Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 218 A mysterious man attacks, the innate treasure Fusang Fairy Branch!

Chapter 218 A mysterious man attacks, the innate treasure Fusang Fairy Branch! (5k)

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him thoughtfully.

"The Spiritual Vein Dragon is really a rare thing in the world...if it is exposed, I am afraid it will lead to death!"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"After obtaining the Spiritual Vein Dragon, placing it in the Cave Heaven Paradise should not cause any problems for the time being..."

"Otherwise, once the dragon guardian knows about it, there will probably be another round of pursuit."

"Moreover, I'm afraid my whereabouts in the simulator have been exposed. The Dragon Guardian will definitely follow the traces of the battle and find my identity!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

It was inevitable that the battle with Wan Mu Zhenren would leave traces, and the two of them fought thousands of miles away, leaving too many traces that even the awakening could not block.

"It seems... if you want to get the Spirit Vein Dragon in reality, to be on the safe side, you still have to get rid of Master Wanmu in the ruins, so as to avoid leaving traces..."

Su Xing thought so.

To achieve this, Su Xing may have to break through the integration stage before he can form an absolute suppression of Wan Mu's strength.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the Lingtian Cave, you look at the drunken spirit dragon, knowing in your heart that it is safe enough for this young dragon to stay in the Lingtian Cave. 】

[After Linglong got drunk, he fell asleep for several months, but he still didn't wake up. 】

[You are a little confused about this, why this spiritual dragon is so sleepy. 】

[But what surprises you is that as the spirit dragon appears in Lingtian Cave, even if he does nothing, the spiritual energy in the entire Lingtian Cave is still rising steadily. 】

[In just a few months, some middle-grade spiritual liquid began to be produced in Lingtian Cave. 】

[According to your estimate, if the young spirit dragon stays in the cave, even if it does nothing, the Lingtian cave will be promoted from a middle-grade cave to a top-grade cave in less than ten years. 】

[You will check the amount of spiritual liquid in the water gathering array every other month. Every month, not only [-] drops of low-grade spiritual liquid can be produced, but even a thousand drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid can be produced. 】

[During this period, you took the time to explore the storage ring left by Master Wan Mu. 】

[In this ring, you did not find a large number of spiritual stones, but you found many magic weapons, as well as many elixirs and items for refining elixirs. 】

[And what you dream of...Wanmu Determination Technique! 】

[With this mental technique, you can unify the three techniques and merge them into the heaven-level technique Wan Mu Jue. 】

[Wan Mu Jue is a powerful technique that can cultivate you to the immortal state! 】

[You don’t know the effects of those elixirs and elixirs yet. 】

[However, what puzzles you the most is the charred wood you obtained before. 】

[This piece of wood looks ordinary, but there seems to be some kind of Tao hidden inside. However, you have been pondering for several days and still can’t figure out what it is, so you can only put it aside for the time being...]

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"Good boy, the appearance of this spiritual vein dragon... can give birth to a medium-grade spiritual fluid in just a few months..."

"And I'm afraid that as time goes by, the spiritual energy of Lingtian Cave will become richer, and the amount of medium-grade spiritual liquid produced will also increase..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"The effect and value of the middle-grade spiritual liquid is ten times that of the low-grade spiritual liquid! Taking a drop of the middle-grade spiritual liquid is equivalent to directly practicing with the low-grade spiritual stone... This will only increase the spiritual power faster!"

Su Xing was a little excited and couldn't wait to conquer this spiritual dragon.

"I just don't know how long the spirit dragon will sleep for once it's drunk?"

Su Xing was a little curious and murmured:

"In addition, there are surprisingly many treasures in Wanmu Zhenren's storage instruments!"

"Especially that piece of wood, where did it come from, that it actually contains the Taoist aggregate?"

"There is also the Wanmu Determination Technique...the training after the integration period is also starting to take shape!"

Su Xing's face was filled with joy and he looked at the simulation panel.

[You stay in the Lingtian Cave every day, observing the changes of the Spirit Vein Dragon. 】

[But soon, you discovered that the Spiritual Vein Dragon was sleeping, and seemed to have a vague expression of pain. 】

[Occasionally, the Spiritual Vein Dragon will even spit out black gas. This black gas will contaminate the spiritual field and even cause the spiritual plants in the spiritual field to wither and reduce the purity of the surrounding spiritual energy. 】

[Your heart suddenly tightened, and you carefully used your spiritual sense to explore the situation on the Spirit Vein Dragon. 】

[In the end, you discovered that the reason why the Spiritual Vein Dragon is like this is precisely because of the black energy wrapped around its body. 】

[Your guess is that this black energy originates from the ruins of the Ten Thousand Trees Sect. It is the great resentment generated by the spiritual dragon when it was trapped in the formation...]

[However, this is different from ordinary resentment. It seems to be born out of the spirit of heaven and earth not wanting to see the spiritual dragon being tortured. 】

[You have no way to deal with this black energy for a while. You can only temporarily carve out a small area for the spiritual dragon to sleep alone, and specially arrange several formations to isolate the inside and outside. 】

[Try to avoid black energy contaminating surrounding spiritual plants and spiritual energy as much as possible. 】

[Several months have passed since the Spiritual Vein Dragon fell into deep sleep. 】

[No.20 In the second year, the spirit dragon finally woke up from his slumber. You felt that the black energy on his body seemed to have become lighter, but occasionally it still caused the spirit dragon to suffer pain. 】

[The Spirit Vein Dragon opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. He was very pleased with the abundant spiritual energy in the air. 】

[Like a swimming fish, the spirit dragon jumped up and down excitedly in the Lingtian Cave, destroying many spiritual plants. 】

[You are quite helpless about this and can only persuade this spiritual dragon over and over again. 】

[But trapped in a small formation for hundreds or thousands of years, this spiritual dragon is naturally curious and restless about everything. It still goes its own way and doesn't listen to you. 】

[You can only sigh at this, understanding that spiritual dragons have their own characteristics...and your spiritual dragon has an extremely naughty character. 】

[If you want to teach the characteristics of this spiritual dragon, I'm afraid it will take a long time to get used to it. 】

[It’s okay to be naughty, but what worries you the most is the black energy on the Spirit Vein Dragon. That black energy seems to restrict the Spirit Vein Dragon’s continued growth. 】

[After a deep sleep, the Spirit Vein Dragon should have been larger in size, but there has been no change at this moment. You are a little anxious about this. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"It seems that only by going to the Luotian Sect instance during the next simulation can we find a way to understand the source of this black energy..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

According to what he knew before, spiritual dragons can grow like ordinary creatures.

Every time the Spirit Vein Dragon sleeps, it is a huge evolution.

For example, after an infant spirit-veined dragon enters the teenage stage, it will improve the surrounding aura more and be able to produce high-quality spirit stones more quickly.

But the spiritual dragon acquired by Su Xing limited its own growth due to the presence of black energy.

Although the young Spirit Vein Dragon is of great help in awakening, if it can continue to grow, the benefits will definitely be greater.

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Fortunately, the black energy has no tendency to worsen. You dug a larger pond in Lingtian Cave, added spiritual springs and dripped spiritual liquid into it, so that the spiritual dragon could live in it. 】

[You gave the snow-white Spirit Vein Dragon a nice name, Xiao Hei. 】

[Lingmailong doesn't know the quality of this name, he just feels very happy to have a name. 】

[He occasionally plays with the earth dragons working in the spiritual fields, but the earth dragons are naturally a little afraid of the spiritual dragons. 】

[In this way, several months passed. 】

[No.20 In the third year of the [-]th year, Linglong, who had been staying in the Lingtian Cave all year round, felt a little bored. 】

[He has already played in this hundred-foot-square space, and he wants to get out every day. 】

[But you know that once the Spirit Vein Dragon appears, you will definitely be in great danger. 】

[So you don’t intend to take this risk, you can only fool this young and ignorant spiritual dragon. 】

[You tell him that in the outside world, everyone will want to imprison him, and there will never be freedom. Only in this world can he have freedom. 】

[As expected, the Spiritual Vein Dragon was successfully frightened by your words. He trembled every day and never mentioned going out again. 】

[At this time, you have been hiding in Lingtian Cave for several years. 】

[You thought that maybe the danger from the outside world had been eliminated, so you disguised yourself, gathered your breath, blocked your own secrets, and left the Lingtian Cave. 】

[Returning to Kyoto City, the ominous premonition and warning in your heart once again arise in your mind. 】

[You are wondering in your heart, why you still attract the attention of the Dragon Protector even though you have blocked your secret. 】

[At this moment, you are still no match for the Dragon Protector. To be on the safe side, you decide to go to the Demon Suppression Pass. There are emperor-level peak powerhouses there who are not afraid of the Dragon Protector. 】

[Sure enough, when you come to the Demon Suppression Pass, most of the dangerous premonitions in your heart have been eliminated. 】【In the next year, nothing happened. 】

[No.20 Four years ago, one day your heart was beating wildly and you seemed to have a very bad premonition. 】

[You are confused about this because there is still more than half a year before the legendary demon beast army arrives and the demon suppression pass is destroyed. 】

[But for the sake of safety, you chose to hide in the Lingtian Cave. 】

[What frightens you is that after hiding in the Lingtian Cave, this frightening feeling has not diminished, and it still makes you restless every day. 】

[Until one day, you stayed in Lingtian Cave to take care of the spirit dragon as always. 】

[Suddenly, the entire sky in Lingtian Cave turned blood red...]

[As you watch, a palm slowly tears open the surrounding space and enters the space of Lingtian Cave. 】

[This is a mysterious man wearing a black robe, you can’t see his appearance clearly. 】

[But he is obviously very interested in this space. It seems that he did not expect that there is such a cave for cultivating immortals here. 】

[I saw him stretching out his hand, and the spiritual dragon that was bathing in the spiritual spring flew uncontrollably in front of the mysterious man. 】

[Spirit Dragon struggled hard, but couldn't move even half a minute. 】

[You were anxious when you saw this and wanted to step forward to save the spirit dragon. 】

[But one look from this mysterious man can make your body unable to move. 】

[Immediately afterwards, he blew out a breath...your body shattered and your soul was annihilated...]

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

[You saw the mysterious man capture the spirit dragon, and then stretched out his hand to take the entire spirit field into his body...]

[The violent spatial fluctuations crush your eyes. 】

[This simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

"How could it be possible... Someone could actually discover the Lingtian Cave, and actually tear apart the space and kill me..."

"This, this person is probably at least an immortal-level figure!"

Su Xing breathed heavily, feeling a little unwilling.

No matter how dangerous things happened before, as long as a giant beast didn't come to the broken space.

As long as you wake up in time and hide in the Lingtian Cave, you can always survive.

But now, Su Xing has finally encountered a strong enough enemy. Not only is he unable to resist, he can even be discovered by Lingtian Cave!
"Oh, I should have thought of it earlier..."

Su Xing sighed, he actually had a premonition of this.

Because in the final analysis, Lingtian Cave Heaven is just a space and a half plane opened up in the big world.

However, this space is manipulated by great powers and can be carried anywhere.

And after more than a year of recovery and improvement, it has become a real spiritual field cave.

But if you have enough understanding of the great avenue and a deep understanding of the laws of space, you can easily find this place.

The enemies I encountered before I woke up were all beings below the immortals, so it was normal to not have a deep understanding of this.

Of course, except for the giant beast that is bigger than the planet.

I haven’t figured out the origin of that thing until I woke up.

Devouring the world, space debris keeps colliding in the stomach, but this thing can actually survive...

But Su Xing estimated that it would be difficult for ordinary immortals to do it.

"So, who is that mysterious man?"

"Could it be that the Dragon Guardian invited you?"

"If this is the case, the identity of this mysterious man... is most likely to be either the true leader of the Advent Sect or the so-called Blood Immortal!"

"Or...these two people are actually the same person!?"

At the moment of waking up, countless doubts arose in my heart.

After thinking for a moment, Su Xing shook his head and said:

"However... the appearance of this mysterious man should not be to kill me, but to compete for this born spiritual dragon!"

"It seems that if you want to get this spiritual dragon in the future, you must not make too much noise!"

"I wonder...can I escape the pursuit of the mysterious man?"

Su Xing felt a little unsure.

If you want to verify this guess, you can only wait until later to try it in the simulation.

Before that, Su Xing must not reveal any clues in the real world, otherwise it will lead to death!

"As expected... In fact, there have always been powerful people watching Blue Star. They didn't appear before, just because there was nothing that could impress them..."

"But this spiritual dragon is a creature that even a powerful immortal would salivate over!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

In the era of spiritual energy depletion, the spiritual dragon is even more valuable.

"Forget it, why are you thinking about this... Now it's better to steadily improve your strength!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the reward on the simulation panel.

[Bring it to you]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Five Elements Reciprocity Technique (Xiao Cheng)]: A technique at the peak of minor magical powers, close to the level of great magical powers. It is understood by a real person of the Five Elements and has endless mysteries.The perception of the five elements of spiritual energy is more acute, and it can also stimulate the release of the five elements of spiritual energy, enhance the power of spells, and increase the speed of practice... It has many wonderful uses and sells for 1 million energy.

[The skin of understanding the origin of power]: The origin of power is the basic component of many avenues. After receiving it, the perception of power will be slightly improved. The price is 5000 million energy.

[Spiritual Explosion Technique (Perfection)]: Relying on the extremely compressed spiritual power, it produces amazing power after the explosion. Using different attributes of spiritual energy, the effects are different.The power of the magical power changes depending on the total amount of spiritual power. Currently, the power has reached the level of small magical power. If further research is carried out, this technique may be promoted to the level of great magical power.The price is 2 million energy.

[Wanmu Determination Technique]: The mental method of Wanmu Jue, a top-grade heaven-level skill, can integrate the three split skills of Changchun Gong, Fusheng Jue, and Xuanhuang Gong, thereby realizing the true Wanmu Jue.The price is 1000 million energy.

[The burned branch of the Innate Fusang Sacred Tree]: It is the branch of the Innate Fusang Sacred Tree, one of the top ten sacred trees in ancient times. It is ranked No. 30 in the list of treasures. It is an innate treasure.Born in the sun, he could withstand the high temperature of the Golden Crow Fire. Later, he was burned by the Nanming Li Fire in another battle.Because it was burned, it cannot be used to refine magic weapons, but it contains the enlightenment of the two paths of wood and fire, as well as a little bit of the true meaning of Nanming Lihuo, which is extremely precious.The price is 100 million energy sources.

The rewards obtained for this awakening are not without great rewards.

Su Xing's eyes scanned the reward list from top to bottom, and finally stopped in front of the reward [Burned Branch of the Innate Fuso Sacred Tree].

"What the hell!? Branches of the top ten sacred trees in ancient times, the innate Fusang sacred tree?"

"Destroyed by Nanming Lihuo...contains the enlightenment of the great road! Damn it!!!"

When he woke up, he was stunned for a moment, and even began to wonder if his eyes were deceived.

He could never imagine why Wanmu Zhenren could possess such a treasure?
"Damn... with such a precious treasure, this Master Wanmu is simply the son of luck, the protagonist in the novel!"

Su Xing was shocked for a moment, and he finally understood why Wan Mu Zhenren could understand the basics of Mu Zhi Dao.

If you have such a treasure and carry it with you all year round, if you still can't understand it, then I'm afraid it's a hammer...

"But what's going on with this energy requirement?"

"Damn, you want 100 million energy!? Give it away for free?"

Su Xing wondered if there was a bug in his simulator.

But then the simulator's prompt sound came.

[Host, please see clearly that the selling price unit is energy source, not simulated energy... Note that energy source is a purer energy unit than simulated energy! 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard this. There was actually an energy unit that was purer than simulated energy, so he wondered:

"Then, how can we obtain the source of energy?"

The simulator then replied.

[It can be absorbed through rarer items and the source of energy can be obtained...]

[At the same time, every 100 million simulated energy can be exchanged to obtain a bit of energy source... Do you want to exchange it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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