Chapter 232 When I first came to the Three Thousand Worlds, it started in hell? (Two in one, ten thousand words!)

In the real world, Su Xing's heart suddenly tightened when he saw this.

"Finally, I contacted the person from the Advent Sect headquarters in the Three Thousand Worlds..."

"Blood Three? What does this have to do with the Blood Immortal? Sure enough, the connection between the Blood Immortal and the Advent Cult is very mysterious! Or... the Advent Cult was founded by the Blood Immortal?"

After a pause, Su Xing muttered:

"As I expected, Long Laogou is just a village CEO... Although he is somewhat important, it is not enough compared to the Spiritual Dragon!"

For this cultist, interests are naturally much more important than a subordinate.

What's more, Su Xing was able to kill Long Laogou and was a member of the Advent Sect, which naturally proved his worth.

"Let me see how to get to these three thousand worlds!"

Su Xing said silently.

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 14 million points.]

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in the headquarters of Advent Sect.

Within sight, a figure with an unpredictable aura appeared in front of Su Xing.

The man looked to be in his forties and had an ordinary appearance. He just asked expressionlessly:
"That little dragon was killed by you?"

Xuesan looked at Su Xing, then nodded and said:
"So that's how it is. I actually got a chance to have a small three-inch pocket of space in my pocket. No wonder I was able to kill that little dragon..."

Su Xing opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something.

But Xue San just said lightly:

"Hand over that spirit dragon... Your Majesty has given the order. You have done something good by offering the spirit dragon. Naturally, this matter will not be pursued again..."

After hearing this, Su Xing pursed his lips, then with a thought in his heart, he called out the sleeping spirit dragon.

The moment Xue San saw the spirit dragon, his eyes lit up, and then he nodded slightly and said:
"Yes, it is indeed a spiritual dragon!"

"Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Xue San just stretched out his hand slightly, and a suction force trapped the spirit dragon, and then brought it into the space he created.

Su Xing did not hesitate when he heard this and said directly:
"I want to leave this world and get a pass to the three thousand worlds!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Xuesan didn't show the slightest hesitation on his face. He just nodded and said:

"Haha, you can be considered a talent. It would be a pity if you died in this world..."

"This opportunity was originally reserved for that little dragon... but who said he was useless? In this case, it will be an advantage for you!"

After saying that, Xue San threw over a token.

Su Xing heard the words and quickly took the token, only to see that the token was completely red with the word "Advent" engraved on it.

After Su Xing observed for a while, he asked:

"I wonder how to use this token?"

Having just obtained the Spirit Vein Dragon, Xue San seemed to be in a good mood, so he explained:

"Your world has been targeted by that existence for a long time. All creatures in this world will eventually become sacrifices..."

"That existence, with its supreme divine power, blocked the way from within to the outside of this world..."

"If you want to leave this world, there are only two ways."

After a pause, Xue San continued:

"First, if someone like me has enough understanding of the avenue of space and enough strength, I can open up space with my cultivation and physical body to travel through the three thousand worlds..."

"Haha, of course your current strength is still too weak. It is impossible to do it until you reach the immortal realm..."

"As for the second way, it is naturally from outside this world, through the passage of the killing battlefield..."

"We made an agreement with that existence back then. In order to avoid special circumstances, we left a passage between the worlds..."

"As long as you show the token, you can pass through the door and leave this world. Then you will naturally be able to go to the Xiao Qingyun Realm. With this token, you can also join my Advent Sect's headquarters in the Three Thousand Worlds..."

After hearing Xue San's words, Su Xing nodded slightly, his mind racing rapidly.

The adult in Xue San's mouth should refer to the red moon in the killing battlefield...

So, the door to the world that I saw at the end of the killing battlefield before I woke up was actually the result of the negotiation between the Advent Sect and Red Moon?

The purpose is to facilitate the entry and exit of those who are not strong enough to come in!
However, the requirements for entry and exit are extremely strict. In the entire Blue Star branch, until the end of the world, only Long Laogou got this opportunity.

"However, according to Blood Three, Blue Star, and even the countless replica worlds and small worlds around it, have been targeted by the red moon, and they will definitely become the nourishment for his resurrection in the future."

"Hongyue will naturally not let her food leave easily... so she has deployed the Killing Apostles to prevent anyone from escaping this world..."

Su Xing thought to himself.

The information he had obtained before gradually became clearer, and like a needle threading through threads, Su Xing knew three more secrets of the world.

"If you sacrifice the token, you may be able to avoid a battle and leave this world directly... But after entering the Three Thousand Worlds, you will inevitably join the camp of the Advent Cult."

Su Xing considered the gains and losses in his mind.

In any case, for the current awakening, the first step is to enter the three thousand worlds before the first volume!
When he woke up and thought carefully, Xue Sanze said:

"Haha, this world is not far from destruction... That adult is about to recover..."

"If there is nothing worth paying attention to in this world, leave as soon as possible..."

Speaking of this, Xuesan glanced at Su Xing and said with a hint of meaning:
"Your talents and potential are very good... I hope you will perform well in the next test..."

After saying that, Xuesan tore open a space crack, turned around, entered, and disappeared before Su Xing's eyes.

Soon, the immersive simulation time ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

"What is the test that Xue San is talking about?"

Su Xing was confused, but he didn’t know.

"Forget it, you can find out through the simulation later..."

"Let's take a look first, what kind of scenery it will be like when entering the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After the mysterious man Xue San handed you the token, he quickly left Blue Star. 】

[You think carefully and decide to make some preparations before setting off for the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[No. 20-[-], there are less than three years left before the Demon Saint comes to suppress the Demon Pass. 】

[With your strength, you cannot stop this doomed end no matter what. 】

[So you decide to leave this world. 】

[You went to the Demon Suppression Pass and entered the killing battlefield. 】

[The red moon is above the head, and the red earth is under the feet...]

[You rushed towards the red moon and encountered many powerful monsters. 】

[King of Heaven, Demon King, Legendary Monster...]

[The red moon above your head is getting bigger and bigger, and you are getting closer and closer to the end of the killing battlefield. 】

[You encountered a fork in the road, and you successfully crossed dozens of forks by tossing a coin. 】

[You have reached the end of the killing battlefield, and it seems that you can touch the red moon with your hand. 】

[You quickly sensed the abrupt door to the world, and also sensed the aura of the Killing Messenger. 】

[The messenger of killing is coming towards you...]

[You took out the access token handed to you by Xue San in time. 】

[After seeing the certificate, the Killing Messenger stopped his action, with a look of confusion on his face, then took the token and prayed towards the red moon. 】

[As far as you can see, the red moon flickers on and off, as if you are deep in thought...]

[A red light flashes and approaches you. 】

[You were vaguely aware of Hongyue's unhappy mood. 】

[But in the end, the Killing Messenger let go, returned the token to you, and opened the white door for you to leave this world. 】

[You looked back at Hongyue and stepped behind the door without hesitation. 】

[You have come to a strange world, filled with the breath of nothingness. 】

[You are stepping on a transparent light path like a galaxy, and stars seem to be twinkling in places that are out of reach under your feet. 】

[You look up and see that a little further away, there are turbulent flows in space, filled with a terrifying aura...]

[In this strange space, it seems that the passage of time cannot be felt. 】

[You try to release your spiritual consciousness and sense this strange space. 】

[But there seems to be a strange barrier around you, blocking your spiritual consciousness, so that you can only observe with your naked eyes. 】

[In front of you, tens of meters away, there is a strange white halo, which seems to be a passage set up in advance. 】

[Take out the token in your hand, and you can feel the white halo echoing with the token in your hand. 】

[You instantly understood that the strange halo here should be the method left by the Advent Cult. With the token, you should be able to enter the Three Thousand Worlds. 】

[You hold the token and try to take a step...]

[However, just by taking this step, you will feel endless resistance, and there will be a vague tingling sensation in your body. 】

[You are surprised, this strange space seems calm, but in fact, there is a hidden crisis...]

[If there is no integration period in cultivation, or if the physical strength is not enough... I am afraid that I will not be able to move in this strange space. 】

[You take a deep breath and take a few steps again... With every step you take, you feel great pressure. 】

[But since you have reached the Void-breaking Realm and have a strong physical body, this pressure is not enough to stop you from moving forward. 】

[It took you a lot of effort to reach the white halo. As long as you take one step, you can enter it and reach the three thousand worlds. 】

[But you didn’t rush to take this step, but looked further away...]

[As far as you can see, a hundred steps away, there is another passage, but between you and this passage, there are terrifying spatial turbulence. 】

[After hesitating for a while, you are ready to take a step forward and go to another passage to find out. 】

[But then you immediately warned yourself, your heartbeat accelerated, and it seemed that you were about to die from the turbulence in this space...]

[To be cautious, you took back the steps you took and looked back at the passage prepared by the Advent Cult. 】

[This time, you did not hesitate and stepped into the passage! 】

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, his heart was lifted, and he was inevitably excited.

After crossing this passage, three thousand worlds are just around the corner!
"Once I enter the Three Thousand Worlds... this will undoubtedly be a huge improvement for me!"

"Not to mention, entering the Three Thousand Worlds will definitely acquire more resources... Just extending the simulation time will definitely allow me to improve my strength more with each simulation!"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[After stepping into the passage, you feel that your body is being torn apart from all directions by a terrifying force. 】

[Your vision is spinning for a while, and the violent fluctuations in space make your internal organs shake and shift, and your soul feels like it has been severely damaged. 】

[Your eyesight goes dark and you pass out...]

【I do not know how long it has been……】

[When you opened your eyes again, you appeared in a strange place. 】

[You are in a dark and small space, with the intermittent sound of dripping water coming from your ears. You gradually regain your consciousness, feeling only a sense of hunger and thirst. 】

[You take a closer look at the surrounding environment and are surprised to find that you seem to be in a dungeon. 】

[The wound on the body that was torn apart by the space still hurts. There is a circle of white cloth wrapped around the wound and it is bandaged roughly. There is still the smell of some inferior healing medicine on the inside of the gauze. 】

[This rough treatment not only failed to heal your wound, but actually made it worse. 】

[Fortunately, Xiaoqiang's talent of being invincible has come into play. Even if you are fatally injured, your injuries are still improving rapidly and your life is not in danger. 】

[You tried to enter the Lingtian Cave, but found that when you traveled through the world before, due to the violent space fluctuations, the portable Cave had lost contact with you, and you were unable to capture the coordinates of the Cave Paradise at all. 】

[What’s worse is that all your spiritual energy seems to have disappeared, and you can’t use any spiritual energy to recover from your injuries. 】

[You gritted your teeth and stood up, and slowly came to a small fence in the prison room, with a faint light shining in. 】

[Spiritual power disappears for unknown reasons, but your physical strength remains. 】

[You try to break off the fence of this prison with your hands, but you find that the material of the fence is terrifyingly strong, and you are seriously injured, so you are unable to break it for a while. 】

[You try to release your spiritual consciousness and sense the surrounding environment. 】

[But your soul is injured at the moment, and your consciousness seems to be restrained, so you can barely sense the situation within a few dozen feet around you. 】

[You work hard to spread your spiritual consciousness and sense the environment within a few dozen feet. 】

[Sure enough, just as you thought, you were imprisoned in a dungeon, and in the dozens of rooms around you, there were dozens of people like you being imprisoned. 】

[Some people seemed to have died from their injuries, while others were dying and looked like they would not live long. 】

[Among the dozens of people, you are one of the few who are in slightly better condition. At least your life is not in danger. 】

[Suddenly, you hear the sound of a door closing in the distance, and you try to use your consciousness to inquire about the situation. 】

[Then several people wearing robes and dressed as jailors broke in. 】

[They roughly pushed open several distant prison room doors...]

[Soon, there were frightened cries for help and the sound of whipping. 】

[Because you are too far away and your spiritual consciousness is damaged, you can barely hear a few words clearly, which are probably: the scum of the Advent Sect, the scum of the Little Qingyun Realm, etc...]

[From these intermittent sounds, you can confirm that you have indeed left Blue Star and come to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[And the force behind the prison you are currently in seems to be the enemy of the Advent Sect...the so-called righteous party? 】

[Although you consider yourself to be an undercover agent in the Advent Cult, if you take the initiative in this situation, it will undoubtedly lead to death. 】

[Soon, the Adventist member who was whipped died and his soul was completely destroyed. 】

[And the group of jailers continued to the next room. 】

[The prison cell you are in is located at the back, but if the situation continues, it won't be long before it's your turn. 】

[You observed secretly and found that the jailer did not open the prison room for torture of the dead members of the Advent Cult. 】

[So you had an idea and prepared to pretend to be dead. 】

[You lie quietly in the corner of the prison cell, concentrating your consciousness and breathing, pretending to be dead, and only use your hearing to sense everything around you. 】

[Soon, the footsteps of the jailer got closer and closer to you, and you held your breath, not daring to breathe. 】

[The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the jailer seems to have stopped at the door of your prison cell. 】

[You suddenly heard a sneer: Ha, you are still pretending to be dead in front of me, is it useful? ? 】

[Soon, the sound of the prison cell being opened was heard, followed by bursts of pig-like howls and whipping sounds that echoed around. 】

[Fortunately, it was not you who was discovered, but the man who was pretending to be dead in the prison cell opposite. 】

[After seeing this "comrade" being discovered, your heart suddenly sank, because at this rate, it will be your turn next. 】

In the real world, Su Xing's face turned green when he saw this.

"Damn, are you so desperate?"

"How come I was captured by hostile forces just after I arrived in Xiao Qingyun Realm...and my cultivation level was blocked. Looking at the progress, it seems like I won't survive a day!?"

Su Xing sighed.

Good news, we successfully reached the Three Thousand Worlds.

Bad news, the Adventist Cult seems to be in trouble, and he is imprisoned for no apparent reason. It seems that he will not survive three episodes?
Su Xing almost lost his eyesight, but took a deep breath and still managed to look down.

[Just when you were on tenterhooks, suddenly there was a chaotic sound in the distance. 】

[The terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy, the sound of clashing swords, and the sounds of fighting made the ground begin to tremble...]

[When you saw this, you didn’t dare to take a big breath, so you could only hold your breath and continue to pretend to be dead. 】

[After a while, the sound of the battle ended, and it seemed that the entire jailer's army was wiped out. 】

[Are you curious as to which force this prison robber belongs to? Perhaps it is the Advent Sect? 】

[But until you understand the situation, you still dare not act rashly and can only continue to pretend to be dead...]

[Soon, after a burst of noise, you barely heard a conversation. 】

[A slightly younger male voice came: "Xue 23, look at the good things you have done... all the recent batches of blood seedlings have been hijacked! When Master Xue Jiu finds out, he will definitely not let you go easily!"]

[Soon came a seductive female voice: "22, my good brother~ Just help me! I don't want Master Xue Jiu to blame..."]

[Blood 22: "Hmph, I can't help you! The selection of blood seedlings is about to happen, but something like this happened to you!"] [After hearing this, the charming female voice suddenly changed her tone and said: "Humph, it's just a mere They're just a bunch of useless people! Maybe not a single blood seedling will be born! Why are you so anxious?"]

[While Blood 22 and Blood 23 were arguing, another slightly majestic voice came from their ears: "Okay, stop arguing! This is someone else's territory after all. Let's see if there is anyone alive. Try to save as many as possible..."]

[Hearing this, you are basically sure that these people should be members of the Advent Sect, because these special code names, Blood 22, Blood 23... are exactly the same as the Blood Three you have encountered before. 】

[But to be cautious, you did not rush for help, but prepared to continue pretending to be dead and observe. 】

[Soon, several weak calls for help came from the surroundings. It must be that the colleagues who were pretending to be dead realized that someone was coming to save them, so they called for help in time. 】

["Yeah, there are a few lucky little guys here who survived...or else I'll eat them and be cannibalistic?" A charming female voice came to your ears. 】

["Don't be ridiculous! If you can save one person now, you will be punished less!" came the majestic man's voice. 】

[Soon, several people seemed to be feeding healing pills to the injured and dying inmates. 】

[After a while, you heard another urgent voice: "Xue Jiujiu, the people from the Demon Prison are coming in, let's leave quickly..."]

[Seeing that these people are about to evacuate, you no longer pretend to be dead and quickly call for help: "Help me~ I'm still alive~"]

["You little guy, you actually pretended to be dead and almost hid it from us!"]

[The voice of a majestic man came. He seemed to be named Blood Nineteen. He stretched out his hand. Under the blessing of a mysterious power, the door of the prison cell that in your heart was difficult to be destroyed even by the monks in the integration stage, was unexpectedly broken. It was broken like slag. 】

[I saw him pick you up like a little chicken, and then said to the other people around him: "Come over quickly!"]

[Several people quickly approached, and Xue Jiu took out a red magic weapon that looked like a vajra, and swung it into the air with all his strength! 】

[A space crack slowly emerged, and then everyone quickly got into it and escaped from this devilish prison! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then he was thoughtful.

"It seems that the Adventist Cult is an existence that everyone calls for beatings in the Three Thousand Worlds. It should be an organization that belongs to a cult..."

"It's just that the strength of this advent sect is stronger than I imagined! It no longer lurks like in Blue Star... and even dares to openly rob prisons!"

"Tian Mo Prison, does this seem to be a powerful organization in the Three Thousand Worlds?"

Su Xing murmured that he currently knew of three forces in the Three Thousand Worlds.

Qingyun Sect, Tianmo Prison and Advent Sect.

Su Xing took out a pen and paper, sketched on the paper, and kept recording.

"The Advent Sect is a human spy, with an unknown target... but what they do is to help the demon clan kill the human race..."

"I don't know who the Heavenly Demon Prison is, but it is a hostile force to the Advent Sect, so it will be classified as a neutral or higher camp for the time being!"

"After that, there is the Qingyun Sect! I hold the Qingyun Order and can worship into the Qingyun Sect, so the Qingyun Sect is temporarily classified as a friendly force..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, and his goal in the Three Thousand Worlds became clear.

Find a way to leave Advent Sect and join Qingyun Sect!
In this simulation, the current situation has changed, and there is no longer a danger of death when waking up in the simulator.

Then you should be able to contact the Three Thousand Worlds through Advent Sect, right?
Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Soon you passed through the opened space channel and escaped from the Advent Cult. 】

[The surrounding space keeps fluctuating, and you soon arrive at a hidden valley, which seems to be a secret base of the Advent Sect. 】

[Go through the formation and arrive at the Advent Sect branch. The majestic man throws you to the ground. 】

[Along with you, there are three monks who were rescued together, and they seem to be members of the Advent Cult. 】

[The majestic man whispered a few instructions, and then Xue 22 took a step forward, as if he wanted to announce something. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and murmured:
"There should be no life-threatening danger at this time... You can immerse yourself in the simulation first to get more information..."

Death during the immersive simulation process will not cause actual physical death, but the pain caused will be real.

“Using immersive simulation…”

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 14 million points.]

Su Xing's vision changed, and then he appeared in a strange valley.

The surroundings were a little dim. Su Xing raised his head and saw a giant formation in the sky, which seemed to cover the atmosphere in the valley here.

In front of me, a gloomy young man who looked to be in his 20s, none other than Blood 22, announced:
"You little guys, please take good care of your injuries for the time being. In one month, it will be time to participate in the blood seedling selection..."

"If you survive, you will become a noble blood seedling. If you don't survive, then you will die!"

After a pause, Xue 22 threw a few bottles of pills over and said:

"These elixirs will heal your wounds first, otherwise your death will be too ugly and I will be very embarrassed!"

Blood 22 finally warned:

"You can only move around in the valley during this period. Except for the back mountain where you are not allowed to go, you can go anywhere else..."

After a few instructions, everyone, including Xue Jiujiu, left.

Su Xing was thoughtful when he saw this, but the other three inmates who had been in prison together quickly reacted and began to fight for the pills on the ground.

Before Xue 22 left just now, he left behind four bottles of healing elixirs.

After waking up a little slower, one of the jailers grabbed two bottles of healing pills.

"Haha, with two bottles of healing pills in hand, my injuries will definitely recover quickly!"

This man was a burly man with a ferocious face and two stab wounds on his face, making him look very difficult to deal with.

When Su Xing saw that his healing pill had been taken away, he immediately stepped forward, stretched out his hand and said:

"Give me back my healing pill!"

But I saw the big man on the other side saying, "Haha, what's your healing pill? If I grab it, it's mine!"

Su Xing frowned when he heard this and said, "The gentleman just left four bottles of elixirs before he left. There are exactly four of us, so of course it means one bottle for each of us!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the ferocious man laughed and said:

"Why, do you have any evidence? If you can let the Lord decide in person, I will definitely return the elixir to you!"

"What a mother-in-law's naivety! Now still have so-called rules and you still talk about fairness?"

When Su Xing saw the arrogant look of this big man, his heart suddenly became cold.

Obviously, this big man should be a physical cultivator, so although he was seriously injured, he had a natural combat advantage over the Qi Refining cultivator, which is why he was so arrogant.

But this is only in a simulation, can Su Xing still be scared?

Although this big man is a physical practitioner, his cultivation level is only equivalent to that of a monk in the early stage of Breaking the Void, and his realm is not even stable.

Although Su Xing was injured, he could crush this kind of thing with one hand!

"In that case, there's no need to say more..."

Su Xing didn't hesitate, summoned up the little energy in his body, and punched the big man in the face.

The big man was shocked when he saw this, and quickly practiced a magic technique. His whole body swelled up like a balloon, and was wrapped with black light. This seemed to be a defensive magical technique.

Just hearing a loud noise, the strong man whose body swelled like a balloon was instantly blown to the original shape by the awakening. The big man spurted out a mouthful of blood and his breath was sluggish.

The strong man who was originally only slightly injured suddenly looked miserable and was seriously injured.

"Master! This master... let me go, I will give it to you, I will return your healing pill to you!"

The big man who was fierce just a second ago fell to his knees and begged for mercy, blood spurting out from his mouth.

Su Xing took the healing pill but continued to stretch out his hand.He said coldly:

"One more bottle!"

The big man looked frightened when he heard this, and said hesitantly: "Master, please leave a way to survive..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xing kicked the strong man away and stepped on his thigh.

With a hard step, one of the vicious man's thighs was awakened and destroyed.

Su Xing took another bottle of healing pill from the big man's hand, completely ignoring the howling of the big man behind him.

"Haha, as expected, the Adventist Cult is a cult like the weak and the strong...there are no rules at all!"

"There is no punishment for fighting in public... But I am new here and I don't know what the bottom line of Advent is, so I don't dare to kill people rashly..."

Su Xing shook his head.

Although he did not kill this ferocious man, Su Xing almost crippled him, and his injuries will definitely not recover within the next month.

When the time comes to participate in Xian Miao Da Bi, this big man has no chance of winning and will basically die!
When Xing Xing works, he never likes to leave hidden dangers.

With this thought, Su Xing took out the elixir in his hand and saw that the elixir was red in blood and had a slight smell of blood. It seemed to be a healing elixir, but it might be harmful to take it.

But at an emergency moment, the blood vaccine competition is about to take place in a month. I don’t know the details of the blood vaccine when I wake up, so naturally I can only take it first.

He didn't rush to swallow it, but looked around, and soon saw the two "inmates" who were just watching.

Seeing Su Xing approaching, the two "inmates" were on guard. They stood together and glared at Su Xing, as if they were worried that Su Xing would continue to snatch their healing pills.

Su Xing kept a safe distance from the two monks, indicating that he had no ill intentions, and then said:
"But, I'm new here. I wonder where you two are from? If you can tell me something, I'd be grateful..."

After that, Su Xing flicked his finger, and two healing pills fell into the hands of two monks respectively.

The two men decisively took the elixir, and then looked at Su Xing suspiciously.

After confirming that Su Xing was not malicious, one of the men with a sharp voice said:
"Haha, it seems that you ascended from the Small Realm...I am not from another world, but a monk from the Qingyun Realm. I have admired the Adventist Cult for a long time, so I joined..."

Su Xing heard this and nodded with a smile, but felt a little disdainful in his heart.

Oh, it turned out to be a traitor!

Su Xing looked at another monk who was a bit dull, and after a moment of silence, he said:
"Haha, I come from the small world of Blackwater..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. This monk seemed to be from the Small Realm just like Su Xing.

Su Xing flicked his finger, and two more healing pills were flicked into their hands.

The two of them took the elixir with slight joy on their faces.

It should be noted that there are only ten pills in a bottle, so Su Xing gave away almost half of the bottle in the blink of an eye.

After giving the benefit, Su Xing continued to ask:

"Haha, I don't know much about this so-called blood seedling competition. I wonder if you two can explain it?"

The man with a sharp voice waved his hand and said after hearing Su Xing's words:
"Brother is so generous. From now on, we can become blood seedlings together so that we can take care of each other..."

"As for the Blood Miao Competition, it's not a secret, it's natural to tell!"

After a pause, the man explained:

"The so-called blood seedling competition is to select from countless blood seedling reserves and Advent Cult members, and have a melee competition every three years..."

"Those who perform well, ordinary members can become blood seedling reserve members...if they advance to the blood seedling reserve team, they can become the rumored blood seedlings!"

Speaking of this, the man said with some fascination:
"Becoming a blood seedling...that's like stepping into the immortal realm with half a foot!"

Su Xing was thoughtful after hearing this, and then asked:

"So, how strong are the people participating in the Blood Miao Competition?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the man shook his head and said:
"It's hard to estimate the strength... If it's low, there might even be god-transforming monks. If it's high, there might even be immortals competing..."

"I think we are destined to be brothers. I would like to remind you that for us, the Blood Miao Competition is not about getting a good ranking. Living is victory!"

Having said this, the man gave Su Xing a meaningful look.

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this. This news alone was worth a healing pill.

Su Xing looked at another dull-looking man.

The dull man shook his head slightly and said: "I'm down here...I don't know if I'm flying up from the lower realm..."

Although he didn't provide any useful information to Su Xing, he had no intention of returning the pill.

Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw this, secretly thinking that this man looked dull, but in fact he was really thick-skinned!

Soon, Su Xingyu and the two said goodbye and began to wander around the valley, hoping to get useful information.

This valley is very large, comparable to a small town.

There are about thousands of people in the valley, ranging from Yuanying gods to integrated Mahayana monks.

In addition, there are restaurants, inns... even brothels, black markets... and ordinary courtyards in the valley.

It's like a gathering place for monks.

Su Xing took a few glances at the market in the valley and saw a lot of good things in it.

The currency required for the transaction is spirit stones, spiritual liquid... or even blood coagulation pills, blood spiritual liquid, etc.

But almost all of Su Xing's wealth is hidden in Lingtian Cave. At this moment, the coordinates of Lingtian Cave are lost, and Su Xing is penniless...

Soon, the immersive simulation time ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

"It seems that this so-called blood seedling competition is a very important matter for the Advent Sect..."

"If you can get a good ranking in the competition, you should be able to gain access to deeper secrets."

Su Xing sighed and said:

"It's a pity that when traveling across the world, the coordinates of Lingtian Cave were lost, and decades of accumulation were lost..."

"If I have a way to bring Lingtian Cave there in the future, the start won't be so difficult."

"In this blood seedling competition, you should try your best to perform well so that you can get in touch with the world of immortality outside the valley more quickly..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the next few days, you recovered from your injuries while exploring the situation in the valley. 】

[The valley here is like a small gathering place for cultivating immortals. After observing, you will find that all the people in this valley are monks who came to participate in the Blood Miao Competition. 】

[In a few days, you have explored almost all of the valley except for the back mountain where entry is prohibited. 】

[You even went to take a look at the brothel... Of course, you were short of money, so you could only watch from a distance at the door. 】

[After observation, you found that almost the vast majority of people in the valley are monks, but there are also a very small number of people, like Luo Shuying, who possess mysterious powers and are not following the path of cultivating immortals. 】

[You estimate that they are also people who ascended from other worlds...]

[The people in the valley are divided into two categories. One is ordinary members of the Advent Sect like you. They come here to participate in the Blood Seedling Competition in order to become a Blood Seedling Reserve. 】

[There is another category, those who have passed two or three blood seedling competitions and become blood seedling reserve monks. Their strength is obviously stronger, and you can even sense the aura of Mahayana monks. 】

[In the valley, fights will inevitably occur. One of the fights almost resulted in a death. Then you saw Xue 23 take action personally, warning that no human life is allowed before the blood seedling competition! 】

[In the following January, you secretly recovered from your injuries in the valley, occasionally asking for some information. 】

[During this period, you also entered the inn and worked as a handyman in the inn, earning some blood spirit stones. 】

[These Blood Spirit Stones are of good quality, comparable to mid-grade Spirit Stones. You used these Blood Spirit Stones to buy a low-grade spiritual sword at the market for self-defense. 】

[Soon, one month passed. 】

[In the past month, you have taken half a bottle of healing elixir. Although this elixir has unknown hidden dangers after taking it, the healing effect is quite good. 】

[Coupled with the triple injury recovery bonus brought by the "Invincible Xiaoqiang", you can recover from all injuries. 】

[And the spiritual power cultivation that was previously blocked by the powerful monks has gradually been unlocked. 】

[Your strength has returned to about [-]% to [-]% of what it was in its heyday. 】

[One day, Blood Nineteen appeared in the valley and announced to thousands of monks that the Blood Seedling Competition had officially begun! 】

[Immediately, I saw him using his magic to open up a space passage. Everyone, including you, was asked to enter the space passage. 】

[You observe the expressions of the monks around you. They may be panicked or excited, but they all enter the passage, and you follow them. 】

[Stepping through the passage, you enter a small world. 】

[The area of ​​this small world is extremely vast, about tens of thousands of square kilometers...and the small world is relatively rich in spiritual energy. Although it is not at the level of a blessed land, it can still be regarded as a treasure land with abundant spiritual energy. 】

[It is not just the monks in the valley who enter this small world. 】

[It seems that there are Advent monks from other places, all coming to participate in this blood seedling competition. 】

[A total of tens of thousands of monks have entered this small world. 】

[Then Blood 23 informed you of the rules of the Blood Miao Competition. 】

[People who enter the world fight each other. Every time a person is killed, regardless of their strength, one point will be counted! 】

[Those who have one thousand points or are ranked in the top ten can directly become blood seedlings! 】

[The competition lasts for three days. Those who are still alive after three days can become blood seedling reserves! 】

[Your face may not change after hearing this. The cruelty of this rule exceeds your imagination...]

[But you can no longer think too much at this time. After Blood 23 announced the rules, it announced that the blood seedling competition has officially begun! 】

[The moment the competition started, the monks who were originally brothers and sisters began to fight each other...]

(End of this chapter)

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