Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 226: Qualifications beyond the Tianling Root, preparation for breakthrough in the integratio

Chapter 226: Qualifications beyond the Tianling Root, preparation for breakthrough in the integration stage! (5k, please give me a monthly ticket~)

Su Xing looked at the newly drawn talent and shook his head.

Sure enough, I still didn’t draw the golden quality talent.

"Master of Chess... I have heard in the copy of Luotian Conference before that one can become an immortal on the spot if he has a sudden enlightenment on the hundred ways of cultivating immortality, such as chess skills and painting..."

"However, this path is not easy. If you bite off more than you can chew... just practice cultivation honestly!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and began to formulate the goals of this simulation.

"Try to break through to the integration stage! With the power of two sources in me... I am at least [-]% sure of breaking through!"

"In addition, if we find the Dragon of Spiritual Vein, the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave will be more abundant, and the certainty of breakthrough can even reach [-]%!"

Su Xing murmured.

"However, on the Blue Star, great emperor-level experts will mysteriously disappear... I wonder if I will also encounter this after breaking through to the integration stage? Will I be targeted by the blood moon?"

Su Xing is not sure about this, but no matter what, he has to give it a try.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[To be cautious, you are not in a hurry to break through to the integration stage, but start learning the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You go to the market, buy a lot of fish fry, dig a pond in Lingtian Cave, and sow fish fry in it. 】

[Half a month later, after you have accumulated a day's worth of great wisdom status bonus, you are ready to go to the Luotian Conference instance. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and said silently:
"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive...the remaining energy is 24 million points.]

The simulator prompt tone fell, and Su Xing appeared in Luo Tianzong.

After completing a series of tasks, Su Xing arrived at the Sutra Pavilion.

Arriving straight to the fifth floor of the Sutra Pavilion, Su Xing quickly found the goal of his trip.

"Heaven level technique, Wan Yan Jue!"

"This technique is the practice after the integration period. It is enough to break through to the human-immortal realm!"

"I'm not far away from the integration stage... It's time to make plans for my future exercises..."

Su Xing murmured, and then started Wan Yanjue's memory.

Under the blessing of the state of great wisdom, Su Xing recited very quickly.

In just one day, Su Xing recited a quarter of the entire Heavenly Level Kung Fu.

The immersive simulation time ended, and he woke up and returned to the real world, nodding and saying:

"Yes, Wan Yan Jue and Qian Yan Jue are passed down from the same line... It will undoubtedly be much easier for me to switch from Qian Yan Jue to Wan Yan Jue!"

Su Xing estimated that by the end of the next simulation, he should be able to memorize Wan Yan Jue completely.

Spending no more than 1000 million energy before and after, you can get a heaven-level skill for free, which is really profitable.

Look at the simulation panel again.

[Another half month passed, and the time agreed with Luo Shuying came. 】

[You joined the Advent Cult and became a protector of the Advent Cult. 】

[You quickly attracted a large number of fans. 】

[But you have no intention of managing your position in the Advent Cult this time, because you have already planned to rebel this time and strive for a longer simulation time to break through to the integration stage. 】

[In Advent Cult, you refine elixirs every day. Higher-quality elixirs such as Yuan Yang Dan and Fu Fu Refining Pill are currently not available for the puppets to refine. 】

[The next year, you went to the dungeon of the Luotian Conference again, preparing to continue memorizing the Wan Yan Jue technique. 】


[Ding, you successfully used immersion... The remaining energy is 24 billion 1263 million points. 】


Soon after the immersive simulation ended, Su Xing memorized some Wan Yan Jue skills again and returned to the real world.

Looking at the simulation panel in front of him, Su Xing murmured:
"To break through to the integration stage, you need a place with extremely strong spiritual energy..."

"For the sake of caution, it should be okay to summon the spiritual dragon into the spiritual field cave."

"However, the dragon with spiritual veins can easily attract the attention of the Dragon Protector... To prevent accidents, we must learn a miniature spirit gathering array before this to avoid wasting this simulation..."

[After leaving the Luotian Conference instance, you returned to Adventism. 】

[As always, you refine the elixir every day. 】

[In the third year, seeing that the time was right, you took Luo Shuying and rebelled against the Advent Cult. 】

[You have provided many elixirs to Daxia, and Daxia has gained many strong men. 】

[After that, you concentrate on the research of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[The layout of the miniature spirit gathering array requires the understanding of the talisman. You start to learn the way of the talisman. 】

[So, two years have passed. 】

[In the fifth year, with your talent as a talisman expert, you have already mastered the talismans in just two years. 】

[You can successfully carve a first to third level talisman. 】

[But this alone is not enough. You can further try to study the way of talismans. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In the fifth year, you have been able to initially master the fifth level of talisman and seal carving, and it is not far away from entering the minor level of talisman. 】

[So, you are ready to officially start learning the Mini Spirit Gathering Array. 】

[In the sixth year, after six years of breeding, the number of spirit carp in your spirit field has reached tens of thousands. 】

[You take out the spirit carp, sense the spiritual energy flowing on the spirit carp, and start to try the seal carving of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[In one year, thousands of spirit carps have died in your hands. 】

[Your understanding of the miniature spirit gathering array has improved a lot, but you still haven't gotten started. 】

[You start purchasing a new batch of spirit carps and continue to carve the spirit gathering formation on the spirit carps every day. 】

[So, another year has passed. 】

[In the seventh year, you finally successfully entered the miniature spirit gathering array and were able to deploy an ordinary quality first-level spirit gathering array. 】

[A first-level miniature spirit gathering array of ordinary quality is equivalent to the daily practice speed of a Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Root monk. 】

[You continue to study the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[In the eighth year, you have been able to deploy an excellent quality first-order miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[You consolidate the foundation and engrave this formation on all the spirit carps in the pond. 】

[Day after day, you have made rapid progress in studying the Spirit Gathering Formation. 】

[So, two years have passed. 】

[In the tenth year, you have been able to successfully carve excellent quality miniature spirit gathering arrays. 】

[The successful operation of this spirit-gathering array is equivalent to the progress of a fourth-line miscellaneous spiritual root monk who has been practicing hard day and night. 】

[But for you, this speed is slower after all. 】

[So, you continue to try to learn the third-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[In No. 11, you have accumulated a lot of experience and your understanding of the miniature spirit gathering array has gone further. You have successfully deployed a third-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[So, you start to try to engrave the spirit gathering formation on the spirit chicken. 】

[The flow of spiritual power of the spiritual chicken is very different from that of the spiritual carp. In this process, you will have a better understanding of the nature and circulation of spiritual power. 】

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In No. 12, you successfully carved a fourth-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[If this spirit gathering formation is engraved on the body of a spiritual chicken, it will allow the spiritual chicken to practice at a speed comparable to that of a monk with dual spiritual roots. 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"This miniature spirit gathering array is really amazing!"

"If it is placed on a chicken, it can actually make the chicken's cultivation speed equivalent to that of a dual-system spiritual root monk?"

It should be noted that not every monk has qualifications such as heavenly spiritual roots and true spiritual roots.

Among ordinary monks, dual-system spiritual roots can be considered to be the first level of genius.

And having a miniature spirit gathering array is equivalent to being able to mass-produce genius monks!

"At this speed...if I successfully comprehend the sixth-order miniature spirit gathering array, wouldn't I be able to create a cultivation qualification that is close to that of a Tianlinggen monk?"

"At that time... it means that my cultivation qualifications will double again!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Successfully deploying the fourth-level miniature spirit gathering array, your mastery of this array is close to success, and your progress has slowed down a bit. 】

[But you are not discouraged and still use the spirit carp and spirit chicken to practice the layout of the miniature spirit gathering array every day. 】

[In this way, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 14, you have been able to lay out an excellent level of miniature spirit gathering array, and your passive cultivation speed is slightly faster than that of ordinary dual spiritual root monks. 】

[You start to try to learn the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】【In No. 15, the layout of the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array is more difficult than you think. 】

[In just one year, thousands of spirit carps and thousands of spirit chickens have died in your hands. 】

[You find that these spiritual pets, because of their limited qualifications, cannot withstand too high-level miniature spirit gathering arrays. Too fast spiritual energy absorption speed will cause them to explode and die. 】

[Therefore, you are stuck in a bottleneck when it comes to learning the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[In No. 16, you began to cultivate better spirit chickens and spirit carp, and use them to learn the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[At the same time, you start to try to carve a miniature spirit gathering array on the puppet. 】

[Another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 18, after your unremitting efforts, you finally managed to master the layout of the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[The fifth-level spirit gathering array allows Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots cultivators to practice at a speed comparable to that of True Spiritual Roots cultivators! 】

[What is even more exaggerated is that this miniature spirit gathering array operates 24 hours a day, and the effect is even more terrifying. 】

[In No. 19, your mastery of the fifth-order miniature spirit gathering array has improved to a new level. 】

[You think you should be able to use yourself as the experimental subject and carve the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array on your skin. 】

[But to be cautious, you decided to conduct the experiment on Xiaomei first. 】

[The puppet you named Xiaomei has been identified by you as a puppet cultivator. The puppet cultivator is different from ordinary puppets, but can practice and enhance its own cultivation. 】

[Xiao Mei, who was in the foundation building stage, has now become a golden elixir monk. 】

[Compared to the spirit carp, spirit chicken, etc., although Xiaomei, as a puppet cultivator, has no independent consciousness, her structure is closer to that of an ordinary cultivator. 】

[If the miniature spirit gathering array can successfully operate on Xiaomei's body, it means that you can also engrave it on yourself. 】

[One day, after you are ready, you start to try to carve a fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array on Xiaomei's body. 】

[You first have a detailed understanding of the movement of spiritual energy in Xiaomei's body. This process alone lasts for several hours. 】

[After all, unlike the large number of spirit carp, there is only one puppet repairer Xiaomei, so you must proceed with caution. 】

[You take out the materials for setting up the formation and begin to try to carve a miniature spirit gathering formation on Xiaomei’s back. 】

[The spiritual pen draws beautiful lines on the back of the puppet. You are focused on nothing but the carving of the miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[Stroke by stroke, every detail, you try to be as meticulous as possible. 】

【In this way, one day and one night passes...】

[You have mastered every detail, and your spiritual consciousness in the subtle realm is vividly reflected at this moment. There is a faint drop of sweat on your forehead. 】

[After a few more hours, your posture when holding the pen became a little stiff... Your spiritual power and consciousness began to become a little unstable. 】

[But you still grit your teeth and persevere. You have fully realized how difficult it is to set up a miniature spirit gathering array. This is a huge drain on your mind and effort. 】

[Even a high-level monk can hardly maintain his position for long under such a highly stressful and strenuous situation...]

[I don’t know how long it has passed, but you have a vague intention to give up, because the flow of spiritual energy in the human body is too complicated. 】

[Hundreds of thousands of meridians, and millions and millions of spiritual energy circulation patterns will make your mind and body exhausted. 】

[But you still gritted your teeth and persisted. At this moment, you suddenly felt relaxed all over your body. 】

[On the back of the puppet, the flowing lines of spiritual energy seem to be slowly glowing, and you can easily capture every detail. 】

[Seeing this, you quickly adjust your breathing and immerse yourself in this wonderful feeling again. 】

[You successfully triggered a serendipitous epiphany...]

[In this way, there is only this miniature spirit gathering array in your sight, only the changing and moving spiritual energy flowing around, and you have nothing to focus on...]

[In the blink of an eye, two days passed...]

[When you exit from the state of enlightenment, you feel a little lost. 】

[But when you see the completed miniature spirit gathering array in front of you, you are instantly overjoyed! 】

【you made it!You have successfully carved a fifth-level miniature spirit-gathering array on the body of the puppet cultivator, and it is of excellent quality! 】

[Excellent quality level [-] spirit gathering array, self-cultivation speed level reaches [-]! 】

[It is not far from the standard 100 cultivation levels of Tianlinggen. 】

[Although you are exhausted at the moment, you are extremely satisfied. 】

[You can feel that you are not far away from refining the sixth-level miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[As for the fifth-level excellent quality spirit gathering array, it can be refined easily. 】

[Your mastery of the micro-spirit gathering array has reached a minor level! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, with a trace of satisfaction on his face.

"Not bad! I successfully learned the fifth-level excellent quality miniature spirit gathering array..."

"Eighty cultivation levels...even though they have not reached the requirements of Tianling Root, they are not far behind!"

It should be noted that the speed of awakening cultivation is 150 times that of ordinary Five Elements Miscellaneous Spirit Root cultivators!
If this fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array is added to the body, the awakening cultivation speed will reach an astonishing 230 times!
There is no doubt that this has surpassed the quality of Tianling root and reached a more advanced spiritual root cultivation speed!

"There was a saying in the Luotian Sect's Sutra Collection Pavilion that above the Heavenly Spiritual Root, there is the Super Spiritual Root!"

"Super spiritual root monk, one in a billion! He is the real protagonist of luck, born to become an immortal!"

"If you rely on the lottery, you may be able to obtain a golden quality spiritual root, which should be the so-called super spiritual root by then..."

"But the probability is too low! Instead of pinning your hopes on luck, believe in yourself!"

After a pause, Su Xing said with satisfaction:
"The miniature spirit gathering array, coupled with my mutant heavenly spiritual root qualification, even if the cultivation speed is not as good as the super spiritual root, I'm afraid it won't be much different!"

Su Xing is even more confident about the future training in the integration period.

It should be noted that for monks in the integration stage, it may take hundreds of years for a small realm breakthrough.

If Su Xing does not further improve his qualifications, perhaps one simulation can only improve one or two realms, and the speed will be too slow...

If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. With the miniature spirit gathering array, you can definitely guarantee high-speed cultivation growth when you wake up in the integration stage!

"Next, you can try to break through the integration stage!"

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After comprehending the fifth-level excellent quality miniature spirit gathering array, you were exhausted, so you decided to recuperate for a while. 】

[Three months have passed very quickly, and your physical and mental state has once again reached its peak. 】

[One day, you feel something in your heart and make a fortune for yourself. The fortune will be good. 】

[So you no longer hesitate, take out the materials, and prepare to carve a miniature spirit gathering array on yourself. 】

[The micro-spirit gathering array is of great importance. Although it will not kill you if it fails, your breath will be blocked and your spiritual energy will not flow smoothly for a period of time, which is not conducive to your practice. 】

[Although you are fully confident in setting up the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array, you, who have always been steady, still choose to predict in advance. 】

[You concentrate, move your pen, and begin to carve a miniature spirit gathering array on the skin of your Dantian area. 】

[The whole process lasted about two hours. 】

[There is no surprise at all, you succeeded! 】

[A miniature spirit gathering array the size of a palm, with an exquisite appearance like a tattoo, appears on your skin. 】

[You hold on to your mind and feel the blessing of this miniature spirit gathering array. 】

[There is no need for you to use the technique, the spiritual energy around you will automatically penetrate into your Dantian and transform into your own spiritual energy. 】

[With a miniature spirit gathering array, you can automatically practice 24/[-]! 】

[And this miniature spirit gathering array can also automatically restore your lost spiritual energy...]

[Your cultivation speed and spiritual energy recovery speed have been greatly improved! 】

[After setting up the fifth-level miniature spirit gathering array, you start preparing to break through to the integration stage. 】

[In No. 20, you went to the world of beast control and spent a year slaying the entire army of legendary monster beasts. 】

[This is so that you can break through the integration period and have more time to prepare. 】

[In the year No. 20, you went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon and entered the ruins of the Ten Thousand Trees Sect. 】

[With the blessing of the source of power, you blasted Zhenren Wanmu with one punch, and at the same time rescued the spiritual dragon. 】

[As soon as the spiritual dragon escapes from the trap, its aura leaks out. 】

[In order to prevent the Dragon Protector from discovering the clues, you destroyed the ruins of Wanmu Sect. 】

[Then, you blocked Tianji and cleaned up all traces. 】

[You left Blue Star and entered the Demon Suppression Pass copy. 】

[You found a hidden corner in the city of Zhenyao Pass, deployed a shielding technique, and entered the Lingtian Cave. 】

[After entering the Lingtian Cave, you comforted the spiritual dragon that was kidnapped by you. 】

[You fed him a lot of spiritual liquid, and the spiritual dragon quickly became spiritually drunk. 】

[The dragon with spiritual veins fell into a deep sleep in the cave, and the escaped spiritual energy further improved the quality of the Lingtian cave. 】

[Next, you will tell your fortune every day. 】

[Because of the bonus of the auspicious star's talent, your daily hexagrams will be small auspicious, but there will rarely be great auspicious hexagrams. 】

[Finally, one day you divined good luck again...]

[You no longer hesitate, immediately drink a large amount of spiritual liquid and start preparing for a breakthrough in the integration stage! 】

(End of this chapter)

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