Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 222 The mysterious man appears again, and the secret of Advent Cult will be revealed!

Chapter 222 The mysterious man appears again, and the secret of Advent Cult will be revealed!
In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and murmured with some anticipation:

"The pit positions are full. As long as the people occupying the pits are eliminated, the positions will naturally become available..."

"Kill the current leader of the natural faction, and the position will naturally not be vacant, but will be reserved for the people below."

"Of course, you have to have clean hands and feet when doing it, and don't let any mistakes slip!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You met the leader of the Nature Faction as you wished. Because of your performance over the years, the Adventist leader has great trust in you. 】

[You have learned the detailed plan of this mission. 】

[The mission target is a legendary strong man of the human race in the Demon Suppression Pass. This legendary strong man is also a master of weapon refining and can even refine legendary level equipment. 】

[Therefore, the Adventist Church plans to get rid of it. There are five people in total including you who will perform the task. 】

[Under the leadership of the leader of the Nature Faction, you sneaked into the Demon Suppression Pass and passed through the Advent Faction’s internal channels, which was easier than you thought. 】

[Then, you lurked in the "City of the End", looking for opportunities to kill the legendary strongman. 】

[Of course you didn’t get what you wanted, so one day, you rushed out quietly and leaked your whereabouts to the only powerful emperor in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[After the whereabouts were leaked, you were surrounded and suppressed as expected. 】

[With your intentional cooperation, the leader of the natural faction finally fought a battle with the human emperor and died successfully. 】

[Died together with him was another legendary protector. 】

[In the end, you acted righteously and really had a fight with the powerful human emperor. You were severely injured in front of the remaining mission personnel, and successfully rescued Luo Shuying and another protector. 】

[Then, with your full protection, the three of you escaped from the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[The mission failed as expected, and you fled back to the headquarters of Advent Sect. 】

[In order to gain enough trust, you actually took some risks in this war, and you were really hit hard by the powerful human emperor. 】

[But because of your strong physical fitness and the pill you took, you returned to the headquarters safely under the protection of Luo Shuying. 】

[Soon, the news of the mission’s failure came back, and tens of thousands of people in the Advent Cult mourned the death of a legendary leader. 】

[At the same time, they are also moved by your heroic struggle in this mission, regardless of your own safety. 】

[For the next year, you recuperated in Adventism. 】

[Your injuries are gradually recovering, but on the surface you still pretend to be seriously injured. 】

[In No. 16, the natural faction lost its leader and became leaderless, so the faction fell apart as expected. 】

[All members of the congregation understand at this moment that it is time to elect a new faction leader. 】

[And you have gained the trust of Advent cultists in normal times, and you, who sacrificed your life heroically in the last mission, have undoubtedly become the most popular candidate for the leader of the natural faction. 】

[Unfortunately, the selection of faction leaders is not an electoral system. 】

[In the end, the leader of the fanatical faction and the Dragon Guardian jointly discussed and decided to appoint Luo Shuying as the leader of the natural faction! 】

[As soon as this decision came out, it immediately aroused dissatisfaction among many believers. They all privately felt that the other two faction leaders were afraid of you. 】

[But you don't mind this at all, and even come forward to speak for Luo Shuying, saying that you are still junior and have not recovered from serious injuries, so you cannot take up the position of leader of the faction. 】

[Dragon Protector was very pleased after hearing this, and promoted you to the deputy leader of the Nature Faction. You have successfully reached the top of the Nature Faction! 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he couldn't stop shaking his head.

There is no difference whether he or Luo Shuying is the leader of the natural faction.

After all, Luo Shuying is also his.

"But it seems that Dragon Protector is still suspicious by nature! Why are you still unwilling to trust me completely?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but he would never have thought that Luo Shuying had been instigated by him to rebel.

"Successfully entering the top leadership of the Nature Faction, you should be able to come into contact with the identity of the so-called mysterious person, right?"

Su Xing couldn't help but feel curious.

Look at the simulation panel.

[No. 17, this is your second year as the leader of the Natural Faction, but you have not learned the deeper secrets. Perhaps it is because you have just stepped into the top management and failed to gain complete trust. 】

[So you decided to play it safe and continue to stay in the Advent Cult. 】

[Over the years, you have never neglected the practice of micro-spirit gathering arrays. You have been able to successfully carve excellent second-level micro-spirit gathering arrays, which is equivalent to the daily passive cultivation speed increasing to the level of four-series miscellaneous spirit roots. 】

[But you are still not satisfied with this, and are going to try to carve a third-order miniature spirit gathering array. You have a hunch that the effect of the third-order miniature spirit gathering array will be stronger than that of the second order! 】

[So, another two years have passed...]

[No. 19. In this year, after thousands of failures, thousands of spirit carp died in your hands, and you finally succeeded in carving a third-order miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[The effect of the third-level miniature spirit gathering array is higher than before. 】

[If the seal is engraved on a living being, it passively absorbs spiritual energy to improve its cultivation, which is equivalent to the endless cultivation speed of a monk with three series of mixed spiritual roots throughout the day! 】

[According to your measurement, the third-level miniature spirit gathering array’s cultivation speed is between 10 and 15 levels. 】

[After these years of research, you can finally roughly deduce the effect of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[The operation of the first-level micro-spirit gathering array is equivalent to that of a Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Root cultivator, who can practice continuously day and night. 】

[The second-level miniature spirit gathering array is equivalent to the four series of miscellaneous spirit roots that are cultivated day and night...]

[The third level is equivalent to a three-series miscellaneous spiritual root...the fourth level is equivalent to a dual spiritual root monk...the fifth level is equivalent to a true spiritual root monk! 】

[This means that if an ordinary True Spiritual Root cultivator draws a fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array on his skin, his cultivation speed can even be faster than that of a Heavenly Spiritual Root cultivator! 】

[Because Tianlinggen monks do not practice 24 hours a day, the miniature spirit gathering array can continue to operate as long as there is spiritual energy, converting spiritual energy into cultivation! 】

[And if you can successfully carve a sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array and engrave it on your skin, you can even make your own cultivation speed 2.5 times that of ordinary Tianlinggen monks. 】

[This bonus is undoubtedly amazing! 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and couldn't help but feel excited.

"And...the sixth level miniature spirit gathering array is not even the limit!"

"If I have enough cultivation in the Way of Formation and the Way of Talisman, I will be able to raise my qualifications to several levels!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing suddenly felt that he had definitely earned money by spending so much energy on studying the miniature spirit gathering array!

"Yes, in this simulation, we have basically figured out the ways of puppetry and the depiction of the miniature spirit gathering array that need to be explored..."

"Next, it would be better if we could figure out the identity of the mysterious man!"

However, there is currently no sign of the mysterious man showing up... Is there any way to lure out the mysterious man?
Su Xing took a deep breath and vaguely had another plan in mind.

Look at the simulation panel.

[No. 20, the day of Jingzhe. As you have observed the way of thunder over the years, you have initially understood the origin of power. 】

[Although it has not reached the entry level, it is not far away. 】

[One day, you are going to start executing the plan you have been thinking about for a long time. 】

[You secretly let out the news that you have recovered from your injuries, and you intend to lead the Advent Sect to a more glorious future. 】

[Sure enough, as soon as this news was released, many congregants, elders and even Dharma Protector-level cadres wanted you to become the leader of the Natural Faction of Advent Sect. 】

[And Luo Shuying also gave in reasonably at your request. Although you shied away on the surface, you still experienced the drama of "wearing a yellow robe"! 】

[At this time, you have been a member of Adventism for more than [-] years, and your qualifications are considered experienced, so you are naturally qualified to become the leader of the natural faction! 】

[This year, you completed the first step of your plan and became the leader of the natural faction! 】

[After you become the leader of the natural faction, your status within the church will be higher! 】

[Many believers naturally joined the Natural Faction. The Natural Faction surpassed the Fanatic Faction and became the strongest force in the Advent Sect! 】

[This is the first step in your plan to expand your status and voice within the church! 】

[In the year No. 20, you shielded your own secrets, disguised yourself, and went to the dungeon of the Immortal Martial Era, and awakened the sleeping Master Wan Mu! 】

[You did not kill Master Wanmu. After waking him up from his slumber, you returned to the Advent Cult. 】【Three months later, as expected, the news of the resurrection of the spiritual dragon and the sleeping master spread throughout the entire Immortal Martial Era dungeon! 】

[The Dragon Protector also made a rare appearance and came to the Advent Sect headquarters. 】

[Dragon Protector personally went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. After returning, his face looked a little solemn. 】

[A few days later, Protector Dragon summoned you, Luo Shuying, and the leaders of the Fanatic Sect, and held a meeting with the top leaders of the Advent Sect. 】

[Dragon Protector tells you that a real big shot will come to Blue Star in a while, and he hopes you will receive him well then. 】

[After hearing this, your heart suddenly tightened, knowing that maybe this mysterious person might come! 】

[But at the same time, you are also a little worried about whether the mysterious person will see through the spiritual field blessing you carry with you, and then start to murder and seize the treasure...]

[You are not sure about this. All you can do is try your best to use the secret shielding technique to cover up the traces of your spiritual field. 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little nervous when he saw this.

"Sure enough, the plan to use the spiritual dragon to lure out the mysterious man was successful!"

"This time, can we know the identity of the mysterious man?"

"Why...Dragon Protector himself reported this news instead of coveting the spiritual dragon? Did he not dare...or did he not want to?"

At this moment, Su Xing felt a little surprised and a little worried.

"Forget it, it's just a simulation... it's for exploration anyway, so it doesn't matter if you die!"

Su Xing relaxed and looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20 In the second year, one day you stayed at the headquarters of Adventism as always, caring for your subordinates. 】

[Suddenly, you saw a figure appearing next to you from the corner of your eye, and you were suddenly shocked. 】

[Because you didn't sense anyone approaching at all. This person was clearly standing there, but your consciousness didn't notice it at all. 】

[The mysterious man glanced at you with interest, and then asked you where the little dragon was. 】

[You were a little confused when you heard the name "that little dragon", and then you realized that this person was probably the big shot that Dragon Guardian had mentioned before! 】

[As expected, it didn't take long for the Dragon Protector to come in person. His attitude towards this mysterious man was extremely respectful, almost to the point of kneeling down and licking him. 】

[Soon this mysterious man learned the coordinates of the Xianwu Era and the location of the Spirit Vein Dragon. 】

[I saw him tearing a crack in the air with his bare hands right in front of you, then got in, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. 】

[Half an hour later, the mysterious man returned to the hall. 】

[There was a hint of joy on the mysterious man's face, and he seemed to be in a good mood. 】

[He praised the dragon guardian for a few words, and then stared at you for a few times. 】

[Then he stretched out his hand to grab you, and a crack in the void appeared in front of everyone. 】

[And within the cracks in the void is the small cave paradise that you have worked so hard to manage. 】

[You suddenly felt nervous and couldn't move, as if you anticipated what would happen next. 】

[But the mysterious man just stretched out his hand to grab it, and all the spiritual liquid, spiritual stones, etc. you had accumulated before went into the hands of the mysterious man. 】

[After some investigation, the mysterious man threw it into the space of Lingtian Cave without any interest. 】

[In an instant, the originally destroyed Lingtian Cave Heaven returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened. 】

[But this scene, including your trump card Lingtian Dongtian, has been displayed in front of Dragon Protector and several other high-level officials without any disguise. 】

[Just when you thought you were certain to die, the mysterious man suddenly asked you a question. 】

[He asked you whether the protector of the clan was killed by you. 】

[After hearing this, you were shocked, knowing that you couldn't hide it anymore, so you gritted your teeth and said: The journey of cultivating immortals is to fight with others. If the protector of that sect is not strong enough, it doesn't matter if you die! 】

[After hearing your words, Guardian Dragon was shocked. He never expected that the real culprit who killed the Guardian was you. 】

[But after hearing your words, the mysterious man smiled and nodded, as if he didn't mind. 】

[Perhaps, both you and the Protector are both ants to him. If one ant kills another ant, humans will not care. 】

[Furthermore, the mysterious man only discovered that you had the opportunity to own the Lingtian Cave, but he did not know that you were a traitor in the Advent Sect. 】

[Therefore, the mysterious man just nodded slightly and said inexplicably: What a lucky boy, it’s a pity that he ended up in this world. 】

[You don’t know what the mysterious man means, so you grit your teeth and ask. 】

[But the mysterious man just chuckled and said that if you break through the integration stage, you may have a chance to escape from this world. 】

[After that, the mysterious man casually threw a storage ring into the hands of the dragon protector, then tore open the space and disappeared completely. 】

[After the mysterious man left, the huge pressure finally dissipated, and you were secretly glad that you escaped. 】

[At the same time, you become more and more certain that the Dragon Protector definitely knows the identity of the mysterious man. 】

[So you ask the Dragon Protector. 】

[The Dragon Protector is still bitter about you killing the old dog of the clan, but since you have been a member of the Advent Cult for so many years, it is obvious that the Dragon Protector also thinks you are a loyal person. 】

[So, he explained to you and Luo Shuying the mysterious man and the biggest secret of the Advent Sect! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's heart tightened when he saw this, and he quickly said:

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 30 billion 1423 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed. The next second, he appeared in a strange environment.

Regarding the secrets of Adventism and the identity of the mysterious man, Su Xing was worried that the simulated text did not provide enough information, so he decided to experience it himself.

The voice of the Dragon Protector came to Su Xing's ears.

"Oh, I really don't regret that guy Zong Bi died in your hands... I didn't expect you to have such an opportunity. In an era when spiritual energy is exhausted, you actually have a three-inch portable blessed land..."

After Su Xing heard the words, he slowly raised his head and saw the appearance of the dragon guardian opposite.

He is tall, with dark skin and nearly two meters tall, but he looks like an old man.

I saw the Dragon Protector saying:
"Do you know why we came to teach?"

Su Xing frowned slightly when he heard this and said tentatively:

"In order to welcome the great main clan..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dragon Protector:
"Haha, this is the sect's philosophy... of course it is!"

"You and I are now the highest-ranking members of the Adventist Cult on Blue Star. Naturally, I have nothing to hide from you... What we want is to live a better life!"

"Being in Blue Star, in the most chaotic killing world among the three thousand worlds... this is our misfortune!"

"If you want to live, you must leave this world and enter the peaceful world closest to us, Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

"But it is naturally impossible for us to escape...the only way is through the channels of the Advent Sect!"

After a pause, Protector Dragon continued:

"One-third of the three thousand worlds have been completely ruled by alien races. They are chaotic, disorderly, and completely unsuitable for humans...even intelligent life forms other than alien races exist!"

"There are still one-third of the world, like Blue Star, caught in endless war... Every minute and every second, countless people or worlds are dying..."

"Currently, the entire three thousand worlds have still survived, and there are only less than a thousand relatively complete worlds."

"And what I want to go to is the Qingyun Realm closest to us! It is also the real Great Thousand World among the Three Thousand Worlds! It is also the realm where immortals are cultivated!"

"But Qingyun Realm will not accept outsiders at will... If we want to escape from this world, we must go to Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

"It should last longer than Blue Star there..."

After Su Xing heard what Dragon Protector said, he was shocked and speechless, but he still remained calm on the surface.

Qingyun world... isn't that the world where Qingyunzi and Qingyun Sect are located before waking up! ?
(End of this chapter)

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