Chapter 220: Cultivation of Immortality and Hundred Arts, the Way of the Puppet! (5k, please subscribe)

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

Soon, the meeting with Jin Congxue ended successfully.

Su Xing disguised himself and calmed down, and returned to the school in secret.

Exchange the new week's goods into simulated energy and wake up with more than 1 million more simulated energy.

Today, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce can provide Su Xing with more than [-] million simulated energy every week, and this rate is still growing slowly.

And starting next week, the energy the Tarot Chamber of Commerce can provide every week will reach an astonishing 5000 million points.

A second-level exotic metal mining area copy can provide an additional 5000 million energy for awakening in one week!
"Next, it's time to try to understand the way of puppets... Bigu Pill is just the lowest level of elixir, and it is not difficult to refine. If I can successfully refine a puppet with this function, my elixir refining speed will be increased several times. , or even dozens of times!”

"At that time, I am afraid that tens of thousands of Bigu Pills can be refined in one week, which is equivalent to one more second-level exotic metal mining area dungeon per week!"

The little awakened heart was beating fast.

If these can be achieved, the simulation energy required for the entire integration period plus the Hunyuan Realm can be completely provided by the awakening!
On December 2024, 12, in the new era, Su Xing prepared to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 6500 energy points, with 30 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing thought about it and realized that he didn't plan to draw new talents this time.

First of all, the 40.00% probability is too low, and the probability of waking up to draw a golden talent is low.

Secondly, Awakening currently needs a talent that he has drawn before.

Talisman Master!

Currently, Su Xing has a certain foundation in the formation of the miniature spirit gathering array, and has also mastered the Five Elements method.

The only thing missing is some skills in carving talismans. If you have enough foundation in the awakening of talismans, you can successfully learn the miniature spirit gathering array.

By then, the cultivation after breaking through and integrating will be much faster.

"Besides that... there is another very important point, that is, the method of puppets seems to be somewhat related to the method of talismans..."

Su Xing was thoughtful and murmured:
"Use the talent pool lottery function!"

The next second, an illusory slot lottery machine appeared in front of Su Xing's eyes.

Without hesitation, Su Xing tried to extract the purple talent.

After trying more than 30 times in a row, Su Xing finally found the talent he needed, Talisman Expert!
[talisman expert]: Purple talent, your talent for making talismans is extremely high, it is easier than ordinary people to learn new talismans, and the success rate of refining talismans is slightly increased.

[Ding, you successfully drew the purple talent Talisman Expert, and the remaining energy is 30 billion 2143 million points. Do you want to start the simulation? 】

Su Xing silently muttered a word of confirmation in his heart, and then looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[In the next ten days, you dug a pond in the Cave Heaven Paradise, poured in spiritual springs and spiritual liquid, and bought many fish fry and put them into it. 】

[You have accumulated a day’s wisdom bonus. 】

[After doing all this, you went to the copy of Luotian Conference. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

In this simulation, he planned to explore how the spirit dragon could remove the black energy.

And for the cultivation of puppet talismans, awakening also needs to be strengthened.

Therefore, Su Xing chose to enter the Luotian Conference copy again in order to obtain relevant knowledge in this area.

"Use the immersive simulation feature, lasting 24 hours..."

Su Xing said silently.

[Congratulations on using the immersive simulation function. You have spent 240 million energy points and have 30 million remaining energy points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, Su Xing appeared in the main hall of Luotian Sect.

The voice of Luo Ying, the leader of Luotian Sect, came to his ears.

"Good disciple, the Luotian Conference is about to begin... Go to the back mountain and ask your senior brother Shennong to come over..."

"Yes, Master!"

Su Xing agreed, but did not move.

After seeing this, Luo Ying asked doubtfully: "Good disciple, why don't you leave, but you have something to ask?"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and asked:
"Master, I do have a question..."

"Recently, I saw an ancient book in the Sutra Pavilion, which recorded the spirit-veined dragon... and recorded a story."

"It is said that the spiritual dragon is condensed from the essence of heaven and earth, but if it is trapped in a burst, the body will be entangled with black energy..."

Su Xing naturally couldn't say that he had encountered this incident, so he pretended that he had read it in ancient books.

After all, there are so many books in the Sutra Pavilion that it is impossible for this cheap master to read them all.

After a pause, Su Xing continued and asked:

"My disciple would like to know the source of this black energy. Is there any way to resolve this black energy?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Luo Ying smiled and said:

"Haha, you kid is quite curious..."

After Luo Ying thought for a moment, he said:
"About the Spiritual Vein Dragon, it has always been very mysterious... The black energy you describe, I have never encountered before..."

"However, if black energy is born due to being trapped in the formation... I have some ideas about the source of this black energy."

"The spirit-veined dragon loves freedom by nature, and it is favored by heaven and earth and has unique advantages... If an evil cultivator forces a spirit-veined dragon to be imprisoned regardless of the obstruction of heaven and earth, it may lead to the interference of the will of the world somewhere..."

"In addition, the spiritual vein dragon's own resentment has gathered and cannot be dissipated... thus forming this black energy!"

After a pause, Luo Ying tentatively explained:
"As for the solution... I think... one is to rescue the spiritual dragon and cultivate it well. Perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years will pass, the grievances will be resolved and the black energy will naturally dissipate..."

"Of course, this method takes a long time, maybe even tens of thousands of years..."

"In addition, if we can arrange some formations to resolve resentment and shield the will of the world, and let the spiritual dragon stay in it all year round, we may be able to dissipate the resentment as soon as possible!"

Woke up and nodded slightly after listening.

A formation to resolve resentments and block the will of the world... This doesn't sound like it's fast enough?

So he woke up and asked unwillingly:

"Master, is there any other way to resolve this black energy faster?"

After hearing this, Luo Ying hesitated for a moment and said:

"There is a secret method on the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion... called Yihuaqiaomu. It can add the negative and positive effects of all things to oneself... If you are willing, you can transfer this black energy to yourself..."

"It's just that this may be harmful to one's own practice. You need to have a very high state of mind to reduce this impact... and supplement it with Qingxin Jue and Qingxin Pill to quickly eliminate your resentment..."

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing Luo Ying's words.

It seems feasible to transfer the black energy to yourself and then resolve it yourself?
But Su Xing still asked:
"Master, will this kind of transfer method have any sequelae?"

Luo Ying smiled after hearing this and said:

"Spiritual dragons are different from monks. The resentment they gain is extremely difficult to resolve..."

"But ordinary monks, even if they become immortals, will inevitably have emotions, grievances and joys. They just want to make some changes in their own emotions... If they are resolved in time, there should be no major problems..."

Su Xing was completely relieved after hearing Luo Ying's explanation.

He passed through the five levels of spiritual transformation and felt in a detached state of mind, thinking that it would be okay to carry this little resentment.

Just try it again later.

So Su Xing asked another question.

"Master, my disciple has been studying the puppet method recently. I wonder if Master has any experience?"

After hearing this, Luo Ying thought for a while and said:

"As a teacher, I'm not very good at dealing with puppets..."

"However, in the Sutra Pavilion, Granny Ghost has a lot of research on puppets, but Granny Ghost has a weird temper... Maybe you can ask about it?"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. Unexpectedly, the ghost granny was actually good at puppetry. Maybe she could get a puppet technique from the ghost granny for free!
With this thought, Su Xing quickly left the hall.

Soon, Su Xing brought Brother Shennong to the main hall. After completing the task process, Su Xing couldn't wait to rush to the Luotian Sect's Scripture Pavilion.In the Sutra Pavilion, Su Xing walked to the fifth floor, found a book called "Detailed Explanation of the Puppet Way" and read it with gusto.

While reading, Su Xing also observed secretly.

Because judging from the previous situation, Granny Ghost will come looking for him soon.

Sure enough, after Su Xing read for an hour or two, the voice of the ghost mother-in-law came to his ears.

"Are you looking for me?"

Su Xing was shocked when he heard this voice. He quickly turned around and bowed, saying:

"Yes, Granny Ghost... My nephew has something to ask about, about the way of puppets... I heard that you have done a lot of research on this way?"

After hearing what Su Xing said, Granny Ghost asked with interest:

"Oh? There are not many young monks these days who are willing to learn the way of puppetry...most of them regard it as evil cultivation..."

"However, the way of puppets can also be divided into good and evil. I wonder which one you would like to learn?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows after hearing this, thinking that Granny Ghost was willing to give me some advice, so she quickly said, "Please give me some advice!"

After hearing this, Granny Ghost nodded slightly and said slowly:

"The way of puppets is regarded as a heretic among the various arts of cultivating immortality..."

"And the reason for this is because of the existence of the way of human puppets!"

"The way of puppets can be roughly divided into two categories, the way of human puppets, and the way of puppets!"

"The so-called human puppet method is to refine living people into living dead, and finally transform them into puppets..."

"Compared with the way of weapon puppets, the way of human puppets has many benefits... For example, it saves the materials for refining puppets. The puppets are very powerful and can retain most of the monks' strength and skills during their lifetime..."

"But the way of human puppets is also despised by righteous monks... Just because it is easy to refine, many puppet masters will enter the ranks of evil cultivators!"

After a pause, Granny Ghost continued to explain:
"Corresponding to this, is the way of the puppet, which is made by using some rare metals and treasures of heaven and earth... and then driven by spiritual stones, then the puppet is trained, and the puppet is carved and fixed in the core of the puppet. The magic talisman can eventually make the puppet learn to do a certain thing..."

"So, masters of the art of weapon puppets... are often also masters of weapon refining!"

"in addition……"

Granny Ghost said a lot, Su Xing listened carefully and roughly understood what Granny Ghost meant.

The so-called way of puppets is actually the integration of weapon refining, talismans, formations, and the way of souls!
Of course, this does not mean that if you want to refine a puppet, you need to master all four Taoist techniques to a high level.

Often a puppet master will refine the body of the puppet himself, and then the talisman master will carve the core of the talisman. The formation master will assemble the spirit expelling array, the spirit gathering array, and assemble the spirit stones... Finally, the puppet master himself will be driven by his soul.

These four paths merge into one, which is the path of puppets!
After hearing Granny Ghost's words, Su Xing's face suddenly became a little ugly.

In the world of cultivating immortals, ordinary puppet masters can naturally divide and cooperate like this...

But for Su Xing, he must master all four skills before he can become a true puppet master.

But if you want to master all four skills, how easy is it?
"Sigh... Puppet way, didn't you expect the requirements to be so strict?"

"If we learn all these four skills, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time..."

Wake up and think carefully about the pros and cons of learning the way of puppetry.

The advantage of refining a puppet is that it saves a lot of time and energy when awakened.

For example, when refining low-level elixirs such as Beauty Pills and Bigu Pills, you don't need to do it yourself to wake up. You can completely let the puppet do it, which can save most of the time and quickly obtain simulated energy.

Su Xing expected that if the puppet was allowed to refine Bigu Pill in exchange for the mining rights of the foreign metal mining area.

In the next few months, the amount of simulated energy he obtains will increase several times or even ten times!
In addition, when doing something, it may be inconvenient for you to wake up and do it yourself, so you can let the puppet do it for you.

For example, when trading with the Daxia military, Su Xing can completely let the puppet pretend to be a master to conduct further transactions.

Finally, of course, the puppet itself is also extremely powerful.

These are the three major benefits of waking up and learning the way of puppets.

But at the same time, if you practice the way of puppet, you may need to waste three to five times of simulation time to wake up...

In this way, the speed of awakening and becoming stronger is prevented...

After hesitating for a moment, Su Xing asked:
"Mother-in-law, I don't know how to use puppets. Is there any quick fix?"

Granny Ghost laughed after hearing this, looked at Su Xing meaningfully, and asked:

"You want to... learn the ways of being a puppet?"

For some reason, after hearing Granny Ghost's words, Su Xing's heart was immediately shaken, for fear that he would be regarded as an evil cultivator...

Su Xing was about to explain, but Granny Ghost interrupted:
"Puppets, to me, there is no distinction between good and evil!"

"As long as you are willing to do one thing for me, I am willing to teach you both the Human Puppet Tao and the Weapon Puppet Tao... How about that?"

After hearing this, Su Xing quickly agreed: "Disciple is willing!"

Granny Ghost said: "In this case, one year later..."

After making the request, Granny Ghost pointed at Su Xing’s eyebrows.

Su Xing felt that there were several more secret techniques in his mind, as well as some knowledge related to the way of puppets.

The several secret methods are, "The method of controlling puppets with souls", "The method of refining puppets with objects", "The method of seal carving of puppet core", and "The method of puppet core formation".

The four secret techniques almost cover most of the knowledge of puppetry from entry to mastery.

Su Xing only needs a brief recollection to memorize the knowledge of the Puppet Way in his mind. Of course, there is still a long way to go before applying it.

After imparting the four secret techniques to Su Xing, Granny Ghost said:
"In the way of puppets, basic knowledge is not enough... Next, I will teach you the key points that need to be paid attention to in the control, refining, and use of the way of puppets..."

The ghost grandmother is like this, giving personal guidance to the awakening.

Every instruction made Su Xing gain a lot from the way of puppets.

Coupled with the bonus of being in a state of great wisdom, waking up is like cheating, and the understanding of the way of puppets is rising.

Soon, the immersive simulation time ended, and he woke up and returned to the real world.

Returning to the real world, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes with a hint of wonder.

"Ghost Granny, I'm afraid she is a powerful and powerful person who is hidden in the world!"

"For the way of puppets, Granny Gui has probably reached the stage of transformation... With his guidance, I can say that I have made great progress in the way of puppets!"

Wake up and open the familiarization panel.

Just a short time of immersive simulation.

There is a brand new ability on the awakening panel, the Puppet Way, and it has reached the entry level.

"Tsk, tsk, if I do this a few more times, I'm afraid I will soon reach the level of master in the art of puppets... By then, I should be able to control the eight living dead puppets!"

Su Xing was a little happy, recalling the knowledge in his mind.

"I have been able to unlock the restrictions on the eight puppets left behind by the old dog..."

"But if you want them to refine elixirs or cultivate spiritual plants, you need to modify the internal structure... You need to engrave formation talismans on the core of their puppets, so that they can have the ability to refine elixirs and cultivate spirits!"

Wake up and prepare to give it a try after this simulation is over.

"However, in this simulation, in addition to the research on the way of puppets... we should also find a way to find out the identity of the mysterious man!"

To Su Xing, the mysterious man was nothing more than a sword hanging above his head.

If this crisis is not resolved, Su Xing may not be able to obtain the Dragon of Spiritual Veins.

The only thing Su Xing knows so far is that this puppet has a certain connection with the Dragon Guardian.

Therefore, in order to find out the identity of this simulator, Su Xing plans to be an undercover agent of the Adventist Cult in this simulation!
Look at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you have benefited a lot, and you have begun to try to practice the way of puppets. 】

[You have devoted yourself to studying the art of puppets in the Lingtian Cave for dozens of days. You have made some progress, but you still cannot control those puppets. 】

[You know, if you want to successfully master the way of puppets, you also need to understand the method of talismans. 】

[So you take out a jade slip left by Zong Laogou that records the way of talismans, and start practicing the way of talismans. 】

[One day, you went to see Luo Shuying as promised. 】

[Not seen for a month, Luo Shuying has grown into a legendary powerhouse. Under her leadership, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining Advent Cult, you successfully fooled a large number of fans by relying on your talent as a successful master. 】

[In this simulation, you do not plan to betray the Adventist Cult directly, but you want to stay in the Adventist Cult and dig out more clues...]

(End of this chapter)

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