Chapter 213 Take a risk and make billions of energy? (5k)

"Huh? Damn it!"

"More than 3 million energy?"

Su Xing's eyes widened. He never expected that this bronze sarcophagus was so valuable.

This shows that this bronze sarcophagus is definitely not made of bronze, but is made of a special metal material that contains a lot of energy.

"And...every real person uses this copper coffin. This copper coffin should also have the effect of preserving the body, right?"

Su Xing was thoughtful. Before he figured out the specific use of the bronze sarcophagus, Su Xing had no intention of converting it into energy for the time being.

What if it’s useful to keep?
Su Xing temporarily placed the bronze sarcophagus in the Lingtian Cave, and then began the daily refining of elixirs.

In the blink of an eye, another six days passed.

Su Xing refined a total of more than 6000 Bigu Pills.

That day came the agreed time to meet Jin Congxue. Su Xingyi calmed down and went to the villa.

Jin Congxue wore a black "stepmother skirt" today, which fully reflected her body curves.

"Hey, I came very early today, I'm a busy person!"

Jin Congxue made a pot of tea for Su Xing and said cheerfully.

Su Xing also smiled after hearing this, and the two sat across from each other and chatted, eating the delicacies on the table from time to time.

The two soon got down to business.

Jin Congxue took out a Bigu Pill and said to Su Xing with a solemn expression:
"Su Xing, did you refine this elixir too?"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said casually: "Of course, or else it fell from the sky?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue rolled her eyes and said:
"I don't have time to joke with you! I'm talking about serious business... Do you know how important this elixir is?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this and took a sip of tea:
"Isn't it just an ordinary elixir? There were beauty elixirs before, it should be about the same, right?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue's tone became excited and said:
"Can it be the same? Beauty elixirs...are only useful elixirs for those rich women!"

"But this Bigu Pill is a pill that can change the situation of the battle and even enhance the strength of the human race!"

Su Xing chuckled after hearing this and didn't say much.

But Jin Congxue said seriously:
"Do you know what it means if the Daxia military knows that you can refine this elixir?"

"According to the appraisal results of the appraisal master of Jin's Trading Company...this elixir can allow a master-level expert to maintain a certain amount of physical strength for three to six months, and will not affect his combat effectiveness due to hunger!"

"And a king-level expert can maintain his physical strength for about a month!"

After a pause, Jin Congxue continued:

"You know the Demon Suppression Pass, right? Food for the warriors at the Demon Suppression Pass is a huge expense every year!"

"Especially for professionals with higher levels, their energy and blood are stronger, and they need more food to replenish their energy!"

"And consuming supplies on the front line is very troublesome..."

"But if we had pills like yours, we would only need hundreds of thousands of them a year to ensure sufficient combat effectiveness for the Daxia military officers in the entire Demon Suppression Pass!"

"And this can avoid many you understand?"

Seeing that Jin Congxue had said so much in one breath, Su Xing just smiled and said:
"Of course I know, but you are wrong in one thing..."

"For a master-level professional, taking one can guarantee six months of food supply!"

"A master-level professional only needs to eat half a coin to ensure food supplies for six months..."

"The effect of my elixir may be better than you think..."

Seeing Su Xing's calm appearance, Jin Congxue was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully:
"How could you just take out such a valuable thing?"

"Aren't you afraid...that I would leak such a big secret? Do you trust me so much?"

Su Xing just smiled slightly when he heard this. Naturally, he would not say that he had simulated it without any risks.

Instead, ask:
"So...will you betray me?"

Jin Congxue was choked up after hearing this. After careful consideration, he shook his head and said:

"No, I can't betray your trust in me!"

"And...fortunately the appraiser I hired is very reliable, otherwise it would have been leaked!"

"Don't worry, Bigu Pill is safe so far!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, but couldn't help but think:
Just the Bigu Pill alone caused such a sensation?
So if Su Xing takes out the Yang Yuan Dan, Fu Fu Refining Pill and other elixirs in batches, what's the point?

Seeing that Su Xing remained silent, Jin Congxue continued to ask:
"So how do you plan to trade this batch of pills with the Daxia military?"

After hearing this, Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"I will refine this Bigu Pill with all my strength in one month, and I can refine about [-] pills..."

"With [-] Bigu Pills, do you think you can obtain the mining contract rights for a second-level exotic metal mining area from the auction?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue thought carefully and said:

"definitely no problem!"

"At the auction, what the top chambers of commerce can offer is just a batch of healing potions and mid-to-high-end equipment..."

"To the Daxia military, the value of these items is far less than the Bigu Pill you can provide!"

After a pause, Jin Congxue continued:

"I can even try to see if I can open a green channel for you. You don't need to participate in the auction. [-] pills can be directly exchanged for the contracting rights of the second-level exotic metal mining area!"

Su Xing was not too surprised after hearing this.

Jin Congxue's grandfather was Lu Yuanwu, the Emperor Wu of Daxia, who was responsible for logistics...

And this Bigu Pill is truly a professional counterpart to Lu Yuanwu!
Jin Congxue thought for a while and said:
"I will keep your identity secret, and I can guarantee that your information will never be leaked from me!"

"However... once Bigu Pill comes out, some people may investigate the Tarot Chamber of Commerce..."

"I have erased all traces of our previous meetings. What you have to pay attention to is that you cannot expose yourself in the future..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. He still trusted Jin Congxue in this regard.

Finally, Jin Congxue said:
"As fast as a week, as slowly as half a month, the matter of exchanging the Bigu Pill for the foreign metal mining area can be finalized!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. In terms of work efficiency, Jin Congxue had never let him down.

Soon, the deal between the two ended.

Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave with the new week's goods.

Exchange the new week's goods into simulated energy, adding another [-] million points of energy.

In this way, the awakening energy surged to 5000 million points.

On March 2024, 11 in the new era, wake up and start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 6300 energy points, with 1 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and hesitated.

If nothing else goes wrong, Su Xing may still get the purple talent this time.

And these purple talents are of little use to awakening.

But now that he is awake, he is indeed in great demand for some of the purple talents that he has drawn before.

"Dragon Slayer...and the talent of Formation Wizard, these two talents are what I need most at the moment!"

The Dragon Slayer talent can greatly increase Awakening's chances of winning against the Dragon Protector.

But this is not a hurry. After waking up and preparing to merge, with the dragon slayer talent, maybe he can kill the old dragon dog?

"And this formation wizard talent... can allow me to understand the Five Elements Formation more quickly! It is very useful for improving the spirit gathering formation!"

Su Xing's heart moved slightly.

Based on the current grade of Lingtian Cave, it should be able to produce middle-grade spiritual liquid... But in Lingtian Cave, Su Xing only arranged a simple middle-grade compound spirit gathering array.

If the spirit gathering array can be made more perfect, even if it does not reach a high level, it is still possible to produce mid-grade spiritual liquid!
The cultivation speed of middle-grade spiritual liquid may be several times, or even ten times, that of low-grade spiritual liquid!
Although Awakening has not yet reached the integration stage, he must make plans for a breakthrough after the integration stage.

Therefore, this spirit gathering array still needs to be improved.

"Beyond that...this Five Elements Master is truly a genius and a man of extraordinary understanding!"

Su Xing couldn't help but praise him at first.

In the past few days, Su Xing, in addition to refining elixirs, also took time to look at the two jade slips obtained from the Five Elements Sect ruins.

The Five Elements Mutual Generation Formation, and the Five Elements Formation!
In addition to improving the Five Elements Formation, the Five Elements Master also made huge improvements to the Five Elements Formation.

Among them, what shocked Su Xing the most was the improvement of the Spirit Gathering Array by Master Wu Xing!

Su Xing initially thought that the Five Elements Master was the Five Elements Heavenly Spiritual Root. After all, only in this way could he achieve the perfection of the Return to Void Stage in just a few hundred years in the era of spiritual energy exhaustion.

But what Su Xing didn't expect was that this Five Elements True Spirit was actually just the Five Elements True Spiritual Root...

And among the true spiritual roots, they are not even outstanding.

For a genius of the era, having a spiritual root is really not enough, and may even be said to be unqualified.

However, his spiritual roots are inferior, and the Five Elements Master is indeed the earliest among the three masters to reach the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage!

The reason behind this is because Wu Xing Zhenren developed an amazing formation!

Miniature Gathering Array!
Different from the ordinary spirit gathering array, the miniature spirit gathering array is not arranged on the ground, but on the human body!

As long as a miniature spirit gathering array is arranged on the body, a monk can automatically absorb spiritual energy day and night, day and night, and transform it into pure spiritual power and cultivation!
In layman's terms, it is:
This girl is purely practicing on idle!

Even if a pig hangs up and practices for ten thousand years, he can become Marshal Tianpeng, right?

It was this miniature spirit gathering array that aroused Su Xing's keen interest!
"If I can set up a miniature spirit gathering array on myself, the speed of my practice will definitely increase rapidly!"

"It's equivalent to not only practicing on your own, but also getting the benefits of idle cultivation!"

This is undoubtedly another plug-in for Su Xing who owns an emulator.

"After the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage, there will be the Integration Stage... and after that, there will be the Mahayana Stage, and even a higher Immortal Realm!"

"On the journey of cultivating immortality, the further you go, the slower your cultivation speed becomes..."

"Therefore, it is increasingly important for me to improve my qualifications and practice speed! After all... the time for each simulation is limited. Increasing the speed of practice is equivalent to increasing the simulation time!"

Su Xing thought carefully in his heart.

Then he said silently:
"I want to conduct a talent pool lottery..."

Soon, the tiger lottery machine with a purple ball appeared after waking up.

Among them, Su Xing saw the ball that marked the formation wizard.

"Xuanhuang Tianzun bless... Let's draw a lottery!"

In this lottery, Su Xing's luck was not too bad.

After only spending 200 million energy, I got the array wizard talent I wanted.

After drawing the talent, Su Xing smiled with satisfaction and murmured:

"Then, let's officially start the simulation!"

Su Xing carefully reviewed the simulation plan in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[After you disguised yourself and gathered your breath, you blocked your own secrets and prepared to do something. 】

[You disguised yourself and calmed down, and soon arrived at Jinling City, the headquarters of Jin's Trading Company. 】

[Your consciousness enveloped the entire Jinling City, and you quickly found the location of Jin’s mansion. 】

[You entered the mansion and found the dying elder of the Jin family without much effort. 】

[This is a king-level powerful man who seems to have lived for more than 500 years. In terms of seniority, he is Jin Congxue's second uncle! 】

[You have investigated in advance. This second uncle's clan is considered a large branch of the Jin family. Although he does not have as much power as Jin Congxue's father in the Jin family's business, he still has a lot of resources at his disposal. 】

[Taking advantage of the darkness, you quietly entered the second uncle's room and saw the dying old man lying on the bed, as well as the maid serving beside him. 】

[After this second uncle saw you, he suddenly felt frightened and wanted to call out. 】

[But you directly suppressed the second uncle with your powerful spiritual consciousness, so that the second uncle could not move... As for the maid on the side, she had already been frightened and fainted. 】

[You took out a life-sustaining pill and calmly explained its function. 】

[After hearing that this pill could extend his life for five years, the second uncle's breathing became rapid. 】

[The longer you live, the more you fear death. What’s more, this second uncle has lived for more than 500 years and has wealth and power in his hands. How can he be willing to die? 】

[Looking at the longing and pleading eyes of the old man, you nodded with satisfaction. 】

[Then, you put forward your own terms, two life-extending pills to extend your life for ten years in exchange for fifty tons of fourth-level exotic metals. 】

[After hearing this, the second uncle suddenly looked embarrassed. He asked if it could be replaced with second- and third-level exotic metal ores?After all, fourth-level exotic metals are too precious. 】

[In the end, after some haggling, the second uncle said that he would use 3000 tons of second-order exotic metals and 200 tons of third-order exotic metals in exchange for these two pills! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and then chuckled:

"Haha, this second uncle's courage is far inferior to that of Baili Tu!"

Also faced with the temptation of the Life-Extending Pill, Jin Congxue's second uncle seemed a little groveling.

On the other hand, Baili Tu was much more courageous. Even after extending his life, he still had the courage to seek opportunities to break through to the Martial Emperor level.

On the other hand, this second uncle may only live for more than ten years...

"However, fifty tons of fourth-order exotic metals have a total energy of about one billion..."

"There is no substantial difference between the second-order alien metal and the third-order alien metal to me. After all, the simulated energy contained is the same..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[You agreed to this second uncle’s deal, so you restrained your consciousness. 】

[Soon, the second uncle notified his subordinates, and a Martial Emperor-level expert sent two storage rings. 】

[You glanced at the strong Martial Emperor lightly, and then released the pressure of your divine consciousness. With just one look, the strong Martial Emperor was unable to move. 】

[Cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the strong Martial Emperor, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes. 】

[You casually took the two storage rings, removed the hands and feet placed in the rings, and flicked your fingers, and the two pills fell into the hands of the second uncle. 】

[After doing all this, you glanced at the people around you lightly, and then left Jin's Trading Company in a swaggering manner. 】

[After leaving Jin's Trading Company, you gathered your breath and shielded your secrets all the way. You flew with your sword for less than an hour and reached thousands of miles away...]

[After that, you change your appearance and change direction to go to Mingzhu Trading Company in Mingzhu City again. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Sure enough, I did some tricks, but with my absolute strength, I can crush... This second uncle probably doesn't dare to be arrogant anymore. In their eyes, I should be a strong man at the peak of the legend, right?"

"Now that we have taken action, we need to obtain more energy in a short period of time! In this case, visiting a few more chambers of commerce is the best choice!"

Su Xing did some calculations and found that he still had more than a dozen of the best life-sustaining pills in his hand. If they were all priced at this price, it would not be a big problem to exchange them for billions of energy!
Then the next step is to choose the goal of the chamber of commerce!
"Daxia Country, the top chamber of commerce, in addition to Baili Chamber of Commerce, Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, Jin's Chamber of Commerce... there are also chambers of commerce representing the military. These few will not continue trading for the time being!"

"Then the remaining three are the Pearl Chamber of Commerce, the Daqing Chamber of Commerce, and the Beiyuan Chamber of Commerce in the north..."

In any case, these chambers of commerce should all need life-sustaining pills.

Su Xing plans to make one-time transactions without stopping to obtain a large amount of simulated energy!
"This time, we should be able to obtain billions of simulated energy, right?"

Su Xing felt a little excited and looked at the simulation panel.

[You arrived at the Pearl Chamber of Commerce in Pearl City and repeated your old tricks... At the cost of two life-sustaining pills, you obtained a large amount of exotic metals from the Pearl Chamber of Commerce, with a total value of about [-] million simulated energy. 】

[After that, you went to the Daqing Chamber of Commerce in Southwest Province and the Beiyuan Chamber of Commerce in DB Province respectively, and exchanged about 20 billion energy supplies from these two chambers of commerce. 】

[You were careful along the way, and it took less than three days to go to these chambers of commerce. 】

[Although I feel that a warrior-level warrior has noticed you, with your speed and breath-concentrating methods, you can easily get rid of him. 】

[After doing all this, you went full circle and finally returned to Kyoto University and became the ordinary college student who repeated a grade again. 】

[Lurking in the school, you are refining elixirs as always, but you are quietly waiting to see if there will be any problems later...]

(End of this chapter)

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