Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 212 Awakening: I didn’t mean to cut the real person into five pieces!

Chapter 212 Wake up: I didn’t mean to cut the real person into pieces! (5k)

Of course, he would not take these blood spirit stones, blood condensation pills, etc. when he wakes up.

But if it is used to convert energy into simulators, then there is a lot of potential!

What Su Xing saw was that within the Blood Demon Sect's forbidden area, there were all kinds of blood pools of spiritual liquid and blood spirit stones...

When all is added up, the energy contained is at least tens to tens of billions!

Thinking of this, Su Xing's little heart jumped.

"My dear, if we rob the Blood Demon Sect, wouldn't we be able to directly obtain tens of billions of energy, and have cultivation levels in the integration stage or even higher realms?"

Su Xing felt greedy in his heart for a moment.

But then Su Xing shook his head and said:

"However, I am not a match for Long Laogou's strength yet... Even if we rob the Blood Demon Sect, I don't know if it will cause greater hidden dangers..."

"It's better to be on the safe side in this matter!"

After a pause, Su Xing showed a meaningful smile.

"But... who said that before going to the Blood Demon Sect, we must kill Old Dog Long?"

"Long Laogou himself should still be in the Advent Sect's treasure house, right?"

"If I robbed the Blood Demon Sect and acted more subtly, would he be able to find out?"

Su Xing touched his chin.

Possessing the Bagua arithmetic skills, the awakening Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique should be able to deceive the dragon guardian.

But the stakes are high, and resuscitation should be simulated several times to prevent accidents.

"Forget it, let's talk about these things later!"

"Right now, we still have to choose the rewards for this simulation first... and improve our cultivation to the Void-Breaking Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate much and said silently:

"I choose the Dzogchen realm of Breaking the Void and the 11-foot divine consciousness!"

[You successfully brought out the Dzogchen cultivation level of the Shattering Void Realm, spending 2 million energy, and the remaining energy is 8 million points. . 】

[You successfully brought out 11 feet of spiritual consciousness, spending 7 million energy, and the remaining energy is 9000 million points. 】

Looking at the long list of numbers that were rapidly shrinking on the panel, Su Xing suddenly felt distressed and twitched.

"However, it's all worth it!"

Su Xing comforted herself so much.

As the simulator beep sounded, two mysterious energies surged into the awakened body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the surge in his own cultivation momentum.

The eighth level of the Broken Void Realm... the ninth level of the Broken Void Realm...

After that, the Void-breaking Realm is completed!
In just a few breaths, the awakened body training and cultivation reached the Great Perfection of the Shattering Void Realm as a matter of course.

His energy, strength, vitality, and physical strength... all climbed several levels in a short period of time!

Wake up and sit cross-legged, close your eyes and grasp and realize the energy contained in your body.

After a long time, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he murmured:
"It's unbelievable... My current pure physical strength may have skyrocketed to a full 500 million tons!"

"If I am entangled with Yuanli, my power will reach 1000 million tons!"

"My strength has increased ten times compared to when I first entered the Po Void Realm!"

"Furthermore...the intensity and total amount of Yuanli in the body have also increased several times compared to when he first entered the Void-Breaking Realm!"

Su Xing was a little shocked.

You must know that a hill over 100 meters high weighs only 1000 million tons!
Now that Su Xing is using all his strength, he can really carry a mountain over 100 meters high on his back!

"With my current strength... how terrifying would it be if I entered the Hunyuan Realm?"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with anticipation.

After experiencing the sudden increase in physical training, Su Xing quickly returned to the real world.

Immediately afterwards, all 11 feet of divine consciousness was released, sweeping across the entire Kyoto city like a tide.

11 feet is equivalent to a circle with Su Xing as the center and a radius of three to four hundred kilometers. Every move is within Su Xing's understanding.

This is no longer just a matter of covering the entire city with one thought.

Instead, the entire province and even most of the northern plains are covered by the awakening consciousness.

"Huh~ The range of spiritual consciousness is much stronger than before!"

"In this way, if you want to find someone, it will become easy..."

"But what has really changed is the strength of my spiritual consciousness! The power of my battle with the Ruyi Golden Cauldron is much stronger than before!"

"It's unbelievable... With my current spiritual consciousness, I haven't reached the peak! If it reaches the peak, how wide can it be? 15 feet? Or even... 20 feet!"

Su Xing now truly understands the benefits of a solid foundation.

Practicing the idea of ​​wishful thinking and swallowing concentration pills for many years, the potential of the awakened spiritual consciousness has almost reached the limit that can be reached during the return to void stage!

After waking up, I experienced the wonderful functions of spiritual consciousness.

First, he covered his consciousness near the school. Su Xing saw Jin Congxue who was in the villa...

"Huh? What is Jin Congxue doing... Why is he lying on the bed alone, his face so flushed?"


Su Xing shook his head slightly, and his consciousness drifted away again.

The geese in the sky began to fly south, and there seemed to be a large wasteland outside the western suburbs of Kyoto...

Every detail is under Su Xing’s control.

The consciousness continues to explore outside.

Gradually, it exceeded the scope of Kyoto City... and came to the neighboring Northern Province.

There is almost no need for Su Xing to search deliberately. All life forms with strong auras will automatically appear in Su Xing's induction like blips on a radar.

After sensing the faint breath of life in the distance, Su Xing raised his eyebrows and murmured:
"Tsk tsk... we really can't underestimate the heritage of each chamber of commerce family..."

"In the top chambers of commerce, there are almost one or two Martial Emperor-level powerhouses... It seems that there are also quite a few Heavenly King-level powerhouses?"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

The strongest person he can sense is probably the Martial Emperor level one.

And stronger legendary level experts can almost only be encountered in the Demon Suppression Pass.

"This is not the most dangerous time in the Demon Suppression Pass... so all the major families still retain their hidden power, which shows that there are also struggles within the human race!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes and fights.

Not to mention those human traitors, even these top families may not be able to unite as one to resist foreign enemies.

Take the Baili family for example, they still want to inherit the family for thousands of years...

Little did they know that under the general situation, the entire human race would not be able to sustain it for even a few decades.

"Although the strength of these aristocratic families and chambers of commerce is average... the energy behind them cannot be underestimated!"

"Especially the resources they can mobilize!"

"If I can unite this power and use it for my own use...the resources needed to become an immortal can be obtained easily!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

He just used Baili Chamber of Commerce, a top chamber of commerce, for his own use. The dungeon props alone can provide [-] to [-] million energy every two months.

If all the power of Daxia's top chambers of commerce could be mobilized, the energy that Su Xing could obtain would be astonishing!
"Of course...and the Great Xia military!"

"After all, the military is the real master of this land! The military probably has more information than all the aristocratic families combined, right?"

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated.

Seeing that he only had tens of millions of simulated energy left, he sighed.

What he lacks now is simulation energy, and the major families and the military in Daxia Kingdom can indirectly provide it to Su Xing.

What the human race lacks is overall strength!

Su Xing can also meet these needs for them...

Therefore, if the relationship between them can be handled well, Su Xing will be able to easily obtain a large amount of simulated energy.

“But the question now is, how do you do this as risk-free as possible?”

Su Xing frowned slightly. With the resources in his hands, the Tarot Club alone could fully provide him with [-] million energy in a month.

But the energy of [-] million is already somewhat insufficient for the awakening who is about to enter the integration stage.

"According to previous experience... entering the integration stage requires even one billion points of energy! And with my current methods, I even need to wait for two months!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he couldn't wait so long.

It is also impossible not to perform a simulation within two months, just to break through the realm of integration.

Rubbing his eyebrows with a headache, Su Xing murmured:

"It seems that we have to find a way to obtain simulation energy again..."

"With my current strength, it is not difficult to obtain energy. The difficult thing is not to expose myself!"

Su Xing thought for a long time and then murmured:
"With my current means, I can get energy..."

"First, find a way to kill high-level monsters. By obtaining the flesh and blood essence, you can undoubtedly obtain a large amount of simulated energy..."

"But it's also the riskiest way..."

"Secondly, I want to go to the ruins of the Five Elements Sect. Maybe I can get some energy, but the amount of energy is hard to estimate. Maybe it's not much?"

"As for the third point...that is to find those top aristocratic families to fight against the autumn wind!"

Speaking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.He had previously visited Baili's house as a mysterious man to sell life-extending elixirs.

Just two coins and one billion energy earned!
Although other families may not necessarily have dungeon props like the Baili family, they should also have items such as exotic metals and high-end equipment that can provide a large amount of energy.

"The most important thing is that with my current cultivation level...except for the peak emperor, the rest of the human race should not be my opponent!"

"Coupled with the existence of the art of shielding the secrets of heaven... it shouldn't be exposed too much!"

Su Xing felt a little anxious in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be an elder in Jin Congxue's family who needed longevity elixirs?
"But... we can't rush this matter. We can simulate it in the simulator first and make a decision next time!"

Su Xing decided to play it safe.

As for this week…

Su Xing does not plan to continue to refine elixirs in the Lingtian Cave, but plans to go to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon!
Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little excited and murmured:
"Finally...are you going to visit the Immortal Martial Era dungeon?"

"With my current strength, there should be no risk... I just need to go to the ruins of the Five Elements Sect and kill the living dead Five Elements Master!"

Su Xing still had confidence in his heart. After all, he had tried many times during the simulation before, and now his cultivation was indeed able to crush the real person of Five Elements.

Su Xing felt a little excited when he thought of the Five Elements Formation and the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique.

"Without any further delay... we should set off immediately!"

Su Xing murmured.

Afterwards, Su Xing began to disguise himself and hold his breath, and then blocked his own secrets.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he woke up and flew with his sword, and soon arrived outside the coordinates of the Age of Ending dungeon.

Su Xing imposed a concealment formation on himself, and then swaggered into the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.


Passing through a light curtain, Su Xing's vision changed, and the next second he appeared in a large mountain.

"Here is the copy of the Immortal Martial Era..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and gathered his consciousness.

In this copy of the Immortal Martial Era, there are still monks.

Although the number was small, for the sake of caution, Su Xing decided to restrain his consciousness.

After that, Su Xing took out a diary and took out a map page sandwiched in it.

This map is exactly what Zong Laogou recorded about the location of the Five Elements Sect’s ruins.

"It's good that Old Dog Zong saved me the time of searching..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and after comparing the directions, he flew towards the Five Elements Sect's sword.

In less than half a day, Su Xing found the entrance to the Five Elements Sect ruins.

The entrance is also a huge boulder, which looks to be quite old.

"Tsk, tsk, do these large sect ruins like to have their entrances set in huge rocks?"

Su Xing chuckled.

The formations are just a compound missing formation, a space pointing formation and a breath gathering formation.

With Su Xing's current formation skills, he managed to enter the formation with a little effort.

Stepping into the formation, Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, he appeared in a dim space.

Narrow, damp...surrounded by stone walls, inlaid with faintly glowing stones.

"Is this the ruins where the Five Elements Master is buried?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

To be cautious, Su Xing propped up the body-protecting Gangqi and Yuanli armor.

Under the double defense, Su Xing felt a little more at ease.

"In the ruins of the Five Elements Sect... there should be only the Five Elements Master existing..."

Su Xing murmured, and then released his consciousness with confidence.

His spiritual consciousness rushed forward like a tide, and soon captured the aura of the Five Elements Master.

The Five Elements Master is about ten kilometers away from the awakening, and is located near the core area of ​​the Five Elements Sect ruins.

Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:

"A quick victory. With my current strength, Master Five Elements should have no room for resistance..."

Su Xing thought this, and then took out the Mo Bingjian, and the Yuanli wrapped around the Mo Bingjian.

In order not to damage the ruins of the Five Elements Sect as much as possible, Su Xing decided to directly use the Earth Sword to quickly kill the Five Elements Master.

Thinking of this, Su Xing flew towards the Five Elements Master like an arrow from the string.

After just a few breaths, he woke up and came to the front of the Five Elements Master.

With the help of the weak light, Su Xing could clearly see the appearance of the Five Elements Master.

He looks about 40 years old and has a well-proportioned figure.

The only attractive thing is the pair of eyes full of wisdom, which seem to be extremely understanding.

But at this moment, Wu Xingzhen's numb expression and pale face had lost the last of his consciousness.

"Is this... the puppet of the living dead?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. This was the first time he saw a living dead puppet in the real world.

When Su Xing noticed Wuxing Zhenren, Wuxing Zhenren also attacked Su Xing decisively.

He woke up but did not dodge. He raised his eyebrows, raised his sword and struck at Wuxing Zhenren.

"Speed, too slow!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Then the power of hand speed was added to Mo Bingjian, and it slashed towards the body of the Five Elements Master.

With just one strike of his sword, Su Xing cut off the left arm of Master Wu Xing.

Black air filled the air instantly, scarlet and slightly black blood flowed out and fell to the ground, forming a small pool of blood.

After being cut off by Su Xing's arm, Wu Xingzhen's aura instantly became weak and weak.

The red and black blood squirmed like venom, frantically trying to repair the injury.

But if a monk in the Broken Void Realm had his arm cut off, how could it be so easy to repair?

I saw the Five Elements Master roaring, and the Five Elements spiritual power began to flash across his body.

Su Xing narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, knowing that this was the Five Elements Master who wanted to release the method of the Five Elements' interdependence.

But would Su Xing give Master Wuxing such an opportunity?

I saw that when the Five Elements Master was accumulating spiritual power, Su Xing took the lead.

Swing out a sword again, blessed with extreme speed!

With one sword, he cut off the other arm of the Five Elements Master again.

Afterwards, Su Xing swung four swords in succession.

He slashed at the left and right thighs, abdomen and dantian of the Five Elements Master respectively... and finally his head!

In just a few breaths, the Five Elements Master was awakened and cut into pieces by five horses.

Looking at Wu Xing Zhenren before his death, a ray of clarity and regret flashed in his eyes.

Su Xing murmured:
"It's a pity... I originally wanted to keep the whole body, but I stopped..."

Su Xing sighed and added:
"It seems that we can only burn ashes after death. Let's see if we can be buried in a geomantic treasure land..."

Su Xing collected the body of the Five Elements Master and then walked into the deepest part of the Five Elements Sect ruins.

His spiritual consciousness swept through the core of the entire ruins, but he didn't find anything valuable when he woke up.

Sighing, Su Xing came to the ancient bronze coffin and took out a storage magic weapon in the coffin.

His spiritual sense penetrated into it, and in addition to the jade slips recording the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique and the Five Elements Formation, Su Xing also found many useful formation materials.

"Why are these Five Elements Sect ruins so poor?"

"This is far worse than the ruins of Wanmu Sect!"

Su Xing licked his lips, thinking of the spiritual dragon in the ruins of Wanmu Sect and the thousands of elixirs that were thousands of years old, and he felt a little longing in his heart.

Just when Su Xing was about to leave the Five Elements Sect ruins, he suddenly thought of something and looked at the ancient bronze coffin in front of him.

A smile appeared on Su Xing's lips. In line with the principle of not stealing away but sweeping everything away, Su Xing put the entire ancient bronze coffin into the Lingtian Cave.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing quickly left the Five Elements Sect ruins and returned to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

There was no lingering. After waking up and finishing his work, he walked towards the dungeon exit and returned to Blue Star.

The whole process, from going to the ruins of the Five Elements Sect, to killing the Five Elements Master, to returning to Kyoto.

The total time does not exceed one day...

After returning to Lingtian Cave, Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the ancient bronze coffin in front of him.

"By the way...why are every real person sleeping in this ancient bronze coffin?"

"Could it be...there's something special about this coffin?"

Su Xing felt a little curious.

Then try to absorb the ancient coffin and convert it into energy.

Such a tall coffin, if it is made of bronze, should be worth 01:30 points of energy, right?
Unexpectedly, a surprise sound came from Su Xing's ears.

[Ding, energy-containing material has been detected, with a total energy value of 3 million points. Do you want to absorb it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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