Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 221: Coming undercover to the cult again, aiming to become the leader of the villain!

Chapter 221: Coming undercover to the cult again, aiming to become the leader of the villain! (5k)

[You did not reveal your alchemy talent, but joined the Advent Cult with a new identity. 】

[With your current strength, you can almost crush the three faction masters. However, you have not revealed your true strength. You only showed your peak as a Martial Emperor and reluctantly became a protector of the Advent Sect. 】

[In the next year, you and Luo Shuying cooperated to acquire most of the medicinal materials in the advent sect’s treasure house. 】

[You refine the elixir every day and prepare to keep it and give it to the Daxia military in the future. 】

[The next year, you went to the Luotian Conference dungeon again, hoping to enhance your understanding of the way of puppets. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

“Using immersive simulation…”

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive...the remaining energy is 30 million points.]

Soon, the immersive simulation time ended, and he woke up and returned to the real world.

"Yes, with the guidance of Grandma Gui, my understanding of the way of puppets can be said to have improved rapidly..."

"Although it has not yet reached the level of Xiaocheng, it should not be a big problem to initially transform and drive those puppets..."

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

With his current attainments in puppetry, he is only at the entry level. It is unrealistic to create a puppet that can refine elixirs.

But fortunately, Su Xing has eight existing puppets. They only need a little modification, and they may be able to be useful to Su Xing in a short time.

"But unfortunately, as time goes by, there are only two years left before the Luotian Conference dungeon is closed... This means that I can only enter twice more for each simulation in the future..."

Su Xing sighed.

He has always had a hunch in his heart that there must be some shocking secret hidden in the copy of the Luotian Conference. Su Xing must explore as much as possible to find out where this secret is within the next limited time.

"But for now, let's fish in troubled waters in the Advent Sect first. If we can become the leader of the faction, maybe we can get greater secrets and learn the identity of the mysterious person?"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you returned to the Advent Sect and continued to be your own protector. 】

[You are brave when performing tasks, and you show care for your subordinates in daily life. 】

[In just one year, you have nearly 2 fans in Advent Cult. 】

[There are even Adventists who secretly encourage you to create a new faction, and they are willing to join your faction. 】

[But in order to avoid being suspected by the two faction leaders of the Advent Sect and Long Laogou, you did not choose to do this. 】

[Instead, he continued to stay in Adventism and acted like a loyal cadre. 】

[In private, you secretly refine the elixir and continue to study the way of talismans. 】

[In one year, thousands of spirit carp will die in your hands. 】

[But at the same time, you have mastered several kinds of talismans, and the effects of using them are outstanding. 】

[For example, the second-level talisman and wind talisman that can enhance speed can be used by master-level professionals to double their speed within one stick of incense. Grandmaster-level professionals can also increase their speed by 50.00%! 】

[For example, the first-level talisman and the ox talisman, after use, can increase the strength of a professional from one to nine oxen, which greatly improves the strength of low-level professionals. 】

[In addition, the golden blade talisman that activates the golden blade, the diamond talisman that activates the shield, etc. 】

[In the third year, your understanding of the way of talismans has been completely introduced. 】

[This is due to the talent bonus of the talisman expert you possess, coupled with your amazing spiritual talent, and your spiritual consciousness in the subtle realm. 】

[The way of talismans has extremely high requirements for spiritual power, that is, spiritual consciousness. If a low-level monk makes a slight mistake, even if it is just a hair'sth apart, a talisman will be damaged. 】

[But if you enter the subtle realm of spiritual consciousness, you can completely engrave the talisman formula in your mind. All you need is continuous practice, grasp of details, and the use of spiritual power...]

[This year, you are still at the introductory level in the art of talismans, but you have been able to carve dozens of first- and second-level talismans, and even mastered several third-level talismans. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:
"Sure enough, you have accumulated a lot of experience!"

"The way of talismans requires the strength of spiritual consciousness and the mastery of spiritual power..."

"The talismans left by the predecessors are like mathematical formulas...with their own characteristics, and I am mentally strong, so I can naturally memorize the imprints of those talismans completely. This is impossible for low-level monks to compare with."

"Refining the third-level talisman is roughly equivalent to the strength of the master level... If it reaches the fourth level, it is equivalent to the grandmaster level and the fifth-level king level... Refining the sixth-level talisman can make ordinary professionals threaten in a short time It has reached the strength of a powerful Martial Emperor!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

Unlike the methods of alchemy and weapon refining, a monk's strength increases over time, and it is impossible for a gold-level professional to have the strength of a king in a short period of time.

But the way of talismans is different. Even a gold-level professional can even have the ability to kill a king-level professional as long as he has a sixth-level offensive talisman and uses it properly!

But the shortcomings are also obvious. The talismans are almost disposable, and even high-level talismans can only be used a few times.

"Once this talisman comes out, I'm afraid the price in the market will not be low... it may even be more profitable than the elixir!"

"But this simulation is just a trial. I only need to try the talismans briefly, and then try the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Five Elements Formation..."

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fourth year, you will count all the pills accumulated over the years, and the total will be about 25. 】

[After that, you disguised yourself, held your breath, blocked your own secrets, went to find Lu Yuanwu, and handed all these pills to him, hoping to strengthen the Daxia military and the human race's strength in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[After doing all this, you returned to Adventism. 】

[In these years of Jingzhe, every time you observe the power of thunder, you hope to understand a little bit of the origin of power from the Avenue of Thunder. 】

[After several attempts, you vaguely touched some of the origin of power...]

[You are a little happy about this, but you are still neither arrogant nor impetuous. You continue to understand the origin of power every year during Jingzhe Day, and practice the way of talismans on weekdays. 】

[In the fifth year, as your understanding of the way of talismans becomes more and more advanced, you have been able to refine fourth-level talismans. 】

[You have successfully improved the refining of the second-level talisman Spirit Gathering Talisman to a great level. 】

[The Spirit Gathering Talisman is a talisman that can quickly gather spiritual energy and restore the monk's own spiritual power. 】

[You find that the spirit gathering talisman is somewhat similar to the principle of arranging a miniature spirit gathering array. Perhaps the Five Elements Master was inspired by this talisman in the first place. 】

[At the same time, during the time you were lurking in the Advent Sect, you also made good friends with the elders and protectors, called friends, ate meat and drank wine every day. 】

[In the process of communicating with these elders and guardians, you have gradually understood that the hierarchy within the Advent Sect is more strict than you imagined. 】

[From the ordinary members of the congregation to the guardian elders, they can only receive tasks and obtain contribution points, but the elder guardians are relatively free. 】

[However, both ordinary believers and guardians know very little about why this task is required and the reasons behind it. 】

[This also means that even the protector knows nothing about the core secrets of the Advent Cult. 】

[After knowing this, a plan vaguely arises in your mind. 】

[That is, find a way to reach a higher level, that is, become the leader of the Adventist faction! 】

[Because only by becoming a faction leader can you truly gain access to the core secrets of Adventism! 】

[What makes you a little distressed is that the positions of leaders of the three major factions are full, and the only conservative leader, Shen Nong, has never been seen. You also suspect that he has always been the Dragon Guardian. 】

[And if you want to become a faction leader, there is only one way... and that is to find a way to kill one of the leaders! 】

[In this regard, you know that you can't be anxious, you must wait for the opportunity quietly, otherwise your flaws will be revealed.Then all the efforts will fall short! 】

【In this way, while waiting quietly, another two years passed. 】

[In the seventh year, your research on the way of talismans has progressed further, and you have been able to refine fifth-level talismans. 】

[Grandmaster-level professionals, after activating the fifth-level talisman, can even fight against king-level professionals in a short period of time. 】

[Successfully refined the fifth-level talisman, but your research on the talisman is still at the entry level, but it is not far from success. 】

[You have some guesses in your mind. Successfully refining the sixth-level talisman may be enough to advance your understanding of the talisman to the level of success! 】

[But you do not plan to further study the talismans, because your attainments in talismans are enough at this time, and you plan to start trying to research the miniature spirit gathering array. 】【In the eighth year, you are still waiting for the opportunity quietly, not only winning over a large number of loyal fans in the Advent Sect, but also trying to improve your status and rights within the Advent Sect. 】

[You provided Luo Shuying with more concentration pills and other elixirs, hoping to improve Luo Shuying's strength. 】

[And Luo Shuying lived up to expectations, practicing hard every day, and with your help, he entered the middle stage of the legend in just eight years. 】

[This year, your understanding of the origin of power will go further. 】

[In the ninth year, you begin to read through the Five Elements Formation of the Five Elements Sect. 】

[You find that the Five Elements Formation is different from the basic Formation you have learned before. Its understanding of the Formation is more inclined to the reasonable use of the Five Elements Spiritual Energy. 】

[Because you already have a certain foundation in formations, you will make rapid progress in practicing the Five Elements formations. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 11, you have already started practicing the Five Elements Formation and are able to arrange some complex Five Elements Formations. 】

[At this time, you have understood the way of talismans, formations and spiritual energy, and have reached the basic conditions for learning the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[So, you plan to officially start carving the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You enter the Lingtian Cave, take out a fat spirit carp from the pond, and then take out the spirit ink, spirit pen, etc. needed to draw the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[Hold this spirit carp in your hand, use your spiritual power to comfort it, and then carefully experience the flow of spiritual energy in this spirit carp's body. 】

[After a few minutes, you will know the route of every trace of spiritual energy in the spirit carp's body... So you slowly open your eyes! 】

[Then, the pen moved like a dragon and a snake, and it was all done in one go... The subtle consciousness was perfectly displayed at this moment. 】

[You carefully mobilize your spiritual power and carve a small formation on the body of the spirit carp. 】

[But when you were halfway through setting up the formation, you still made some mistakes, and the spirit carp moved around, causing the spiritual energy to become unstable... This spirit carp exploded in your palm. 】

[The arrangement of the miniature spirit gathering array failed again, but you are not surprised by this. 】

[Compared to before, your seal carving of the miniature spirit gathering array has become much more mature. You just need to keep trying and you will eventually succeed. 】

[So next, you carve a miniature spirit gathering array on the spirit carp every day, and another year passes. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and sighed:

"Sure enough, the miniature spirit gathering formation, although it is a formation in name, is actually a collection of formations, talismans, and spiritual energy. The three must be combined into one to be able to carve a good enough spirit gathering formation!"

Su Xing is very much looking forward to the future development of the Spirit Gathering Array.

"The same goes for the Puppet Way... From this point of view, it seems good to practice three ways at the same time. It can be used in many directions in the future!"

After a pause, Su Xing thought with a headache:

"However, the size of this advent sect is still a bit larger than I expected... If you want to become the leader of the faction, I'm afraid you need to secretly add fuel to the flames!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 12, you finally succeeded in setting up a miniature spirit gathering array on the spirit carp. 】

[According to Wanmu Zhenren's classification, this miniature spirit gathering array is only the first level of the lowest level and belongs to the basic array. 】

[You hold the spirit carp that successfully carved the miniature spirit gathering array in your hands. After careful observation, you find that the speed at which this spirit energy gathers is not very fast. It is roughly equivalent to the speed of a monk who has just begun to develop the five elements miscellaneous spirit roots. Genzhong is not considered strong either. 】

[Based on your constant calculations, you gave a vivid metaphor. 】

[If you have the mutated heavenly spirit root of wood and fire, plus the mutated thunder spirit root, your basic practice speed is about 150 levels. 】

[The cultivation speed of ordinary Tianlinggen monks is one hundred levels. 】

[The true spiritual root is level [-]!The double, triple and fourth series miscellaneous spiritual roots decrease in order...]

[The lowest Five Elements Miscellaneous Spirit Root, the cultivation speed fluctuates between about 0.8 and 1.5 levels. 】

[As long as this miniature spirit gathering array is successfully carved, it can roughly increase a monk's level by 0.5. 】

[You are not very satisfied with this speed, because such a weak improvement has almost no effect on you. 】

[So, you decided to further study the seal carving of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[In No. 13, you further expanded the size of the spirit carp in the pond. The number of spirit carp in the pond was almost over [-]. 】

[You try to carve a miniature spirit gathering array every day, and the success rate gradually increases from [-]% to about [-]%. 】

[In the year No. 14, there are already more than [-] spirit carp in your Lingtian Cave Heaven Pond, with miniature spirit gathering formations engraved on them. 】

[On this day, you felt that the number of spirit carps was enough, so you decided to further try the layout of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You take out a spiritual carp, place it in the palm of your hand, and carefully observe the movement of spiritual energy inside it. 】

[After that, you took out the spiritual pen and dipped it in spiritual ink, and then modified the palm-sized miniature spirit gathering array on the back of the carp, hoping to further enhance the power of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

【boom!A few minutes later, as expected, you failed, and the spirit carp in your hand was exploded into braised carp. 】

[You were not discouraged, but took out another spirit carp and prepared to try again. 】

[In this way, several months have passed, and the number of spirit carps that have died in your hands has reached nearly a thousand. 】

[One day, you felt blessed, and you started to make smooth changes to the spirit gathering array on the back of the spirit carp. 】

[A quarter of an hour later, you stopped writing, and the spirit gathering formation behind the spirit carp had already changed drastically. 】

[It is still at the level of the first-order miniature spirit gathering array, but compared to the previous one, this array has been greatly improved! 】

[You try its efficiency in absorbing spiritual energy, and are surprised to find that the speed of the miniature spirit gathering array has nearly doubled. 】

[From the original 0.5 level, it has been directly upgraded to one level. 】

[This is almost equivalent to the efficiency of an ordinary Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Root cultivator who practices non-stop 24 hours a day! 】

When Su Xing saw this, he couldn't help but feel happy in his eyes and murmured:
"Finally, it was successful!"

"Only a first-level miniature spirit gathering array is equivalent to the cultivation speed of a Five Elements Miscellaneous Spirit Root cultivator... Wouldn't it be great if this reached a high level?"

What worries Su Xing the most.

In fact, this miniature spirit gathering array is activated 24 hours a day. As long as there is spiritual energy around, the miniature spirit gathering array can automatically practice.

This is equivalent to gaining idle experience and being able to stack buffs!
"Yes, after that, I will try to make a more advanced miniature spirit gathering array..."

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the next few months, you will transform all the first-order miniature spirit gathering arrays on these spirit carps. 】

[A few months later, you got 5000 spirit carps with first-order excellent miniature spirit gathering arrays engraved on their backs. 】

[No.15, you are going to further try the seal carving of the second-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You study day and night and try every day. After a few months, more than a thousand spirit carps have died in your hands. 】

[And after your continuous attempts, you finally succeeded in carving the first second-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[According to your measurement, the second-level miniature spirit gathering array is equivalent to three cultivation levels. 】

[In other words, the second-level miniature spirit-gathering array carved on a monk's body can allow him to passively have a cultivation speed close to that of a fourth-system spiritual root monk...]

[At the same time, you also find that the levels of each micro-spirit gathering array are divided into two levels: ordinary and excellent. 】

[According to your speculation, if the second-level miniature spirit gathering array is further improved, it will be able to reach the second-level excellent level, and the spiritual energy speed will reach nearly five levels!This is almost the peak of the qualifications of the four-line mixed spirit root monks. 】

[One day, just when you were about to continue studying the advancement path of the miniature spirit gathering array, you suddenly received an important task. 】

[The specific requirement of the mission is to go to the Demon Suppression Pass to assassinate a legendary professional...]

[The people accompanying you on this mission are not only the current leader of the natural faction, a strong man at the peak of legend, but also four legendary guardians including you and Luo Shuying. 】

[After receiving this mission, you immediately realize that an excellent opportunity has come to get rid of the leader of the natural faction! 】

(End of this chapter)

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