Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 219: The first real-life epiphany, understanding of magical powers!

Chapter 219: The first real-life epiphany, understanding of magical powers! (5k)

Su Xing was stunned upon hearing this.

100 million simulated energy, exchange for some energy source?
Su Xing calculated for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

Doesn't this mean that these 100 million energy sources... require one trillion simulated energy! ?
What the hell?One trillion energy...

This means emptying out the entire Daxia Kingdom's Chamber of Commerce, which may not be enough, right?
The simulated energy obtained so far after awakening is only one percent of this piece of wood?

"It is undoubtedly unrealistic to bring such a treasure out of the simulation..."

"You can only find a way to get it in reality!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, feeling even more eager.

In this way, there is one more reason for Su Xing to kill Master Wan Mu!
The innate treasure branch, the spiritual dragon!

If you take out any one of these two treasures, it will be enough for a powerful immortal to fight for his life.

But now, Su Xing actually knows the news about these two treasures, and even has a chance to obtain them!

"Calm down...must calm down!"

"Before you deal with the matter of being chased by the mysterious man...don't be impulsive!"

"These two items... are of little use to me now... I won't really need them until my strength breaks through the integration stage!"

"The top priority is to improve your own strength as much as possible!"

Su Xing thought this, and after calming himself down, he looked at the other rewards on the simulation panel.

Here you go, this purple talent, it looks really good.

Steal a random prop from the target. If you can steal an excellent one, you will make a lot of money.

But for the current awakening, it is of little use.

Because there are so few scenes of use, maybe it will be more convenient to use when you enter the world of immortality later?
"The understanding of the origin of power... is still at the superficial stage, and the progress seems to be a bit too slow..."

"If accidental enlightenment cannot be triggered, the superficial insights are of little use to me. Although it is better than nothing... but it can only be accumulated slowly..."

Su Xing sighed, hesitated and murmured:
"Forget it, try again! If you still can't trigger the accidental enlightenment... you can only rely on yourself to slowly accumulate the understanding of the original power..."

"As for the Wanmu Determination Technique... this is a heaven-level skill and mind method that can reach the realm of immortals..."

"But my current Qian Yan Jue is enough to break through to the integration stage... In addition, there is an advanced Qian Yan Jue technique in the Luotian Conference that I have no memory of, so I am not in a hurry to bring it out!"

Su Xing discovered that although there were many rewards obtained in this simulation.

But there are only two that are really worth bringing out.

"I choose, the Five Elements Reciprocity Technique and the Spiritual Explosion Technique are perfect!"

Su Xing said silently.

[You successfully brought out the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique (minor level), spending 1 million energy, and the remaining energy is 31 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Spirit Explosion Technique (Perfect Level), spending 2 million energy, and the remaining energy is 29 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious energies entered Xing Xing's body.

When I wake up, a lot of memories flood into my mind.

"The method of mutual interdependence between yin and yang and the five elements... When metal is strong and fire is needed, it can form a vessel... Metal can overcome wood, and when there is too much wood, metal lacks it... When fire is strong and water is needed, it can form a vessel..."

A short mantra entered Su Xing's mind, and Su Xing felt that his grasp of the Five Elements and the Five Elements Spiritual Energy had become much sharper.

In just a moment, Su Xing's mastery of the five elements of spiritual energy was several steps higher than before.

"Hiss~ Five Elements Master, he is indeed an astonishing genius. Just the Master-level Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique has brought my understanding of the essence of spiritual energy to a higher level!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, adjusted his breathing, and carefully sensed the spiritual energy in the surrounding world.

Subsequently, various spiritual attributes in the entire Lingtian Cave were awakened.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth... every spiritual energy is like a dancing elf, jumping for joy in Su Xing's body.

With a sudden movement in Su Xing's heart, he can accurately extract the wood and fire attribute spiritual energy like peeling off silk from a cocoon, and can mix it to form a stable state.

"No wonder I couldn't get started with the spiritual explosion technique before. In the final analysis, the spiritual explosion technique is an offensive technique formed purely by relying on spiritual energy and compressed bursts..."

"But the five elements of spiritual energy are in conflict with each other... If the unstable spiritual energy is compressed and mixed together, it will definitely lead to the instability of the five elements of spiritual energy and the instability of the compressed space of the spiritual explosion technique."

"Only by accurately controlling the spiritual energy and allowing it to be mixed and compressed according to the technique of the five elements, can the power be exerted to the maximum extent!"

Su Xing felt the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique in his mind, and felt the Spiritual Explosion Technique that he had perfected.

There seemed to be a vague flash of inspiration, and he touched a mysterious state.

Questions that were difficult to understand in the past were answered at this moment.

Gradually, Su Xing fell into a state of forgetting everything and forgetting himself...

This is a serendipitous epiphany!
That's right, this is the first time Awakening has triggered a serendipitous epiphany in reality outside of simulation!
And this epiphany lasted for two full days!
Three days later, when Su Xing got out of that almost omnipotent state, he slowly changed back to himself.

There seemed to be a tear streak across the corner of Su Xing's eyes.

"Am I... falling into a state of accidental enlightenment?"

At this time, Su Xing felt an indescribable bitterness in his heart.

In the state of enlightenment, the awakening of mind and understanding is almost divine.

But once out of this state, the state of being reduced from an omniscient god to a mortal makes people feel disappointed.

This is the first time Su Xing has experienced such ups and downs, and it is inevitable that he will lose his composure for a while.

After adjusting for a long time, Su Xing recovered from this state.

At this moment, Su Xing found that his understanding of the Spirit Explosion Technique and the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique had reached a huge level again!
Su Xing subconsciously opened his attribute panel and took a look.

On the attribute panel, I saw that Su Xing’s understanding of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique has changed from a minor level to a Dacheng level!
But what makes Su Xing a little curious is that his understanding of the Spirit Explosion Technique has actually changed from perfect to entry level!

"It's strange... It's understandable to understand and advance in the Five Elements Mutual Generation Technique..."

"But why has the Spiritual Explosion Technique become entry-level?"

Su Xing carefully recalled his understanding of the Spirit Explosion Technique in his mind, and then his eyes widened and his mouth could not close for a long time.

"Unexpectedly... the Spiritual Explosion Technique has turned from a small magical power into a real magical power!"

The little awakened heart was beating fast.

Although there is only one word difference between minor magical power and magical power, the meanings are completely different!

Of all the attack methods that Su Xing currently has at his disposal, perhaps only the Perfect Level Earth Sword can barely be considered a magical level...

It’s not even that!

Only after cultivating the Heavenly Sword can you reach the true magical level!

Because all magical powers are an application of original power...

Only in this way can we have such amazing power.

"It's unbelievable that I actually realized and created a real magical power by myself!"

Su Xing inevitably felt a sense of pride in his heart.

After all, Su Xing did not learn this from others, but truly realized it himself.

The meaning of this is completely different!
Su Xing stretched out his hand, wanting to try the power of the spiritual explosion after being promoted to a magical power!

Su Xing carefully injected about one-tenth of the wood-attribute spiritual energy in his body, and then injected a wisp of fire-attribute spiritual energy...

After that, Su Xing stopped, looked at the spiritual whirlpool in front of him, and murmured:
"It's unbelievable. Only one-tenth of the spiritual energy was consumed, and the power is almost the same as one-third of the previous spiritual energy..."

"If we continue to inject spiritual energy, I'm afraid the power of the spiritual explosion will increase several times!"

"This is just an entry-level spiritual explosion technique...if it reaches a higher level, its power is unimaginable!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, but did not continue to inject spiritual energy, but slowly dissipated the spiritual explosion technique.

After all, if something unexpected happens, the Lingtian Cave will probably be destroyed by the Spiritual Explosion Technique.

"The greatest power of the Spirit Explosion Technique is to wait until we find a way to try it in the simulation..."

Su Xing murmured.

In any case, this accidental enlightenment gave Su Xing a great surprise.

It is almost equivalent to saving a simulation time.

"However... we still need to break through to the integration stage as soon as possible!"

"Only after reaching the integration stage, will there be a qualitative improvement in strength!"

Su Xing murmured.

In the next three days, I woke up as usual, refining Bigu Pill every day.

In just three days, Su Xing had consumed nearly [-] Bigu Pills.

On December [-]th, he regained his breath in disguise, blocked his own secrets, and left Kyoto city quietly.

After leaving Kyoto City, Su Xing went to the place agreed with Luo Shuying.The eighth day of every month is the day Su Xing and Luo Shuying agreed to meet.

When there were still more than 200 kilometers away from the agreed place, Su Xing cautiously emitted his spiritual consciousness and explored the agreed place.

It's not that I don't believe Luo Shuying, but I'm worried that if Luo Shuying is followed, Su Xing will be exposed.

Fortunately, Su Xing only discovered Luo Shuying's aura.

After making sure that no one was following him, Su Xing arrived at the appointed place and showed up on time.


Luo Shuying felt excited after seeing Xing Xing.

Since the last time she talked to Su Xing, she seemed to have found a mentor in her life, a beacon pointing to the future.

After Su Xing saw Luo Shuying, he nodded slightly and said:
"You haven't encountered any accidents recently, right?"

Luo Shuying shook her head slightly and said, "No, Advent Sect has always trusted me..."

After Su Xing heard this, he took out a small bottle of Concentration Pill from the storage instrument and handed it to Luo Shuying.

"This elixir can help you step into the realm of legend!"

Luo Shuying was a little excited after hearing this, took the small bottle of elixir, and said respectfully:

"Thank you senior!"

After that, Luo Shuying also took out a storage ring and handed it to Su Xing.

"Senior, I exchanged these with contribution points from the treasure house during this period. Some medicinal materials and treasures, I think they should be of some use to you..."

After hearing this, Su Xing was not polite. He scanned the storage ring with his consciousness, and after confirming that no one had tampered with it, he placed it in the Lingtian Cave.

When Luo Shuying saw Su Xing taking over her storage ring, she was immediately happy, thinking that she had made some contribution.

But then Luo Shuying said sadly:
"Senior, the whereabouts of what you asked me to inquire about have not yet been found..."

"But according to my guess, a cadre named Dragon Protector who guards the treasure house has a very high status!"

"It seems to be half a point higher than the other two faction leaders... I suspect that he is the conservative leader who has never shown up!"

"and also……"

Luo Shuying informed Su Xing of the information he had collected during this period.

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and reminded:

"It's okay. This matter is not urgent... Your own safety is the most important thing. Don't expose it!"

Luo Shuying was moved again after hearing Su Xing's concern.

Su Xing then asked:

"By the way, it seems that you have been trying to absorb the power of foreign races... to strengthen yourself?"

"This method has many consequences, so don't try it easily in the future!"

"Show me how deformed your body is now..."

After Luo Shuying heard this, there was a tangled look on his face, but he still nodded and activated his power.

He took off his gloves, revealing a pair of white, smooth and slender hands.

Subsequently, these hands underwent tremendous changes in just a few breaths.

The color changed to black, and it became rougher, and the shape looked more like a pair of claws.

Luo Shuying said a little disappointed:

"Senior...this is the corpse of a Shadow Clan that I got by chance before. From its corpse, I gained the power..."

"After stimulating this power, my strength, speed, and even defense have undergone tremendous changes... But at the same time, I will also lose the ability to control objects..."

"In addition, the power of this Shadow Clan also makes me lose myself occasionally... If my Spirit Clan were not born with strong spiritual power, I would probably completely become a monster..."

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard it. In the previous simulation, Su Xing only had the effect of the scene when Luo Shuying activated this power.

Even under the changes of her whole body, Luo Shuying will change from a beautiful woman to a terrifying alien monster.

As a result, he has a power that is almost comparable to legend...

As for the people of the Spiritual Race, their own power is spiritual power... which is a power close to the power of telepathy!

Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"After that, you can just major in your spiritual clan's own strength... Spiritual power, if it reaches its peak, may not be weaker than other power systems!"

"Although the power of the Shadow Clan is powerful, the side effects are too great, and it is not your own strength after all... You should not practice it again in the future."

"In addition, I will also find a way for you in the future to see if I can get rid of the side effects in your body..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Shuying nodded obediently.

After that, Su Xing and Luo Shuying talked for some time, and then they parted ways.

Before leaving, Su Xing blocked the secrets here and cleaned up all traces.

After that, he flew with his sword, made several large circles, and returned to Kyoto City.

After returning to Kyoto City and entering Lingtian Cave, Su Xing took out the storage ring given by Luo Shuying before and checked the items in it.

Two thousand Yuanyuan grass, two thousand Huangxianjing...and dozens of Dragon Spirit Flowers and Yuanwu grass...as well as some miscellaneous herbs.

Su Xing looked at the medicinal materials in the storage ring and felt moved in his heart.

He just mentioned it casually before, but he didn't expect Luo Shuying to bring this to him.

"Yuanyuancao and Huangxianjing...these are herbs that can help Grandmaster-level professionals break through to the Heavenly King level!"

"Even if these things are not considered precious in Advent Cult, Luo Shuying must have spent a lot of money to get them..."

Su Xing thought so.

Su Xing planted some of these herbs in the medicine field. When they grow in the future, Su Xing will have an inexhaustible supply of elixirs.

The other part, Su Xing, is going to be reserved for refining elixirs in the future.

Although the Yang Yuan Pill and the Fu Refining Pill are not suitable for the present world, they will be useful sooner or later.

It wasn't until December 12th that Su Xing went to see Jin Congxue as promised.

Jin Congxue wore a light blue woolen gown and a pair of flared jeans today, looking very youthful and beautiful.

The two sat face to face and soon started talking about business.

"Big boss, the matter you told me last time was successfully resolved!"

"Fifty thousand pills can be exchanged for 10 years of contracting rights for a second-level exotic metal mining area! During this period, all exotic metals mined in the mining area belong to us!"

"And the Daxia military said that the more of these elixirs, the better. As long as they can provide 50 elixirs, even ten second-level exotic metal mining areas are no problem!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this.

Ten years of contracting rights is no different from eternity to Su Xing.

After all, ten years later, Su Xing may have become the ultimate power in the Three Thousand Worlds.

With this in mind, Su Xing handed the elixir he had saved to Jin Congxue and said:

"This batch of pills, plus the ones I gave you before... is almost [-], which is just enough to buy a second-level exotic metal mining area..."

"As for the future, we will focus all our energy on the acquisition of exotic metal mining areas. About every two months, we will be able to acquire another second-level exotic metal mining area!"

Su Xing said so.

For him, the main material for refining Bigu Pill is spiritual rice, so there is no shortage of materials.

But what is lacking is the time required to refine the elixir.

By himself, no matter how fast he was at refining elixirs, he could only refine more than a thousand elixirs in one day.

"It seems that we have to find a way to refine more elixirs... As long as the speed of refining the elixirs increases, we can obtain more energy!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart moved and he murmured:
"In the ruins of Wanmu Sect, I encountered living dead puppets who can plant spiritual fields... So are there also living dead puppets who can refine elixirs?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

If a puppet can really be made to refine elixirs, the speed of waking up and obtaining elixirs will definitely be much faster!

"There are eight puppets in Zong Laogou's storage ring... maybe they can be used..."

"It's just that I don't know much about the art of puppetry. Maybe I should go to the Luotian Conference copy to learn more!"

Su Xing understands more and more the importance of knowledge in the world of immortality.

There are hundreds of arts of cultivating immortals, including alchemy, forming formations, talismans, weapon refining, etc... There is also the art of puppetry, which naturally belongs to them.

"Currently, for me, if I make a puppet that can refine elixirs, the efficiency of obtaining energy will be a qualitative change!"

(End of this chapter)

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