogou looks like a decent monk... It's really ridiculous!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

The old dog from the Shu Sect spent most of his life running away, and only after being labeled a bad person did he become an evil cultivator while running away.

At most, I have only done blood sacrifices to the city...

Compared to the Blood Demon Realm, the gap is not even a tiny bit!
"No wonder this blood-coagulated pill, blood spirit stone, and blood spirit liquid... all have such amazing karma. I'm afraid this act has been disgusted by the will of the world, right?"

Su Xing sighed softly, but also had some doubts in his heart.

Where does this blood fairy come from?
He is so unconscionable. Now that he has become an immortal, aren't he afraid of karma?

You know, the higher the cultivation level of a monk, the more afraid he is of invisible and intangible mysteries such as cause and effect.

Because at a critical moment, these things are more likely to kill a powerful monk.

After waking up and thinking for a moment, he rushed to the Blood Demon Sect again.

Su Xing followed the memories he found in his mind and soon arrived at the back mountain of the Blood Demon Sect.

After breaking the back mountain formation, Su Xing arrived at the forbidden area of ​​the Blood Demon Sect.

This place is the center of the Blood Demon Sect's production of Blood Condensation Pills, Blood Spirit Stones and Blood Spirit Liquid!
After entering the forbidden area, Su Xing felt the strong smell of blood, the overwhelming resentment... and the terrifying karma.

Su Xing frowned slightly and murmured:
"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time...otherwise, I'm afraid karma will accumulate and it will be detrimental to your practice!"

So Su Xing quickly started looking for it.

As far as the eye can see, there are only skeletons... some of the skeletons are even only half the size of ordinary people...

Next to the blood pools, there are still uncondensed blood pills.

On top of the corpse, blood spirit stone crystals began to appear faintly.

And deeper, there are blood spirit Gus that are just soaking in the pool, making people's scalp numb, and they are constantly spitting out blood spirit fluid...

Not long after entering this forbidden area, Su Xing felt the frustration lingering in his heart.

Without thinking too much, Su Xing swung out sword energy one after another.

Countless sword energy instantly enveloped the entire Blood Demon Sect forbidden area.

Countless blood pools, blood spirit stones, and blood sacrifice formations were all destroyed by the awakening.

After doing all this, Su Xing left the forbidden area with satisfaction.

I just feel that the depression in my heart has finally dissipated.

"There are so many avenues... evil cultivators are not the right path after all!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

Soon, the immersive simulation time ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

In the real world, Su Xing murmured:
"Compared to Blue Star, the humans in the Blood Demon Realm live in real hell, right?"

All the ordinary people there have only one meaning of existence, reproduction...

And reproduction is given to Blood Demon Sect monks as objects of blood sacrifice... How cruel is this?
Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the simulation panel again.

"Then we just need to wait quietly. Is the Blood Dragon Ancestor a Dragon Protector?"

[In the Blood Demon Sect, you will destroy everything in the forbidden area. 】

[You feel that your heart is extremely happy, and you seem to be blessed by some mysterious power. 】

[You continue to stay in the Blood Demon Sect and quietly wait for the true form of the Blood Dragon Ancestor to arrive. 】

[Three days later, in the induction of your spiritual consciousness, a familiar breath quickly approached. 】

[This aura is none other than the Dragon Protector! 】

In the real world, Su Xing chuckled when he saw this:
"Did you actually show up in more than a month?"

"Sure enough, the Blood Demon Sect is not defenseless against me... I said before that it would take as little as three months and as long as half a year..."

"However, this Dragon Protector is indeed the Blood Dragon Ancestor!"

Su Xing was a little excited at this time.

He had previously known that the strength of the Dragon Protector's spiritual consciousness should still be at the Great Perfection stage of the Return to Void Stage.

If it was really a dragon protector, Su Xing wouldn't be worried.

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The Blood Dragon Ancestor, the Dragon Protector, is approaching you quickly. 】

[When he saw you, the Blood Dragon Ancestor showed a charming smile on his face. 】

[Obviously he also recognized you as the person who severely damaged his soul in the void world. 】

[Dragon Protector quickly enveloped the entire Blood Demon Sect with his spiritual consciousness. When he found out that all the monks had been slaughtered, he did not react at all. 】

[But when he found out that the Blood Demon Sect’s forbidden area had been destroyed by you, he instantly became furious! 】

[Obviously, in his mind, none of the tens of thousands of monks from the Blood Demon Sect, or even their descendants, are worth the cultivation materials in the forbidden area. 】

[Long Laogou roars angrily, with blood rising from his body, he sprints towards you. 】

【The war is about to break out! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said:
"Sure enough, Old Dog Long is the Ancestor Blood Dragon!"

"Haha, my soul was severely injured by me before, and now I am seriously injured. You should not be my opponent, right?"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[Seeing the old dog Long attacking you, you don’t panic. 】

[Body-protecting Gangqi and Yuanli Armor are instantly covered. 】

[Yuanli wrapped around his fists and punched Long Laogou. 】

【boom!Two fists collide! 】

[The terrifying power almost changed the color of the sky and the earth, and the earth began to fracture layer by layer...]

[What you never expected is that your power is actually slightly inferior to Long Old Dog...]

[You were knocked back dozens of meters. On the other hand, Long Laogou only stepped back a few meters and stabilized his body. 】

[Looking at Old Dog Long, who was dozens of meters away, your eyes became serious. 】

[Because this old dog Long is not a Breaking Void Realm monk at all, but a Hunyuan Realm monk! 】

[Pure power, even Long Laogou is more than [-]% stronger than you! 】

[This is still under the condition of Yuanli entanglement... This shows that Long Laogou is probably a monk in the middle stage of the Shattering Void Realm. 】

[Long Laogou saw a look of surprise on his face when he saw that one punch failed to kill you. 】

[He mistook you for a Hunyuan Realm monk, because only Hunyuan Realm monks have such terrifying power...] [Yu Long, the old dog, did not intend to hide his clumsiness, roared angrily, and his whole body began to change...]

[I saw that its size gradually increased several times...scales began to grow all over its body, and its hands turned into dragon claws...]

[Just a moment later, Old Dragon Dog turned into a dragon hundreds of feet long, with red and black scales all over its body! 】

[Deer antlers, bull head, rabbit eyes, snake body, eagle claws! 】

[This is clearly a real dragon from Eastern legends and myths! 】

[This is not caused by the transformation of spiritual veins like the spiritual dragon you encountered before... You can feel that the Dragon Protector is an Eastern dragon with real dragon blood in its body! 】

[Because the terrifying pressure makes you a little scared...]

[But now that the matter has come to this, you naturally cannot back down at all. 】

[Although you are only in the late stage of Breaking the Void Realm, your foundation is perfect, and coupled with the perfection of the Earth Sword, you dare to fight even a monk in the middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm...]

[So you raised the Mo Bing Sword in your hand, entangled it with your elemental energy, and then used extreme speed to kill towards the Dragon Protector's true form. 】

[After only a few rounds of fighting, you realize that you were wrong. 】

[The dragon clan has terrifying bloodline potential. When the true body arrives, its physical strength is already comparable to that of a monk in the late Hunyuan realm. 】

[In just a moment of fighting, your body-protecting Qi was shattered. 】

[The Yuanli armor also quickly became dilapidated...]

[After fighting for several rounds, your body is on the verge of being broken...]

[You have no choice but to get out of your body...]

[Your soul was annihilated by the dragon protector...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

There was a look of shock on his face when he finally woke up.

"This dragon protector... is actually a Hunyuan realm monk!"

"Refining body and Hunyuan... This is more difficult than refining Qi to combine body!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, but thinking about the talent of the dragon race in the physical body, it is second to none among thousands of races.

I don’t know how long this dragon protector has lived, but it seems possible that he can cultivate to the realm of Hunyuan!
"Damn, I was careless this time!"

"I only knew that the Dragon Protector was a monk who refined his energy and returned to the void...but I didn't expect that his body-refining skills were so strong!"

"Coupled with the fact that the Dragon Clan's true body... has first-class resilience and physical strength, I'm afraid I have to enter the Fusion and Hunyuan realms before I can fight with them, right?"

But Su Xing quickly thought of a talent he had drawn.

Dragon Slayer!
Dragon Slayer, purple talent, can have a strong restraint effect on dragons!
If Su Xing succeeds in bringing out this talent, he might really be able to fight Long Laogou...

"However, you need to at least enter the integration stage before you can fight against Long Laogou, right?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The premise of all this is that in simulation, if it were in reality, Su Xing would even choose to hold his hand and wait until his realm was enough to crush Long Laogou before taking action.

"However... we still haven't received any news about the Blood Immortal... It seems that only from Long Laogou can we get information about the Blood Immortal and the leader of the Advent Cult!"

Su Xing was thoughtful.

Soon, Su Xing took out a pen and paper and made some plans for his current enemies and the next development.

Currently, there are five imaginary targets for waking up!
They are, first, the Five Elements Real Person!
Wu Xingzhen is the weakest of Su Xing's imaginary enemies, and Su Xing is confident that he can deal with it now.

After defeating the Five Elements Master and exploring the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, Su Xing was able to obtain the method of mutual generation of the Five Elements, as well as the Five Elements Formation, and inherit part of the inheritance of the Five Elements Sect, which was a considerable gain.

The second goal is to kill Zhenren Wanmu.

With Su Xing's current strength, he is somewhat confident of killing Master Wan Mu.

But to be on the safe side, Su Xing can wait until he breaks through to merge before killing Wanmu Zhenren in reality.

The benefits of killing Wanmu Zhenren are huge.

A spiritual dragon, hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, thousands of years of elixirs, puppets of the living dead, the alchemy technique of the Ten Thousand Trees Sect...

These are the things that Su Xing longs for.

As for the third goal, it is to kill the killing apostle on the killing battlefield.

According to Su Xing's guess, the Killing Apostle's strength is around the mid-to-late stage of the Great Emperor level, that is, around the mid-to-late stage of fusion.

But because of the Slaughter Moon's suppression of Awakening on the killing battlefield.

The strength of awakening will be seriously affected.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, we can only go exploring after the awakening has been combined.

"After killing the Killing Messenger...the passage from this world to the outside world will be opened!"

"By then, I will surely be able to come into contact with the real Three Thousand Worlds, right?"

Su Xing was a little excited thinking about this.

There is also a Qingyun Order in his storage bag.

If you can travel to the Great Thousand Worlds, you can find news about the Qingyun Sect...

The fourth imaginary enemy of Su Xing is naturally the Dragon Protector.

The Dragon Protector is the highest combat power of the Advent Sect that Su Xing already knows.

Qi refining has been completed, and body refining is in the middle stage of Hunyuan realm... plus dragon bloodline!
Su Xing estimated that this should be the most difficult one among the four enemies.

"If you want to kill the dragon protector, the dragon slayer talent is essential... In addition, you need to improve your cultivation as much as possible, at least combine the Qi refining with the body and the body refining with the Hunyuan realm... Only then can you have full confidence! "

"However, after killing the dragon guardian, there will naturally be many benefits... but it may also cause unnecessary trouble!"

"That is the possible leader of the Advent Sect...and the Blood Immortal who founded the Blood Immortal Sutra!"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"And these two may be the same person..."

"At the same time, he is also my last imaginary enemy and the strongest one!"

"Of course, in addition to these five... there is also the double-eyed Demon Saint, who is also a target that needs to be dealt with... But the Demon Saint is at the first level, and you may need to reach the Great Perfection of the Fusion Stage before you can give it a try!"

Su Xing recorded his plan in a small notebook.

As the number of simulations increases, Su Xing becomes more and more cautious in planning each simulation.

Because every simulation is a huge leap in strength for Su Xing and cannot be wasted!

"Very good... For the next thing, we still have to further improve our strength!"

"And try to find a way to get in touch with other worlds as soon as possible... But there is no rush at this time, we still have to take steps and put our own safety first!"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

If there is an opportunity in front of him, let Su Xing immediately enter the world and come into contact with the real world of immortality.

But if the condition is that it will expose itself, then Su Xing will decisively refuse!

Because living is more important than other opportunities!

In addition, Su Xing still has a worry in his heart.

"Qingyunzi, judging from the previous solutions, this cheap master of mine should be considered a righteous monk..."

"But given the overwhelming odds, even a leader in the righteous path doesn't know what he would do... just like that Wan Mu Zhenren!"

"If Qingyunzi knows that I have grown to the combined stage in just one or two years... will it bring disaster to me?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he didn't quite understand this yet.

"Forget it, let's look at the rewards of this simulation first!"

Wake up and look at the simulated reward.

[Breaking Defense]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Breaking Void Realm Dzogchen]: Cultivation in the Broken Void Realm, using your own power to destroy illusions, sold for 2 million energy.

[Divine Consciousness 11 Zhang (Enter the Micro Realm)]: The beginning of endless divine consciousness, which has broken the limit of spiritual consciousness of ordinary monks in the return stage, but still has huge potential for growth.Priced at 7 million!
[Blood Immortal Sutra]: Created by powerful monks, it can be practiced without spiritual roots or spiritual energy. It is a quick method for evil cultivation... However, there is an important secret behind this sutra, which is sold for 10 billion energy.

[10 Blood Coagulation Pills]: A cultivation pill that contains mixed spiritual energy. The refining method is cruel. Taking it will damage your lifespan. It sells for 10 billion energy.

[1 Blood Spirit Stones]: A cultivation stone that contains mixed spiritual energy. It is the crystallization of resentment and spiritual energy. The refining method is cruel. Taking it will damage your lifespan. It is sold for 10 billion energy.

[100 million drops of blood spirit fluid]: A practice spirit fluid containing some mixed spiritual energy. It has been purified by the blood spirit Gu. However, taking it will still damage your lifespan and deepen your karma. It is sold for 10 billion energy.

[1 Blood Spirit Gu]: A spiritual Gu that swallows longevity, spiritual energy, and essence of flesh and blood. It lives on resentment and can purify mixed forces.The price is 100 million energy.

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward in front of him with surprise in his eyes.

"This Blood Immortal Sutra is actually worth 10 billion energy? Is this a technique on the same level as Shen Nong's Spiritual Nurturing Technique? It's a real immortal technique!"

"There are also these blood-coagulated pills, blood spirit stones, and spiritual liquid spirit Gu... Although the refining methods are cruel, the energy contained in them is beyond expectation!"

In Su Xing's mind, there was a vague idea.

(End of this chapter)

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