Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 225: Understanding the origin of power, the integration period is coming!

Chapter 225: Understanding the origin of power, the integration period is coming! (5k, please vote monthly)

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"As for puppets, different puppets have very different technical requirements..."

"If there is no need to fight, and it is just a puppet that refines pills and farms on a daily basis, the material requirements and the difficulty of refining are extremely low..."

"And the mass production of such low-level puppets is just to obtain more simulation energy..."

"After all, I am about to break through to the integration stage, so I must make plans for the future simulation energy."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"In the last simulation, since we learned about the mysterious man, maybe we can use the mysterious man to leave Blue Star... and go to the Three Thousand Worlds?"

The only way Su Xing could think of for the mysterious man to leave Blue Star was to dedicate the spiritual dragon to the mysterious man.

"Maybe we can give it a try...it's just a simulation anyway?"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You start trying to mass-produce alchemy puppets. Because you have accumulated enough experience before, you made two alchemy puppets in just one week. 】

[To make these puppets, you use third-level exotic metals, and carefully make the core of the puppets and arrange the puppet marks...]

[In one month, you made about ten alchemy puppets. 】

[Just these ten puppets can refine an additional [-] Bigu Pills for you in one month. 】

[You were very satisfied with this, so in the following time, while studying the way of puppets, you worked hard to improve your understanding of the origin of power. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[No. 16, on the day of the Waking of Insects, you were in the mountains as usual, watching the thunder and understanding the origin of power. 】

[Your understanding of the origin of power has progressed further, and you are not far from Xiaocheng level. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 18, you understood the way of puppets and successfully entered the Xiaocheng level. 】

[Your skills in making alchemy puppets have become extremely mature, and you are constantly improving them. The efficiency of your alchemy puppets is also getting higher and higher. 】

[And your understanding of the origin of power has reached a bottleneck when it reaches the level of a minor. You guessed that maybe on the day of the Jingzhe, the purity of the Thunder Avenue contained in Spring Thunder was not enough, so your progress was slow. 】

[In No. 19, you went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon, preparing to kill Master Wan Mu and seize the spiritual dragon. 】

[You sneaked into the ruins of Wanmu Sect, and you awakened the sleeping Master Wanmu. 】

[You and Wanmu Zhenren started a war. 】

[After fighting for dozens of rounds, you used the source of power, and with the blessing of several times the power, you instantly killed Wan Mu Zhenren with one punch. 】

[You rescued the spiritual dragon. 】

[The Spirit Vein Dragon was very excited after being rescued and rushed outside the ruins of Wanmu Sect. 】

[You were shocked when you saw this, and you wanted to stop him but you were a step too late. 】

[The aura of the Spirit Vein Dragon spread to the outside world, and it appeared in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon. 】

[You take out the spiritual liquid and want to lure the spiritual dragon closer. 】

[The spiritual dragon is grateful to you, but it is somewhat afraid of humans. 】

[After hesitating for a long time, the Spiritual Vein Dragon came over and drank your spiritual fluid. 】

[Soon, the spirit vein dragon appears in spirit drunkenness, and you are going to receive it into the spirit field cave. 】

[However, at this time, the voice of the Dragon Protector suddenly came from the distance. 】

[Dragon Protector was very emotional. When he recognized you, his face darkened. 】

[He said that those who are capable of heavenly and earthly treasures should support them. For the sake of being a senior member of the Advent Sect, he will let you go as long as you hand over the Dragon of Spiritual Veins. 】

[Of course you don’t want to do this, so you took the lead and put the Dragon of Spiritual Vein into the Lingtian Cave. 】

[Dragon Protector's face is gloomy, and the war is about to break out. 】

[You and the dragon protector fought for dozens of rounds. With the help of your understanding of the origin of power, you were not at a disadvantage for a while. 】

[Seeing that I can't take you down in a short time, the Dragon Guardian roared and transformed into a true dragon form. 】

[After transforming into a true dragon form, the power of the Dragon Guardian has reached the late stage of Hunyuan Realm. Coupled with its strong dragon scales, it can be considered a strong person in the late stage of Hunyuan Realm. 】

[Even if you use the Earth Sword, the source of coordination power is still no match for it. 】

[In desperation, you took out the spiritual dragon, but at the same time you also put forward a condition. You need to meet the mysterious man together. 】

[Dragon Guardian stopped taking action after hearing this, but he also made his own request. He asked that the Dragon Vein Dragon be kept with him. 】

[You naturally refuse in your heart, but you can only agree. 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this:

"It's over... I will definitely be intercepted by the Dragon Guardian..."

"Sure enough, strength is absolute!"

"If I am stronger than the dragon protector, why do I need to do this? I can just crush him! I can also go to see the mysterious person on my own..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but he did not know the contact information of the mysterious person.

In the final analysis, we still have to contact the mysterious person through the Dragon Guardian, and find a way to leave Blue Star and enter the Three Thousand Worlds.

"If nothing else happens, the Dragon Guardian will not keep his word..."

"It seems that it is impossible to leave Blue Star through Advent Sect channels this time... Anyway, in the next time, let's fully understand the origin of power!"

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 20, as always, you understand the origin of power every year on Jingzhe Day. 】

[At the same time, you ask the Dragon Protector when the mysterious man will come. 】

[Unsurprisingly, Protector Dragon always changes the topic and doesn't want to discuss this matter with you. 】

[Although you hate the Dragon Protector, there is nothing you can do about it. 】

[So, you can only work harder to understand the origin of power and improve the way of puppetry. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[No.20 In three years, you once again hoped to find the dragon guardian, but the dragon guardian has disappeared. 】

[You went to the advent sect’s treasure house, and as expected, the treasure house was swept away. 】

[When you go to the Blood Demon Realm, all the blood pools and other things in the Blood Demon Sect will be moved away...]

[You know in your heart that the Dragon Guardian has contacted the mysterious person and left Blue Star. 】

[You had expected this, but you just practiced harder. 】

[In the fifth year of No. 20, the Demon Suppression Pass was destroyed, and the human race was in danger. 】

[One day, a giant beast came and swallowed the entire Daxia Kingdom in one bite. 】

[You look at the giant beast that covers the sky and the sun, and feel calm. You have been waiting for this day for a long time. 】

[At this time, you are only one step away from achieving the origin of power! 】

[As long as you enter the belly of the giant beast, you can try to understand the origin of power and reach a small level. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"For what it's worth, there may not be a place in the three thousand worlds where one can enhance one's understanding of the power of origin..."

"On the contrary, the stomach space of the giant beast is simply a natural training place for me."

"This time, I must cultivate the source of power to a small degree! Wait for the next simulation... Then I can try to break into the integration stage!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[You hold up the body-protecting energy and enter the belly of the giant beast. 】

[Mountains, continents, rivers, oceans... everything slowly dissipated in the stomach space of the giant beast, and finally turned into nothingness. 】

[You relied on your super strong body and body-protecting aura to withstand this powerful gravity. 】

[Soon, the fragments of the world begin to collide in the stomach space of the giant beast, and a large thunder area appears in front of you. 】

[Without any hesitation, you stepped into the thunder zone. 】

[In the sky above the head, thunder flashes and thunder light overflows... Terrifying thunder flashes around Awakening, hitting the body-protecting aura from time to time. 】

[But you are not worried. Despite the bursts of thunder outside, your heart is still calm, and you are just observing the thunder avenue secretly. 】

[In this way, several hours passed...]

[You have observed several small thunder areas, and you feel that your understanding of the origin of power has become clearer. 】

[So, you entered the medium-sized thunder area without hesitation...]

[I don’t know how long it took, but when you opened your eyes again, a flash of lightning flashed in your eyes. 】

[Your understanding of the origin of power has finally reached the level of success! 】

[With a thought in your heart, you use the source of power and feel that your body's strength has increased more than ten times in an instant, and the duration has also increased from the previous few breaths to about 1 minute. 】

[You will be pleasantly surprised by the powerful improvement brought by the source of power. 】

[But you did not take it lightly, but continued to observe the source of power in the thunder around you. 】

[I don’t know how long it took... you passed through dozens of thunder areas, and no new thunder areas were born at this time...]

[All you can see is nothingness and terrifying space turbulence...]

[You were torn into pieces by the turbulent flow of space, and your soul was annihilated...]

【you are dead! 】【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Finally, my understanding of the origin of power has successfully reached the minor level!"

"Including the understanding of the origin of speed brought by the perfection of the Earth Sword... Next, you can try to enter the integration stage!"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart and looked at the simulated reward.

[Excellent marksmanship]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Perception of the Origin of Power (Small Success)]: The Origin of Power is the basic component of many avenues. After receiving it, you can enhance your perception of the origin of power. It is sold for 5 million energy.

[The Way of the Puppet (Xiao Cheng)]: Obtained the true inheritance of the ghost mother-in-law, and has mastered the refining of the way of human puppets and weapon puppets. He is especially good at refining medicine puppets. After receiving it, his understanding of the way of the puppet will be greatly improved. It is sold for 2 million energy.

Naturally, there is nothing to hesitate about the reward for this simulation.

Su Xing said decisively:

"I choose to bring out the understanding of the origin of power and the way of puppet..."

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[You successfully brought out the understanding of the origin of power (small success), spending 5 million energy, and the remaining energy is 24 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the Puppet Way (Xiao Cheng), spending 2 million energy, and the remaining energy is 22 million points. 】

The beep of the simulator fell, and two mysterious forces fell into the awakened body.

The first thing Su Xing sensed was that his understanding of the origin of power had greatly improved.

Within the awakened body, there is a mysterious energy called the power of origin.

This power is different from spiritual power and Yuan power.

Between virtuality and reality, it clearly exists, but is elusive, and has a fascinating charm.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he slightly stimulated the source of power in his body.

In just an instant, the power of awakening increased tenfold!
"Hiss...is this the horror of the original way?"

"The extremely terrifying increase in power... Then how terrifying would it be if we could come into contact with the Great Dao?"

It is very satisfying to wake up.

"The origin of force and the origin of speed are the basic parts of many great avenues..."

"Now I understand both origins. When I understand the great path in the future, it will be much faster!"

"Then we can officially try to enter the integration stage!"

Su Xing has plans for the next simulation.

Immediately, the awakening sense digested another memory in the body.

This is what Su Xing learned in the simulation, about the art of puppetry.

Including the refining and manipulation of weapon puppets and human puppets...puppet marks, soul marks, and many other aspects...

This knowledge originally existed in Su Xing's mind, and was taught to Su Xing by Granny Ghost.

However, due to lack of practical experience, the puppet will not be actually forged before awakening.

But now, Su Xing even has a feeling.

He can make several puppets with his bare hands!
"Each puppet is an alchemy tool, which means more efficient acquisition of exotic metals... and it also means a lot of energy!"

Su Xing murmured.

There is no doubt that for Awakening now, the most cost-effective way to obtain simulated energy is not to refine elixirs.

Instead, make an alchemy puppet!
"With my current puppet skills, I can make two alchemy puppets in a week..."

"And the two puppets can bring me about five thousand Bigu Pills in a month..."

"Making eight or nine puppets in one month can refine more than [-] Bigu Pills!"

"In just one or two months, the puppet's alchemy efficiency will completely surpass mine! And the further it goes...the puppet's cost-effectiveness will become higher!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

This is equivalent to the original factory manpower producing goods.

But later the factory transformed, no longer producing goods, but instead producing machines that can make goods.

Although it will affect the production efficiency of the product in the early stage.

But in the later stage, when the number of machines is enough, the speed will far exceed the speed of manual labor!

After all, no matter how fast Xing Xing makes elixirs, he is only one person and his manpower is limited.

But Su Xing can produce nearly infinite puppets.

Su Xing did what he said, and immediately tried to produce puppets in Lingtian Cave.

"Well, luckily some of the previous third-level and fourth-level exotic metals were left behind... enough for me to refine the puppet!"

After Su Xing said this, he took out the alien metal, used the fire-living technique, and began to smelt the humanoid puppet.

Su Xing's requirements for the puppet are not high. It doesn't matter if it looks ugly, as long as it can make alchemy normally.

In just two days, Su Xing forged two iron puppets that were about one meter tall and somewhat similar in appearance to humans.

After that, it took more than a day to wake up and make the puppet core and puppet imprint.

Integrate the puppet mark and core into it, then arrange the spiritual array of wood and fire attributes, and carve the seal with talismans.

In the end, Su Xing carved his soul mark into the core of the puppet.

"Yes, it's done...just the last step left!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, took out two low-grade spiritual stones and put them in them.

A low-grade spiritual stone is enough for this puppet to refine elixirs for three days without stopping.

"Well, we can set up another formation to reduce the puppet's spiritual energy consumption..."

Su Xing touched his chin and spent another half a day carving the Festival Spirit Formation into the puppet's body.

In the end, it only took five days for the two puppets to appear in front of Su Xing.

After activating the puppets, Su Xing gave orders to the two puppets.

"You... are puppets who specialize in refining elixirs. Let's call them Dan One and Dan Two..."

"Now, let's follow Ada and the others to imitate the refining of Bigu Pill!"

Su Xing gave the order, and soon the two puppets obeyed.

Although this low-level puppet does not have the function of deep learning, it can imitate.

In just two days, these two artifact puppets learned the refining process of Bigu Pill.

Although the efficiency of refining Bigu Pill is not high at the beginning, with continuous imitation, the efficiency of this puppet will become faster and faster!
Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and murmured:
"Yes, we can produce two puppets in one week. If we go faster... we can even produce three puppets!"

This week, Su Xing did not refine the elixir.

However, the previous eight puppets, including Ah Da and Xiao Mei, also provided thousands of Bigu Pills to Su Xing.

These humanoid puppets are more valuable and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

The current awakening allows them to temporarily do the work of refining elixirs, and in the future, they can be used for more advanced things such as fighting and spying on intelligence.

The day came when Su Xing and Jin Congxue met.

After waking up and taking a breath, he went to the villa in disguise, had a meal with Jin Congxue, and after making the transaction, returned to Lingtian Cave.

This week's cargo is still about 5000 million simulated energy.

In this way, the awakened simulated energy reached 24 million points.

"More than 20 billion simulated energy, although it seems to be a large amount... but the subsequent training in the integration period will require even more energy!"

"I must accumulate more simulation energy as soon as possible, otherwise my cultivation breakthrough speed will become slower and slower..."

Su Xing murmured.

On December 2024, 12, in the new era, Su Xing prepared to start a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 6700 energy points, with 24 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Looking at the options for extracting talents in front of him, Su Xing hesitated slightly.

"With my current strength, even if I draw the Dragon Slayer, I may not be the opponent of Long Laogou..."

"It's better to break through to the integration stage first, and then make plans..."

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to draw the golden legendary talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Chess Master. The probability of receiving the gold talent next time is 60%...]

[Chess Master]: Purple talent, your talent in playing chess is far beyond ordinary people, and you are good at strategizing.Chess, painting, etc. are all one of the hundred arts of cultivating immortality...

(End of this chapter)

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