Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 227: After 4 years of seclusion, he finally became a monk in the integration stage!

Chapter 227 After four years of seclusion, he finally became a monk in the integration stage! (5k, please give me a monthly ticket~)

Seeing this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

The breakthrough in the integration stage has extremely high requirements for spiritual energy, spiritual consciousness, and even the understanding of heaven and earth.

And Su Xing had been preparing for this moment of breakthrough for a long time.

"Then come on! This time, we will definitely be able to break through to the integration stage in one go!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of confidence.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the Lingtian Cave, you take out all the spiritual liquid and spiritual stones you have accumulated. 】

[You hold your heart tightly and sit cross-legged in the spirit gathering array. 】

[Drinking several bottles of spiritual liquid and running the Qian Yan Jue crazily, the three lines of mutated heavenly spiritual roots exerted great advantages at this moment. 】

[Tens of thousands of drops of spiritual liquid are quickly transformed into pure spiritual energy, which travels between your meridians and Dantian. 】

[The micro-spirit gathering array on the skin of Dantian also played a great role at this moment, running crazily. 】

[Soon, the spiritual energy contained in tens of thousands of drops of spiritual liquid was successfully transformed into your own pure spiritual power. 】

[But you didn’t stop, but kept drinking the spiritual liquid bottle after bottle. 】

[Hundreds of thousands of drops of spiritual liquid will be quickly absorbed and transformed by you. 】

[And you also feel at this moment that your spiritual power is slightly overstretched. 】

[You know in your heart that it’s time to take the next step. 】

[You emanate your spiritual consciousness, realize the flow of your own spiritual energy, and realize every breath you take. 】

[In your induction, two mysterious forces in the body begin to collide, which are the origin of force and the origin of speed! 】

[The two original powers are like naughty elves, swimming in your flesh, blood, and spiritual sea. 】

[You begin to use your own spiritual power, hitting your Dantian acupoints again and again, hoping to open the final hurdle before the integration period. 】

[During the whole process, you can feel a slight pain and the rapid consumption of spiritual power. 】

[Like a stone sinking into the sea, every impact of spiritual power on Dantian has little effect. 】

[But you did not give up, but continued to grit your teeth and persevere. 】

[As you attack the levels of the integration stage, you recall the tips Luo Ying taught you to break through. 】

[Immerse yourself in it and forget about everything else. There is only this level in front of you and in your heart. 】

[I don’t know how long it has passed, but the spiritual power in your body has been exhausted. 】

[You did not hesitate and drank another hundred thousand drops of spiritual liquid. 】

[Under the operation of the Heavenly Spirit Root and the miniature spirit gathering array, the spiritual liquid is quickly converted into spiritual power in your body. 】

[You avoided the state of weakness and continued to attack the level. 】

[The sun rises and sets, the stars change. 】

[In the impact one after another, you can feel the gradual passage of time. 】

[This is the longest retreat you have ever taken. Maybe a few months have passed, or maybe a few years have passed...]

[And with the continuous impact of your spiritual power, you also feel that the barriers to the integration stage are gradually loosening, and the integration stage is getting closer and closer to you. 】

[You are slightly happy in your heart and continue to work tirelessly to pass the integration stage. 】

[As you continue to attack the integration stage, you can feel that your understanding of the power of heaven and earth and the origin becomes more acute. 】

[You know, this is a sign that you are getting closer to the integration stage. 】

【In this way, I don’t know how long passed. 】

[Most of the amount of spiritual liquid you accumulated has been consumed, and you are only one step away from breaking through to the integration stage. 】

[Vaguely, you seemed to hear a dragon roar while in seclusion. 】

[Subsequently, you feel an extremely pure spiritual energy coming towards you. 】

[This pure spiritual energy is even countless times higher than the spiritual liquid. 】

[You know in your heart that this is the spiritual dragon helping you break through! 】

[With this breath of pure spiritual energy, you launch an impact towards the final level of the integration period! 】

[So, another month has passed...]

[At this moment, the spiritual energy flowing in your body has finally turned into a sea of ​​spiritual power like the Yangtze River flowing into the sea. 】

[Both the quality and quantity of the spiritual energy in your body are many times higher than during the return to void stage. 】

[Your sense of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become more and more acute, and your application of the power of heaven and earth has reached a new level! 】

[Congratulations, you have broken through to the integration stage monk! 】

[After the breakthrough was successful, your eyes and consciousness seemed to pass through the endless void and saw a terrifying red moon. 】

[The red moon is watching the entire blue star all the time. 】

[You can’t care so much, so you quickly hold on to your mind and stabilize your cultivation. 】

[In this way, after several more hours, I slowly opened my eyes. 】

[You stood up slowly, feeling the majestic spiritual power in your body, but there was no big disturbance in your heart. 】

[Compared to the time when the Void Return Stage was complete, the spiritual power in your body has tripled, which means that the power of your magical powers has more than doubled. 】

[But what worries you more is the mobilization of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. With just a slight movement in your heart, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around you can be mobilized more easily. 】

[In this way, the power of magical powers can be raised to a higher level. 】

In the real world, Su Xing smiled knowingly when he saw this:

"Finally the breakthrough was successful!"

"Damn, how long did this retreat last?"

"Two years... or three years? The spiritual dragon has awakened from its slumber... This is also thanks to the pure spiritual energy of the spiritual dragon, otherwise it might have taken another year and a half. …”

Su Xing was relieved and said that he had not saved the wrong spiritual dragon, but luckily he was extra prepared.

"However, monks in the integration stage are already considered an extremely advanced state among immortal cultivators. It is possible to break through this state in retreat for decades..."

"It's a good thing that I prepared enough spiritual energy in advance, otherwise the breakthrough would be even more difficult!"

After the breakthrough, the surge in Awakening's strength is inevitable.

But at the same time, Su Xing also had some worries in his heart.

"Have you been noticed by Hong Yue since you broke through the integration stage?"

"I have heard before that all monks above the emperor level will disappear inexplicably. Sure enough, it must be related to the murderous red moon!"

Su Xing murmured.

"I wonder if after breaking through the integration stage, it will attract the attention of powerful people?"

"You should be more cautious and do some research in the simulation..."

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[After breaking through the integration stage, you used the art of shielding the secrets of heaven. After you disguised yourself and gathered your breath, you returned to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[As soon as you entered the Demon Suppression Pass, you felt vaguely uneasy. 】

[Your face suddenly changed slightly, knowing that this might be the mysterious person still looking for you. 】

[And you are not sure whether the secret-shielding technique can evade the mysterious man's detection. 】

[After some investigation, you were surprised to find that you actually lasted for four years in this retreat! 】

[It is now the fifth year of No. 20, and it has only been less than three years since the Demon Saint came to suppress the Demon Pass. 】

[One retreat takes four years, from the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Stage to the Integration Stage. This speed is not slow, but it is far faster than any previous retreat you have had. 】

[You have been feeling uneasy in your heart. You know that the mysterious man must still be looking for you. 】

[With your current strength, it is impossible to avoid the pursuit of the mysterious man. 】

[If you return to Blue Star, you will definitely be discovered by a mysterious person. 】

[So, you made a bold decision and went to the depths of the killing battlefield. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:
"That mysterious man's strength is unfathomable... he must be in a realm above that of an immortal!"

"If I return to Blue Star, I will definitely be discovered! Even staying in the Demon Suppression Pass is not safe!"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"The current plan is to sacrifice the spiritual dragon to the mysterious person... But even so, I may not be able to get a pass to leave Blue Star."

"In this case, why not give it a try, go to the end of the killing battlefield, and have another fight with the killing messenger!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly.

"The next goal is naturally to go to the Three Thousand Worlds to find broader opportunities..."

"Just going to the Three Thousand Worlds, these are the only two ways I know so far... Only by going to the Little Qingyun Realm can I find a way to reach the Qingyun Realm and go to the Qingyun Sect!"

Su Xing touched the token engraved with Qingyun in his hand and murmured. "Now that I have broken through the integration stage, if the killing envoy has no trump card, maybe I can successfully defeat him and go to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

"In this way, there is no need to commit oneself to Adventism and sacrifice the spiritual dragon..."

So, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You prepared in the Demon Suppression Pass for three days. During this period, you refined a lot of elixirs and adjusted your condition to its peak. 】

[Then, you walked towards the broad red soil and headed towards the depths of the killing battlefield. 】

[On the endless red soil, occasionally there are red-eyed aliens who have lost their minds and wander around. 】

[You did not fight with them, but walked straight towards the red moon. 】

[To be cautious, you do not fly with a sword, but rely solely on physical strength to travel. 】

[A few days passed like this...]

[At this moment, within the sensing range of your consciousness, almost all are red-eyed aliens at the level of Heavenly King and Demon King. 】

[The red moon above the head is getting bigger and bigger...]

[You didn’t stop and kept moving forward. 】

[A few more days have passed, and now within the sensing range of your consciousness, there are already legendary red-eyed aliens. 】

[The red moon above the head is also as big as a millstone. 】

[You know in your heart that we are not far from reaching the end of the killing battlefield...]

[You keep moving forward, and an unknown amount of time has passed...]

[Forks in the road begin to appear in front of you, and you successfully pass through them by tossing coins. 】

[There are occasional whispers in your ears, and your negative emotions are increasing. 】

[But you were determined to seek the truth, and occasionally took a few Jingxin Pills, and still managed to persevere to the end of the killing battlefield. 】

[It seems that just by raising your hand, you can touch the red moon in front of you. 】

[You hold back the desire in your heart, and your spiritual consciousness sweeps the end of this killing battlefield. 】

[Soon, you discovered the pure white "Gate to the World" and the terrifying killing apostle. 】

[The Killing Apostle senses your presence and will kill you without hesitation. 】

[You quickly hold up your protective aura and elemental armor, lay down two lines of defense for yourself, and face the enemy. 】

[With a movement in your heart, the spiritual energy running like an ocean in your body quickly gathers and forms a cyclone in the palm of your hand. 】

[The wood fire attribute spiritual energy is steadily added, and the terrifying spiritual explosion roars out! 】

[Only the first time we met, you used your strongest attack method! 】

[After breaking through the integration stage, the spiritual power in your body rushes out crazily at this moment, and the spiritual explosion technique is already a real magical power. The spiritual energy of wood and fire attributes forms a terrifying explosion. 】

[Deliberately and unintentionally, you successfully hit the killing messenger with this blow. 】

[And your body-protecting aura was shattered by the aftermath of the Spiritual Explosion Technique, and you fell back hundreds of meters away. 】

[The earth began to tremble, and a terrifying deep pit suddenly appeared on the red land, with a diameter of several kilometers. 】

[The corners of your mouth raised slightly. Such a terrifying spiritual explosion technique caught you off guard. You are sure that even a late Hunyuan realm monk will be severely injured in an instant! 】

[Spiritual consciousness spreads out like a tide, penetrating the red dust in the air. You want to explore the breath of the killing messenger. 】

[Soon, you caught a faint breath! 】

[Sure enough, under the bombardment of the Spirit Explosion Technique, the Killing Messenger had been seriously injured, and his breath suddenly became weak. 】

[You are overjoyed, holding the spirit sword in hand, ready to give the Killing Messenger the final blow! 】

In the real world, Su Xing beamed when he saw this.

"Finally...will it succeed?"

"As long as I kill this messenger of murder, I can pass through the gate of the world, right?"

Su Xing felt a little excited.

Could it be that in this simulation, we can see the whole picture of the three thousand worlds and go to a wider world?
Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with anticipation.

[You activate your Yuan Power, and thousands of sword energies move horizontally and vertically, passing through the thick fog and slashing straight towards the Killing Envoy. 】

[However, at this moment, your consciousness sensed the strange behavior of the Killing Messenger. 】

[Facing your offensive, the severely injured Killing Messenger did not dodge at all. Instead, he stayed on the spot and prayed towards the red moon in the sky. 】

[You sneered in your heart with a hint of disdain, and prayed to Hongyue at the critical moment of life and death. Could it be that Hongyue could still save him? 】

[However, something unexpected happened...]

[Hongyue actually rescued the Killing Messenger. 】

[I saw the red moon emitting a faint red light high in the sky. 】

[The red light sank into the Killing Messenger's body like dust. In just a few breaths, the Killing Messenger's injuries quickly recovered. 】

[At the same time, the red moon in the sky flashed again. 】

[A few more red lights flashed through, and the aura on the Killing Messenger was rising steadily...]

[In just a few breaths, the aura of the Killing Messenger surpassed the emperor level and reached the aura of a saint! 】

[Then, in your shocked eyes, the Killing Messenger showed a ferocious smile and attacked you. 】

[With your current strength, even if you are a powerful person in the late stage of the Great Emperor, you still believe that you can defeat him [-]-[-], but facing the saint-level, you are almost crushed and knocked down. 】

[You worked hard to activate the spiritual energy and used the source of power and the source of speed, but the huge gap in strength made you no match at all. 】

[After only a few rounds of fighting, your body begins to collapse...]

[Your soul was sacrificed to the Red Moon by the Killing Messenger...]

[Hongyue was very disgusted with your soul and did not accept the sacrifice. 】

[The Killing Messenger looks horrified and annihilates your consciousness...]

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

[You saw the Killing Messenger worshiping the red moon. After a quarter of an hour, the Killing Messenger's aura slowly slipped away... and returned to the level of the Great Emperor. 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, his eyes filled with shock.

"How could it be possible that... in just a few breaths, the situation was overturned?!"

Su Xing is inevitably a little disappointed.

Seeing three thousand worlds in front of you, you are suddenly overturned by the Jedi...

"The Killing Apostle...is it true that we can get power from Hong Yue?"

"According to the information we got before, that red moon should be a powerful god who wants to be resurrected... and the killing apostle should be his messenger?"

"So... in the face of danger, the Killing Envoy received the bonus of the red moon's power, and directly entered the saint form from the level of the emperor!"

Su Xing murmured, thinking of this, it was inevitable that he would feel a bit toothache.

The killing apostle, who can reach the highest level of a saint, even if it takes less than half an hour with the help of the power of the saint form, it is far from being able to compete with the current speed.

"It's a pity... I originally thought I could kill the murderous apostle, but now it seems that Red Moon will not let the creatures on the Blue Star leave easily!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while.

If you want to defeat this murderous apostle, you may need to understand the last chapter of the Three Talents Sword Art, the Heavenly Sword Chapter!
By then, with the help of the power of the source, Su Xing may be able to compete with the murderous apostle in the form of a saint.

"Or, if you reach the late stage of integration and the perfect level, you should be able to resist the murderous apostle in the form of a saint..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. No matter which plan it was, it showed that Su Xing's future plan to reach the three thousand worlds through the killing battlefield would not be achieved in a short time.

"It seems that if you want to go to the Three Thousand Worlds... you still have to take the path of committing yourself to the Advent Cult!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while.

"As we enter the integration stage, if we cooperate with the dragon slayer talent, we may be able to have a fight with Dragon Old Dog... By then, if we sacrifice the spiritual dragon, we should be able to leave this world!"

Su Xing murmured.

"But for now, let's break through to the integration stage first!"

Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Chess Master]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[First level of cultivation in the integration stage]: In the early stage of integration, monks begin to understand the power of the great road, understand the rules of heaven and earth more clearly, and can mobilize the power of heaven and earth more easily.The price is 5 million energy.

[Miniature Spirit Gathering Formation (Xiao Cheng)]: This shocking formation created by Master Wan Mu can accelerate cultivation and achieve a similar effect of enhancing spiritual root qualifications.With a small adult level understanding, one can deploy a fifth-level excellent quality miniature spirit gathering array, and the effect is comparable to that of a true spirit root.The price is 3 million energy.

[Dragon of Spiritual Veins (Infancy)]: The spiritual veins of heaven and earth gather together, ranking first among acquired treasures. It has spirituality, and the probability of birth of the best spiritual veins is less than 500 in [-]. It sells for [-] million energy sources.

(End of this chapter)

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