Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 228 brings out cultivation feedback and finally enters the integration stage!

Chapter 228 brings out cultivation feedback and finally enters the integration stage! (5k, please give me a monthly ticket~)

"Sure enough, the Spirit Vein Dragon also appears in the reward list...but at this price?"

"Damn, it really just makes me happy, right?"

Su Xing complained crazily in his heart.

Five million energy sources...equivalent to five trillion simulated energy!

This price is even five times more expensive than the previous branches of the Fuso Sacred Tree!
Of course, this does not mean that the spiritual dragon is more precious than the branches of the hibiscus sacred tree.

After all, the hibiscus tree is an innate spiritual treasure bred by heaven and earth. In theory, it is even higher than the spiritual dragon.

But what he got when he woke up was just a branch, and it was burned.

What is truly valuable is the great law contained in the branches of the Fusang Sacred Tree.

But the value...is not as good as the Dragon of Spiritual Veins.

"Tsk, tsk, where does this simulator come from?"

"Unexpectedly... even treasures such as the Dragon of Spiritual Veins can be copied! Hiss... it's just the price, just look at it!"

Su Xing shook his head gently.

Although he longed for this spiritual dragon, Su Xing could only sigh in despair at the astonishing price.

Su Xing looked at the column of cultivation options during the integration period, then showed a look of surprise and murmured:
"Breaking through the integration stage, one realm only requires [-] million energy!?"

"This...is less than half what I thought before!"

Su Xing felt a little surprised.

Originally, in his expectation, the small realm during the integration period should also be ten times higher, that is, one billion energy would be improved by one realm.

Then from the Great Consummation of the Return to Void Stage to the Perfection of the Integration Stage, the energy required is 100 billion!
Including the Hunyuan realm breakthrough...that's 200 billion.

This made Su Xing suffer from energy anxiety for a long time, and he was worried about not wasting any energy.

But now, one realm only requires 100 million energy. To refine the body and refining the energy to reach the next realm, the total amount is only [-] billion, which is reduced by half in an instant.

"That's right... if you calculate it this way, the energy required for breakthrough will be much less in the future!"

"Coupled with the puppet's production of Bigu Pills and the acquisition of exotic metal mining areas... maybe within two or three months, the 50 billion needed to complete the integration period can be saved!"

Wake up with a happy face.

"But... when I broke through in the previous simulation, it seemed that I was noticed by the blood moon?"

"Although it didn't cause any disturbance, it's better to be careful!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, being stared at by any unknown existence was not what Su Xing wanted to see.

After waking up and thinking for a while, he began to disguise himself and hold his breath, shielding himself from the hidden secrets.

When it got dark, he woke up and flew with his sword, arriving at the copy of the Immortal Martial Era.

"Compared to Blue Star, maybe the breakthrough in the Immortal Martial Era dungeon is more hidden?"

Su Xing murmured.

At present, he has not been to the ruins of Wanmu Sect in reality, and he has no plans to go for the time being.

If you are short of spiritual stones and elixirs, you can just get them in the simulation, and you won't waste much time.

After thinking for a moment, he woke up and entered the ruins of the Five Elements Sect.

When he killed the Five Elements Master before, Su Xing deliberately did not destroy the formation here, but kept it as a hidden stronghold.

After all, in addition to the Five Elements Sect's relic formation, there is a backdoor specially designed to shield the aura, which is a natural hiding place for Su Xing.

After entering the ruins formation, Su Xing entered the Lingtian Cave again.

Under the double insurance, Su Xing felt much more at ease.

"No, it's not enough! Arrange another formation to shield the secrets!"

Su Xing muttered, and then according to the records in the Bagua arithmetic, he arranged a "shielding formation".

After doing all this, Su Xing did another fortune telling for himself.

The hexagram is auspicious. When he wakes up, he feels at ease and says:
"I choose the cultivation level of the integration period and the enlightenment of the miniature spirit gathering array!"

As he finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.

[You successfully brought out the first level of cultivation in the integration stage, spending 5 million energy, and the remaining energy is 19 million points. 】

[You successfully brought out the miniature spirit gathering array (Xiao Cheng), spending 3 million energy, and the remaining energy is 16 million points. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious forces fell into Su Xing's body.

The first thing that brought about it was the continuous rise of the aura in Su Xing's body.

This time the movement of realm breakthrough is greater than ever before!

Su Xing quickly closed his eyes and took a breath, holding on to his mind and adjusting his breath.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's whole body momentum began to surge!
In the original body, the spiritual power like a big river began to gather and surge...

In just a few dozen breaths, the awakened spiritual power reached a critical point.

The next moment, he successfully broke through to the integration stage!

The cultivation feedback brought by the simulator is so natural, and there is no sense of frivolous cultivation at all.

As the awakening momentum continued to rise, and the cultivation level successfully broke through to the integration stage, some strange phenomena began to appear in the sky above the entire Immortal Martial Era copy.

With the ruins of the Five Elements Sect as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles, thunder was rolling in the sky, and there seemed to be a dragon flashing through the dark clouds...

This is the vision of the powerful monk when he breaks through!

If an ordinary monk breaks through the integration stage, a strange phenomenon will definitely occur, and people within a thousand miles will be able to sense the location of the monk's breakthrough.

However, Su Xing's cultivation is obtained through feedback from the simulator, which is isolated from most secrets and visions.

Coupled with the triple blessings of the ruins formation, the spiritual field cave, and the shielding formation, this phenomenon only lasted for a few breaths.

Soon the thunder in the sky slowly dispersed, and the location of the awakening was not exposed at all.

After his cultivation reached the integration stage, he woke up and closed his eyes to rest. After adjusting for a quarter of an hour, he slowly stood up.

"Is this... a monk in the integration stage?"

Su Xing murmured, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

As soon as his heart moved, a whirlpool of spiritual power appeared in Su Xing's hand.

Almost in an instant, the power of the spiritual explosion in Su Xing's hand exceeded the power limit of the previous Void Return Stage.

Su Xing only made a brief attempt to slowly dissipate the spirit explosion technique.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Yes, after the integration period, the total amount of spiritual power in the body has tripled!"

"What's more important is... it can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, thereby greatly increasing the power of magic and magical powers!"

Su Xing could feel that his understanding of the power of heaven and earth and the power of origin was far greater than before.

This is because after the Void Return Stage breaks through to the Fusion Stage, the monks will undergo a baptism, thereby strengthening their understanding of the power of heaven, earth, and origin.

If you want to improve further, you need to understand it carefully during the integration stage to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to the greatest extent.

After sensing the improvement in cultivation, Su Xing began to recall the memory of the miniature spirit gathering array in his mind.

After thinking about it carefully for a long time, a strange look flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

"This Five Elements Master is truly a genius!"

"The miniature spirit-gathering array integrates talismans, formations, auras, souls, etc. into one... It can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented!"

Su Xing didn't know how far the Five Elements Master had studied the Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array at that time.

But based on Su Xing's current understanding of the Five Elements Spirit Gathering Array, he can arrange a fifth-level excellent quality miniature spirit gathering array to speed up his cultivation by more than half!
This is almost half of the Mutated Heavenly Spiritual Root, which is terrifying!

"If I were willing, I could carve a miniature spirit gathering array now... But the relics of the Five Elements Sect should not be left for a long time, and we must leave as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured, then flew with his sword and quickly left the Immortal Martial Era copy.

A few hours later, Su Xing reappeared in the dormitory of Kyoto Academy and entered the Lingtian Cave.

"The faster the seal carving of the miniature spirit gathering array is done, the better!"

"Now I can have the seal engraved on my body..."

After waking up and thinking for a moment, he began to try the seal carving of the miniature spirit gathering array.

Spiritual pen, spiritual ink...

The soul realized the flow of its own spiritual energy, and then moved around, carving a fifth-level excellent quality miniature spirit gathering array on the skin of the Dantian.

The whole process lasted for several hours.

After setting up the formation, Su Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead. Without any surprise, he succeeded.

"Tsk, tsk, the miniature spirit gathering array, although it is a formation, is more like a talisman... It looks a bit like a tattoo..."

Su Xing chuckled and put on the clothes at his dantian.

From the outside, there is no difference.

But Su Xing could sense that the flow of spiritual energy in his Dantian was much faster than before.

There is no need for Su Xing to actively practice. The spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave will automatically penetrate into Su Xing's body and transform into pure cultivation.

The whole process went smoothly and there was no need to wake up and do anything.

"Tsk, tsk... practicing while hanging up is comparable to a true spiritual root monk practicing hard day and night..." "If you calculate it this way, I'm afraid I can get almost half of the realm of cultivation without doing anything in one simulation... "

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

"If a more advanced miniature spirit gathering array is needed in the future, it can be erased and rearranged using special means... which is quite convenient!"

After Su Xing sensed the changes in the spirit gathering array for a while, he began to get busy with the tasks of the new week.

It is no longer about refining elixirs, but about making alien metal puppets.

In six and a half days, Su Xing once again made two puppets specialized in alchemy.

They were named Dansan and Dansi respectively.

Now Su Xing has four puppets specializing in alchemy, codenamed from Dan [-] to Dan [-].

On average, each puppet can refine an additional [-] Bigu Pills for awakening in a week.

The four puppets are two thousand Bigu Pills.

The eight living dead puppets obtained from Zong Laogou before waking up are responsible for refining alchemy, cultivating spirits, and even teaching other puppets to make alchemy.

"Today, these puppets combined can refine nearly [-] Bigu Pills for me in a week!"

"This speed... is not much slower than when I refine the Bigu Pill myself!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

As the number of pill puppets increases, the number of bigu pills that Su Xing can produce every week will also increase rapidly.

This is roughly the speed of refining two more puppets and refining one thousand Bigu Pills every week.

"But it's a pity... these puppets can't refine higher-level elixirs for the time being... When they are modified in the future, maybe elixirs like Yangyuan Dan can also be refined by the puppets!"

Su Xing is very optimistic about the potential of the puppet method.

After waking up and finishing his work, he was ready to leave for the villa area.

The familiar disguise calmed down and shielded the secrets, and Su Xing soon met Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue is dressed as an intellectual sister today, wearing a lavender sweater and a pair of rimless glasses on her face, looking very seductive.

The two sat across from each other and chatted while eating.

Jin Congxue glanced at Su Xing and said strangely:

"Su Xing, why do I feel that... it's a little different from the last time I saw you?"

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, he smiled slightly but did not answer.

Breaking through from the Void Return Stage to the Integration Stage is a great breakthrough in realm.

Before reaching the immortal realm, every breakthrough was to cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow, which could remove some impurities in the body.

After Su Xing made a big breakthrough, his temperament and aura naturally changed a little.

This subtle change can only be noticed by those who are extremely familiar with it.

This is the art of shielding the secrets of heaven, and it is difficult to change.

Well... overall, it has become more charming!

Su Xing thought for a while and then asked:
"By the way, Sister Xue, how did you do with the things I asked you to do?"

As soon as Jin Congxue got down to business, his expression straightened, he nodded and said:
"Those people you asked me to take care of before?"

"Well, your good brother Yu Yan is still in the Demon Suppressing Pass... It's hard for me to get involved in military matters."

"However, I have been giving him a lot of help in the name of Jin's Trading Company during this period...including the bottle of elixir you asked me to give him before, which I also gave to him."

"Think about it, his current strength is probably considered a master within the grandmaster level... In the next two to three years, he may not be able to break through to the king level!"

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, he nodded with satisfaction.

Yu Yan had helped him a lot before, and the two of them felt like brothers, so Su Xing would naturally not forget his kindness.

But everyone has their own path.

All Su Xing could do was try his best to help him behind the scenes.

In the next few years, nothing will happen to the Demon Suppressing Pass.

And Yu Yan was able to break through to the Heavenly King level during this period, which can be regarded as a strong person and has the power to protect himself.

Just when he was awake and deep in thought, Jin Congxue continued:

"And your little lover is called Wang Qingxuan, right?"

"This girl's talent and potential are pretty good... She happened to submit her resume to the Tarot Chamber of Commerce, so I recruited her into the Tarot Club's gold-mining team for the next dungeon. She is now at the level of team leader."

"Although she is not very rich, it is better to be safe. I asked someone to take care of her before..."

"Furthermore, the treatment of the gold mining team is also good, which is enough for her to grow steadily for a long time in the future."

After Su Xing heard Jin Congxue's words, he nodded slightly.

He and Wang Qingxuan didn't have many interactions in reality. As the gap in strength grew wider, the two rarely met each other.

It's already great to be able to stay safe under Su Xing's nose and live a good life.

"And what you asked me to inquire about before...well, your sister..."

Speaking of this, a strange look appeared on Jin Congxue's face.

"Your sister seems to have a special status... She was specially recruited into a certain unit by the Daxia military. This unit is responsible for logistics and is extremely confidential. Even I am inconvenient to inquire..."

After a pause, Jin Congxue said:
"It seems that your sister... also awakened a hidden profession, right? But the specific profession... I can't seem to find out."

Su Xing looked confused after hearing Jin Congxue's words.

In the early simulations, Su Xing's younger sister was also a being with a status comparable to that of a master. She indeed seemed to be said to be some kind of special genius of the country.

But Su Xing has been busy improving himself, so he doesn't care too much.

After recalling it carefully, Su Xing said with some uncertainty:

"This girl never mentioned her specific occupation to me...she hesitated every time I asked..."

"However, I remember that her profession seems to have something to do with swords?"

Su Xing scratched his head, preparing to figure out Su Xiaomei's development in the simulation later when he had time.

In the previous simulation, what Su Xing could guarantee was that his family members, including Su Nian'an and Su Xing's parents, were safe.

But facing those terrifying alien races, cults...or giant beasts.

Su Xing's family, and even the entire human race, could only provide very little help to Su Xing...

Unknowingly, Su Xing has reached the forefront on the road of resisting the alien race!

It seems that the only one he can rely on is himself...

Soon, the meeting between Su Xing and Jin Congxue ended.

Su Xing returned to Lingtian Cave with the new week's goods.

It is still more than 5000 million simulated energy, and the total simulated energy so awakened is 17 million points.

On March 2024, 12 in the new era, wake up and start a new round of simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 6800 energy points, with 17 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and murmured:
"This time I have broken through to the integration stage, I should be able to fight Long Laogou!"

"But to be on the safe side, bringing out the dragon slayer talent is the most guaranteed thing!"

Su Xing thought this, and then with a thought in his heart, he called up the talent lottery pool interface.

The familiar purple slot machine has many balls rolling in it.

Su Xing did not hesitate and directly spent [-] energy on the lottery.

[Ding, you drew the purple talent Cold-faced Emperor... Do you want to choose this talent for simulation? 】


[Ding, you drew the purple talent and I am the passerby...]


A series of prompts appeared in Su Xing's ears.

After trying dozens of times in total, Su Xing finally obtained his goal this time, the purple talent, Dragon Slayer!
[Dragon Slayer]: You are born to be the nemesis of dragons. All creatures with dragon blood will be involuntarily afraid of you when they see you. All damage you cause to dragon creatures is increased by 50.00%!

"50.00% damage bonus...coupled with my cultivation in the integration stage, I am afraid that I may not be my opponent in the later stage of integration!"

Su Xing touched his chin.

According to the information obtained in previous simulations, Long Laogou's realm strength should be in the middle stage of the Hunyuan realm. With the power of the Dragon Clan's real body, it should be comparable to a late-stage Fusion monk.

"However... in that simulation, Long Laogou and I were very different in strength. I may not have been able to bring out all of his strength..."

"If Long Laogou still has a trump card...the outcome is uncertain..."

(End of this chapter)

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